Here is the first of several interviews that were recorded at the 2017 ESTC. The 2018 ESTC has already passed, but they’re still worth watching. Karen Elkins of Science to Sage Magazine interviewed James and Valerie Robitaille of the QEG family.
TeslaStarter is a new crowdfunding platform in it’s pre-launch and is created by the Teslacoin team. The objective is to help push forward the development and research of Free Energy.
If you’re looking for funding for an energy project you’re involved in, it might be worth check this out and sharing it with your friends:
This is a recording of a live Q & A call with Eric Dollard a few weeks after his 5 hours landmark presentation was given at the 2018 ESTC (Energy Science & Technology Conference).
Some of the topics that you will learn about on this call include:
Faraday’s Tubes
How the Faraday Tubes creates magnetism in a permanent magnet
Faraday Tubes in relation to the Lakhovsky MWO
What Zero Sequence Currents Are
The massive amount of ground currents caused by the degenerated grid
How and why you could be shocked from the neutral in electrical systems in homes or businesses
How AC is not sine waves anymore but are very dirty and distorted all across the country
EMP vulnerabilities of the grid
How to protect your electrical system with isolation transformers
Frequency ranges for receiving telluric signals and how to build your own simple receiver
How magnetic flux in a transformer is longitudinal
EPD Laboratories, Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit charitable corporation so all donations are tax deductible. Please visit and in the right column, you can donate by PayPal or you through the mail. Anything you can donate would be greatly appreciated and is very much needed at this time.
Ideomotor Effect, Uncovering the Mechanics of the Human Mind by Aaron Murakami
Years ago, I released A Course in Mind Power, which is a book on developing your intuition and perceptive powers as well as increasing synchronicities in your life. There are a lot more concepts that are shared from an experiential perspective but that is the basic gist. I share the most profound of all Qigong exercises out of thousands of styles that exist, Kundalini from the perspective of someone who has had about 10 very extreme spontaneous Kundalini risings and more.
Instead of simply being repackaged information that most “mind power gurus” are more than willing to offer you, this is based on my own personal experience. And unlike most books on mind power written by westerners, you will learn how to cultivate life force energy at a level that you have never imagined by increasing the capacitance of what your body can hold.
The Ideomotor Effect is but one part of A Course in Mind Power but is one of the most important that anyone can understand because once it is fully comprehended, it is easy to see that experiencing synchronicities has a biological basis for happening but nobody else is telling you this. It is also the underlying basis for downloading information directly from the collective – direct knowledge – and you will learn how to increase the accuracy of what you are perceiving from your “downloads.”
It goes much deeper than this and a lot of material is covered including the four primary areas of knowledge. Many people like to quote the idea that “we don’t know what we don’t know” but why do they never discuss the other three areas of knowledge?
Ingo Swann was the primary developer of Remove Viewing and a simple but profound statement of his was simply the fact that the first step to power was to expand one’s frame of reference. This is put into a context that will have you fully aware of what it means from many perspectives so that you know where you stand in relation to knowledge that you seek.
You will learn a very special application of neuro-physiology and how to get rid of subconscious noise so that the signal to noise ratio increases. Every single method used to predict things in the future including remote viewing has its basis in the Ideomotor Effect and A Course in Mind Power and this presentation are about the only places where you will ever learn this. The Ideomotor Effect is taught in some remote viewing methods, but it usually ends there. It will be obvious to you that it is behind everything – synchronicities, I-Ching, dowsing, etc.
I’ll show you some examples of my old practice remote viewing sessions and I think you’ll have to agree that they are profoundly accurate. Considering all the known possibilities of what an unknown target could be, the odds are absolutely astronomical that I could come this close to the target but it can be done over and over and over.
This is a science but is also an art and thankfully, it is repeatable and fairly predictable and anyone can learn it no matter how naturally intuitive they are.
I’ll include a copy of Rene Warcollier’s book Experimental Telepathy, which is the thesis that serves as the foundation for remote viewing, which was developed at Stanford Research Institute for the purposes of training special agents and military members how to be psychic spies since we learned that the Russians were using psychic spies against us.
You’ll also receive a copy of the full manual developed at Stanford Research Institute, which was originally called Coordinate Remove Viewing (CRV) – that was the protocols that were taught to members in the Defense Intelligence Agency, the Army, etc.
A six page document from the CIA discussion CRV is very interesting and you will see where the movie The Matrix got the term matrix from. It is a direct reference to the collective where all information in the past, present and future lies.
