Jim Murray is one of the most important engineers today. He has a very long track record that goes back decades and he worked with and has been mentored by some of the brightest including Guy Obolensky and others.
Some of his many accomplishment include the Dynaflux Alternator, which is a unique generator that outputs more electrical work than it takes to turn it. Jim presented on this at one of our past conferences and since the patent has expired, he was gracious enough to give a full disclosure on what was missing from the patent as well as giving his blessing for anyone that wants to do anything they want with it. Learn more here: https://emediapress.com/shop/dynaflux-alternator/
Another profound development of his is the Transforming Generator. If you’ve ever seen in the movies where a motor goes into hyper-drive runaway mode that could self-destruct if not kept under control, the Transforming Generator is just such a machine. You can see a part of a demonstration of that in a YouTube video embedded on this page – anyone serious about overunity technologies will add this to their library. https://emediapress.com/shop/fundamentals-transforming-generator/
He also invented the SERPS, which was demonstrated at the conference. It lit 50 watts of bulbs for a net cost of only 1 watt – literally, this is around a 5000% gain in work produced compared to the loss on the input. https://emediapress.com/shop/secret-teslas-power-magnification/
Needless to say, Jim Murray is one of the rare pioneers of the modern-day free energy movement and it is a rare opportunity and a great honor to be in the audience when he presents.
Many people are interested in overunity technologies, but they do not even understand what unity even means – especially those that are convinced that that do. Jim Murray will be sharing very important information for anyone that wants to be set on the right track – it will be accurate and authoritative and you will only be able to hear this at the 2018 Energy Science & Technology Conference.
Register now and get your tickets: http://energyscienceconference.com/registration-cost/