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2024-06-28 Dollard-Lindemann History, Stories and Science Part 1

This is the first of a few videos where Eric Dollard and Peter Lindemann are discussing their past history of when they met, who they knew and what they were working on.

Support EPD Laboratories, Inc. 501(c)3 Non Profit –

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2023-04-12 Brother Sanchez TV Interview – Dollard & Marsh

Check out this 4.5 hour interview where Eric Dollard and Adrian Marsh, PhD go into a LOT of material and we even have a few demos!

Donate to EPD Laboratories, Inc. 501(c)3 Non Profit to support the work of Eric Dollard

Adrian Marsh, PhD’s website:

Get your tickets to the 12th annual 2023 Energy Science & Technology Conference

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2023-03-18 Eric Dollard Live Call

This call covers lot of different topics – music, polyphase, the 2023 ESTC, golden ratio discharges and more. This call is 3 hours long!!

Donate to EPD Laboratories, Inc. 501(c)3 Non-Profit –

2023 Energy Science & Technology Conference info –

2023 ESTC Tickets –

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2023-02-25 Eric Dollard Live Call

This call covers Eric’s new book on Amazon, updates from Hakasays and Griffin Brock as well as from Dr. Adrian Marsh and Bruce Gavin. Eric discusses the recent hype about the sun and what his observations are and he also discusses his upcoming presentation at the 2023 ESTC.

Donate to EPD Laboratories, Inc. 501(c)3 Non-Profit –

2023 Energy Science & Technology Conference info –

2023 ESTC Tickets –

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2022-12-17 Eric Dollard Live Video Call Recording

This video is JAM-PACKED with a lot of information from not just Eric Dollard, but also from Dr. Adrian Marsh, Griffin Brock and Hakasays. There are updates regarding the massive grounding system at EPD Laboratories, which will be used for the Tesla Telluric transmission experiments, discussion regarding the golden-ratio discharges from the Tesla coils originally shown by Eric Dollard and replicated by Dr. Adrian Marsh, aspects of seismic research and more.

This was the first live video Zoom call we have hosted and there will be more, more frequently and with more presenters/experts on a variety of subjects.

Donate to EPD Laboratories, Inc. 501(c)3 Non Profit to keep this work alive!

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The Higherside Chats with Aaron Murakami & Jeremiah Ferwerda

Jeremiah and I were interviewed by Greg Carlwood of The Higherside Chats a few weeks ago and we discussed some updates from the conference and went into depth into the Tesla Turbine project. The Higherside Chats is a very popular podcast where Greg has interviewed countless authors, presenters and so no who are involved in all kinds of taboo and other topics. You can listen to our interview for free and I’d encourage everyone to subscribe to his podcast and get a membership with The Higherside Chats.

Listen to our interview with the link below for Free! Thank you Greg!

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Recorded – Aaron Murakami Interviewed by Killah Priest of Wu Tang Clan

Aaron Murakami on the Killah Priest Podcraft

Here’s a 3 hour interview where I cover a variety of topics sort of like a sampler – consciousness, aether, dipole, gravity, open systems, etc. and even a few Cosmic Induction Generator demonstrations at the end. Special thanks to Vinny B for making it possible to introduce our work to a new audience!

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Wu Tang Clan Member Interviews Aaron Murakami March 14, Monday at 5pm Live

Special thanks to Vinny B. from New York for scheduling me as a guest on Killah Priest’s live streaming YouTube channel. The show is this coming Monday the 14th at 5pm pacific time zone and will last until 8pm – so 3 hours of discussing some of the work we do, what projects are coming up, conference details, and more – will be educating a new audience to the reality of free energy and some aether physics and history behind validating its existence. We might even go into consciousness, agriculture and whatever other topics we happen to flow into.

Killah Priest’s podcast has featured quite a few controversial topics and on this show, I’m going to debunk the nonsense against free energy, the aether and other related topics.

Eric Dollard will be a guest in an upcoming show when he gets up here to Spokane. The channel for the show next Monday is:

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2020-09-28 Jeremiah Ferwerda Interview on Tesla Turbines & iEnergy Supply

Tesla Turbine - Jeremiah Ferwerda

This was a few months ago in our shop when we were helping Jeremiah with some machining for his new Tesla Turbine model.

Support Jeremiah’s work through his website:

Jeremiah’s presentation from the 2021 ESTC is available here:

So far, Patreon is the primary way to financially support his efforts but more will be added to this website soon.

Please LIKE this video and join my YouTube channel!

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Panel Discussion 2 (2021)

Download this FREE video – it’s the second panel discussion from the 2021 Energy Science & Technology Conference with:

Jeremiah Ferwerda
Sky Huddleston
Nick Kraakman
Peter Lindemann, DSc
Aaron Murakami
RS Stafford

If you don’t already have the first one, you can get that as well!

Get it FREE here: