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New Energy: The Linchpin to Unprecedented Change and the Emergence of a New Era by John Petersen

New Energy: The Linchpin to Unprecedented Change and the Emergence of a New Era by John Petersen
New Energy: The Linchpin to Unprecedented Change and the Emergence of a New Era by John Petersen

John Petersen forecasts that in the next 10 years, that we’ll have 80 times more advancements than we did in the past 100 years!

Each “quantum leap” throughout history is followed by another acceleration in knowledge and understanding that happens in one-tenth the time of the previous one.

If an equal amount of breakthroughs happen in a shorter period of time, that is a power increase. However, things are not only happening faster, there are more of them happening and simultaneously at a faster rate, so both POWER and ENERGY are increasing. This combination points to the fact that we are absolutely moving into times that are completely unprecedented!

Natural rhythms and solar cycles are covered in detail as are the two primary things that drive these natural cycles, which are revealed in the presentation. There are sources of energetic changes that we see in our world and in our lives and some of these arise from the influence of the center of our own galaxy, changes the Sun is experiencing, planetary positions and more.

We have been moving through an area of space within our galaxy that is influencing climate and other Earth changes, DNA and other possible areas. This is even backed by studies from the Russian Natural Academy of Sciences.

The Sun’s magnetic field is slowly weakening and has been for the last eighteen years and this trend is going to continue far past our lifetimes. As this field weakens as it is right now, more solar and cosmic energy is able to penetrate our atmosphere and influence life on Earth. Right now, the amount of cosmic rays that are penetrating our magnetosphere, the magnetic field that shields us from solar radiation, is at an all time high. What kind of influence do these cosmic rays have on life as we know it?

NASA and other organizations are starting to more openly admit that these cosmic and solar relationships with the Earth has more of an effect on our climate than was previously admitted.

It is interesting to note that the weakening of the Earth’s magnetic field can lead to a pole reversal and recently, it has been discovered and reported in mainstream news that the Earth’s magnetic field can flip within the single lifetime of a person – less than 100 years! That is much faster than was previously believed to be possible.

John Petersen also points out 5-6 specific individuals who are or were high ranking in their own respective fields or industries who have come forward to admit that UAP’s (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena) are real and that we have to do something about it. He also covers a bit about the Secret Space Program. This is not a new concept, but when you have someone with John’s background acknowledging this, it’s worth a second look. Reread his bio up above and you’ll have enough reason to give serious consideration to such a discussion.

Russian President Vladimir Putin admitted something that is possibly worse than nuclear weapons and John points this out. It was in the news, but hardly anyone noticed. And in the full context of where everything is going, it is remotely related to a new type of human being that is emerging.

You’re in for a real surprise when you see this presentation. Some things you will have heard of but quite a bit has not been pieced together so eloquently. John Petersen, the founder of the Arlington Institute, has a much wider frame of reference that most due to his extensive background and what he was able to share with us at the 2018 ESTC was a real gift. If you want to see a path that we are all walking whether we know it or not or whether we want to or not, it is happening and it is happening now.

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Anatomy, Embryology, Phylogeny of the Acupuncture Meridians by Charles Bagley, M.D.

Anatomy, Embryology, Phylogeny of the Acupuncture Meridians by Charles Bagley, M.D.
Anatomy, Embryology, Phylogeny of the Acupuncture Meridians by Charles Bagley, M.D.

Buckminster Fuller said nature always finds the most efficient structure.

This presentation will outline the underlying geometric structure of the acupuncture meridian system. Energy plays off a structure. This will be more about structure than energy although the Daoist culture that created acupuncture has a lot to say about energy and consciousness. Conventional wisdom has asserted that there is no anatomical basis for acupuncture meridians. They are just some ethereal ancient Chinese “new age” theory.

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Evidence will be presented to show that not only is there detailed anatomical basis for meridians but the meridian patterns can be traced back at least 500 million years to the origin of vertebrate evolution and possibility beyond vertebrate evolution. The presence of the vertebrate meridian pattern in non-vertebrate animals suggests it may be one of those generic archetypal “efficient structures”.

