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Explorations of the Bedini Ferris Wheel by RS Stafford

RS Stafford is fortunate enough to be the owner of John Bedini’s “Ferris Wheel” machine. It has a couple systems that drive it – one is an array of coils at the bottom of the machine and there is a separate, very interesting hub motor, which is modeled after NASA’s Radus Space Boots that uses flux switching.

John first demonstrated this machine is 2010 or 2011 downtown Coeur d’Alene. The entire time it ran on a 36v bank and charged a 36v bank – BOTH banks stayed topped up the entire time it ran. Also of interest was a novel cap discharge method that nobody could figure out. John had a hand drill with a hole saw and offered anyone the opportunity to drill into the box if they thought he had some hidden batteries – not one person took him up on his offer. You finally get to see what is inside the box.

After that demonstration, John contributed at Energetic Forum by posting bits and pieces of how the machine worked but nobody really got it. These original posts by him are still in the forum.

For the first time ever, RS demonstrates this machine and gives a full disclosure including the surprisingly simple method John used to discharge a capacitor (the thing in the box) to the output battery bank. Many people have been waiting for this information for the last 9-10 years and it’s finally here with the exclusive full disclosure on the entire machine!

This presentation is only 41 minutes but RS does give a schematic and he does show the cap discharge method.

Get this EXCLUSIVE Full Disclosure Now:

Please help support RS’ efforts to continue his work with the Bedini Ferris Wheel:

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Poor Man’s Split the Positive Battery Swapper by RS Stafford

Poor Man's Split the Positive Battery Swapper by RS Stafford
Poor Man’s Split the Positive Battery Swapper by RS Stafford

At last year’s conference, Peter Lindemann demonstrated a Bedini SSG energizer that produced a lot of mechanical work all weekend and the batteries stayed charged up!

It worked beautifully and was done with an automated circuit that rotates the batteries in a certain way but most people do not have the know-how to be able to build that circuit.

At this year’s conference, RS Stafford replicated this battery swapping method with circuit breaks and other common parts from his local hardware store. It’s inexpensive and very, very simple to build. This is the machine that ANYONE can make work if they just follow some simple wiring diagrams and RS’s instructions.

Let me explain the Split the Positive concept… lf I were to ask someone – even someone with a background in electronics or electricity if a light bulb would light up if it were placed between the positives of the batteries as shown to the left, they would say no.

Let’s say they are 1.5 volt AA batteries. The two in series makes 3 volts and the other single battery is 1.5 volts by itself. Well, 3 volts – 1.5 volts in opposition means there is still a voltage potential difference of 1.5 volts between the positives. A LED bulb for example will indeed light up because potential differences are what are important in electricity and NOT polarity.

Here’s an important thing to understand – while the bulb is lit up, the current from the two batteries in series is charging up battery #3. Therefore, if battery #3 is dead, it will charge up as the bulb is lit. When it is charged, it can move to the position of #1 or #1 batteries and one of the batteries #1 or #2 can be placed into the #3 position and it will get charged up while the bulb is lit. So you can see that by constantly rotating these batteries, you actually wind up with way more load powering capability than you would get if you just ran the bulb on a single battery until it’s dead and do that for the other two batteries.

John Bedini came up with this method years ago after studying the concepts in the famous Ed Gray motor, which had a similar process, but with much higher voltages. The above example has been known as Bedini’s 3 Battery system and very few people have ever understood the profound implications of it.

Now when you combine this concept with a highly efficient Bedini Energizer where you can recover a high percentage of what goes into the system in addition to getting some extra electricity from some generator coils that have very low drag, you have the keys to be able to produce mechanical or electrical work while making up for virtually all its own losses. That means you have a simple system that keeps itself charged up and you can create the battery swapping part of the system with parts from your local hardware store!

Our power grid is doomed to crash and you will be at a very strong advantage with what RS is teaching you here in this presentation.

Split the Positive
Split the Positive

Learn more here:

Energy Science & Technology Conference 2021 – First-Time Vendor

Represent your business or brand at our 10th annual world-famous conference, featuring open demonstrations of highly disruptive technologies

As a vendor, you’ll get:

  • Access to all presentations
  • 4×8 foot table (must be tended to at all times)
  • Two minutes on stage to introduce your business or brand to the audience
  • Distribution of a video of your introduction to our network
  • A mention on our vendors and sponsors web page

You can also bring a friend or business partner at no additional cost, or a team of up to 6 people at a discounted rate (add two or more tickets to your cart).

Conference Details

  • 18 authoritative presenters
  • 20 knowledge-packed, empowering presentations over 5 days
  • Mind-blowing, powerful demonstrations
  • Panel discussions
  • Workshops
  • Up to 125 attendees

Date: July 7-11, 2021 (Wednesday to Sunday)

Location: Kootenai County Fairgrounds, 4056 N. Government Way, Coeur d’Alene, ID 83815

Only 10 minutes south of the Hayden Eagles Lodge on Government Way, and 50 minutes drive from the Spokane International Airport (Airport code GEG). Visit the Energy Science & Technology Conference website for local accommodation options.

