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High Voltage N-Machine by Aaron Murakami

Michael Faraday N-Machine by Aaron Murakami
Michael Faraday N-Machine by Aaron Murakami

The importance of the Homopolar Generator cannot be emphasized enough. It is a drag free generator that produces electricity by simply rotating a magnet in space!

Common generators will get bogged down when you draw electricity from them – for example if you light up a bunch of bulbs on a gasoline generator set, the engine has to work harder to compensate for that load, thereby burning up more gasoline.

But with a Homopolar Generator, you can draw electricity from it and it does not bog down what is turning the magnet. And this is just one of the many benefits of this kind of generator.

If you literally take a disc magnet and put a shaft through it, you can spin it and you will produce a voltage potential between the circumference of the magnet and the shaft that the magnet is rotating around. Think about it – you’re producing electricity by doing nothing more than rotating a magnet in space. There are no generator coils or anything like what is necessary in a normal generator! Simple, simple, simple!

This is all good, but the downfall is that you wind up with current, but almost no usable voltage and this has been the case since Michael Faraday first invented the Homopolar Generator, which was in fact the very first generator. This has been the case since 1831.

For nearly 200 years, the Homopolar Generator has been more of a novelty to most although a few low voltage high current applications have been powered by large industrial homopolar generators.

At the 2017 Energy Science & Technology Conference, I review the basic history and the most notable names who have been involved with this kind of generator and then I show a working model that I have used to charge some capacitors up to 150-160 volts! If you consider the fact that for the size of magnets I was rotating, I would be lucky to wind up with 0.5 volts! I have a neon bulb connected to the capacitor and the bulb blinks every time the capacitors are up to the trigger voltage of these neons, which is about 95-105 volts.

What this shows is that I’m able to get 200 TIMES THE VOLTAGE than is expected from this kind of generator, which could very well take the entire experimental world of homopolar generators to a whole other level of practicality unlike anything has ever been demonstrated. It appears that at the conference, the small demonstration model achieved a worlds record by showing that I have wound up with more voltage from a Homopolar Generator that anyone has achieved in the last two centuries!

This is VERY SIMPLE and I would encourage you to get a copy of this and experiment with it because even if you have very little technical knowledge, you can build this and make it work!

High Voltage N Machine, Advancing the Homopolar Generator by Aaron Murakami
High Voltage N Machine, Advancing the Homopolar Generator by Aaron Murakami

Get your copy here:

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Poor Man’s Split the Positive Battery Swapper by RS Stafford

Poor Man's Split the Positive Battery Swapper by RS Stafford
Poor Man’s Split the Positive Battery Swapper by RS Stafford

At last year’s conference, Peter Lindemann demonstrated a Bedini SSG energizer that produced a lot of mechanical work all weekend and the batteries stayed charged up!

It worked beautifully and was done with an automated circuit that rotates the batteries in a certain way but most people do not have the know-how to be able to build that circuit.

At this year’s conference, RS Stafford replicated this battery swapping method with circuit breaks and other common parts from his local hardware store. It’s inexpensive and very, very simple to build. This is the machine that ANYONE can make work if they just follow some simple wiring diagrams and RS’s instructions.

Let me explain the Split the Positive concept… lf I were to ask someone – even someone with a background in electronics or electricity if a light bulb would light up if it were placed between the positives of the batteries as shown to the left, they would say no.

Let’s say they are 1.5 volt AA batteries. The two in series makes 3 volts and the other single battery is 1.5 volts by itself. Well, 3 volts – 1.5 volts in opposition means there is still a voltage potential difference of 1.5 volts between the positives. A LED bulb for example will indeed light up because potential differences are what are important in electricity and NOT polarity.

Here’s an important thing to understand – while the bulb is lit up, the current from the two batteries in series is charging up battery #3. Therefore, if battery #3 is dead, it will charge up as the bulb is lit. When it is charged, it can move to the position of #1 or #1 batteries and one of the batteries #1 or #2 can be placed into the #3 position and it will get charged up while the bulb is lit. So you can see that by constantly rotating these batteries, you actually wind up with way more load powering capability than you would get if you just ran the bulb on a single battery until it’s dead and do that for the other two batteries.

