In this presentation by Peter Lindemann, you will learn the real history of perpetual motion and how our ancestors learned to power their machines by the Forces of Nature. You will also learn that the first, undisputed perpetual motion machine was built in 1605 and given as a gift to the King of England! But that is not all! You will also learn that there are over 500,000 of this type of machine on the planet today, and there is one in New Zealand that has been running continuously since 1864! You see, real perpetual motion machines run from an energy source that is available everywhere, all of the time. Even Nikola Tesla described this as “the ideal source of energy” to power our industrial society. The machine he designed to run on this energy is called the “Self-acting Engine”.
Part of the 2012 Energy Science & Technology Conference series (89 mins).
Over the years, there have been quite a few claims about “Cold Electricity” but these are mostly speculations by researchers that have either been taught or have stumbled upon some electrical properties that do not conform to normal electrical theories.
Ed Gray’s Motor was claimed to have produced some kind of Cold Electricity phenomena with massively high output compared to the input. These ideas were theorized in Peter Lindemann’s book Free Energy Secrets of Cold Electricity.
Ronald Brandt’s “Tesla Switch”, which was duplicated by John Bedini, showed some kind of Cold Electricity phenomena, which manifested between the negatives of two different battery terminals while the batteries were alternately switched between parallel and series.
Carlos Benitez’s early 1900’s patent appears to be the origin of the so-called Tesla Switch and to date, there has been no evidence that Tesla actually created a circuit, which operates under such conditions.
After learning about Ed Gray’s technology and the process of splitting the positive, I was on a search for anything relating to splitting the negative. Not that this is what Cold Electricity is about, but based on some hunches and other ideas relating to this concept, I eventually stumbled upon a patent application, which gives the clearest description of the benefits of Cold Electricity along with a switching method that is supposed to elicit such effects.
Back in 2004, I had discussed this unusual patent application online but nobody seemed to be interested so I quietly kept it to myself for the next 12 years. Around 2008, I designed a simple circuit that would imitate the switching method in the patent on a small scale.
At the 2016 Energy Science & Technology Conference, I gave this presentation revealing the patent application, pictures of the inventors work that hardly anyone has ever see before, the way the switching method is supposed to work, my circuit design that was to mimic the method in the patent, a simplified diagram of the patent application switching method and two proposed operating methods for testing.
After the presentation, I answered other questions not relating to the Cold Electricity but did share a circuit that allows one to send all the recovery in an SG back to the front and in my demonstration model, it reduces the current drawn by the input battery by 55%! Other things were discussed as well.
Please be clear that in my attempt, I was not able to find the Cold Electricity but my circuit was small scale and it wasn’t built the same. I give recommendations on the direction to go in regards to the patent application. Peter Lindemann was also kind enough to share some feedback in regards to the importance of this patent application.
The primary purpose of this presentation is to bring it to the awareness of the “Free Energy” community so that others may experiment with it and share their results. Any funds raised from this particular presentation will be used to finish the replication effort and open source all the results!
Part of the 2016 Energy Science & Technology Conference series (69 mins downloadable video).
This book presents the historical and technical details that gave rise to the great transmission facility installed at Bolinas, California. The need for this book was seen in two particular presentations. One is the P.B.S. documentary “Empire Of The Air”, and the other is found in the Vril Compendium of Gerry Vassilatos. Concurrent with the writing of this book was his writing of Gerry’s book “Secrets of Cold War Technology.”
The people and equipment that gave rise to the Radio Corporation of America are detailed in my book. To the best of my knowledge, this is the first presentation of the electrical wave telegraphy which existed prior to what is now commonly known as radio. For the first time, the actual operating principles of the Tesla and Alexanderson systems are presented. This pushes aside nearly a century of disinformation and misconceptions.
The second book (by the same name) was written by local historian Dewey Livingston. It was commissioned by the National Park Service to verify and understand my own experience and understanding on this subject, as the inheritor of the facility from R.C.A. This writing was quickly to become suppressed and Mr. Livingston was threatened on the matter, halting any further development. At about the same time, my own efforts, in cooperation with Naval authorities, were abruptly halted. These events were directed by the malevolent forces who have destroyed all my efforts in Bolinas, and even leading to the death of one friend. The details are given in my paper, “The Bolinas Incident – The Barbara Boxer Report”.
