On April 6, Moray King, Paul Babcock, Jim Murray, David Alzofon, myself and a few others were on The Other Side of Midnight, which is Richard Hoagland’s radio show. Walt Jenkins was the guest host.
That’s quite a few people for one show, but we all managed to contribute a bit.
Here is an interview of me by Greg Carlwood of Higherside Chats, a popular online podcast. The topic focuses on concepts from my presentation Hacking the Ather, which I gave at last year’s 2017 ESTC. This interview was on October 12, 2018.
Hacking the Aether is a simplified Unified Field Model that shows in a very simple way that any relativistic effects are caused by the aether, how the aether has been proven by Dayton Miller and Einstein admitted he had no confidence in his own work anymore, an interferometer experiment that shows the aether is moving from above towards the downward direction causing a gravitational push and many other concepts that are seamlessly tied together.
Ideomotor Effect, Uncovering the Mechanics of the Human Mind by Aaron Murakami
Years ago, I released A Course in Mind Power, which is a book on developing your intuition and perceptive powers as well as increasing synchronicities in your life. There are a lot more concepts that are shared from an experiential perspective but that is the basic gist. I share the most profound of all Qigong exercises out of thousands of styles that exist, Kundalini from the perspective of someone who has had about 10 very extreme spontaneous Kundalini risings and more.
Instead of simply being repackaged information that most “mind power gurus” are more than willing to offer you, this is based on my own personal experience. And unlike most books on mind power written by westerners, you will learn how to cultivate life force energy at a level that you have never imagined by increasing the capacitance of what your body can hold.
The Ideomotor Effect is but one part of A Course in Mind Power but is one of the most important that anyone can understand because once it is fully comprehended, it is easy to see that experiencing synchronicities has a biological basis for happening but nobody else is telling you this. It is also the underlying basis for downloading information directly from the collective – direct knowledge – and you will learn how to increase the accuracy of what you are perceiving from your “downloads.”
It goes much deeper than this and a lot of material is covered including the four primary areas of knowledge. Many people like to quote the idea that “we don’t know what we don’t know” but why do they never discuss the other three areas of knowledge?
Ingo Swann was the primary developer of Remove Viewing and a simple but profound statement of his was simply the fact that the first step to power was to expand one’s frame of reference. This is put into a context that will have you fully aware of what it means from many perspectives so that you know where you stand in relation to knowledge that you seek.
You will learn a very special application of neuro-physiology and how to get rid of subconscious noise so that the signal to noise ratio increases. Every single method used to predict things in the future including remote viewing has its basis in the Ideomotor Effect and A Course in Mind Power and this presentation are about the only places where you will ever learn this. The Ideomotor Effect is taught in some remote viewing methods, but it usually ends there. It will be obvious to you that it is behind everything – synchronicities, I-Ching, dowsing, etc.
I’ll show you some examples of my old practice remote viewing sessions and I think you’ll have to agree that they are profoundly accurate. Considering all the known possibilities of what an unknown target could be, the odds are absolutely astronomical that I could come this close to the target but it can be done over and over and over.
This is a science but is also an art and thankfully, it is repeatable and fairly predictable and anyone can learn it no matter how naturally intuitive they are.
I’ll include a copy of Rene Warcollier’s book Experimental Telepathy, which is the thesis that serves as the foundation for remote viewing, which was developed at Stanford Research Institute for the purposes of training special agents and military members how to be psychic spies since we learned that the Russians were using psychic spies against us.
You’ll also receive a copy of the full manual developed at Stanford Research Institute, which was originally called Coordinate Remove Viewing (CRV) – that was the protocols that were taught to members in the Defense Intelligence Agency, the Army, etc.
A six page document from the CIA discussion CRV is very interesting and you will see where the movie The Matrix got the term matrix from. It is a direct reference to the collective where all information in the past, present and future lies.
In case you want to further your study on these topics, a 50% off coupon code is included in a PDF for A Course in Mind Power, Lessons in Advanced Perception and Hacking the Aether. The last one isn’t about mind power, but is related to our relationship with time and space and I believe is so important that most people need to study it.
