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Bob Teal – Magnipulsion, his Grandson comments

For a number of years, I’ve been in contact with Bob Teal’s grandson. Bob Teal invented the Magnipulsion Engine, which was the inspiration for my Scotch Yoke motor:

Here are his latest comments:

“Aaron, thanks for sending this, it was great to learn more about what my Grandfather was doing. As I mentioned when we spoke many years ago, I remember mowing the lawn with a mower with his engine on it. It must have been in 1979-80 as he showed me his new patents (which you have shown here) and was trying to describe how it was better than his first engine. The ONE thing I remember from our talks was that he said his patents were almost complete, but not enough for anyone to ever replicate it and I believe he even said he put a couple of things in there to throw people off so they couldn’t make it. But it is sad he was so un-trusting and would actually help build on his project with others. I wish I had the money at the time after he passed away, to have someone get the engine and send it to me in California. I would have no problem of sharing that with you as I would just like to see something come of it. So I am VERY excited to see if you can make something similar happen. I wish you all the luck and please keep me updated as to how you progress.

A little more info for you, when he was in the Coast Guard, he was an electronics genius and would work on various projects for them. He mentioned to me at one time of developing a space missile based on magnetics, that would launch missiles from a satellite. He also mentioned working on an atomic bomb and was present for various tests. One thing I actually saw, was a “gun” that shot “liquid” electricity (the way he explained it to me). I remember his shooting this “gun” at his fence in the backyard of his home in St Cloud, and the fence sparked when the “liquid electricity” hit it. He also gave me a box he developed that I could plug a light into it and I could physically hold the light under water with bare wires exposed, and have the box plugged into the wall. I was supposed to use it for my science fair at school, but my teachers wouldn’t let me use it. Another thing he developed was the “Electreat” which was a box he made for several of his friends which had a pair of “tongs” with metal pieces at the end that you would clamp around your finger with arthritis and it would help reduce the inflammation and pain associated with arthritis. As you can see he was very busy working on various projects all of the time, and yes, one of his loves was science fiction writing. I may still have one of his stories in storage somewhere, along with a book of poems he wrote! Heh!

Thanks again!”
For more information on Bob Teal’s technology go here:
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RPX Label Design Winner

Thank you to everyone who participated in the Bedini RPX Sideband Generator label design contest as described here:

We want to share the top 3 picks out of all the entries so you can see the wide range of creativity and talent that went into them.

The winner of the contest is Simon D. (dR_Green) of Wales – here is his entry:

The next runner ups are Mike K. (Washington state) below:

and Andy S. ( Macau) below:

Simon will receive a free Bedini RPX 3.1MHz Sideband Generator unit and Mike and Andy will each receive any two digital download packages of their choice.

Thank you to everyone else for participating!

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Win a Free RPX Sideband Generator



Here is what it looks like right now:

Bedini RPX Sideband Generator
Bedini RPX Sideband Generator

We are going to have the label printed right onto the black PVC case instead of using a sticker. We are leaning towards a black background, but we want your ideas!

Here are the graphics guidelines:

Printing: Offers full-color printing on most surfaces. In the unlikely event a surface is not eligible for full-color printing, they can pad print. Vector based artwork is required for printing. This includes, but is not limited to, Adobe Illustrator, Corel Draw, and .pdf or .eps files.

Ink Colors: Colors will be printed per your electronic artwork file. Artwork should be designed for the CMYK color space. If a PMS color value is requested, the CMYK equivalent will be printed. There may be a color shift in the process depending on the specific spot color.  Black, red, and white ink is available for keypad printing. 

The dimensions for the image that you submit must be 3.875 inches wide and 2 inches tall. It must be 1200 DPI. Of course if it is vectorized, we can adjust the dimensions slightly if needed.  EPS is our primary choice for the format.

The primary text we want on the label is: RPX

Secondarily, it can also have: 3.1 Mhz Sideband Generator

You can decide if the electrode and pumpwave, battery input and audio input text is necessary – or if there is a way for you to make it look good.

We are accepting submissions in 1, 2 or 3 colors or even full color. If you can submit your design idea in all 4 of those, that is the most helpful.

If you use some kind of “frequency” or other background image from i-stock photo for example and your submission wins, we will go purchase the license fee for the graphic – just keep the link of what background image you used.

You can look at this video to get an idea of what the waveform looks like with the sidebands in case you want to design your own waveform based on the real waveform:

If your submissions wins, the copyright will be owned by A & P Electronic Media as this is to be considered a “work for hire” and will be free of any royalties.

If the graphic is larger than 10mb, please upload it to Dropbox and send us the link – or email it directly if it is small enough to: info@ (put the domain name for this website).

The deadline for submissions is February 7th, this coming Tuesday. This is only a few days because we hope to have the new label on the next production run of units.

For more info about this unit, visit:

Thank you and good luck!


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CIA Releases Documents

Not too long ago, the CIA made tens of thousands of documents available online. These were available to the public only in person at an archive, until now.

Many are from the Cold War era, etc. but surprisingly, there are many that are related to science, thermodynamics, remote viewing and other related topics.

For example, here is one declassified document from way back discussing “Scalar Waves” – and this doesn’ t mean their documents are authoritative or even accurate, but they are at least easily obtainable. It is interesting to see what was considered to be so important that it was classified at one time.

For example, here is a document on Scalar Waves –

Here is one on remote viewing: this method was developed at Stanford Research Institute and was used to train people how to collect data on remote locations, activities, people, etc. using nothing more than a pen, paper and an innate “psychic” ability to bi-locate the awareness to the remote location and document in writing what is there.

Here is the main search site – see what you can dig up!

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Top 10 Most Popular Forum Posts

These are ALL TIME and not just 2016  – also, the most read aren’t the most active. We’ll post both the top 10 most viewed and the top 10 most posted, which shows what most people are involved in.

This is for BOTH Energetic Forum and Energy Science Forum.


  1. Donald Smith Devices too good to be true
  2. My Asymmetric Electrodynamic Machines
  3. How to turn plastic waste into diesel fuel cheaply
  4. The Golden Tractate of Hermes Trismegistus applied to electromagnetism
  5. Use for the Tesla Switch
  6. The American Ruling Class
  7. Water Sparkplug
  8. Gray Tube Replication
  9. Bedini Earth Light
  10. Free Energy At Last Step By Step Must See


  1. Donald Smith Devices too good to be true
  2. My Asymmetric Electrodynamic Machines
  3. The American Ruling Class
  4. Bedini Earth Light
  5. How to turn plastic waste into diesel fuel cheaply
  6. Use for the Tesla Switch
  7. COP 17 Heater | Rosemary Ainslie
  8. 3 Battery Generating System
  9. Gray Tube Replication
  10. Water Sparkplug



  1. Plasma Ignition | Plasma Jet Ignition
  2. How to Make a Bedini Crystal Battery
  3. The SG Radiant Oscillator
  4. Branch’s SSG Build
  5. Design for Windpower per John’s DVD Number 25
  6. Dr Robert Beck
  7. The Ultimate Cap Dump
  8. The 3d Monopole Coil How To Build
  9. Four Wave Mixing
  10. Complete Bedini SG Book!


  1. Plasma Ignition | Plasma Jet Ignition
  2. How to Make a Bedini Crystal Battery
  3. Dr Robert Beck
  4. The 3d Monopole Coil How To Build
  5. Branch’s SSG Build
  6. The SG Radiant Oscillator
  7. The Ultimate Cap Dump
  8. Dissecting Erfinder’s comments
  9. Design for Windpower per John’s DVD Number 25
  10. A few newbie questions.


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2016 Top 10 Most Popular Blog Posts

2016 Top 10 Most Popular Blog Posts

Stan Meyer’s REAL Original Water Fuel Method
John Bedini – You will be missed!
Wind Power in less than 1 MPH
Primeval Code
13 Year Old Harvests Electricity from Air
Tesla’s Self-Acting Engine?
Cold Incandescent Light Bulbs?
A Water Bottle that Fills Itself
MIT Reverses Alzheimer’s with 40Hz Blinking Lights?
Lossless Electric Current

Share this list with the buttons below!

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Peter Lindemann Announces Retirement

Peter Lindemann
Peter Lindemann

Peter Lindemann has announced his retirement from the field of Free Energy. He was a board member of the legendary Borderland Sciences Research Foundation, has authored and produced many books and presentation on a wide range of alternative energy and science topics, and was co-founder of both A & P Electronic Media and the Energy Science and Technology Conference originally called the Bedini-Lindemann Science & Technology Conference.

Peter is one of a handful of friends and mentors that have been very instrumental in my own knowledge and understanding of this field and for about 7 years, we build A & P Electronic Media together, which many consider to be the most important and definitive library of material on free energy, which is explained by open system thermodynamics.
Please read Peter’s retirement announcement as this marks a turning point for all of us who have been following this field for years. Peter Lindemann is truly one of the last pioneers of the modern-day Tesla Science & Free Energy movement and we wish him well on his new path!
This is reposted from this link: If you would like to post a response, you can do that at  Energeic Forum or you can leave a comment at the bottom.
Thank You, and Farewell

Dear Forum Participants,

This will be my last, planned post to this forum, or any other public forum. As of December 31, 2016, I am announcing my formal retirement from the field of “advanced alternative energy” research and any public role that I may have played over the last 20 years. After this date, I have no more plans to speak at any future conferences or publish any other books or lectures concerning this subject matter. My website at Free Energy will remain available as a teaching tool for the foreseeable future, but may not be up-dated very much from this point on.