The final two parts of this package are the basis for two presentations given at the San Francisco Tesla Society. Both were subsequently suppressed by that society. The morphology of this suppression is given in my paper, “Wardenclyffe Denied”.
The sudden release of my extensive writings on the Bolinas installation will come as a jolt to those who have worked to destroy this historic station and my life’s work. These vermin can be exposed to the Actinic Rays of the Truth. The purchase of these books will serve to intensify these rays.
(Description by Eric Dollard. 4 ebook download package)
Book 1: Wireless Giant Of The Pacific by Eric Dollard – This is the 382 page book, created by Eric Dollard, complete with his original dedication to the engineers of the RCA Bolinas site. This edition of Eric’s book is being released as a matter of high priority, since its release has been stonewalled by others for over a decade!
Book 2: Wireless Giant Of The Pacific by Dewey Livingston – This is the suppressed historical work, contracted by the Federal Government, to document the RCA Bolinas site and the wireless antenna technology intended to go hand-in-hand with the technical work and documentation of Eric Dollard
Book 3: This is more of an excerpt from a book called History Of Communications-Electronics In The United States NAVY by Captain Linwood S. Howeth. Eric has given a presentation in the past based on this material and it is relevant to the Bolinas RCA topic.
Book 4: This is an extract from General Electric Review back in the 1920’s. It covers the general history and technical details of Ernst Alexanderson’s development of alternator based transmitters, starting in 1906
The Cosmic Induction Generator is a very important technology with many applications, but the first goal was to demonstrate the manifestation of visible evidence of the intrinsic formative forces of the universe, which is done in the spirit of Tesla technology.
The back to back Tesla Transmitters are designed to replicate the ideas expressed in Wilhelm Reich’s “Cosmic Superimposition” of formative fields. When two living energy fields mutually interact, they can stimulate each others’ excitation to the point of illumination – in other words, CREATE LIGHT!
Another one of the applications of the Cosmic Induction Generator is that it can create an electrical flame between the two coils, which when modulated with audio frequencies can emit music with the most impressive, hi-fidelity sound that you will ever hear!
Bonus content includes over 180 MB of photos of John Polakowski & Eric Dollard working on the CIG (Cosmic Induction Generator) at EPD Laboratories and three videos about the CIG that have already been put on YouTube but are included for your convenience. They are interviews with Eric and John with some video of them working on the CIG.
Part of the 2014 Energy Science & Technology Conference series (72 mins).
Many years ago at Borderland Science, I had two presentations – Transverse & Longitudinal Electric Waves and Tesla’s Longitudinal Electricity which are considered classics in the field of Tesla research. These are also available as part of the Classic Energy Videos package.
The first shows you the difference between transverse and longitudinal waves and then some practical demonstrations. The second goes deeper into longitudinal waves including a transmission demonstration.
Einstein’s so-called speed of light limit is circumvented since the longitudinal propagation goes through counterspace, which is instantaneous meaning there is no velocity. It is not “faster than light”, it is instantaneous extraluminal transmission, which is way more advanced than what Einstein was ever able to conceive.
Since those demonstrations many years ago, a lot of my work has focused on fully developing a fully working theory that. It is somewhat mathematical but will still use only basic algebra.
You will get a very detailed analysis of the Alexanderson System as well as learning about wave propagation in multiple coordinate systems. Physicists use the term dimensions so in other words, it will be about wave propagation in other dimensions that are outside of the velocity of light.
The analog computer network systems will be a central figure in this presentation. And, this presentation is directly related and very important to the understanding of my Advanced Seismic Warning System.
(Description by Eric Dollard)
244 minutes downloadable video presentation by Eric Dollard
301 page PDF document of the PowerPoint presentation from the conference
The theoretical basis for longitudinal transmission systems as demonstrated in the classic Borderland Science videos showing “faster than light” transmission. In reality, EXTRALUMINAL means it is complete disconnected from the speed of light
The most detailed presentation on network theory in history – considered the most complicated subject in all of electrical engineering
The math and schematics to replicate these analog computer networks that transmit in both transverse (electromagnetic) fashion and in longitudinal (dielectric) propagation
Part of the 2016 Energy Science & Technology Conference series (244 mins downloadable video).