The key to understanding the meridian pattern is recognizing that it is fundamentally vertical parallel lines which intersect horizontally to form a grid. Vertebrate evolution is also based on establishing a vertical body axis (the spine) which is divided into segments that control the horizontal territories in the body. The acupuncture grid follows this horizontal vertical pattern in the anatomy. While this pattern is genetically programmed by genes highly conserved in evolution, this paper will not address the molecular biology and focus on macroscopic anatomical patterns.

Additional evidence of similar meridian patterns in other non-vertebrate animal groups such as arthropods (insects, crustaceans) raises the question of whether meridians are a more generic archetypal life template. Following the meridians back to their early embryological origins raises another question of whether meridians guide embryo formation or are a result of the formative processes.

Division of the anatomy into Yang (back, head, skin/outside the body, extensor muscles/sympathetic nervous system function and Yin (front, internal organs, flexor muscles/parasympathetic nervous system function) divisions confirms the Daoist philosophy that is the basis of the meridian system.

This presentation is tailored to an audience that is not trained in medical school level anatomy.

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FRUITICULTURE: Planting a World to End Hunger, Poverty, Disease, Pollution & Wars

Don Weaver is a legend in the field of agriculture and was a co-author with John Hamaker in the groundbreaking book The Survival of Civilization. At that link, you can get that book for free in addition to other related books and docs.

Don just emailed me the link to this new book of his and I’m honored to be able to share it with you all.

FRUITICULTURE: Planting a World to End Hunger, Poverty, Disease, Pollution & Wars
FRUITICULTURE: Planting a World to End Hunger, Poverty, Disease, Pollution & Wars

This new ebook explains why the most natural and ecologically beneficial way of farming and regenerating our ailing planet, and of reversing disease and creating vibrantly healthy people, is the Fruiticulture way.

Fruiticulture gives the clear truth about human health and planetary ecology, and it reveals the foundational solutions toward regenerating the Earth in a most healthfully sustainable way. The authors demonstrate the veracity of environmentalist Dr. Vandana Shiva’s statement: “Regenerative agriculture provides answers to the soil crisis, the food crisis, the health crisis, the climate crisis and the crisis of democracy.”

Why Fruiticulture?
As humans are biologically, physiologically and anatomically best suited to a vegan, fruit-based diet, the Fruitarian Diet, and because fruit is the best source of carbohydrate fuel for our cells, and because well-grown fruits are nearly nutritionally complete, and because nothing tastes more delicious than luscious fruits, and because every species of animal that eats its natural biological diet does not experience the toxemic and degenerative disease that humans do (unless fed cooked food and exposed to chemical pollutants), and because fruit trees beautify and improve every aspect of our ecosphere, we will be wise to replace agricultural lands that are devoted to grain and livestock farming with fruit-centric agriculture: ”Fruiticulture.”

Fruiticulture Defined
Fruiticulture is a conscientious, civilized way of living in harmony with Nature, consonant with human’s natural dietetic character: frugivore. It is a culture of living reverentially, wholistically, symbiotically, synergistically, healthfully, and sustainably, employing biomimicry, diverse organic horticulture, and complementary “green” design practices, and establishing local and global communities and economies based on fruit, vegetable, nut and seed growing and eating. Fruiticulture is the most sustainable form of agriculture for our planet. Its method is planting the gamut of vegetable crops under and between diverse fruit and nut trees, employing site-generated green waste mulch, compost, worm castings and locally-sourced mineral-rich rock powder (rock dust) amendments as fertilizers. This naturally improves the fertility of the soil ecosystem, returning more to the soils than is removed, while sequestering CO2, reducing greenhouse gases, helping to stabilize the climate, regenerating the planet, and creating food forests of abundance. Farmers can collect the seeds of a portion of their fruit and vegetable crops and grow independently of seed suppliers. Food forests would enhance every aspect of life on planet Earth!

