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Geoffrey Miller to Present on World’s Largest Newman Motor

At the 2019 Energy Science & Technology Conference, Geoffrey Miller will be presenting on a massive Newman Motor that he recently built. He’ll also be disclosing a very * RARE * device invented by Joseph Newman that most Newman fans have never heard of. There will be a demo of this device and all details necessary to replicate it will given!

There are only 150 seats available for the 2019 Energy Science & Technology Conference and they’re going to be sold out months before the conference – register and get your tickets now: 2019 Energy Conference


Here are the details: NEWMAN’S 10,000 LBS MOTOR IN 2019 & DEMONSTRATION AND EXCLUSIVE FULL DISCLOSURE OF RARE NEWMAN DEVICE – The 2019 talk will be on the NEW 10,000 lbs Joseph Newman Motor built by Geoffrey S. Miller at Energybat Labs. In 2017, he gave a talk about the Newman Motor and a small demo of the motor. This year, Geoffrey Miller will go into a whole new level with the new 10,000 lbs motor. The talk outline is below.

1. History of Newman’s big motors.
2. Who maid the new 10,000 lb. motor
3. Why make a 10,000 lb. motor?
4. What it takes to make a motor this size.
5. What the motor will do.
6. All parts of the motor.
7. All motor data.
8. Power in & Power out.
9. Motor running parts of the lab.
10. Videos of the motor running.
11. Hand out data.
12. Q & A session.
13. A live demo will follow the talk about a Newman device.

It is recommended that you get a copy of Geoffrey Miller’s presentation from the 2017 Energy Science & Technology Conference, which will lay the foundation for the upcoming talk: NEWMAN MOTOR DISCLOSURE

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Zero Force Motor Part 2 – Hidden Dance by Yaro Stanchak

Zero Force Motor Part 2 - Hidden Dance by Yaro Stanchak
Zero Force Motor Part 2 – Hidden Dance by Yaro Stanchak

At the 2018 Energy Science & Technology Conference, more revelations are disclosed about the last one year of experiments with the Zero Force Motor.

Within this follow up presentation, you will find all the specs, which should be considered a standard built for more experiments to get start with. It works and has already been proven out by Yaro Stanchak and James McDonald.

Yaro also shares the differences in more detail on attractive vs repulsive mode and how this looks diagrammatically so the viewer can benefit from these findings. A thorough walk-through on the Zero Force Motor’s timing characteristics of the magnet’s geometry in relation to the coil geometry is covered. This is very important and cannot be stated enough – timing is crucial and can make or break your results.

Get your copy now: Zero Force Motor – Hidden Dance

Get 25% off for a limited time with this coupon: ZFM25

Keep in mind this is a developmental process and there are no free energy claims. It is a novel motor with unique aspects that have not been used or exploited in conventional motors and bit by bit, the potential of what this machine is capable of is slowly revealing itself.

Pay close attention to the date in the table presented by Yaro. You may find there is more than meets the eye. And you will definitely see that at certain RPMs, which may indicate some resonant points that you will see the Hidden Dance happening within the machine as Yaro shows on the scope.

There is also a difference in the characteristics of how the motor operates in relation to its waveforms that are measurable if the ZFM is running on a battery compared to a linear current power supply. In other words, there appears to be advantages to running it on a battery compared to a power supply. Professor Robert Haralick during questions points out a very plausible reason for this and that is that when running, the ZFM is producing longitudinal waves that are accepted by the battery(s) but the linear amp power supply cannot.

This would be completely consistent with John Bedini’s experience over the years with experiments on the Bedini SG when running on and charging batteries, which have shown unusual input vs output ratios and most of this disappears when running these machines on conventional power supplies. It has been stated over the years that the battery is very important as part of the open system and once again, these ZFM experiments shown by Yaro seem to indicate the same results.

Here are a few of the subjects that Yaro will show in this presentation:

  • Introduction and Brief Review Of Zero Force Motor Design and Operation
  • ZFM Timing and Firing Duration with Coil Voltages
  • ZFM Operational Characteristics; RPM, Amps & Efficiency
  • Review of O-Scope Wave Forms for Voltage and Amperage
  • Hidden Dance
  • Ron Cole ZFM Variant – LCF or Linear Counter Field

Enough! Time to get back to the next round of ZFM experiments…

Get your copy now: Zero Force Motor – Hidden Dance

Get 25% off for a limited time with this coupon: ZFM25

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The Meaning of Unity in Energy Conversion Systems by Jim Murray

The Meaning of Unity in Energy Conversion Systems by Jim Murray
The Meaning of Unity in Energy Conversion Systems by Jim Murray

Initially, it had been assumed that a simple ratio computed by dividing the output power by the input power would provide a reliable yardstick for motor power efficiency. The basic idea, was sound, for the closer the quotient came to unity, the nearer the motor efficiency would be to 100%. Hence began the so-called “Quest for Unity.”