In case you want to further your study on these topics, a 50% off coupon code is included in a PDF for A Course in Mind Power, Lessons in Advanced Perception and Hacking the Aether. The last one isn’t about mind power, but is related to our relationship with time and space and I believe is so important that most people need to study it.
I think you will find this presentation unique and interesting but also very helpful and practical and it is certainly a must have for any mind power enthusiast who wants to increase their intuitive powers and gain most mastery over their mind and body.
Communication & Cooperation in Nature by Rainer Viehweger
This presentation is best explained by Dr. Viehweger’s article on Global Scaling. Keep in mind, the article may be health focused, but the applications are limitless such as communication, energy, or other sytsems.
Global Scaling by Dr. Rainer Viehweger
Quantum physics has shown us that in the quantum realm probabilities and potentials are the most common factor of creating reality. But who can answer the question of how the fundamental order to create our universe arises out of the chaos where everything is possible?
There must be some idea or plan which the universe had followed since the very beginning. In this paper we want to introduce the Global Scaling phenomenon, which can be characterized as the most important factor or master plan for every process in our universe in space and time. We can say that reality consists of a genotype and a phenotype, which belong together like information (mind), and matter. The visible and measurable material world in the three dimensions of space and the fourth dimension of time can be seen as the phenotype and is the expression of the mind we find in the genotype, which contains the information how to create the world. When we know the physical and mathematical laws we find in the genotype, we are able to recognize the expression in our every day world.
In medicine we have, among others, the problem of misunderstanding how chronic diseases develop over a long period of a life time. Today medicine is not able to help cure those conditions. More knowledge about the amounts of processing of information in our cells or in the whole body needs new explanations on how our body is functioning. How does our body master all its energy and information? To solve all our problems of health care and medicine we are looking for new models to explain the world which we are an undividable part of and stay in constant energy and information exchange with.
The master plan for the creation and evolution of our world is called Global Scaling. This natural phenomenon was discovered by the German Dr. Hartmut Müller in the 1980s. He also developed the Global Scaling Theory to describe the phenomenon scientifically. At that time Dr. Müller was working at several Soviet universities and scientific institutes after he had studied physics, mathematics and philosophy in St. Petersburg, the former Leningrad in the Soviet times. When he turned back from Russia to Germany after 1990 he was not allowed to talk about Global Scaling by Russian order. In 2001 he founded the Institute of Space Energy Research (IREF), today the Global Scaling Research Institute GmbH in memoriam Leonhard Euler (GSRI) which is situated in Munich and leaded by Dr. Müller. An English version of a compendium on Global Scaling can be downloaded there.
Global Scaling means the logarithmic scale-invariance, fractal and hyperbolic structure of our world. It explains the distribution of all matter in the universe. What is the reason for the Global Scaling phenomenon? Swinging, vibrating, oscillating is the most effective way to move. It needs least energy to keep moving. How do systems swing most easily? The most effective, the easiest way of swinging are the natural oscillations of swinging systems. We should imagine the universe as a system of coupled oscillators. Lots of energy move through this universe, get modified, never can be lost and are always changed from one form of energy into another. Everything is possible. But the natural oscillations on the lowest energy level of matter with the running of time become the ones to create long lasting processes like structures in space and time. We talk, for example, about such structures in space and time like atoms, molecules, crystals, cells, organisms, populations, information amounts, civilizations, moons, planets, stars and galaxies.
Our universe has dimensional borders: there is the smallest dimension of quants like photons, phonons or gravitons. The other dimension is at the site of bigger structures then mega galaxies. There exists mathematical work on this, but it would lead to far to talk about this here. We have to fix, that the universe has dimensional borders in the logarithmic world, where waves are reflected. Repeated reflections of waves lead to a system of standing waves with a certain pattern when it is swinging on the lowest energy level. We find the basic standing waves in it and all the up tunes, which are always created in nature when a sound or an oscillation occurs. This system of standing waves is a harmonic one, the same as the harmony laws in music and in the cosmic harmony of Kepler.
The spectrum of the standing wave system on its lowest energy level is a logarithmic one. It is fractal and hyperbolic. Scaling is a basic property of fractal processes. The logarithm is the natural logarithm e, discovered by Leonhard Euler. In the spectrum we find places with constant changes, where matter, energy or information get compressed or decompressed. The spectrum is, in every dimension, self similar and it has gaps, where there is nothing. To transfer such a standing wave system into our visible world, it must be calibrated with the natural oscillation of the proton. Why? The natural oscillation of the proton is the most stabile existing vibration in the universe. It is always there, for eternity. We can say so, because the life time of a proton is at least 1032 years. The electron is the second one, which is living for a very long time, but it is 1836 times lighter than the proton, so – on the lowest energy level – it is always moving, how the proton is leading it. Now it is possible to look, how structures or patterns as the phenotype of the universe, we find in our visible material world in space and time, are related to the genotype of our universe via the resonance to the natural oscillations of the proton. This is the most important thing in the understanding and the practical usage of Global Scaling for our everyday life but also it is of fundamental importance for creating new knowledge in the today ´s scientific world to prepare for today ´s and tomorrow ´s needs.
In Global Scaling we learn about the intelligence of nature how to use energy most effectively. The intelligence is to be found in the natural oscillations of the protons, every matter in the world consists of, including our bodies.
The state of our health and wellbeing is depending on the information patterns of our body to use its energy most effectively. Evolution has given us the present of our highly organized body with huge possibilities to move, think and act in the world that is amazing. The fundamental information pattern – rule of order must be the Global Scaling pattern, because it provides a long, intelligent and easy way of life. Health care and medicine research and treatment has to include the knowledge of Global Scaling into life, because we are learning about ourselves. We will find the basics of our identity and will be ourselves in harmonic interconnection with our inner and outer near and far environment.
The biology of our body follows Global Scaling. When we are resting, our heart beats 67 times a minute. We can see this rhythm in a node. This means the heart needs least energy for beating. If necessary, the heart can beat faster or slower. Both possibilities need more energy, but they are important for adapting to different conditions of life. The possibility of adaptation is well known as the heart rate variability (HRV).
Research is flowing at Dr. Müller´s institute and some other companies to help people re-activating their self healing capability, which is given by nature itself through the intelligence of the natural oscillations of matter itself. Among others, the research work of NES Health is more and more based on the knowledge of Global Scaling.
Everything is made of the same stuff…so is there an exchange at every level? If everything is a field of information, then how does it inform? If everything vibrates then through what? What ethereal medium do most glance over? What is the primordial soup of creation? What is the foundation, and the entanglement – macro to macro.
How did Tesla come up with the wireless network? Where do those aha moments and ideas come from? Which greats were electrified? Water is one of the key elements and like all is it fundaMENTAL and eleMENTAL. This presentation is EXTREME on visuals.
In this presentation Karen Elkins takes you on a visual journey though a myriad of disciplines and shows you the interconnectedness within the universe – micro to macro – man, machine and the matrix.
Because she is the editor, researching and designer of Science to Sage E-Magazine, and has produced over 53 issue hosting the best in the world, she has images most have never seen. Her presentation shows riveting images of water most in the world have NEVER seen.
This is an excellent follow up to The Universal Medium, which covers the Life Force enhancing benefits of the Lakhovsky MWO, which was originally meant to supplement the lack of Earth generated Life Force Energy in different areas.
In The Living Earth, Paul covers quite a few topics from the electrical sciences to spirituality. The presentation starts with defining consciousness and its relationship to The Universal Medium and how we can use this to co-create our world.
The relationship between the Earth and Sun is broken down in detail and is the basis of the Lifeforce Generating mechanism of The Living Earth.
The human lifeforce energy is discussed in detail and how many cultures have their own specific language to discuss it as well as the method used to intake this energy into our body for storage.
It is vitally important to understand how the intuitive and reasoning minds must work together to truly have wisdom and understanding in these topics and that many inner and outer world balances are a theme that runs throughout this presentation – in other words – BALANCE.
Paul then takes us on a journey into the basics of the fact that our Universe is electrical, which is not a new idea, but it still runs contrary to much of the conventional astro science. The capacitive nature of stars and living planets is all important when it comes to understanding life force generating mechanisms. Charged dielectric mediums and longitudinal wave propagation are the medium and energy of life.
Radiant energy is discussed in detail and how it plays into the Earth’s lifeforce generating mechanism. This is explained in simple terms so a background in the electrical sciences is not necessary. This presentation is for everybody.
Paul goes heavily into atmospheric electricity and our connection to it as well as the various conditions that assist or degrade the lifeforce or orgone creation process. Some of these natural processes are show in comparison to electrical component equivalents to make it easier to understand.
This presentation leads to us human beings being able to fully realize our potential and this entire process is augmented by enhancing our intake of the life force energy and enhancing these processes around us.
New Energy: The Linchpin to Unprecedented Change and the Emergence of a New Era by John Petersen
John Petersen forecasts that in the next 10 years, that we’ll have 80 times more advancements than we did in the past 100 years!
