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Solar Lamp Only $2

Solar Lamp

In some third world countries, when the sun goes down, there is no light for the people. If there is, it is usually a kerosine lamp that burn indoors. The light is useful, but some claim that one night of breathing in the fumes is the same as smoking 40 cigarettes. And to top it off, 20% of a family’s income every week pays for the fuel.

$2 Solar Lamp by LEDsafari
$2 Solar Lamp by LEDsafari

The folks at LEDsafari are doing some great work using a very simple method. They use a cell phone battery with the electronics removed, an LED, a switch and a small solar cell to build a low cost solar lamp.

Little by little their method is getting a bit more sophisticated. LEDsafari is now adding a diode to keep the battery from sending power to the solar cell and burning it up. Also, a resistor is added to limit the current the battery delivers to the LED so it lasts longer. Total cost is about $2.00.

There are some simple ways to improve upon these methods. But for now, this project has been a blessing for thousands of people. Without LEDsafari’s solar lamp program, many would be sitting in the dark or spending money just to breath unhealthy fumes. This just shows that something so small and simple really can make a huge difference in people’s lives!

LEDsafari Students
LEDsafari Students

Saving Money, Reducing Fuel & Increasing Health

The income savings and health benefits are obviously priceless. It is important to understand this isn’t a hand-out. LEDsafari holds workshops to teach people how to empower themselves by learning how to build their own solar lamp! Just look how happy those kids are in the picture up above. This is not just a technical skill, but a way to increase their self-esteem and build confidence in the fact that they can help themselves.

Support this project by telling your friends, sharing this page and visiting: LEDsafari

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Halbach Array 1.4 Pound Motor Delivers 7 Horsepower

Halbach Array Lightweight Motor

A classic three-phase 7 horsepower motor can easily be over 100 pounds and is designed to run around 1800 rpm. This higher power density motor delivers this kind of horsepower at almost 5 times the speed. It has different applications and windows of operation so it isn’t an apples to apples comparison. However, the developers do appear to win the bragging rights for the most energy dense motor commercially available.

Launchpoint Technologies Halbach Array Motor
Launchpoint Technologies Halbach Array Motor

Launchpoint Technologies website says, “With a total weight of only 1.4 pounds, this motor produces 7 horsepower at 8400 rpm with 95 percent efficiency. At 5 horsepower per pound, this motor has a higher power density than any other motor on the market.

There are countless applications for this kind of motor such as improvements in battery life in electric cars, electric bikes, electric-powered aircraft and the list goes on.

Halbach Array
Halbach Array

What makes this advancement possible is the use of the Halbach Array, which is a clever organization of the polarity of multiple magnets to create a very strong field on one side while almost totally negating the field on the other. Here is an old discussion on the Halback Array on Energetic Forum with some references: Halbach Array

Here is an early demo of the Launchpoint Technologies Halbach Array motor:

Halbach Array

A very interesting benefit of the Halbach Array is that it defeats Earnshaw’s Theorem which says, “states that a collection of point charges cannot be maintained in a stable stationary equilibrium configuration solely by the electrostatic interaction of the charges.”

For example, if you took a ring magnet and had another magnet on a shaft in side of that ring magnet, you wouldn’t be able to get it to stay right in the middle even if you spin it – if you were trying to create a magnetic bearing for example.

Halbach Array Magnetic BearingHowever, with the Halbach Array, you can. With the clever arrangement of the polarities of various permanent magnets, you can indeed get a magnet to spin inside of this field and maintain stability in the middle without it sticking to any particular spot.

Halbach Array Mangetic Bearing
Halbach Array Mangetic Bearing

Learn more at Launchpoint Technologies

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A & P Blog Comments Enabled!

We have finally enabled comments in our blog here at

At the bottom of any blog post, simply click in the field to comment and you can post comments through the DISQUS system, which you can log into through Facebook, Google+, etc…

It is a great comment system that will help prevent spam and you don’t really have to sign up for anything new if you’re a member of Facebook, Google+ or other sites that integrate with DISQUS.

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A local Ceour d’Alene company (right next to Spokane) has created a lighting technology where they can print a paper, put electricity to it and it lights up.

Essentially, it is a printed LED – the world’s thinnest LED that is and it is quite revolutionary because it opens up a lot of possibilities.


Go here for the rest of the story and to watch the promo video:

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Silent Refrigeration

A refrigerator uses a traditional heat pump. A compressor is powered usually by electricity and that circulates a “refrigerant” like freon or some synthetic version through some tubes that go through heat exchangers – the bottom line is that is pulls the heat out of the fridge to make it cold.

An AC is just another variation of this as is all other heat pump technologies such as heat pump hot water heaters. Some give you cold while expelling the heat and some give you heat while expelling the cold.

Heat pumps are a really great technology and are very reliable and have made our lives much easier. There are a few drawbacks such as the noise and occasional maintenance due to moving parts.

Phononic is a company, which has eliminated these problems by building a completely silent and solid state refrigerator using hundred year old Peltier junctions…they’re semiconductors basically that get hot on one side and cold on the other.

Peltier’s definitely work but their drawback is that they are very inefficient…it takes a lot of watt hours to produce any substantial heating or cooling, but Phononic has scaled them up and have made them more efficient than ever. Normally, they’re under 10% efficient, but now they’re over 30%!

Phononic heat pump

Even at 30%, they can’t compete with heat pumps in terms of Coefficient of Performance (COP), but being that they are much smaller than normal compressor heat pumps and they’re silent, they do have their place.

While this advancement in Peltier technology isn’t going to get anyone off the grid, it is a very welcome improvement as a three times increase in efficiency in anything doesn’t happen every day.

To put that into perspective – the automobile engine was commonly under 20% efficient and the newest cars on the road today are lucky to achieve 30% efficiency – and that is over many, many decades of automotive advancements.

Go here for more of the story on Phononic:

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Tesla 2.0 is back!

I received literally hundreds of emails about the Eric Dollard interview video on YouTube going private. Before that happened, there were literally thousands of views. Eric Dollard exposed a few people in that interview and they retaliated so the producers of that video, Union Features, made it private but re-uploaded an edited version here:


Even if you already saw the video, please play it for a moment and click the THUMBS UP button at the top right of the video to show Eric Dollard your support!  

DOWNLOAD THE UNCUT VERSION HERE: Quite a few people downloaded the original and they’re already uploading it to multiple places to preserve it. Click the following link, click the button that says Download This File, enter the captcha code and hit the button and it will download in a zip file. In the zip file is a high resolution mp4 of the entire uncut interview – there is no Copyright notice in the video but that doesn’t mean it isn’t copyrighted – check with Union Features if you have any questions: