We are in the process of building a dedicated website for the Lakhovsky MWOs. Paul Babcock gave a presentation on this at the 2017 Energy Science & Technology Conference here: http://emediapress.com/paulbabcock/universalmedium/
The Lakhovsky MWO remained a mystery until about 10 years ago because nobody actually knew what circuit he was using. Some originals were found crated up and they were reverse engineered and turned out to be quite different from Lakhovsky’s patent drawings.

This is one of the most desired high frequency and high voltage machines ever created and only a few companies are manufacturing them according to Lakhovsky’s actual design.
In Europe, purchasing a correctly built one will cost you $25,000 USD by the time you receive it here in the states – it’s very expensive because it’s a replica of the early 1900’s units for those that want the old look.
The only company in the United States making them charges almost $4000 but it is built in a wooden box so it is not shielded so there is a massive amount of interference that can mess up your routers, computers, etc. Our associate has one and found it was not wired properly so he had to modify it to work right. Plus, it will take you 3-4 months or longer to receive it.
All the “MWOs” that uses plasma tubes, ignition coils and other nonsense are all phony MWOs, period.
You can also use this unit to power Tesla Coils for regular experimentation, you can use this unit as the pulse modulator if you want to replicate Eric Dollard’s Cosmic Induction Generator invention, etc. This unit is truly UNIVERSAL and we are the only ones that are offering this! You are getting a Ferarri for the price of a Subaru.
Here is a bit about the unit we are making available in limited quantities at this time:

Eric Dollard, the man considered to be THE modern living Tesla since he is the only one to have replicated Tesla’s true wireless electricity system and finished all the mathematics to make it engineerable, has personally designed the MWO’s Pulse Modulator (the unit that produces the high frequency and high voltage impulses that gets sent to the antenna rings).

If the US Navy, Bell Labs and Western Electric combined their talents to build a Lakhovsky MWO, then this is what you would wind up with – a compact, highly shielded, low loss and high power output unit that is practically military spec. There is no comparison anywhere in the world, not even close.
Lakhovsky Multiwave Oscillator (MWO) antenna standsThe stands are high quality design meant for stability, long life, plus they look AMAZING! READ THIS CAREFULLY – The difference in the units we are offering you is that there will not be a see-through outer tube because they’re too fragile. The picture is showing a museum piece, but for long life and strength, it will be white or black plastic, which enables us to strengthen it’s coupling to saddle it is resting on. The end caps will also be white or black plastic (different material than shown) for extra strength.

The antennas are precisely measured to spec and are also very beautiful! They are laced together with silk, which does not stretch ensuring that the rings are always the same distance from each other. Lakhovsky had several ring variations and we chose to model this one after one of the most popular variations.

Paul Babcock is also on the team of consultants who has assisted in the testing procedure and we have verified that the waveform that our MWO units produce is 100% identical to Georges Lakhovsky! He was the first one of our associates to build a MWO from scratch based on the real circuit used by Georges Lakhovsky.
Paul got us on the right track, Eric showed up and the rest is history. We will continue to make refinements as needed and we are honored to be able to offer this * RARE * machine that was made possible by these two engineers who have inspired and helped us with their genius.
Peter Lindemann has contributed to the design of the stands so that they look good and are also very functional. Peter has been an advocate of Georges Lakhovsky MWO technology before most people have ever heard about it.

Instead of our units looking like something from the early 1900’s, it looks like a modern analog military radio design in a small compact package and it is 100% electrically identical to the Lakhovsky MWO. There is no need for it to come in a case 5 times this size. The Pulse Modulator in the picture above is what we have created.
The units we are offering you will also NOT have a twist lock plug connection front center as it is not needed, it will have a common trapezoid shaped computer or monitor power supply plug. The left switch is a magnetic-hydraulic circuit breaker that turns on the main power, top center is a dial for the timer and the dial on the right is the VARIAC (Variable AC) dial. The cases are powder coated (the best kind of painting/finishing method) and silk-screened with white labeling on the front for all dials, etc. along with the name and model of the unit.
You can see on the right side is the spark gap vent and dial to adjust the spark gap.
The dial is to adjust the spark gap, we recommend keeping it a bit on the minimum side and leave it. Just because your sports car can go 200 MPH doesn’t mean it needs to.
The left side shows the fan guard for the spark gap and the right side are where the coils/antennas plug in to.
Here is what the full system looks like with both antenna/coil stands plugged in.
Here is Paul Babcock enjoying the ride! For normal use, the chair would be pointed the other way so the legs are not close to the wires, but we are just testing things out. He’s giving the thumbs up because not only is our waveform perfect, the primary and secondary coils are perfectly tuned! In other words, the primary tank circuit (primary input coil, capacitors and spark gap) are in resonance with the secondary (output) coils.
It’s about time someone brought this technology into the modern age and there is nobody more qualified than this team of engineers!
If you want to learn more about the MWO, get Paul Babcock’s presentation and read Georges Lakhovsky’s Secret of Life book that you can download as a free PDF here: http://www.fundebien.org.mx/pdf/THE_SECRET_LAKHOVSKY.pdf (we cannot endorse the publisher or person who wrote the introduction) – we only recommend reading what Georges Lakhovsky wrote himself.
Eric Dollard’s personally engineered and hand crafted MWO is for sale right now – your opportunity to bid on a piece of history! http://emediapress.com/2018/08/10/eric-dollards-mwo-for-sale/
To get on the notification list to be notified when these are available for purchase, go here: http://emediapress.com/mwo