Each “quantum leap” throughout history is followed by another acceleration in knowledge and understanding that happens in one-tenth the time of the previous one.
If an equal amount of breakthroughs happen in a shorter period of time, that is a power increase. However, things are not only happening faster, there are more of them happening and simultaneously at a faster rate, so both POWER and ENERGY are increasing. This combination points to the fact that we are absolutely moving into times that are completely unprecedented!
Natural rhythms and solar cycles are covered in detail as are the two primary things that drive these natural cycles, which are revealed in the presentation. There are sources of energetic changes that we see in our world and in our lives and some of these arise from the influence of the center of our own galaxy, changes the Sun is experiencing, planetary positions and more.
We have been moving through an area of space within our galaxy that is influencing climate and other Earth changes, DNA and other possible areas. This is even backed by studies from the Russian Natural Academy of Sciences.
The Sun’s magnetic field is slowly weakening and has been for the last eighteen years and this trend is going to continue far past our lifetimes. As this field weakens as it is right now, more solar and cosmic energy is able to penetrate our atmosphere and influence life on Earth. Right now, the amount of cosmic rays that are penetrating our magnetosphere, the magnetic field that shields us from solar radiation, is at an all time high. What kind of influence do these cosmic rays have on life as we know it?
NASA and other organizations are starting to more openly admit that these cosmic and solar relationships with the Earth has more of an effect on our climate than was previously admitted.
It is interesting to note that the weakening of the Earth’s magnetic field can lead to a pole reversal and recently, it has been discovered and reported in mainstream news that the Earth’s magnetic field can flip within the single lifetime of a person – less than 100 years! That is much faster than was previously believed to be possible.
John Petersen also points out 5-6 specific individuals who are or were high ranking in their own respective fields or industries who have come forward to admit that UAP’s (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena) are real and that we have to do something about it. He also covers a bit about the Secret Space Program. This is not a new concept, but when you have someone with John’s background acknowledging this, it’s worth a second look. Reread his bio up above and you’ll have enough reason to give serious consideration to such a discussion.
Russian President Vladimir Putin admitted something that is possibly worse than nuclear weapons and John points this out. It was in the news, but hardly anyone noticed. And in the full context of where everything is going, it is remotely related to a new type of human being that is emerging.
You’re in for a real surprise when you see this presentation. Some things you will have heard of but quite a bit has not been pieced together so eloquently. John Petersen, the founder of the Arlington Institute, has a much wider frame of reference that most due to his extensive background and what he was able to share with us at the 2018 ESTC was a real gift. If you want to see a path that we are all walking whether we know it or not or whether we want to or not, it is happening and it is happening now.
Anatomy, Embryology, Phylogeny of the Acupuncture Meridians by Charles Bagley, M.D.
Buckminster Fuller said nature always finds the most efficient structure.
This presentation will outline the underlying geometric structure of the acupuncture meridian system. Energy plays off a structure. This will be more about structure than energy although the Daoist culture that created acupuncture has a lot to say about energy and consciousness. Conventional wisdom has asserted that there is no anatomical basis for acupuncture meridians. They are just some ethereal ancient Chinese “new age” theory.
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Evidence will be presented to show that not only is there detailed anatomical basis for meridians but the meridian patterns can be traced back at least 500 million years to the origin of vertebrate evolution and possibility beyond vertebrate evolution. The presence of the vertebrate meridian pattern in non-vertebrate animals suggests it may be one of those generic archetypal “efficient structures”.
The key to understanding the meridian pattern is recognizing that it is fundamentally vertical parallel lines which intersect horizontally to form a grid. Vertebrate evolution is also based on establishing a vertical body axis (the spine) which is divided into segments that control the horizontal territories in the body. The acupuncture grid follows this horizontal vertical pattern in the anatomy. While this pattern is genetically programmed by genes highly conserved in evolution, this paper will not address the molecular biology and focus on macroscopic anatomical patterns.
Additional evidence of similar meridian patterns in other non-vertebrate animal groups such as arthropods (insects, crustaceans) raises the question of whether meridians are a more generic archetypal life template. Following the meridians back to their early embryological origins raises another question of whether meridians guide embryo formation or are a result of the formative processes.
Division of the anatomy into Yang (back, head, skin/outside the body, extensor muscles/sympathetic nervous system function and Yin (front, internal organs, flexor muscles/parasympathetic nervous system function) divisions confirms the Daoist philosophy that is the basis of the meridian system.
This presentation is tailored to an audience that is not trained in medical school level anatomy.