In a few months, I’ll be 66 years old. I have been involved in this field for 43 years, ever since 1973, when I first learned of Ed Gray’s remarkable electric engine that kept its own batteries charged. In that time, I have had the astonishing privilege of studying under, becoming friends with, and making significant contributions to the work of five extraordinary gentlemen: Bruce E. DePalma, Robert G. Adams, Trevor James Constable, David R. Squires, and John C. Bedini.

Each of these men had a towering intellect and an insatiable drive to gift humanity with the fruit of their creative genius. Each of them succeeded because they were skilled experimentalists, honest critics of their own work, and because they were willing to publish significant portions of their scientific discoveries.

And now, each of them has departed this world. Their work here is over. Three of them died just this year. Starting in the 1980s, as a group, we set out to publish enough information about the “free energy” technologies to make sure they could never be suppressed again. At this point, I believe that goal has been accomplished, and therefore my public work in this field is done, as well. This process will continue in the able hands of the younger generation, and so I can bow out now without disturbing that progress.

People close to me know that I have been slowly moving in this direction for a number of years. John’s unexpected death last month gave me an opportunity to reassess my priorities and refocus my attention on other activities that are also very meaningful to me. So, starting in 2017, I plan to give my full attention to these other pursuits.

If you are reading this, Thank You for contributing to my life. If you were a Supporter, thank you for your support. I hope my work has encouraged your own efforts. If you were a Skeptic, thank you for your skepticism. I hope my efforts gave you fresh reasons to question your knowledge base, even as your skepticism gave me fresh reasons to re-examine mine. If you were a Naysayer, thank you for trying to “save me” from a fantasy you were sure I was trapped in. I appreciate your good will and noble intentions, even if I was not always polite about it!

Everyone of you has enriched my experience of being involved in this field in some way. But over the years, my motivations for staying involved have changed tremendously. In the last 43 years, I have experienced being the Novice, the Naysayer, the Skeptic, the Experimenter, the Student, the Discoverer, the Historian, the Author, the Educator, and the Expert! I actually didn’t try to BE any of these things. I just wanted to know the Truth about certain anomalous inventions, and in general, about all the different ways Nature is willing to provide useful energy. So, no matter where you are on this path, I was right where you are now at some point in my evolution.

What I discovered is that Truth is only found in Philosophy and Religion, but NOT in Science. In Science, all we can find are the FACTS, and how those facts have been INTERPRETED and REPORTED throughout history!

Correctly used, Science is a “formal method on inquiry.” Science is not an “intellectual model of reality” or even a “world view.” Attempting to make it function that way is like using “science” as a pair of sunglasses, which can only limit the number of frequencies of reality presented for you to see. Never get trapped in that imaginary place where you believe that “science” can describe all valuable experiences. It cannot weigh or measure by any known metric the importance of your Mother’s Love or the power that can be unleashed by generosity or kindness. Science has a proper place in society, but its role for the real benefit of the Scientist is quite limited. Here, Philosophy is more important.

This is why, up until about 125 years ago, becoming a Natural Philosopher was the highest possible attainment in the field of science. “Physics” started as the study of the physical world, and that was the study of the behavior of Nature. Imitating Nature allowed technology to develop. Understanding WHAT nature was doing, and HOW to mimic that action with “man-made” means, was the beginning of Invention. Ultimately, this lead to a deeper study of WHY Nature did what it did, and this inquiry developed into a Philosophical observation and contemplation of the behavior of the Natural World.

To be a Natural Philosopher was to recognize one’s own embeddedness in the Natural World one was studying, and to participate with the higher Philosophy of Nature as a guide to one’s own behavior and discovery process. This understanding of the origin of discovery is why John and I would always say “the machine is the teacher.” This whole “natural educational process” has been replaced with University Degrees and a “Theoretical Physics” that has become divorced from the need to run a “reality check” on itself. This has left today’s science as an empty shell of what it used to be and what it must once again become in a more enlightened future. Today’s society uses science to serve people up as a commodity in the economy to be exploited, whereas some future society will use science to serve human need and free people’s time for more creative pursuits.

