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Cold Incandescent Light Bulbs?

Just when you thought incandescent bulbs were going out, they’ve been “reinvented” to be even more efficient than LEDs!

Normally Incandescent bulbs are about 5-10% efficient as most of the energy is converted to wasted heat and this age-old problem has finally been solved.

We’re literally talking about recycling light in a two step process.

The key is to create a two-stage process, the researchers report. The first stage involves a conventional heated metal filament, with all its attendant losses. But instead of allowing the waste heat to dissipate in the form of infrared radiation, secondary structures surrounding the filament capture this radiation and reflect it back to the filament to be re-absorbed and re-emitted as visible light. These structures, a form of photonic crystal, are made of Earth-abundant elements and can be made using conventional material-deposition technology.

That second step makes a dramatic difference in how efficiently the system converts electricity into light. One quantity that characterizes a lighting source is the so-called luminous efficiency, which takes into account the response of the human eye. Whereas the luminous efficiency of conventional incandescent lights is between 2 and 3 percent, that of fluorescents (including CFLs) is between 7 and 15 percent, and that of most commercial LEDs between 5 and 20 percent, the new two-stage incandescents could reach efficiencies as high as 40 percent, the team says.

The first proof-of-concept units made by the team do not yet reach that level, achieving about 6.6 percent efficiency. But even that preliminary result matches the efficiency of some of today’s CFLs and LEDs, they point out. And it is already a threefold improvement over the efficiency of today’s incandescents.

The team refers to their approach as “light recycling,” says Ilic, since their material takes in the unwanted, useless wavelengths of energy and converts them into the visible light wavelengths that are desired. “It recycles the energy that would otherwise be wasted,” says Soljačić.

The rest of the article available here: mentions that the crystal is created with readily available natural ingredients so cost will probably not be an issue if they actually get these out to the public.

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You may be familiar with 3D Printing and the fact that it truly is one of the most disruptive technologies to surface. It’s also becoming less expensive and more user friendly putting it in reach of more and more people. Some people are already using 3D Printers to create small monopole type motors and other parts for their energy projects and for the most part, many of these devices are actually based on one or more concepts that are protected by John Bedini’s monopole patents.

John Bedini’s 3D Printed Monopole

John Bedini has been researching and testing many different designs using 3D Printers as well as circuit designs that nobody else is working with for these small scale models and he is about to start sharing a lot of his work on these projects here:

John also mentioned that he is doing some work with crystal batteries that is not like anything he has done before and these will be running these small monopoles. Make sure to check out the discussion thread directly above to see what may be coming!

DaVinci All in One 3D Printer/Scanner

If you’re interested in 3D Printing but don’t know where to start, the DaVinci All In One printer/scanner is recommended because of it’s low cost and it’s relative ease of use. Go here to get the same 3D Printer that John Bedini is using for most of these projects:


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2015 Energy Science & Technology Conference Panel Discussion

This is a panel discussion of 7 speakers at the 2015 Energy Science & Technology Conference.  Speakers in this video, which is moderated by Jeane Manning, author of Breakthrough Power include (from left to right): Eric Dollard, Al Throckmorton, Graham Gunderson, Jeane Manning, Aaron Murakami, Jim Murray, Paul Babcock, William Lyne, Douglas Lindstrom.

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2015 Energy Conference Presentation Summaries & Release Dates

We’ve been extremely busy since before the conference, during the conference and are still running non-stop since it was over. The conference presentation videos are all edited and will be made available about one every 5-7 days or so.

These presentations are listed in the order that they were given at the 2015 Energy Science & Technology Conference.

Dr. Douglas Lindstrom spoke on the ECE Unified Field Theory – and amazingly, much was quite understandable to the layman. He did cover some mathematics but also covered many concepts involving overunity processes in cold fusion and even parametric oscillators, which are going to become more and more popular in this field. There are references to some of the parametric work and some has been replicated and verified. His presentation will also include a PDF of the powerpoint with all the notes. Dr. Lindstrom works with Dr. Myron Evans – Tom Bearden considers him the most important physicist alive.