I think you will find this presentation unique and interesting but also very helpful and practical and it is certainly a must have for any mind power enthusiast who wants to increase their intuitive powers and gain most mastery over their mind and body.
Electrocuture if over 270 years old and is the science of using high voltage to influence the growth of plants. Plants grow faster, stronger, need less nutrients, pesticides and other additives. Many of these methods are to simulate the Earth’s natural dielectric field that exists between the ground and the ionosphere.
Throughout almost three-hundred years of experiments, field trials, stringent academic research, etc. it has become indisputable that simply using electrostatic potential can drastically alter how plants grow.
Another benefit is that if only high voltage potential is used, current is not flowing so it does energy is not expended on the plant. The only energy loss is in the transformer’s magnetizing losses in order to create the high voltage field. It is a true free-energy technology because the increase in growth in the plants is way more than the energy expended to treat them.
In the last 1980’s and early 1990’s, a large pharmaceutical giant had some scientists on their team that were experimenting with high voltage fields on cells and no matter how the cells were deprived of light, oxygen, nutrients, etc. they continued to thrive as long as they were exposed to high voltage fields.
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That was the inspiration to move into other experiments where germinating seeds and fertilized fish eggs were treated and something very unexpected happened. Growth not only increased, but the gene expression changed!
When corn seeds were treated, they went on to grow corn that had 5-12 ears of corn per plant!
When fern spores were treated, they grew into a fern that had been extinct for over 1 MILLION YEARS! Top image is the normal fern you seen today. The one below that is what grew after the treatment and fossil evidence shows that the non-micro serrated fern leaves have not been in existence for over 1 Million years!
When wheat was treated, it grew “SUPERWHEAT” that was ready to harvests in 4 weeks rather than 6-7 months!!! The ears were smaller, but there were more per plant. That is about 650% FASTER than normal wheat and it is stronger, more nutrient rich, more disease and pest resistant, etc.
When trout eggs were treated, trout hatched that had “Salmon Hooks”, which had not been seen on this trout for over 150 years since they had been extinct! The one on the left is the normal trout of today. The one on the right is what hatched after eggs from the type on the left were treated. They grew “Salmon Hooks”, grew about 30% bigger, 30% faster, were more disease resistant, were stronger and more aggressive swimmers, etc.
The video excerpt below does not go into this amazing and unusual but highly beneficial effect, but is but a small sample of what is discussed in this presentation.
GMO (Genetically Modified Organisms) promises to feed the world, have more disease and pest resistant plants, more abundant harvests, etc. but the empirical evidence is that it is Pandora’s box where none of these benefits are realized long term and they are causing environmental and financial catastrophes all over the world. This is why so many countries are banning GMO seed crops because it isn’t speculation, it is fact that GMO plants are dangerous, cause cancer, among countless other negative effects.
High Voltage seed treatment simply supplies the potential for germinating seeds (or eggs) to access the dormant genetics that are ALREADY inside the DNA. Therefore, no genes are changed, the potential is there to simply access the genetic programming that nature itself has built into the plants.
The potential is for larger and faster harvests with higher quality food, less fertilizers and little to no herbicides or pesticides. And, for the fact that it takes almost no energy to accomplish these amazing benefits, we could very well be on our way to abundant food production for the entire world without crossing the danger zone that GMOs are known for.
Richard Syrett welcomes an inventor and founder of an annual alternative energy conference to discuss the power of the mind and the physics behind synchronicity.
GUEST: Aaron Murakami is an inventor from Spokane, Washington. He has posted many gigabytes of free information in the Energetic Forum for many years. which includes his work on plasma ignition, the “Gray Tube”, water fuel cell technology and others. He is also a founder of the Energetic Forum and Energy Science Forum, which has a combined membership of over 150,000 and is the primary organizer for the Energy Science & Technology Conference. Aaron is committed to the development and distribution of highly disruptive information. He is a former health food store owner and has spearheaded many other ventures, and is a consultant to several technology groups. He was awarded a U.S. Patent for the invention of a plasma ignition system for an engine that actually burns water. Among his many presentations is Hacking the Aether.