The Great Potential
Fruits, nuts and vegetables generally supply us with some 20 to 80 times as much food per cultivated acre than if we eat animals and animal products—and far more if Fruiticulture methods are employed. Fruit and nut trees will grow on rough and rocky mountainous and hilly areas that cannot otherwise be cultivated. Fruiticulture is feasible in all landscapes in non-polar regions, as Permaculture master Geoff Lawton has demonstrated time and time again. Fruiticulture food forests can be implemented not only at farms, but in all urban and suburban settings: from homes, to city and highway parkways, to school and hospital grounds, and all other green and empty spaces. These will feed and beautify our world, and improve air quality and everyone’s health. Hundreds of thousands of people have healed the gamut of diseases via the Fruitarian Diet; it saved co-author Dr. David Klein’s life in 1984, and his wife Annette Davidsson’s in 2005. By embracing Fruiticulture, the gains in human and animal health would be epic! As Geoff Lawton says: “You can solve all the world’s problems in a garden.”

Dr. Douglas Graham’s Thoughts
“David’s idea for writing Fruiticulture with Don is a grand slam homer, as it brings us all back to our naturally healthful ways of eating sweet and juicy fruit, to living in peace and harmony with Nature, to the nurturing embrace of Hygiea, the goddess of health—enabling us to live long and healthy lives by giving humanity and our planet the nurturing care it truly needs. I think Fruiticulture is the most important “planetary healers manual” since Viktoras Kulvinskas’s seminal Survival Into the 21st Century book of 1975, and sharing Fruiticulture may be the single most important thing you ever do for your loved ones.”

The Authors’ Hopes
The authors hope that Fruiticulture is shared widely, read by millions of Earth lovers, and it sparks the greatest of all revolutions…for the love of life and all we hold dear and sacred on our planet.

* * *

“Fruiticulture is an incredible compendium of what we should be doing for our bodies, our cultures and out planet. Simply put, it’s a guide to do what’s right.” -Ken Love, Executive Director of Hawaii Tropical Fruit Growers

* * *


Dedications – David Klein, Ph.D.
Foreword – Dr. Douglas Graham
Introduction – David Klein, Ph.D., Jesse Krebs, Ph.D. & Don Weaver

Pathologies of Modern Diets – David Klein, Ph.D., Dr. T. C. Fry & Wes Peterson, ND
Homo Sapiens the Frugivore – David Klein, Ph.D., Dr. T. C. Fry  & Dr. Douglas Graham
The Fruitarian Diet – David Klein, Ph.D. & Dr. T. C. Fry

Ecological Effects of Modern Agriculture & Diets – David Klein, Ph.D.
Rebalancing the Atmosphere by Rebuilding Soil Carbon – Center for Food Safety
Regenerative-Biological Agriculture – Gerry Ross, Ph.D.
Whole Life Systems Depend on Healthy Soil – Don Weaver
Soil Remineralization – Don Weaver
The Most Ecologically Positive Diet: How the Raw-Fruitarian Diet Can Regenerate the Earth – Don Weaver

Fruiticulture – David Klein, Ph.D.
No More Hunger, Poverty, Disease, Pollution, Wars – David Klein, Ph.D.

Earth’s Health is in Our Hands – Don Weaver
Planting Your Home Orchard – Don Weaver
The Time is Ripe to Join & Lead – Don Weaver & David Klein, Ph.D.

Appendix A – Hua Nui
Appendix B – Earth Regeneration Centers
Appendix C – Statistics Compiled by EarthSave
Appendix D – Resources
Appendix E – About the Authors


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Take Back Your Power by Josh Del Sol * FREE FULL VERSION *

Take Back Your Power by Josh Del Sol
Take Back Your Power by Josh Del Sol

The award-winning documentary TAKE BACK YOUR POWER 2017 uncovers the shocking story behind why hundreds of local governments and millions of ratepayers are standing against the multi-billion dollar rollout of ‘smart’ utility meters. Take a journey of revelation, examining evidence of in-home surveillance, hundreds of home fires and several fatalities, systemic over-billing, health risks, unprecedented hacking vulnerability, and even extortion.

The insightful and often astounding new material in this 2017 final cut exposes the agenda behind smart meters with even more clarity. And the way to solution is also opened, as the forthcoming sequel – the InPower Movement – is introduced.

With compelling insight from whistleblowers, government agents, lawyers, doctors, researchers and environmentalists, Josh del Sol’s TAKE BACK YOUR POWER investigates the claimed benefits and emerging risks of a profit-based global initiative that seeks to change the way we live. What you’ll discover will surprise, unsettle and ultimately empower you.

WINNER: Leo Award, Best Feature Documentary Program in British Columbia
WINNER: AwareGuide Transformational Film of the Year
WINNER: IndieFest Annual Humanitarian Award
WINNER: NaturalHealth365 Film Of The Year


If you haven’t seen it yet, this final cut has 20% new content since the original release, and is a streamlined 83 minutes. My two favorite new segments are Dr. Timothy Schoechle, and the crazy-blatant admissions by utilities of their illegal and unlawful conduct.

I’ve also got a new article on GreenMedInfo about ‘smart’ meters, 5G and the bigger picture, which also includes a brand new EMF guide that I’ll tell you more about soon – if you haven’t seen it yet. GreenMedInfo and its founder Sayer Ji are doing amazing work.

I’m grateful to finally be able to release TBYP on YouTube, with no strings attached. Could you help get the word out? If we can have large outlets share the film it would really help.

Onward we go. 🙂

Josh del Sol Beaulieu
Creator, Take Back Your Power
Co-founding Ambassador, InPower Movement


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Self-Recharging Battery Supply of Carlos F. Benitez by Peter Lindemann, D.Sc.

The Self-Recharging Battery Supply of Carlos F. Benitez by Peter Lindemann, D.Sc.
The Self-Recharging Battery Supply of Carlos F. Benitez by Peter Lindemann, D.Sc.

NOTE: This machine was demonstrated at the 2018 Energy Science & Technology Conference (ESTC) but there was no formal presentation. It was only explained to attendees who were interested enough to ask Peter Lindemann questions about it back in the vendor/demo room. This machine is a very small powered demonstration, but proves the point and kept itself charged up all weekend while running a motor/generator. This EXACT circuit from 100 years ago is the foundation for several well-known circuits that have been taught by John Bedini and others over the years – you are being handed the origin of where much of it came from.

Between 1915 and 1918, Carlos F. Benitez was issued 4 British Patents on a “System for the Generation of Electric Currents.” It was the early days of the “electrical era” and many experimenters were claiming new ways to produce useful electrical effects. But this was different. Benitez was claiming to be able to run light bulbs and motors from batteries that never needed to be re-charged from a conventional, external source.

By this time, the Laws of Thermodynamics had become widely taught, and so most electrical engineers did not take these claims seriously. Even today, 99% of scientists and engineers believe this is impossible, under any circumstances.

Here’s why: Classic electrical theory assumes that when a load is operated in the manner shown here, the load RL receives ½ of the power provided by the 12 volt supply, and the 6 volt battery wired in reverse receives the other half as a charging effect. Since the battery being charged only receives ½ of the energy supplied by the source, rotating the batteries back and forth runs them all down in a conventional manner.

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So, it is curious to find this quote in one of Benitez’s Patents:

“Obviously the current furnished by the discharge of battery 1-2 alone, would produce a smaller charge in batteries 3-4, if some extra energy were not added to the normal output of said battery 1-2. With this object in view any of the known methods for the generation of high frequency currents, as well as those described in the aforementioned English Patents, can be employed in conjunction with said batteries, in order to provide that complementary energy, and in this manner it is always possible to charge and discharge alternately each battery from one to the other, maintaining constant a storage of electricity and producing furthermore an excess of electrical energy.”

On the Patents, Benitez is referred to as a civil engineer, living in Guadalajara, Mexico. So, while he may not have been earning his living in the electrical sciences, he certainly was familiar with both classic electrical theory and the benefits of his discoveries!

For any honest student, the questions become: Was Benitez mistaken, or did he discover something important? And if so, HOW is this possible??

Benitez was issued 4 Patents, and each one describes a different circuitry and method to accomplish the objects of the invention, which included running external loads AND returning the electrical source to its initial state of charge simultaneously. Since there was no dispute about how much energy was being dissipated by running the loads, the following conclusion may be drawn:

Benitez discovered that it was possible to return a battery to a higher energy state with fewer watt-hours delivered to it than classic electrical theory would predict, as long as that energy was applied to the battery under the correct conditions and in the proper manner.