Al Throckmorton‘s presentation was very inspirational. This was a very rare appearance. Half of his presentation was really his story about who is he and much of his life experience, which was filled with priceless nuggets of wisdom. He had his special water gas pump, which is detonated with the plasma ignition circuit. We couldn’t pump water with it since we were in doors, but he did fill up the chamber and detonated the gas and the pressure gauge was over 200 psi, which is way more than enough to pump a very substantial amount of water. We’ll be including some diagrams and schematics for the pump so others see exactly what it is. The first application will be for small village use in Africa to pump water over long distances to improve the quality of their lives, which much of it is spent simply carrying water miles and miles from a remove water well.

Aaron Murakami (I) presented on the plasma ignition. Last year I spoke about the theory, operation, etc… with some demos. This year’s talk was to specifically show how I overcame the issue of wasted spark ignition systems and how to put the plasma ignition on these ignitions, which are so common these days.

Paul Babcock presented on Ethanol, debunked a lot of the anti-ethanol propaganda that is so popular and showed some of the designs that he and his brother have developed, which make small scale ethanol production a breeze. Ethanol is freedom and you’ll really learn why in this presentation. Ethanol is as good as cash or even better if you have a smart game plan and in these financially troublesome times, this information is priceless.

John Bedini showed his self-running motor – it was the first thing he showed me 16 years ago when we first met. It is really 3 machines in one and operates on one set of old 25+ year D cell alkaline batteries that are corroded, the springs in the battery holder are rusted out and the batteries are just taped in there. He spins the rotor and it starts off slow, turns a rotor with a propeller and blinks LEDs to show what phase the motor is in. By the end of John’s talk, it is about 25-50% faster than it was in the beginning – not because it took that long to get to full speed but because it recharged its own running battery over the course of the presentation.

Graham Gunderson showed a simple transformer setup and demonstrated that it not only makes up its own losses, but actually produces a bit more. The overunity is small, but it is something he wanted to share with everyone because if you can’t get to unity, you’re not going to get to overunity. Since there is an obvious lack of enough replications of several overunity devices that many people are attempting, taking baby steps with this very simple transformer concept is absolutely necessary. Any builder with basic technical skills can make this transformer and by following Graham’s instructions and references, they can achieve the same results.

William Lyne gave a fascinating comparison between some of the propulsion ideas of Tesla and J.J. Thomson. Eric Dollard was the one that actually suggested this topic since there are many gems inside of Occult Ether Physics by William Lyne. J.J. Thomson is one of the most important scientists to understanding not just the electrical sciences, but the real physics of the aether.

Paul Babcock‘s second presentation was on Magnetic Energy Secrets part 3 where he makes it VERY simple to understand what is necessary to create an overunity motor. He breaks it down to 3 very simple principles that almost anyone can understand. Paul covers multiple machines that have overunity results and shows how they are all adhering to these concepts. Back EMF is the bane of overunity and he shares the principles necessary to create a motor that does not generate – meaning there is simply no back emf!

Jim Murray presentation is crucial to the successful replication of his Dynaflux Alternator. Many who have tried to replicate it have failed. He shared the most important secret to understand to making it work as well as disclosing for the first time ever several pieces of information that were never disclosed in the patent. The patent has been expired for a long time now so it is public domain and he wants everyone to be able to understand what it is really about. The COP is over 2.5 on his laboratory bench model, which means it produces over 250% more electricity than it takes to run it.