However, early “electric engines” were very inefficient, probably delivering no more than 30% of the electrical input power to the output shaft. Therefore, it quickly became evident that not all of the applied power was being converted to a mechanical output. Clearly, inefficiencies were involved, and they would have to be accounted for. Until this was complete, the simplified approach to establishing a Factor of Unity could not be realized.

What is remarkable, in the history of motor development, is the curious degree of synergy that seems to have accompanied these early pioneering efforts. Between 1839 and 1850 the British Brew Master James Joule conducted an elegant series of experiments, in which he sought to unify electrical, chemical and thermal phenomena by demonstrating their inter-convertibility and their quantitative equivalence. The results of Joule’s work were published in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, with a very impressive title: “On the Mechanical Equivalence of Heat.”

The contributions of Lord Kelvin must be considered next. His paper, “The Dynamical Equivalent of Heat,” published in 1851, contended that energy could be “lost to man irrecoverably; but not lost to the material world”. Thomson was thus the first person to understand that all energy changes involve energy dissipation, and losses.

During the second half of the nineteenth century Kelvin and other scientists, including Clausius, Rankine, Maxwell and, Boltzmann, continued to develop these ideas. Their combined efforts resulted in the establishment of the Science of Thermodynamics; with Conservation of Energy as its First Law and the Dissipation of Energy as its Second Law.

Accordingly, motor researchers were thus made aware of the extreme importance of classifying all known motor losses, and accounting for them with the same degree of accuracy as would be exhibited in the well established science of corporate book-keeping.

Ultimately, such practices would lead to the development of two principle kinds of Efficiency Measurements, both very valuable in all research pertaining to rotating components, but, particularly valuable for developing an understanding of over-unity as a scientific fact. Both efficiency concepts shall be fully explained in this presentation.

To get your copy now, go here: The Meaning of Unity in Energy Conversion Systems

Use this coupon to receive 25% off for a limited time: UNITY25

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Plasma Impulse Motor

Here is a video excerpt from the 2016 Energy Science & Technology Conference demonstrating my Pulsed Plasma Ignition motor invention:

Here’s information about this motor and concept:

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Paul Babcock 9/12/2016 Live Call Recording

Here’s the recording of Paul Babcock’s live call from September 12th, 2016. There are some pictures in the video from the 2016 Energy Science & Technology Conference.

We hope you enjoy this and share it with your friends with the buttons below!

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Leak Project Interviews Paul Babcock

Paul Babcock was recently interviewed by the Leak Project.

Visit Paul Babcock’s new website: Paul Babcock

Paul Babcock’s DC Motor Disclosure presentation is here: Babcock DC External Field Interaction Motor

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Cold Electricity by Aaron Murakami – NEW RELEASE

Cold Electricity by Aaron Murakami
Cold Electricity by Aaron Murakami

Cold Electricity by Aaron Murakami – This presentation reveals and unknown patent application that spells out the clearest description and list of benefits of Cold Electricity out of any public document. It has been hiding in plain sight for years and is the subject of a replication attempt. There are enough details in this presentation to demonstrate the basic switching method and two proposed methods of operation. Proceeds from this video will be used to further the replication attempt and we hope that others will be able to follow suit. Learn more: Cold Electricity

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NEW RELEASE – Babcock External Field Interaction Motor Full Disclosure by Paul Babcock

Babcock DC Motor Full Disclosure
Babcock DC Motor Full Disclosure

Babcock External Field Interaction Motor by Paul Babcock – In this presentation from the 2016 Energy Science & Technology Conference, Paul Babcock discloses for the first time how this motor actually works. It is based on the foundation that he taught in Magnetic Energy Secrets Parts 1, 2 & 3. What you will learn is that it is indisputable that magnets really are a source of energy contrary to what the physicists claim and engineers claim. Learn more: Babcock DC Motor

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Space Needle 1HP Motor Turns 125 Ton Restaurant

After all these years in Washington state, I finally went up the Space Needle. There are a lot of historical facts posted along the way to the elevator ride and this one in particular caught my eye – the 125 ton restaurant that goes round and round is turned by a single 1 horsepower motor.

Not that it is free energy, but goes to show that when you have good engineering and you can balance 125 tons that well that you can rotate it for less than 800 watts!

Here’s a picture of that sign as well as a few other pics I snapped of the Space Needle.

NOTE: Apparently, the original motor was 1HP, now it is 1.5HP.