Don Weaver is a legend in the field of agriculture and was a co-author with John Hamaker in the groundbreaking book The Survival of Civilization. At that link, you can get that book for free in addition to other related books and docs.
Don just emailed me the link to this new book of his and I’m honored to be able to share it with you all.

This new ebook explains why the most natural and ecologically beneficial way of farming and regenerating our ailing planet, and of reversing disease and creating vibrantly healthy people, is the Fruiticulture way.
Fruiticulture gives the clear truth about human health and planetary ecology, and it reveals the foundational solutions toward regenerating the Earth in a most healthfully sustainable way. The authors demonstrate the veracity of environmentalist Dr. Vandana Shiva’s statement: “Regenerative agriculture provides answers to the soil crisis, the food crisis, the health crisis, the climate crisis and the crisis of democracy.”
Why Fruiticulture?
As humans are biologically, physiologically and anatomically best suited to a vegan, fruit-based diet, the Fruitarian Diet, and because fruit is the best source of carbohydrate fuel for our cells, and because well-grown fruits are nearly nutritionally complete, and because nothing tastes more delicious than luscious fruits, and because every species of animal that eats its natural biological diet does not experience the toxemic and degenerative disease that humans do (unless fed cooked food and exposed to chemical pollutants), and because fruit trees beautify and improve every aspect of our ecosphere, we will be wise to replace agricultural lands that are devoted to grain and livestock farming with fruit-centric agriculture: ”Fruiticulture.”
Fruiticulture Defined
Fruiticulture is a conscientious, civilized way of living in harmony with Nature, consonant with human’s natural dietetic character: frugivore. It is a culture of living reverentially, wholistically, symbiotically, synergistically, healthfully, and sustainably, employing biomimicry, diverse organic horticulture, and complementary “green” design practices, and establishing local and global communities and economies based on fruit, vegetable, nut and seed growing and eating. Fruiticulture is the most sustainable form of agriculture for our planet. Its method is planting the gamut of vegetable crops under and between diverse fruit and nut trees, employing site-generated green waste mulch, compost, worm castings and locally-sourced mineral-rich rock powder (rock dust) amendments as fertilizers. This naturally improves the fertility of the soil ecosystem, returning more to the soils than is removed, while sequestering CO2, reducing greenhouse gases, helping to stabilize the climate, regenerating the planet, and creating food forests of abundance. Farmers can collect the seeds of a portion of their fruit and vegetable crops and grow independently of seed suppliers. Food forests would enhance every aspect of life on planet Earth!
The Great Potential
Fruits, nuts and vegetables generally supply us with some 20 to 80 times as much food per cultivated acre than if we eat animals and animal products—and far more if Fruiticulture methods are employed. Fruit and nut trees will grow on rough and rocky mountainous and hilly areas that cannot otherwise be cultivated. Fruiticulture is feasible in all landscapes in non-polar regions, as Permaculture master Geoff Lawton has demonstrated time and time again. Fruiticulture food forests can be implemented not only at farms, but in all urban and suburban settings: from homes, to city and highway parkways, to school and hospital grounds, and all other green and empty spaces. These will feed and beautify our world, and improve air quality and everyone’s health. Hundreds of thousands of people have healed the gamut of diseases via the Fruitarian Diet; it saved co-author Dr. David Klein’s life in 1984, and his wife Annette Davidsson’s in 2005. By embracing Fruiticulture, the gains in human and animal health would be epic! As Geoff Lawton says: “You can solve all the world’s problems in a garden.”
Dr. Douglas Graham’s Thoughts
“David’s idea for writing Fruiticulture with Don is a grand slam homer, as it brings us all back to our naturally healthful ways of eating sweet and juicy fruit, to living in peace and harmony with Nature, to the nurturing embrace of Hygiea, the goddess of health—enabling us to live long and healthy lives by giving humanity and our planet the nurturing care it truly needs. I think Fruiticulture is the most important “planetary healers manual” since Viktoras Kulvinskas’s seminal Survival Into the 21st Century book of 1975, and sharing Fruiticulture may be the single most important thing you ever do for your loved ones.”
The Authors’ Hopes
The authors hope that Fruiticulture is shared widely, read by millions of Earth lovers, and it sparks the greatest of all revolutions…for the love of life and all we hold dear and sacred on our planet.
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“Fruiticulture is an incredible compendium of what we should be doing for our bodies, our cultures and out planet. Simply put, it’s a guide to do what’s right.” -Ken Love, Executive Director of Hawaii Tropical Fruit Growers
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Dedications – David Klein, Ph.D.
Foreword – Dr. Douglas Graham
Introduction – David Klein, Ph.D., Jesse Krebs, Ph.D. & Don Weaver
Pathologies of Modern Diets – David Klein, Ph.D., Dr. T. C. Fry & Wes Peterson, ND
Homo Sapiens the Frugivore – David Klein, Ph.D., Dr. T. C. Fry & Dr. Douglas Graham
The Fruitarian Diet – David Klein, Ph.D. & Dr. T. C. Fry
Ecological Effects of Modern Agriculture & Diets – David Klein, Ph.D.
Rebalancing the Atmosphere by Rebuilding Soil Carbon – Center for Food Safety
Regenerative-Biological Agriculture – Gerry Ross, Ph.D.
Whole Life Systems Depend on Healthy Soil – Don Weaver
Soil Remineralization – Don Weaver
The Most Ecologically Positive Diet: How the Raw-Fruitarian Diet Can Regenerate the Earth – Don Weaver
Fruiticulture – David Klein, Ph.D.
No More Hunger, Poverty, Disease, Pollution, Wars – David Klein, Ph.D.
Earth’s Health is in Our Hands – Don Weaver
Planting Your Home Orchard – Don Weaver
The Time is Ripe to Join & Lead – Don Weaver & David Klein, Ph.D.
Appendix A – Hua Nui
Appendix B – Earth Regeneration Centers
Appendix C – Statistics Compiled by EarthSave
Appendix D – Resources
Appendix E – About the Authors