John Bedini came up with this method years ago after studying the concepts in the famous Ed Gray motor, which had a similar process, but with much higher voltages. The above example has been known as Bedini’s 3 Battery system and very few people have ever understood the profound implications of it.

Now when you combine this concept with a highly efficient Bedini Energizer where you can recover a high percentage of what goes into the system in addition to getting some extra electricity from some generator coils that have very low drag, you have the keys to be able to produce mechanical or electrical work while making up for virtually all its own losses. That means you have a simple system that keeps itself charged up and you can create the battery swapping part of the system with parts from your local hardware store!

Our power grid is doomed to crash and you will be at a very strong advantage with what RS is teaching you here in this presentation.

Split the Positive
Split the Positive

Learn more here:

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Electricity, Magnetism, Gravity & Singularity by Al Francoeur

Electricity, Magnetism, Gravity & Singularity by Al Francoeur
Electricity, Magnetism, Gravity & Singularity by Al Francoeur

There are many examples throughout nature where mirrored symmetry appears at the micro level up to the size of galaxies. The division line is very similar to the neutral line or Bloch Wall of a magnet.

This is the premise of much of the model that Al Francoeur has been working on in relation to explaining how he believes the Ed Gray power supply works.

The Gray Motor was verified in the past to operate at over 300 COP, which means 300 times more work was demonstrated compared to the net loss in the batteries that were powering the motor.

Al happens to own the largest collection of the remnants of Ed Gray’s technology and he has been diligently working to reverse engineer the power supply to see what if any components or how it is built is operating in some unusual way.

There appears to possibly be a transformer winding method that on the surface would appear to not work and it deals with counter-turned windings that oppose each other. Conventionally, the thought would be that it would cancel out the ability to generate a magnetic field, but there are other instances where this kind of winding method has been implemented and it actually gives very unusual performance such as is seen in the famous Kromrey Generator.

Al’s reverse engineering efforts are a work in progress but for the first time ever, he presents his findings of the power supply to a public audience. Although it is not a conclusive report, it is an exclusive release.

He also goes into other aspects of his research including this design for a fuel vaporizer and his interference generators. I have personally been emailed by those claiming that his interference generators do not work, but I visited Al’s shop with Paul Babcock and we saw the generators working with the ability to light a lot of incandescent bulbs. Anyone stating that Al’s interference generators don’t work is spreading misinformation.

If you’re a fan of Ed Gray’s technology, then this presentation is a must have. And if your not, you should be! It was one of the most profound demonstrations of Free Energy in history and we’ve never been this close to understanding the operating methodology.

ATTN: At the request of Al Francoeur, a portion of the proceeds and all royalties for this presentation will be donated to the local Salvation Army or Union Gospel Mission of Spokane, Washington to feed and shelter the homeless.

Electricity, Magnetism, Gravity & Singularity by Al Francoeur
Electricity, Magnetism, Gravity & Singularity by Al Francoeur

Learn more here:

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H2 Global by Walt Jenkins

Walt Jenkins - H2 Global
Walt Jenkins – H2 Global

Most water fuel researchers and developers are focused on methods to separate hydrogen and oxygen from water with electrolysis (running electrical current through the water).

However, there are other ways that are much more efficient and effective. With only hundreds of miliamps, Walt Jenkins can run an engine with 95%+ water.

He isn’t using electrolysis, but he was heavily involved with that years ago and he is actually the original developer of the popular dry cell that most experimenters are using.

Although this presentation is not a full disclosure, he does share some concepts regarding this method that point people in the right direction. Keep in mind that this is the first time he has given a presentation to the public.

His entire process is patented and is still a work in progress, but being able to get 500 mpg on a scooter is quite an accomplishment and you can see his dune buggy is also quite advanced. It is not an attempt to replicate Stan Meyer’s dune buggy, which is a completely different process, but rather to make it easy for anyone to see that there are no hidden fuel lines, etc…

Moray King considers Walt Jenkins to be the modern-day Stan Meyer and that is a very strong statement coming from a leading authority on water fuel technologies. Help us bring more awareness to the work of Walt Jenkins so we can have clean fuel for a clean future!