Scheduled presentations

Wednesday: Aaron Murakami, TO BE ANNOUNCED, TO BE ANNOUNCED, Ruth Olmstead PhD

Thursday: Eric Dollard, Adrian Marsh PhD, Aaron Murakami & Eric Dollard

Friday: Griffin Brock Brock, Griffin Brock, Arthur D. Stark, Ken Rochon, Mike Clarke D.C., Jeremiah Ferwerda


Sunday: David Bowling, RS Stafford

Any presenter listed more than once indicates multiple presentations

For more information, visit the Energy Science & Technology Conference website

COMBO – Intellectual Property Protection, PCB Software & Contract Manufacturing

ESTC 2019 Business Presentations

Intellectual Property Protection

Protecting your inventions is an important consideration depending on your goals. If you have an invention and want to be able to earn money from it commercially, you may or may not want to file for a patent. Before deciding what you want to do, it is highly recommended to at least look at your options by hearing from a qualified Intellectual Property attorney who was also one of John Bedini’s attorneys at EnergenX. Kevin helped them to secure patents for them in the field of battery charging efficiency and EMF recovery.

There are pros and cons to patenting and this presentation will shine light on many of your blind spots when it comes to this topic. There are also many misconceptions that people in the “open source” and alternative energy field have that need to be corrected as well. It is also possible to file for a patent yourself so you need to consider all the facts in order to determine whether or not you want to do that or if you want to hire an expert.

If you’re involved with any kind of disruptive technology, you should definitely consider hiring an attorney to help you with this if you want to patent it because there are ways to get the patent granted or at least have the best chance of doing so and the language is all important. If Kevin Jablonski can help John Bedini get a patent on his energy recovery circuits, then you can see the value of having someone like this on your own team to help you protect your valuable inventions.

Part of the 2019 Energy Science & Technology Conference series (90 mins downloadable video).

PCB Software

If there is a circuit board as part of your invention, you will need to know about PCB Software so you can create the right kind of files to provide to a PCB company so they can manufacture them for you. This can be intimidating for the beginning who has only made circuits on breadboards or their own universal soldering boards.

When I first had the Bedini RPX Sideband Generator manufactured, I printed the PCB file as an iron-on transfer, which I put on copper boards. Then I etched them in a chemical solution, cleaned them off and then dipped them in a highly toxic tinning solution, which allows the solder to stick to the traces more easily. It worked, but it was an experience that taught me one lesson – that is exactly what I do NOT want to do!

It was a valuable lesson for me as part of the overall manufacturing process but there is a much simpler way. The program I used was and still is Kicad, a free, open source software program that is more robust than even some paid programs. It has its quirky parts, but it works perfect. It took me a while to learn how to use it because I didn’t use any tutorials and taught myself by trial and error. Most of the tutorials I saw on YouTube and elsewhere were usually assuming I already knew how to use the program, which wasn’t helpful at all.

RS Stafford, who has many years experience with PCB programs learned Kicad in a matter of days and knew it better than I did with months of experience with it. Having the “schema” or frame of reference for what these programs are supposed to do was most likely very helpful in cutting down his learning curve.

In this presentation, RS walks you through the creation of a circuit step-by-step so you know exactly how to do it. He uses one or two example circuits that many of you will be familiar with and he shows how to export this to Gerber files, which are what you want to provide a company if you want multiple boards created for you. Take my advice, forget about the DIY method of etching your own boards, etc. it isn’t worth the time. If you want to do that just to have the experience, that is one thing but you will never keep up on the demand if you’re serious about selling a significant amount of your circuits.

Part of the 2019 Energy Science & Technology Conference series (75 mins downloadable video).

Contract Manufacturing

If you plan on offering your invention(s) to the public, you build them all yourself if you plan to do small quantity, but if you want to have a life where you aren’t owned by the building process like so many small-time inventors, you will absolutely want to learn about contract manufacturing.

My first experience with contract manufacturing was when I initially made the Bedini RPX available. At first, I built the first 25 myself. They worked, but since I drilled out the holes in the cases by hand, they weren’t all 100% aligned, the sticker labels looked so-so, they worked perfect, but it was so time-consuming! After that first batch, I learned another lesson, besides etching my own PCBs, I absolutely did NOT want to manufacture these devices. Again, I can have a life or be consumed by building things. I enjoy building but more when it is experimental research on the bench, but working my own assembly line – forget about it.

Paul Babcock referred me to a local contract manufacturer since he knows the whose who in that business here in Spokane. I made an appointment, showed them what I wanted to accomplish and they guided me in the process of what I needed to provide to them so they could do it all. There is an option for them to do as much or as little as desired. I chose to do it “turn-key” meaning that I just submit the order for how many I want and they do 100%. They order every piece, they order the PCBs, they did all the assembly exactly to my spec, you name it.

In four weeks (with an expedited fee) or six weeks of normal lead time, they have 125-150 units all brand new and waiting in a box for me to pick up. They even test each unit with a scope and spectrum analyzer I let them borrow for a few days according to the exact protocols John Bedini used. They’ll even pack the units in boxes with the signal generators, batteries, and cables if I want with the only thing needed is a customer address label stuck to the box.