Today, we would describe this as the ability to charge a battery at a COP > 1.

As John Bedini always said, the “gain” showed up in the battery. The circuits themselves always operated at an efficiency below 100%.

If we assume that in the circuits that had two banks of batteries in them, the charging batteries were receiving about ½ of the energy provided by the run batteries, then the circuitry had to overcome the loss of running the loads and the loss of running the circuitry itself. In this instance, the system would have to be able to produce a charging effect in the receiving batteries equal to 2.2 times the watt-hours provided, or a charging COP > 2.2 for the system to self-sustain indefinitely.

So, the GOAL for an operating system is to attain a battery charging efficiency with a COP > 2.2!

That said, there are other ways to accomplish the goals of the invention, but “super-efficient” battery charging is definitely one of the ways. For students familiar with the work of John Bedini, this method is the best documented and published on, as well.

NOTE: This presentation gives you the EXACT schematic to replicate Peter Lindemann’s circuit that he demonstrated at the 2018 ESTC, operating theory, supporting diagrams and complete explanations of how to operate it. Also, there are multiple URL shortcuts inside the zip file that are highly relevant to this technology. Some are to other presentations and some are to specific discussions at Energetic Forum.

Get your copy now:

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Dancing with the Aether by Jeane Manning & Susan Manewich

Dancing with the Aether by Jeane Manning & Susan Manewich
Dancing with the Aether by Jeane Manning & Susan Manewich

This presentation starts with Jeane Manning who has the pulse of free energy technologies across the globe beyond most.

She will be sharing the basics of what the Aether is, the goal of cheap, clean energy available everywhere, why you don’t have to wait for exotic technologies and what path we are to take with this kind of abundance.

Some specific technologies are reviewed such as Tewari’s Homopolar Generator tested at 238%, an electric car that recharged itself in some tests in 2016, a water fuel technology that uses about 97% water and a small amount of fuel and it only requires about 170 milliamps at 24 volts, a few plasma technologies and the latest in LENR (cold fusion), and others.

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There is an exciting mention of a new book Jeane is co-authoring with Susan Manewich called Hidden Energy, which will be released in the fall of 2018!

Susan continues the presentation with another approach on the Aether that is a bit different from Jeane’s and it quite a match. Something very interesting and powerful is the data she shares from a relatively new study that has been ongoing for some time relating to the “Science of Consciousness and Contact.”

If you’ve ever wondered if spirit can influence inventors, you’re in for a surprise that is backed by multiple, highly-credentialed PhDs. You’ll also learn how the balance of Yin & Yang are crucial to breakthroughs and a serious update on the grassroots movement to support these technologies.

Some of these topics are highly controversial, but the data is insurmountable and is presented in a way that is balanced and objective. Susan worked with the late Dr. John Mack and she shares some of her experiences working in this most interesting field.

What does a member of The Monroe Institute, a former head of the US Psychotronics Association, a former Harvard Professor of Astrophysics and editor of the Journal of Cosmology and the late Dr. Edgar Mitchell have in common? Susan Manewich was intimately involved in organizing the data that they all collected based on surveys taken by thousands of people. By analyzing the data, a very revealing picture comes into view and it appears there is non-human intelligence that has been influencing developers of breakthrough technologies.

Susan also shares a never-before-seen interview with the late Guy Obolensky relating to the power of the mind. She was fortunate to have spent some time with him in his final days.

Towards the end of the presentation, Susan covers a very important topic on moral responsibility with free energy technologies as they are sacred and should be treated as such. A business model is shared that anyone can use and takes the above concept into consideration.

There are a fair amount of questions at the end that bring up many important points discussed throughout this presentation.

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Tewari Reactionless Generator (RLG) by Anupam Tewari

The Homopolar Generator has always been known to be able to deliver electricity without bogging down the prime mover and Faraday knew this 150 years ago!

Normal generators create a back-torque against the prime mover because of Lenz’s Law, which can be explained as an electromagnetic equal and opposite reaction, but this is completely circumvented in the Homopolar Generators.

