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Published – Clean Energy Inventions by Gary Vesperman

Recently, in the Journal of Physics and Optics Sciences, Gary Vesperman’s article on Clean Energy Inventions was published. Gary has been a long time promotor of clean energy technologies and we’ve been in touch for years.

You’ll most likely recognize quite a few names and technologies mentioned in this article.

Get the FREE pdf here:

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2023-12-16 Eric Dollard LIVE Zoom Call

Here’s the recording of the live call with Eric Dollard, Justin Miller, Griffin Brock, Hakasays, Adrian Marsh PhD and Aaron Murakami.

Some of the topics covered includes:

  • Eric Dollard’s new paperback on Amazon: Nikola Tesla and Polyphase Power or E-book: Nikola Tesla and Polyphase Power
  • Performed a series of tests in the 160m band (~2000kc) using a large Tesla Extra coil and a very low impedance ground.
  • Successfully made a radio contact 114 miles with less than 5 watts with no conventional antenna to an unmatched receiving station.
  • Equivalent radio propagation would require 200+ft antennae and very specific conditions to achieve the same results.
  • Long Lines Project: Status of Open Wire line construction. 1,200 ft. of line raised.
  • Terminal cabinet installed with lines and ground-network connected.
  • Successful reception achieved.
  • Discussion of next steps and intended scale of the facility.
  • Novel new amplified engineered by Eric Dollard and tested by Griffin Brock.
  • Variation of new amplifier will become commercially available as a tube headphone amplifier but can also amplify other signals.
  • Telluric Experiments with Scale Model Alexanderson Coil: A 1:7 scale model of an Alexanderson Antenna potential coil was analyzed while being connected to Earth via a low impedance ground plane. Interesting results involving characteristic frequency modes along the coil were observed, providing further detail to the behavior of this setup.
  • Seismic Mine: A device constructed to utilize received signals from a seismic transducer located within the mine, enabled faint seismic events within proximity to be reasonably received with audible tone.
  • Seismic Amplifier/Rack
  • In relation to electrodynamic seismic forecasting, an experimental means of amplifying received signals through electrostatic means led to the employment of vacuum tube apparatuses of unique character. Such devices provided successful results and have contributed to the furthering of seismic forecasting research.

Help get these Earth signals streaming online NOW!

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Nikola Tesla and Polyphase Power by Eric Dollard paperback on Amazon link below:

Here is the description: The following text serves to outline the historical, theoretical, and practical development of the Tesla Four Phase System, from its inception to its initial commercial application at Niagara Falls. This also serves as an introduction to the video presentation.

Four Phase has not found the extent of application and theoretical development as has Three Phase. The application of Four Phase has been mainly confined to signal modulation and electrical servo systems. Its application to power systems is practically non-existent, with the exception of certain Poly-Phase rectifier systems in large radio transmitters.

Four Phase, however, offers certain advantages over Three Phase in electric power applications. A salient advantage is its “self replicating” character, which allows for four phases to be derived from two phases by simple polarity reversal, that is, one phase becomes another phase by reversing the winding of that one phase. Most important is the ease of transforming Four Phase Polyphase power into a pair of “Single Phase” power systems.

It is interesting to note that the conventional “wild phase” Delta connected power distribution system can convert to Four Phase with a very simple transformer connection. This is of great advantage when a Three Phase Polyphase system is required to power a load of an exclusively “Single Phase” character.

Get the ebook on Emediapress here:

Nikola Tesla and Polyphase Power by Eric Dollard paperback on Amazon link below:

Nikola Tesla and Polyphase Power

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July 2023 – Golden Ratio Discharge – Extended Experiments FREE VIEWING – Adrian Marsh PhD, Eric Dollard & Aaron Murakami

There is a newly released 50 minute video that is a FREE VIEWING at the bottom of this page:

The Golden Ratio is one of the fundamental underlying principles in the Wheelwork of Nature, and is reflected within many forms in the natural world. The Golden Ratio Discharge reflects this fundamental principle in the field of electricity and energy, first discovered by Eric Dollard in 1978, and now rediscovered by Adrian Marsh, and demonstrated by using a specific arrangement of Tesla coil and generator. This presentation makes an in-depth exploration of this unique discharge, looking into its scientific, engineering, and philosophical/esoteric origins, and how to practically reveal this discharge in a Tesla coil system, as well as considering its importance as an example of a core underlying principle of nature revealed in the field of electricity and electro-magnetism.

A complete engineering apparatus and schematics are disclosed for the experimental Tesla coil system, along with comprehensive measurements of the power supply, generator, and Tesla coil characteristics in both the time and frequency domain. The presentation contains all the necessary design keys to replicate this remarkable experiment. Vibration, tuning, and resonance of the experiments are explored in detail, and how to transition the discharge form from the Golden Dragon, a fractal expanding with Golden Ratio proportions, to more conventional Sword streamers. The Golden Dragon discharge shows profound symmetry, temporal and spatial coherence, and a choreography that demonstrates in no uncertain terms the fundamental nature of this underlying principle of the natural world.