Jeane Manning moderated this year’s Panel Discussion, which included Eric Dollard, Al Throckmorton, Graham Gunderson, myself (Aaron), Jim Murray, Paul Babcock, William Lyne and Douglas Lindstrom. We discuss some common threads between different valid overunity technologies, the creative process and its importance, Graham and Eric discuss Tesla’s patent which utilizes Cosmic Rays to charge capacitors to power loads and Eric gives some very clear specifics on this as he has replicated this in the past. There are multiple discussions about splitting water without electrolysis using electrostatics to rip the water apart without running current through it. Al Throckmorton’s water fuel cell for the pump that he demonstrated does not use electrolysis to split the water, it is a water capacitor and it works incredibly well. I share one patent on this kind of process that I tried to duplicate in the past and Eric Dollard discusses his friend’s work in this area who successfully mastered the electrostatic separation of water. Before we started the Panel Discussion, we gave recognition to the four Electrical Engineering students and two musicians who won the contests to have their conference and lodging costs covered by an Anonymous Donor.

Veljko Milkovic was not at the conference but his team was kind enough to provide us with a video compilation of quite a bit of his work. We played some of this during some of the breaks but did not have time to show the whole thing. Veljko Milkovic is the inventor of the popular 2-Stage Mechanical Oscillator, which produces many times more mechanical work that it takes to run the machine. This will be posted on YouTube at some point so everyone can watch it and learn more about his work.

Stephen P. McGreevy gave a very interesting talk on natural VLF radio recording. The Earth and atmosphere is constantly creating all kinds of music and other sounds, which are not audible to the human ear. Animals hear these sounds building up before an earthquake and that is how they know an earthquake is about to strike so they flee the area. Even if there is no natural disaster coming, these sounds are constantly around us. Stephen shows us many of the places where he traveled to record these sounds, he demonstrates the difference between the sounds and how different places sound different, various antenna methods to pick them up the best and anyone can get the receivers through his website so you can experience this as well. This is a fun and simple way, especially for children, to get in touch with the world around them. There are also schematics to build your own receiver that are open sourced on his site. This talk is highly related to Eric Dollard’s Advanced Seismic Warning System.

John Polakowski did not make it to the conference so to replace his presentation, Graham Gundreson gave a one hour presentation and John Bedini followed up with a one hour presentation.

Graham Gunderson went into a lot of detail on his experience with Floyd Sweet’s VTA (Vacuum Triode Amplifier) technology. Graham, John Bedini and one other individual has more experience experimenting with the VTA than probably everyone else combined. Graham spent 10-15 years on this nearly full time. The VTA used special barium ferrite magnets and the information that Graham shared about their special properties is rarely known by anyone in the “free energy” community. He discusses how they can be programmed to oscillate at very specific frequencies. Many of the REAL principles involved with the VTA are shared and Graham also shares about someone’s work who replicated the VTA type concept using some Bedini SG circuits and barium ferrite magnets to charge the batteries in his electric car. This presentation is priceless and is a must have for anyone that ever wanted to know what the VTA was really about. You’ll also learn quite a bit about permanent magnets in general that is not widely known.

John Bedini surprisied us again by demonstrating his Gravity Tuner circuit that measures activity in our spacial environment as well as demonstrating his famous Kromrey G-Field Generator. This was a shocking demonstration for most everyone at the conference because as it ran, the magnets turned cold instead of hot and when he lit bulbs with the output, it sped up. Also, shorting the output made the G-Field generator speed up and it demonstrated the pure white sparks, which are a phenomena of true negative energy circuits.

