This presentation is best explained by Dr. Viehweger’s article on Global Scaling. Keep in mind, the article may be health focused, but the applications are limitless such as communication, energy, or other sytsems.
Global Scaling by Dr. Rainer Viehweger
Quantum physics has shown us that in the quantum realm probabilities and potentials are the most common factor of creating reality. But who can answer the question of how the fundamental order to create our universe arises out of the chaos where everything is possible?
There must be some idea or plan which the universe had followed since the very beginning. In this paper we want to introduce the Global Scaling phenomenon, which can be characterized as the most important factor or master plan for every process in our universe in space and time. We can say that reality consists of a genotype and a phenotype, which belong together like information (mind), and matter. The visible and measurable material world in the three dimensions of space and the fourth dimension of time can be seen as the phenotype and is the expression of the mind we find in the genotype, which contains the information how to create the world. When we know the physical and mathematical laws we find in the genotype, we are able to recognize the expression in our every day world.
In medicine we have, among others, the problem of misunderstanding how chronic diseases develop over a long period of a life time. Today medicine is not able to help cure those conditions. More knowledge about the amounts of processing of information in our cells or in the whole body needs new explanations on how our body is functioning. How does our body master all its energy and information? To solve all our problems of health care and medicine we are looking for new models to explain the world which we are an undividable part of and stay in constant energy and information exchange with.
The master plan for the creation and evolution of our world is called Global Scaling. This natural phenomenon was discovered by the German Dr. Hartmut Müller in the 1980s. He also developed the Global Scaling Theory to describe the phenomenon scientifically. At that time Dr. Müller was working at several Soviet universities and scientific institutes after he had studied physics, mathematics and philosophy in St. Petersburg, the former Leningrad in the Soviet times. When he turned back from Russia to Germany after 1990 he was not allowed to talk about Global Scaling by Russian order. In 2001 he founded the Institute of Space Energy Research (IREF), today the Global Scaling Research Institute GmbH in memoriam Leonhard Euler (GSRI) which is situated in Munich and leaded by Dr. Müller. An English version of a compendium on Global Scaling can be downloaded there.
Global Scaling means the logarithmic scale-invariance, fractal and hyperbolic structure of our world. It explains the distribution of all matter in the universe. What is the reason for the Global Scaling phenomenon? Swinging, vibrating, oscillating is the most effective way to move. It needs least energy to keep moving. How do systems swing most easily? The most effective, the easiest way of swinging are the natural oscillations of swinging systems. We should imagine the universe as a system of coupled oscillators. Lots of energy move through this universe, get modified, never can be lost and are always changed from one form of energy into another. Everything is possible. But the natural oscillations on the lowest energy level of matter with the running of time become the ones to create long lasting processes like structures in space and time. We talk, for example, about such structures in space and time like atoms, molecules, crystals, cells, organisms, populations, information amounts, civilizations, moons, planets, stars and galaxies.
Our universe has dimensional borders: there is the smallest dimension of quants like photons, phonons or gravitons. The other dimension is at the site of bigger structures then mega galaxies. There exists mathematical work on this, but it would lead to far to talk about this here. We have to fix, that the universe has dimensional borders in the logarithmic world, where waves are reflected. Repeated reflections of waves lead to a system of standing waves with a certain pattern when it is swinging on the lowest energy level. We find the basic standing waves in it and all the up tunes, which are always created in nature when a sound or an oscillation occurs. This system of standing waves is a harmonic one, the same as the harmony laws in music and in the cosmic harmony of Kepler.
The spectrum of the standing wave system on its lowest energy level is a logarithmic one. It is fractal and hyperbolic. Scaling is a basic property of fractal processes. The logarithm is the natural logarithm e, discovered by Leonhard Euler. In the spectrum we find places with constant changes, where matter, energy or information get compressed or decompressed. The spectrum is, in every dimension, self similar and it has gaps, where there is nothing. To transfer such a standing wave system into our visible world, it must be calibrated with the natural oscillation of the proton. Why? The natural oscillation of the proton is the most stabile existing vibration in the universe. It is always there, for eternity. We can say so, because the life time of a proton is at least 1032 years. The electron is the second one, which is living for a very long time, but it is 1836 times lighter than the proton, so – on the lowest energy level – it is always moving, how the proton is leading it. Now it is possible to look, how structures or patterns as the phenotype of the universe, we find in our visible material world in space and time, are related to the genotype of our universe via the resonance to the natural oscillations of the proton. This is the most important thing in the understanding and the practical usage of Global Scaling for our everyday life but also it is of fundamental importance for creating new knowledge in the today ´s scientific world to prepare for today ´s and tomorrow ´s needs.
In Global Scaling we learn about the intelligence of nature how to use energy most effectively. The intelligence is to be found in the natural oscillations of the protons, every matter in the world consists of, including our bodies.
The state of our health and wellbeing is depending on the information patterns of our body to use its energy most effectively. Evolution has given us the present of our highly organized body with huge possibilities to move, think and act in the world that is amazing. The fundamental information pattern – rule of order must be the Global Scaling pattern, because it provides a long, intelligent and easy way of life. Health care and medicine research and treatment has to include the knowledge of Global Scaling into life, because we are learning about ourselves. We will find the basics of our identity and will be ourselves in harmonic interconnection with our inner and outer near and far environment.
The biology of our body follows Global Scaling. When we are resting, our heart beats 67 times a minute. We can see this rhythm in a node. This means the heart needs least energy for beating. If necessary, the heart can beat faster or slower. Both possibilities need more energy, but they are important for adapting to different conditions of life. The possibility of adaptation is well known as the heart rate variability (HRV).
Research is flowing at Dr. Müller´s institute and some other companies to help people re-activating their self healing capability, which is given by nature itself through the intelligence of the natural oscillations of matter itself. Among others, the research work of NES Health is more and more based on the knowledge of Global Scaling.