The inner nature of the Golden Ratio discharge is explored using high-speed photography up to 2000 times which shows the creation and extinction of each discharge streamer, and hidden within this the first conjectured emergence of ball-lightning, or the formation of a “micro-sun”, the precursor to an inclusive fusion process, observed before within specialized vacuum tubes, but never before manifested in free-space. The presentation concludes with a live demonstration of the optimal tuning of the experimental apparatus to generate the Golden Ratio discharge in the form of the Golden Dragon, and then through specific tuning and adjustment the transition to sword streamers at lower frequencies.

The Golden Ratio Discharge experiment in this presentation is shown to support Tesla’s profound statement, “… then it is a mere question of time when men will succeed in attaching their machinery to the very wheelwork of nature.”, and has the potential to reveal deeper insights, principles, and knowledge of the natural order.

There is a newly released 50 minute video that is a FREE VIEWING at the bottom of this page:

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MONDAY 25TH, 530PM PACIFIC TIME – FREE PRESENTATION & FREE BOOK DOWNLOAD COMING – Here’s the Zoom call link for this live call addressing how we are taking food security into our own hands. There is a concerted effort to contaminate and control our food and there is a growing push to force us to eat bugs to defeat “climate change”. The whole thing is beyond ludicrous.

I live here in Spokane and am taking matter into my own hands. It can be done anywhere and in any climate.

The FB event page is at (BUT IT WILL BE ON THE ZOOM CALL – NOT ON FB).

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2023-06-24 LIVE EPD Laboratories Video Call

We apologize for the late posting of this recorded video, but it is worth the wait! We had to get thru the 2023 ESTC – this call is PACKED with a lot of information regarding all presentation topics presented on by: Eric, Adrian, Griffin and Hakasays. Justin Miller who has been helping Eric Dollard since before EPD Laboratories, Inc. was even founded – he shares a slide show of the latest work done down in Tonopah. You do NOT want to miss this recording.

Donate to EPD Laboratories, Inc. 501(c)3 –

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NEW RELEASE – 2023 ESTC – Earth Integrated Structures and The Truly Passive Greenhouse – Paul Wheaton

Hear about the greenhouse that uses zero electricity (not even a fan!) that stays warm throughout the Montana winter. Learn techniques to create your own, using local materials with zero cement, or other toxic gick. Explore the fascinating aspects of earth integrated structures and hear about Paul’s Wofati design which highlights rustic passive house design creating a comfortable, solid and charming home that is quick, easy and cheap to build.


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NEW RELEASE – 2023 ESTC – Metallic Copper and Human Health – Abner Weintraub

Copper metal was long-known to the ancients as a powerful healing modality, but its health benefits have largely been forgotten over the centuries. More recently, mainstream science has come to recognize metallic copper as one of the most powerful antimicrobial substances in existence, with hundreds of research studies and thousands of academic papers published on the subject around the world.

In 2021, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) formally registered metallic copper, and some copper alloys, as providing “long-term effectiveness against viruses, including SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.” The EPA states that metallic copper surfaces “eliminate 99.9 percent of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, within two hours.”

In this presentation Mr. Weintraub reveals that the entire scientific community is missing or ignoring the most important, and potentially the most useful human health benefit offered by metallic copper, an inexpensive, easily available element. The implications for human health, longevity, and disease management cannot be overstated.

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NEW RELEASE – 2023 ESTC – The Toltec System of Knowledge – Adrian Marsh, PhD

The Toltec system of knowledge is a vast system of experiential knowledge acquired over aeons upon aeons of time, and handed down from one generation to another only through oral and experiential training. The word Toltec simply means “a man or woman of knowledge”, and is independent of race, gender, religion, country, language, or any other differentiating factors within humanity. The Toltecs have systematically developed and evolved their knowledge of life and the universe, often quietly behind the scenes, and far from the normal daily pursuits of the world. The Toltecs have long understood that the outer-world is but a reflection of the diversity and richness of our inner-world. Modern science is currently a good description of the form of the natural world, in other words the outer-world, what things are made-of, and how these forms interact with one-another on the outside, the what, where, and the how of the physical form. The Toltec system of knowledge goes beyond this outer form, and works with the inner-world, intelligence, awareness, perception, and the hidden knowledge and understanding, the why, purpose for, and meaning of life’s most fundamental principles.

The practical application of the Toltec system of knowledge grows your awareness, and can transform your life far beyond your present comprehension. When we each contribute to the growth of humanity’s collective awareness, we will bring about a more inclusive, inter-dependent, and life-supportive approach, and a multidisciplinary understanding of our-self, each other, and the natural world. Little known or understood, this presentation introduces this system of knowledge, who the Toltecs are, and what they have accomplished through studying the great mystery and problems of the physical and spiritual universes.