Eric P. Dollard finished the conference with a presentation that lasted almost 4 hours. If anyone can take multiple seemingly unrelated topics and tie them together with such mastery, it is Eric Dollard. He goes into the fact that J.J. Thompson is the key person when it comes to understanding the real aether physics, morphic fields and golden ratio archetypes all around us, concepts of levitation and musical harmonics and how the waveforms can tie together to give huge impulses that can catapult physical objects, science based on natural principles and how modern times has entered a new dark age with the current models that only serve to maintain ignorance about such principles and what direction we need to go to move back in the right direction. Eric goes into depth about Pythagorean mathematics and how it is key to understanding the natural science that is hidden in this day and age as well as much in depth discussion on various musical scales using the real Pythagorean ratios, which were accompanied with a few audio samples that were put together by Seattle Music Composer Charles Roland Berry. This allowed everyone to hear the difference between the ancient musical scales and today’s common scales. Eric even covers a fair amount about Gustav LeBon and covers many comparisons showing the mirror images between some of the music of Bach and polyphase power systems with many examples using his Versor Algebra diagrams. Needless to say, anyone that does not understand the relationship between music and electricity after watching this presentation has not been paying attention. In the end, Eric summarizes this presentation with an in depth discussion of the physics of the aether based on the work of J. J. Thomson including the mathematical equations of the aether that nobody else has been able to figure out because J. J. Thomson convoluted so much of it in his own writings because he never kept a continuity between different mathematical variables so it has always been confusing. If anyone can straighten out this mess, it is Eric Dollard and that is exactly what he has done so for the first time ever, you will be able to see as clearly as possible based on what is in J. J. Thomson’s work what he was really after. This presentation is THE definitive lecture on J. J. Thomson and the true physics of the aether.

That is a total of 15 videos from the 2015 Energy Science & Technology Conference. Vejlko Milkovic’s is not an actual conference presentation and that will be offered for free on YouTube later. Both of John Bedini’s presentations will be offered at some point through Energetic Productions and the other 12 videos will be offered by us through A & P Electronic Media.

The release schedule so far is as follows with the rest of the schedule coming soon:

August 3, Monday – Paul Babcock, Magnetic Energy Secrets Part 3

August 9, Sunday – Jim Murray, The Dynaflux Concept & Lenz’s Law

August 15, Saturday – Eric Dollard, The Power of the Aether as Related to Music and Electricity

August 18, Tuesday – Jeane Manning, Panel Discussion – FREE VIDEO

August 19, Wednesday – Eric Dollard, Versor Algebra Volume 2 – Special Theories of Sequence Operators as Applied to Power Engineering
This is not a conference presentation – it is the second release of Eric Dollard’s Versor Algebra book series.

August 25, Tuesday – Aaron Murakami, Plasma Ignition For Wasted Spark Ignition Engines

August 30, Sunday – Al Throckmorton, The Lord’s Pump Project (HHO Water Pump)

September 4, Friday – Graham Gunderson, BOTH of Graham’s presentations will be released simultaneously on the simple overunity transformer and on the VTA.

September 9, Wednesday – Douglas Lindstrom, ECE Unified Field Theory

September 14, Monday – Stephen P. McGreevy, On the Art of Natural VLF Radio Field Recording

September 19, Saturday, William Lyne, On the Parallel Propulsion Researches of Tesla and J. J. Thomson

September 24, Thursday, Paul Babcock, Ethanol is Freedom

A & P

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J.J. Thomson, William Lyne and John Bedini





Tonight at midnight, Versor Algebra as Applied to Polyphase Power Systems by Eric Dollard will be increased to the regular price so there is about 8 hours left to take advantage of the introductory special.

If you want to learn more about what this book is about, please watch the YouTube video on the following page and consider getting a copy even if it just to help support Eric Dollard’s work.


Here is a link to 6 updates for Eric Dollard – including some very interesting things. We’ll be posting a video showing him receiving AM radio signals from the Earth amongst other things.

On April 1st, we’re launching a new fundraising campaign to help advanced the seismic project include paying off the building for EPD Laboratories. $45k was already given to David Wittekind recently by Eric so there isn’t too much more to go!

I recorded a few hours today of Eric and one segment is a discussion on J.J. Thomson – a man who is as important as Tesla but most people aren’t very familiar with his work. That will be posted in the near future.

Go here for updates:


It is highly serendipitous that William Lyne will be joining us again this year to speak at the 2015 Energy Science & Technology Conference. His talk will be on J.J. Thomson!