In 2007, the San Francisco Tesla Society visited me at my research facility in Landers, California. I insisted that we film a documentary covering the technology because it was about to be taken from me.
This was to include my research into earthquake detection and the general monitoring of longitudinal, electro-static signals emanating from the earth. This video tour documents the facility and the scientific achievement it represented.
This facility represents almost three generations of work starting with George Van Tassel at the Integratron, which is located next to this Landers Facility. The land owner Walter J. Deroche had commissioned me after the Integratron was taken from me and I needed another place to continue the work. So this began on Walter’s property roughly 1000 feet from the Integratron.
Walter’s idea was to build our own Naval Communications facility based on the materials that were moved from the RCA Station in Bolinas, California to Landers. This was a dream that we had both shared. At that point, I continued the research of the Radio Corporation of America (RCA) on Walt’s property.
Ample assistance of materials were provided by Walt’s friends and associates who worked in the aerospace and telecom companies in the Southern California area. And much of the equipment was hand made by me from surplus gathered in the Los Angeles area.
Based on my knowledge that I gained from the Navy and Bell Telephone, I was able to build this equipment exactly to their specifications as can be seen in the photographs. The parts inventory that I gathered was massive. This derived from my 20 years of working in the surplus business in Los Angeles. (One part of the lifelong effort.)
Over a course of time, one of the biggest communications research installations in private hands grew out of this effort.
Under suspicious circumstances, Walt died but in the course of his passing had willed the installation to myself and the telephone line foreman who helped me build the place. Unbeknownst to me, efforts were made behind the scenes to tamper with the paperwork and the will. Eventually, the property wound up in the hands of an Olen Bales at which point a $250,000 ransom was demanded or he would destroy the station.
When the money was not forthcoming, Owen declared me a squatter and had the legal system remove me from my own installation and the facility was looted of all of my property, possessions and equipment at which point I became destitute in Lone Pine.
Considering that the installation was the most advanced “listening station” ever built outside of the control of the military, its loss was catastrophic and irreplaceable.
So, what was there? This film is a complete tour of the facility with me explaining the scientific significance of each and every component filmed. This includes the “antenna farm” which held Broadband High Frequency Antennas, Broadband Low Frequency Antennas, a Marconi Antenna, a Rhombic Antenna, an Earth Signal Antenna consisting of a Beverage Antenna and an Alexanderson Antenna in tandem.
It also had a stereo broadcast and receiving antenna for the entire high frequency band with worldwide range of reception. It allowed for the determination of the directional origin of the signals, which were heard in stereo. In effect, the Earth became a concert hall of enormous proportions. Unfortunately, before much of this could be recorded, the station was lost.
And then there was the Lightning Indicator system which measured the voltage gradient between the local sky and the ground, and set off an alarm when lightning was about to strike nearby.
For listening to signals in the earth, there was a series of sensitive microphones buried around the property, as well as the Alexanderson Antenna that consisted of a loaded pair of “above ground” and “below ground” lines that were compensated to eliminate speed of light propagation rate limitations. Each of these antennas is shown and explained out in the field, so you can see for yourself the physical structures used to accomplish these technologies.
All of these antennas produced their characteristic signals, all of which were routed back to a central signal processing area after going through an initial “lightning arrestor” filter. Then, each signal could be selected for individual monitoring. Most of these signals were entering this area in the micro-volt range. These signals were then filtered to eliminate noise and interference, and then amplified back up to their original levels. Further amplification stages carefully brought the signals up to the kilovolt power levels.
After this, the signals could be amplified to be listened to through headphones, or through loud speakers, they could be viewed on oscilloscopes, or used to activate chart recorders, or even close relays to sound alarms. They could also be piped into a telephone line to be played to anyone else who was listening. And all of these output systems were completely compensated so they did not load the initial signal from the antennas in any way.
The entire facility was operated on battery supplies that were 100% isolated from the local utility. The signal processing was all done in the native, analog modem to preserve the fundamental character of the signals. There were no digital computers involved in the signal processing; only analog computers were used.