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Bruce DePalma simplified and advanced this concept with his invention known as the N-Machine, which is a simple spinning permanent magnet or electromagnetic by tapping the shaft and the outer perimeter of the rotating magnet. Keep in mind this all works without any coils whatsoever! This is completely different from normal electromagnetic generators.

Later on Adam Trombly made improvements to Bruce DePalma’s methods and when he filed for a patent, the Pentagon served him with a gag order because they themselves apparently had been working on similar technology and many of you know the rest of the story. What they didn’t know was that the patent was also filed in Europe and somehow Paramahamsa Tewari who headed up India’s Nuclear Power Corporation (a really big deal in India) got his hands on the info.

Mr. Tewari worked on replicating Mr. Trombly’s work. So the story goes – Mr. Tewari measured how much water could be electrolyzed with a certain amount of electricity. However, when that same electricity powered the Tewari Reactionless Generator (RLG), the output electrolyzed water and he wound up with several times more freed up hydrogen. This defeated Faraday’s Law of Electrolysis by a few hundred percent and this led to more advancements and innovations on the RLG technology.

Over the years, Mr. Paramahamsa Tewari had continued working on his RLG machine and it has become one of the most tested free energy devices in the world showing at least 238% more electricity coming out of it than going in. This has been tested by very qualified individuals and organizations connected to various companies and universities and the goal is to get this out to the world to help solve the energy problem.

Unfortunately, Mr. Tewari passed away toward the end of 2017 but thankfully, his son Anupam Tewari is committed to keeping his father’s legacy alive and he was gracious enough to come to the 2018 Energy Science & Technology Conference to present on his father’s work.

This presentation serves as a perfect starting point for anyone who is not familiar with the Tewari RLG, where it comes from and the how Mr. Tewari’s Space Vortex Theory led him to the RLG. Even if you are familiar with the Tewari RLG, there is some history here that many are not aware of and this is coming straight from his son, Anupam, so is authoritative and historically correct.

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Conscious Intention, Water & Subtle Energy by Professor Robert Haralick

At the 2018 ESTC (Energy Science & Technology Conference), Professor Robert Haralick takes us deeper in the realm of subtle energies by showing exactly how he measured quantifiable changes in water that result from conscious intention alone. This is the companion presentation to the presentation from last year.

He also covers many important points about how the experimenter can influence the experiment on a level that goes above the common superficial understanding of this concept. This is taken to a higher level and suggestions are offered on how to clear the influence of intentions on the experiment in order to have cleaner or purer results.

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Prof. Haralick gives the exact components that he uses to measure changes in the impedance of water for the control or unaltered water in comparison to water that is subject to the influence of intention. The results are strikingly obvious – conscious intention alters how well water accepts or rejects the signal from an analyzer.

What this shows is how the intention possibly changed the bonding angles or other characteristics. Whatever the change may be, it is unmistakable that the water was indeed changed by consciousness alone.

Quite a few experiments are revealed by both graphs, Smith Charts, etc. and Prof. Haralick also reviews various “structured” water and how their boiling point is changed. The most altered appears to have lower boiling points indicating the possibility that the strength that the water molecules are holding hands has been reduced and this is a possible further indication that the surface tension has been reduced.

Various water technologies are also discussed as well as his personal experience meeting with the inventors.

If you have an interest in water and the effects of consciousness on it, this presentation is for you because you learn exactly how to measure the effects. Experimental protocols that actually work are not very well understood even by many water scientists, but this presentation lays it all out for you.

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Develop, Disrupt, Download by Ken Rochon

Ken Rochon of Big Events USA (BEU), was the event photographer for both 2016 and 2018 Energy Science & Technology Conference (ESTC).

His photography is stunning – you can see some 2018 ESTC pics here:

He not only takes amazing photos, he brings a lot of fun to the event and the below presentation is one example. If you need a good laugh and a good message, watch this!


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The letter on Eric’s recent presentation page has been changed. We were waiting for this report and only just now have it available. Whether you have this presentation or not, READ THIS!! If that doesn’t make you concerned about what the grid has become, then nothing will.

Share this far and wide!

Anyone who does have this presentation by Sunday will be invited to a LIVE CALL with Eric Dollard (by email) to ask questions and discuss this very important topic.