Many people have heard rumors about Tesla’s so called Dyanamic Theory of Gravity, but if anything, J.J. Thomson is the one to look towards to move in that direction. Even though Thomson doesn’t speak too much on gravity, he does show the principles of mass and aether interaction, how to negate inertia, etc…

More coming soon on this…


John Bedini will be presenting at this year’s conference as well but we’re not going to reveal the topic at this time. John is always full of surprises and there’s no telling what he’ll cook up this year! 😉


There are 100 days until the conference and only 60 seats left. Just check out this updated KNOCK-OUT SCHEDULE OF EVENTS!

We’ve rearranged the schedule a bit to fit in another 1-2 speakers so you’re going to be getting a lot more than we originally planned for. Make sure to register now to at least lock in your seat even if you aren’t able to send in your registration fee just yet. When the seats are gone, they’re gone! We limit it to 150 people each year… Register now:

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Tesla TV Series to be created by Bram Stoker’s Dracula Producer

There is a lot of momentum right now with quite a few projects we’re involved with and we’ll touch on a few of them today.
Fred Fuchs who produced Godfather III and Bram Stoker’s Dracula has agreed to produce a TV series called Tesla Man of Light! Stacy James Fry is heading up the campaign to make this happen. Here are details on Tesla Man of Light – make sure to watch both videos – the first is their introduction video and the second is an interview we did with Stacy, which answers a lot of questions about the whole project.
Eric Dollard and others even have an opportunity to become consultants for this project as well as having their technologies shown in the actual TV episodes right on Tesla’s bench!
In case you haven’t heard, the FBI has released quite a few Tesla related documents – go here for details: 
We’re still on track to release this highly anticipated Ebook at the end of October or the beginning of November.
This book picks up where the Intermediate Handbook leaves off and covers all of the major details and spin-offs from John Bedini’s life-time search for the best design of a self-running, electro-mechanical machine.After learning this material, you should understand enough of the science and method that John has shown to start experimenting with larger scale models which should lead to both self-running behavior and the production of enough extra energy to operate external loads.

Not only will this book focus on optimizing electrical recovery with a low drag generator, but it will cover some of John Bedini’s other technologies that have been released in the last 30 years.
For example, the famous “Watson Machine” was demonstrated at the Nikola Tesla Centennial conference put on by the Tesla Society in Colorado Springs in 1984 commemorating Tesla’s arrival to the United States 100 years ago. It was the largest version of John’s original Energizer shown in John’s 1984 book ever shown in public. Many people have tried to replicate this machine over the years but nobody has put all the pieces together even though it’s been in plain site all this time. 
In a few days, keep an eye out for another email from us with a link that will give you something to think about when it comes to the Watson Machine.
Jim Murray and Paul Babcock co-presented The Secret of Tesla’s Power Magnification at the recent 2014 Energy Science & Technology Conference.
This video shows Jim Murray demonstrating his SERPS technology that produces 20 times more energy heating resistors than the net draw from the power supply! That is 2000% more –
Here is an interview we did with Jim & Paul with their other SERPS demonstration that Paul Babcock replicated that shows almost 5000% more work done in lighting incandescent bulbs compared to the net draw from the power supply:
Everyone who purchased their presentation will be receiving an invitation to a private live call so you can ask them questions about their presentation. If you already have a copy, make sure to confirm an email that says, “Confirm your subscription” because that puts you on the member’s list to receive the invite. 
If you don’t have a copy yet, make sure to get it because you don’t want to miss the opportunity to talk to these two Tesla tech geniuses:
Aaron & Peter
A & P Electronic Media
p.s. Make sure to get a copy of our FREE Solar Secrets e-book here:
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New Release Update and Specials Expire Tomorrow!