The importance of the Homopolar Generator cannot be emphasized enough. It is a drag free generator that produces electricity by simply rotating a magnet in space!
Common generators will get bogged down when you draw electricity from them – for example if you light up a bunch of bulbs on a gasoline generator set, the engine has to work harder to compensate for that load, thereby burning up more gasoline.
But with a Homopolar Generator, you can draw electricity from it and it does not bog down what is turning the magnet. And this is just one of the many benefits of this kind of generator.
If you literally take a disc magnet and put a shaft through it, you can spin it and you will produce a voltage potential between the circumference of the magnet and the shaft that the magnet is rotating around. Think about it – you’re producing electricity by doing nothing more than rotating a magnet in space. There are no generator coils or anything like what is necessary in a normal generator! Simple, simple, simple!
This is all good, but the downfall is that you wind up with current, but almost no usable voltage and this has been the case since Michael Faraday first invented the Homopolar Generator, which was in fact the very first generator. This has been the case since 1831.
For nearly 200 years, the Homopolar Generator has been more of a novelty to most although a few low voltage high current applications have been powered by large industrial homopolar generators.
At the 2017 Energy Science & Technology Conference, I review the basic history and the most notable names who have been involved with this kind of generator and then I show a working model that I have used to charge some capacitors up to 150-160 volts! If you consider the fact that for the size of magnets I was rotating, I would be lucky to wind up with 0.5 volts! I have a neon bulb connected to the capacitor and the bulb blinks every time the capacitors are up to the trigger voltage of these neons, which is about 95-105 volts.
What this shows is that I’m able to get 200 TIMES THE VOLTAGE than is expected from this kind of generator, which could very well take the entire experimental world of homopolar generators to a whole other level of practicality unlike anything has ever been demonstrated. It appears that at the conference, the small demonstration model achieved a worlds record by showing that I have wound up with more voltage from a Homopolar Generator that anyone has achieved in the last two centuries!
This is VERY SIMPLE and I would encourage you to get a copy of this and experiment with it because even if you have very little technical knowledge, you can build this and make it work!
High Voltage N Machine, Advancing the Homopolar Generator by Aaron Murakami
Last Saturday night August 19th to August 20th morning, I was on Coast to Coast AM with Richard Syrett for three whole hours talking about Synchronicity, methods to increase synchronicity and sharing some stories.
Three old but popular articles of mine were compiled into one Free downloadable PDF called The Synchronicity Handbook. The articles are Murakami’s Model of Synchronicity, Time Travel Meditation and DeVisE Method of Manifestation. Download your free copy here: The Synchronicity Handbook by Aaron Murakami
A Course in Mind Power is a book that was written to go deep into the biology involved in synchronicities, which was first proposed by me in 2006. As a special, my popular book A Course in Mind Power was offered at a 33% discount with this coupon code: ACIMP33
You can use that code (for a limited time) in the shopping cart for the book through this website: A Course in Mind Power
This presentation, Hacking the Aether is something that I have been wanted to share for many years. It’s roots are in my popular book The Quantum Key but I go much deeper into many of the concepts and tie it all together in a way that has never been accomplished.
At the 2017 Energy Science & Technology Conference, many people commented over the weekend that Hacking the Aether should be the presentation that starts the conference every year because it sets such a foundation and in fact should be the presentation that everyone watches if they’re interested in Free Energy or related technologies.
This is basically Energy Physics 101 and amazingly, there were many attendees including some academics that shared their enthusiasm about the presentation and agreed with ideas that were shared! Times are changing and that kind of agreement tells me that we’re definitely on the right track and that the Time is at hand to start taking these ideas to the mainstream!!
Essentially, this is a simple Unified Field Model that ties together the Aether, Gravity, Inertia, Time, Electricity, Open Systems, and many other natural concepts in a way that they all fit together like a seamless picture. And, this is all done with very simple analogies, common sense and elementary school math with junior high school equations. Just about anyone can understand and appreciate what is being shared in Hacking the Aether even if they do not have technical background.