H2 Global by Walt Jenkins
H2 Global by Walt Jenkins

Learn more here:

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Multiple Order Harmonics by James Robitaille

James Robitaille QEG
James Robitaille QEG

Ronald Brandt was a brilliant experimenter who was successful in developing many Tesla and related technologies. He associated with many of the legends of the “Free Energy” and Tesla Sciences field including the late John Bedini who he shared his well-known “Tesla Switch” plans with that ran an electrical motor in a unique way that allowed the batteries to stay charged up while producing an abundance of mechanical work.

With a different methodology, he developed a generator technology that had high energy gains based on synchronizing various resonances in the system and this serves as the foundation for the Quantum Energy Generator or QEG project, which became an internationally known phenomena by Hope Girl and the Fix the World Organization.

The QEG is a switched/variable reluctance, variable frequency generator that uses mechanically pumped parametric resonance (tank circuit) to generate up to 30,000 volts of reactive power in its primary windings.

The reactive power in the core is then converted to real power by the secondary windings.

The QEG has 2 modes of operation; conventional mode, which produces about 800 Watts peak output for 1,000 Watts input, and resonance mode, where the machine is operated at a particular RPM/frequency to excite the fundamental mechanical resonant frequency (around 2.4kHz) from a lower order harmonic.

In resonance mode the machine appears to be capable of overunity due to the output voltage increase afforded by the vibration of the core steel when the machine is driven into resonance.

Join us in exploring the possibilities by unifying all parts of the generator as one synchronized energy machine.

Multiple Order Harmonics - Tuning the QEG by James Robitaille
Multiple Order Harmonics – Tuning the QEG by James Robitaille


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The Synchronicity Handbook – Free Download

Synchronicity by Aaron Murakami
Synchronicity by Aaron Murakami

Last Saturday night August 19th to August 20th morning, I was on Coast to Coast AM with Richard Syrett for three whole hours talking about Synchronicity, methods to increase synchronicity and sharing some stories.

Three old but popular articles of mine were compiled into one Free downloadable PDF called The Synchronicity Handbook. The articles are Murakami’s Model of Synchronicity, Time Travel Meditation and DeVisE Method of Manifestation. Download your free copy here: The Synchronicity Handbook by Aaron Murakami

A Course in Mind Power is a book that was written to go deep into the biology involved in synchronicities, which was first proposed by me in 2006. As a special, my popular book A Course in Mind Power was offered at a 33% discount with this coupon code: ACIMP33

You can use that code (for a limited time) in the shopping cart for the book through this website: A Course in Mind Power

The website for the Coast to Coast AM show is here: and my Coast to Coast AM bio:

You can find Richard’s hometown radio show here:

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Musical Seismograph – Demonstration of the Tesla Converter by Eric Dollard

Musical Seismograph by Eric Dollard
Musical Seismograph by Eric Dollard

The advanced seismic warning system that was built by Eric Dollard in Landers, California was the most advanced earthquake forecasting system ever developed or probably even imagined.

Learn more here: Musical Seismograph

It could predict earthquakes 6.0 and above 24-72 hours ahead of time, which is far beyond anything our own government or military has ever achieved (publicly that is.)

After it was closed, Eric has been working to rebuild the basic system, but this time on protected land where nobody can stop the progress.

He has been accomplishing this with a low budget based on donations and “glom”, which is free stuff found around the desert, junkyards or electrical surplus places. This has been ongoing for a few years now and the progress has been incredible including have an entire mine dedicated with three seismic transducers (seismographs) at the disposal of EPD Laboratories, Inc!

The signals are very low strength and it is an amazing challenge to amplify these – especially if the goal is to do it all with analog components. Of course being that Eric Dollard is the modern-day Tesla, he is doing it Tesla style.