Hi Friend,
Thank you for your continued to support in the 2014 Energy Science & Technology Conference Series of Presentations! We’ll have another new release out next week, but in the meantime here are some of the latest updates! 
We have already released Jim Murray’s demonstration video of his Dynaflux Alternator and other devices that were shown to some Japanese businessmen. We have also already released his Patent Collection. 
For the first time, we are no releasing a BRAND NEW video, which is a private tour of Jim Murray’s lab where he shows some more demos including some machines that he has never shown before! This video shows you what normally only investors would see under a heavy non-disclosure agreement – so get your hands on a copy of this while you can! 
In 22 HOURS, we’re releasing the FULL PACKAGE, which includes the above mentioned video and patent collection, but also the * NEW * video of the private tour of Jim’s Lab. This will be available at a lower introductory special, which will expire next week so when we send out a link tomorrow, make sure to get your copy early! Stay tuned…
Here is an interview with Eric that has been unlisted for a while, but is now public on Youtube. Eric covers a wide range of topics and he discusses a bit about his most recent groundbreaking presentation The Extraluminal Transmission Systems of Tesla and Alexanderson – watch it now:

Eric’s presentation is currently discounted but this discount expires tomorrow night at midnight so make sure you take advantage of this introductory special right now:
At the 2014 Energy Science & Technology Conference, Paul Babcock and Jim Murray talk about the SERPS technology invented by Jim and replicated by Paul. The  SERPS machine in this interview has a COP of 47.9, which is 4790% of the input net energy! This video has been unlisted on Youtube but is now public so check it out now:
Their presentation from the conference, The Secret to Tesla’s Power Magnification discusses the science behind this mind-blowing machine and it reveals the origins are actually in Tesla’s work, which almost nobody has ever quite comprehended or even recognized. This presentation is also current discounted but this special expires tomorrow night at midnight so get your copy now:
Ignition Secrets and Water Fuel Secrets has been available only as books with some supporting videos, but for the first time ever, you will be able to have a full video presentation that was filmed at the 2014 Energy Science & Technology Conference. 
The Ignition Secrets presentation goes into more details about the science of the plasma ignition quite a bit deeper than what is in the book and the Water Fuel Secrets presentation also goes into more details on the production of an on-demand fuel with nothing more than water, air and electricity.
BOTH presentations contain powerful references directly from NASA, JPL and other high level scientific organization validating all the claims for not only the plasma ignition but also for on-demand hydrogen gas production. You will also learn of a new theory about how and why “HHO Boosters” actually work as a fuel supplement and it dispels the myths about magically rearranged water molecules or other claims about how they’re supposed to work. It will be a breath of fresh air because it makes sense and is backed by quite a bit of research.
You will also see for the first time ever Aaron’s jet engine project – you will see how the exhaust is recycled and other modification that allowed him to run the jet on virtually 0 PSI propane! 
Keep an eye out for this new release next week and look for our email tomorrow with a link to the Dynaflux Alternator Full Package by Jim Murray! 
Aaron & Peter
A & P Electronic Media
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* NEW RELEASE * The Extraluminal Transmission Systems of Tesla and Alexanderson by Eric Dollard

Hello Friend,
We are excited to release the presentation that Eric Dollard says is his best one yet! The Extraluminal Transmission Systems of Tesla and Alexanderson is jam packed with 4 hours of priceless teachings from the master himself.
You will learn not only the history of wireless transmission, but the real science of electrostatic transmission systems that are not restricted to the speed of light. In fact, this is not about “faster than light” but rather INSTANTANEOUS meaning there actually is no velocity! That is why it is called Extraluminal (outside of the speed of light constraints) instead of Superluminal (faster than the speed of light).
This science was applied by Tesla and Alexanderson and was used by the US Navy in the famous RCA Bolinas station for ship to shore communication back in WWII. Eric Dollard has improved upon the work of Tesla and Alexanderson in this science and has actually build a full scale working model that demonstrates the principles. The primary application was using this electrostatic antenna system to listen to the Earth signals in order to forecast major earthquakes 24-48 hours ahead of time! The best that conventional science can give us is 30 to 60 seconds, which pales in comparison.
You will also learn how the electron models and Einstein’s science has been erroneously applied to these systems for all these years. And, you will see the truth in a way that has never before been presented.
SPECIAL BONUS – when you get a copy of this * AMAZING * presentation, you will receive a free bonus download, which is an actual guided tour of the Landers facility, which has never been released to the public before!
This presentation is offered at an introductory price, which will expire on July 31, 2014 so make sure to take advantage of this offer now.
Also, if you haven’t had a chance to get your hands on Jim Murray and Paul Babcock’s presentation The Secret of Tesla’s Power Magnification, make sure to get a copy at the discounted price, which will also expire on July 31, 2014.