The greatest thing about all of this is that I learned I can do this at affordable pricing right here in Spokane so I don’t have to outsource anything overseas! 100% Made in Spokane for a reasonable price. It doesn’t get any better than that.

In this presentation, Seth Young who is with a Contract Manufacturer that specializes in sheet metal fabrication (they made the cases for our MWO Pulse Modulators) gives an overview with a lot of information on the process. Although you may or may not need sheet metal fabrication, the concepts apply to any kind of contract manufacturing and what you can expect or know to ask for.

Part of the 2019 Energy Science & Technology Conference series (64 mins downloadable video).


Save $4 when you buy all three presentations together!

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Panel Discussion 2 (2021)

Download this FREE video – it’s the second panel discussion from the 2021 Energy Science & Technology Conference with:

Jeremiah Ferwerda
Sky Huddleston
Nick Kraakman
Peter Lindemann, DSc
Aaron Murakami
RS Stafford

If you don’t already have the first one, you can get that as well!

Get it FREE here:

Explorations Of The Bedini Ferris Wheel

Explorations Of The Bedini Ferris Wheel by RS Stafford

RS Stafford brings this massive Bedini Energizer to the conference, better known as the Bedini Ferris Wheel.

It has 3 coils underneath as well as a hub motor that works on the principles of the Radix Space Boots. It runs on a 36v battery bank and charges a 36v battery bank – that is the configuration when John Bedini demonstrated this back in 2010 or 2011. For the last 11 years, this Bedini Ferris Wheel in its entirety has never been disclosed but it is now.

You’ll learn what the circuit is, how it is put together and how it works. You’ll also understand what the hub motor is. Furthermore, the special cap discharge method is disclosed, which will be a surprise because it is so unexpected.

Part of the 2021 Energy Science & Technology Conference series (41 mins downloadable video).


Energy Science & Technology Conference 2021 – Returning Vendor

Represent your business or brand at our 10th annual world-famous conference, featuring open demonstrations of highly disruptive technologies

As a vendor, you’ll get:

  • Access to all presentations
  • 4×8 foot table (must be tended to at all times)
  • Two minutes on stage to introduce your business or brand to the audience
  • Distribution of a video of your introduction to our network
  • A mention on our vendors and sponsors web page

You can also bring a friend or business partner at no additional cost, or a team of up to 6 people at a discounted rate (add two or more tickets to your cart).

Conference Details

  • 18 authoritative presenters
  • 20 knowledge-packed, empowering presentations over 5 days
  • Mind-blowing, powerful demonstrations
  • Panel discussions
  • Workshops
  • Up to 125 attendees

Date: July 7-11, 2021 (Wednesday to Sunday)

Location: Kootenai County Fairgrounds, 4056 N. Government Way, Coeur d’Alene, ID 83815

Only 10 minutes south of the Hayden Eagles Lodge on Government Way, and 50 minutes drive from the Spokane International Airport (Airport code GEG). Visit the Energy Science & Technology Conference website for local accommodation options.

Scheduled presentations

Wednesday: Aaron Murakami, TO BE ANNOUNCED, TO BE ANNOUNCED, Ruth Olmstead PhD

Thursday: Eric Dollard, Adrian Marsh PhD, Aaron Murakami & Eric Dollard

Friday: Griffin Brock Brock, Griffin Brock, Arthur D. Stark, Ken Rochon, Mike Clarke D.C., Jeremiah Ferwerda


Sunday: David Bowling, RS Stafford

Any presenter listed more than once indicates multiple presentations

For more information, visit the Energy Science & Technology Conference website

Energy Science & Technology Conference 2021

Spend the weekend with the legends and pioneers of the modern-day Tesla science and free energy movement at our 10th annual conference

Get your tickets to attend this world-famous conference featuring open demonstrations of highly disruptive technologies

What you can look forward to

  • 18 authoritative presenters
  • 20 knowledge-packed, empowering presentations over 5 days
  • Mind-blowing, powerful demonstrations
  • Panel discussions
  • Workshops

Date: July 7-11, 2021 (Wednesday to Sunday)

Location: Kootenai County Fairgrounds, 4056 N. Government Way, Coeur d’Alene, ID 83815

Only 10 minutes south of the Hayden Eagles Lodge on Government Way, and 50 minutes drive from the Spokane International Airport (Airport code GEG). Visit the Energy Science & Technology Conference website for local accommodation options.



Scheduled presentations

Wednesday: Aaron Murakami, TO BE ANNOUNCED, TO BE ANNOUNCED, Ruth Olmstead PhD

Thursday: Eric Dollard, Adrian Marsh PhD, Aaron Murakami & Eric Dollard

Friday: Griffin Brock Brock, Griffin Brock, Arthur D. Stark, Ken Rochon, Mike Clarke D.C., Jeremiah Ferwerda


Sunday: David Bowling, RS Stafford

Any presenter listed more than once indicates multiple presentations.

For more information, visit the Energy Science & Technology Conference website.



Rocket Heaters