Learn more here: Musical Seismograph

This presentation walks you through the concepts of converting the seismograph signals into musical signals using a Tesla Converter. Most Tesla fans have never heard of or even know what a Tesla Convert is, but Eric teaches what it is and even shows one working. It amplifies signals with resonance instead of electrically. That along is beyond the scope of most Electrical Engineers and Eric Dollard is using this to have each Seismograph output tones that will eventually be tuned to the Pythagorean scale.

If you thought 432 Hz was the musical note of A that would be in resonance with the natural world, well, the truth is you’ve been misled. The truth is that the Pythaogrean scale is the one that is truly in harmony with natural ratios and you will learn all about that in this presentation.

Besides the Tesla Converter presentation and demo (with us in the actual mine!!!), you’re going to learn about some audio amplifier circuits that you have never seen and the design concept that Eric shares may very well be the highest fidelity audio amplifier ever conceived. This has never been publicly shared so you’ll be the first to see what he has been working on.

You’re going to learn quite a bit about multiplexing, which is like playing a chord on the piano, but it is more than that. On phone lines, being able to send multiple signals once and having them be split apart again at the end.

You’re going to see Eric on a piano keyboard showing a lot about chords and multiplexing. He has quite a bit of this in the presentation and is necessary to prove the point.

This is one jam-packed presentation and just so you know, the transmission lines for the Advanced Seismic Warning System will be complete in about a month!

Thank you for supporting EPD Laboratories, Inc. and Eric Dollard’s work.

Musical Seismograph - Demonstration of the Tesla Converter by Eric Dollard
Musical Seismograph – Demonstration of the Tesla Converter by Eric Dollard

Learn more here: Musical Seismograph

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Mind Over Matter – Subtle Energy Protocols by Prof. Robert Haralick

Professor Robert M. Haralick
Professor Robert M. Haralick

Subtle energy, for a lack of a better term, refers to the energy and/or the change of the structure of space that occurs when influences such as conscious intention affects material reality.

An example of this kind of influence is when healers use Qi or Parana to effect a healing either close by or remotely.

Other instances include mental telepathy, remote viewing and the programming of quartz crystals by conscious intention.

Tiller uses the quantum mechanics phrase Raising the Gauge.

There are other situations where a subtle energy can develop: These include being exposed to certain kinds of magnetic fields or electric fields, being exposed to quartz crystals, and being exposed to sacred geometric forms.

This talk discusses the difficulty of doing subtle energy experiments, gives the protocols for a few different kinds of subtle energy experiments involving water, describes a number of kinds of measurements that can be made of water, and shares the results of those experiments.

Mind Over Matter - Subtle Energy Research by Prof. Robert Haralick
Mind Over Matter – Subtle Energy Research by Prof. Robert Haralick

Learn more here: Mind Over Matter

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The Secret of Life by Georges Lakhovsky – Free Download

Georges Lakhovsky
Georges Lakhovsky

Georges Lakhovsky is the inventor of the Multiwave Oscillator or MWO for short. It is a high frequency, high voltage device that causes a rapidly alternating displacement current between the antenna coils. When your body is sitting between the coils and receives these Tesla type longitudinal impulses, all the cells are invigorated with Life Force energy straight from the Aether.

This was the subject of Paul Babcock’s recent presentation called The Universal Medium and when you hear his presentation, you are going to make it a priority to build one yourself – the proper way – or purchase one that is built right.

Here is a link to download Georges Lakhovsky’s book called The Secret of Life:

Learn more about Paul Babcock’s presenation:

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Moray King Powerpoint Downloads FREE

Moray B. King

Moray King has been presenting on water fuel and other related technologies for many years and he has authored several of the most popular books available on the subject of Zero Point Energy.

Here is an updated Zip file with nearly a decade of his PowerPoint presentations at various conferences including the PowerPoint presentation from his 2017 talk. It’s 329 MB worth of files in a single zip file.

EDIT: This zip file is 381 MB and includes 2 new powerpoint presentations. They both have 2018 in the title so are easy to find.

Here is information on his presentation last year, which was at the 2016  Energy Science & Technology Conference:

Please share this with the buttons below so others can download the zip file of his PowerPoint archive.