Get it now:

Aaron & Peter
A & P Electronic Media
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NEW RELEASE – The Secret of Tesla’s Power Magnification


The Secret of Tesla's Power Magnification by Jim Murray & Paul BabcockWe’re honored to be able to release Jim Murray and Paul Babcock’s presentation from the 2014 Energy Science & Technology Conference! This is one of the most, if not THE MOST, anticipated video presentation we have ever made available. Jim & Paul teach the science behind the SERPS (Switched Energy Resonant Power Supply) device, which has the highest publicly demonstrated COP’s that we know of.

The title of the final presentation release is -The Secret of Tesla’s Power Magnification. It’s 2 Hours Long and we’re even including a PDF of the powerpoint for the presentation so you can see everything up close and clear.

Get your copy now:

At the conference – Paul Babcock’s replication of Jim Murray’s SERPS device using his own patented high speed switching method was producing 52.7 Watts of dissipated energy in two light bulbs while the net draw from the power transformer was only 1.1 Watts! That is a COP of 47.9 or 4790% more energy dissipated in the light bulbs than the net draw from the power supply.

This information represents the first public display and explanation of this technology in all of history.  Even Tesla never showed this much about how to accomplish these effects.

Get your copy now:

Aaron & Peter
A & P Electronic Media

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Free Video from the 2014 Energy Science & Technology Conference

  •  FREE Video from 2014 Energy Science & Technology Conference
Hi Friends,
The 2014 Energy Science & Technology Conference was an incredible success! Many are saying it is the most important conference they have been to in their lives from any category of conference. 
I’ve been to three conferences: 2010, 2013 and 201. This year’s conference was the best so far! There isn’t even a close second.” – Breck
I drove a total of 3478 miles round trip to attend the convention and was able to personally talk with, and ask questions of, all the presenters. I really appreciated the opportunity for the one on one contact and getting to see the equipment and demonstrations up close and personal! Thanks for holding the convention and thanks to all the presenters! It was time, energy and money well invested.” – Gary Hammond
Enjoyed the conference and was worth the 2700 kms I put on the wife’s van. As a fabricator and builder the conference was a bit overwhelming but the connections I made were well worth the trip. I would go again and look forward to your next one.” – Jerry Sand
FREE Video from 2014 Energy Science & Technology Conference
To view this free video from the conference, you must be a subscriber to the Energy Times newsletter. If you are already a subscriber, you will receive an email with the viewing instructions. If not, go here to watch the video:
After you click the confirmation link in the email that comes, the first newsletter will have the video link and password. Make sure to give the video a thumbs up to show your support for all the speakers!
Beginning in two days, the 2014 Conference Film Series will start being released. The first presentation will be the monumental presentation by Jim Murray and Paul Babcock about Jim’s amazing SERPS device. SERPS stands for Switch Energy Resonant Power Supply and is the ultimate in methods for using, storing, and returning electricity to its source!

In the first hour, Jim Murray shows the various machines he built and tested over the last 35 years that lead to the understanding of how to build the SERPS device.  In the second hour, Paul Babcock explains the theoretical operations of the SERPS system showing how it borrows, uses, and returns electrical power to the source.

The presentation then switches to a clip in the exhibit room where the working model was running and demonstrating 4790% MORE WORK THAN IS SUPPLIED IN NET ENERGY FROM THE POWER SUPPLY – THAT IS A COP OF 47.9!!! It ends with a Q&A by Paul back in the meeting room. A separate PDF file of all of the slides shown in the Power Point Presentation will be included.
Aaron & Peter
A & P Electronic Media