Philosophically, this is what I found. The facts of science are on your WORK BENCH. Your interpretations of these facts are in your MIND, characterized by the accuracy of your observations and by the imperfections in your mental model of reality. The reports of your interpretations are in these FORUMS and other records, a full two steps removed from the facts. This is why if you don’t build and run the experiment yourself, you are left with believing someone else’s interpretations and you cut yourself off from the opportunity to pick up on the trail of discovery left by earlier experimenters. As long as you discipline yourself to never confuse these things, the one from the other, you have begun your own genuine discovery process.

In the end, you must believe in yourself and you must earn your own deepest self-respect through honesty, integrity, and clarity. These aspects are not a part of Science, but they must become a part of each Scientist who aspires to do Science well. If you do this, if you let life integrate you at the core of your being, you will discover your way of finding everything you will ever look for.

I believe in you. Thank you for carrying on where I now leave off.


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MIT Reverses Alzheimer’s with 40Hz Blinking Lights?

At MIT, researchers found that pulsing lights at 40 cycles per second at mice that are genetically engineered to develop alzheimer’s have a significant reduction in the beta amaloyd plaque that develops in their brain as well as having the right kind of cells stimulated that clean out this plaque.

This video covers the entire concept in a nutshell:

Here are a few excerpts from the article by MIT:

“After an hour of stimulation at 40 hertz, the researchers found a 40 to 50 percent reduction in the levels of beta amyloid proteins in the hippocampus.”

“Using this device, the researchers found that an hour of exposure to light flickering at 40 hertz enhanced gamma oscillations and reduced beta amyloid levels by half in the visual cortex of mice in the very early stages of Alzheimer’s. However, the proteins returned to their original levels within 24 hours.

The researchers then investigated whether a longer course of treatment could reduce amyloid plaques in mice with more advanced accumulation of amyloid plaques. After treating the mice for an hour a day for seven days, both plaques and free-floating amyloid were markedly reduced. The researchers are now trying to determine how long these effects last.”

“Tsai’s lab is now studying whether light can drive gamma oscillations in brain regions beyond the visual cortex, and preliminary data suggest that this is possible.”

Having 20 years experience with pulsed LED technologies and 25 years experience with brainwave modification techniques, light can indeed stimulate gamma wave activity in the brain beyond the visual cortex.

A mentor of mine had a IBVA (Interactive Brainwave Visual Analyzer) back in its early development and it could show brainwave activity visually on a laptop – this was almost 20 years ago. We did many experiments as many unusual human mind power feasts were accompanied by bursts of gamma wave activity in the brain.

Gamma wave have been known about for almost a century and stimulation of the brain with both sound and light in the gamma wave range has shown to reduce migraines, improve concentration, boost math scores and many other academic abilities in multiple areas.

These researchers at MIT appear to simply be pulsing a strip of white LED’s. To reduce the chances of damaging the eyes, it may be preferable to use a mix of red and infrared LEDs in the 660nm and 880nm range. Also, they could stimulate gamma waves in the brain pulsing the lights at one frequency in one eye and a frequency that is different in the other eye.

For example, if red light was pulsed in the right eye at 60 cycles per second and the left eye at 100 cycles per second, the corpus callosum (traffic director between both sides of the brain) will interpret a phantom frequency of the difference between them. Therefore, the entire brain will entrain itself to a frequency of 100 – 60 = 40Hz.

This can also be done with audio by putting a different frequency in each ear. This is called “binaural beats” and the same effect as the method above will happen only with audio. I’ve produced countless soundtracks over the last 10-15 years that entrain the brainwaves into whatever frequency desired.

The problem with all of these methods whether it is the simple flashing lights used at MIT or my differential method that I use is that none of these should be used by anyone who is prone to seizures.

Here is a soundtrack made of pink noise, similar to white noise but smoother, and on each channel, frequencies are embedded in order to stimulate a 40Hz gamma wave in the entire brain. This soundtrack was produced in a WAV format and is very high resolution. It was put into a WMV video to make it easy to access on YouTube.

It is 90 minutes long – the first 15 minutes ramps the brainwaves slowly from 12Hz to 40Hz. The next full 60 minutes maintains the brainwaves at 40Hz and then final 15 minutes slowly slides the brainwaves from 40Hz down to 12Hz.





It is 30 minutes long – the first 10 minutes ramps the brainwaves slowly from 12Hz to 40Hz. The next full 10 minutes maintains the brainwaves at 40Hz and then final 10 minutes slowly slides the brainwaves from 40Hz down to 12Hz.

If you want to try to download these YouTube videos or just the audio, check out some links on Google: we can’t provide help with this because there are too many computer setups, browser types, etc… but its usually done with a simple browser plugin.