Many considered the design to be beyond brilliant, and much of the facility was operational. The last section includes over 20 minutes of listening to signals from the Alexanderson Antenna while watching them on an oscilloscope.
If you have understood the scientific significance of my presentation The Extraluminal Transmission Systems Of Tesla And Alexanderson, then here is your only chance to see a fully functioning system in action with a full technical description. My book about the Wireless Giant of the Pacific tells about how this technology works, but this film shows one of these systems actually working!
It’s hard to understand how historically important this film is, because it is the only detailed record of this facility ever made. Technically, the film has some weaknesses, like during the tour of the Antenna Field, the wind came up a bit and played havoc with the microphones. Even through this, my periodic comments reveal priceless details of the structures and their operation. Over all, the film may leave you breathless once you comprehend the scope and magnitude of the facility and what it represents. What you will see is the scope and function of the Landers Facility, which at the time was the culmination of my life’s work!
(Description by Eric Dollard. 240 mins downloadable video)
This presentation is also available as part of a combo package
The Crystal Radio Initiative is a challenge to create a Tesla type Crystal Radio that can receive enough electricity from the ground to power bulbs, motors and other electrical devices.
So far, several experimenters have been able to power small bulbs (not LEDs) and small motors and ultimately, the Grand Prize would be given to someone that can light up a 100 watt bulb.
At the 100 watt level, that would require an enormous ground system, which most people don’t have access to, but even lighting a 5 watt bulb is worthy of praise.
You see, it is commonly thought that AM radio waves only travel through the air, which are received by an antenna. Those would be transverse or electromagnetic waves, which diminish in strength the further they travel.
However, Tesla knew something else, which is not widely known and that is the fact that every AM station is simultaneously transmitting it’s signal through the ground longitudinally – and that signal does NOT diminish over distance in the same way. That means that receiving the longitudinal transmission allows you to have much more energy that can be used to power bulbs or other devices. This is a Tesla style longitudinal transmission or dielectric/electrostatic transmission.
This entire project has been open sourced on my official discussion forum at Energetic Forum along with schematics, operating theory, and even a handful of pictures, videos and data of replications from some of the regular members such as dR-Green and others.
Another point of interest with this project is that the ground transmission happens at a speed that is not limited to “light speed”. You could say that it is “faster” than the speed of light or more correctly, extraluminal. Extraluminal transmission means that the signals are propagated in a way that are not subject to light speed limitations.
On the surface, this may seem to violate popularized “laws of physics” but shortly, you will see that it is a simple mathematical and engineerable fact.
91 minutes long downloadable video presentation on the operating theory of a Tesla type Crystal Radio, which has no antenna
72 minutes long downloadable video presentation showing you EXACTLY how to calculate the windings for a coil for a * REAL * Tesla Resonant Transformer based on the same proportions as Tesla’s own transmitter!
A 303 page downloadable ebook, which has theories, schematics (that actually work), comments, references along with contributions from other experimenters who are a part of this open source project
Volume 1 – Versor Algebra As Applied To Polyphase Power Systems
Charles Proteus Steinmetz’s original math model is a natural outgrowth of Nikola Tesla’s polyphase power systems. Tesla was the discoverer, but Steinmetz was the builder who first applied Versor Algebra to the analysis of alternating current power systems.
In my presentation and book Four Quadrant Representation Of Electricity, my extension of Steinmetz’s work is presented in the most simple way possible using very simple analogies, pictures and diagrams. It was a very difficult task as the goal was to facilitate an understanding for the layman.
That presentation was given at the 2013 Energy Science & Technology Conference and shortly thereafter, the book version was released, which went into more detail that was not covered in the presentation.
Tesla’s polyphase power system was originally four poles or four phases. Steinmetz is the one who adapted it into a three pole or three phase system, which is the prominent system of today. The complication is that three phase systems cannot be explained by conventional mathematics. With three phase systems, there is no plus or minus and that is the reason why the conventional math doesn’t work any more.
That left a big gap in polyphase power systems until Dr. Fortescue came up with the system of Symmetrical Coordinates. This laid the groundwork for polyphase mathematics for any number of phases. And ultimately, it can be extended into the Pythagorean understanding of numbers.
The “Fortescue Method” was never fully developed because of its complexity. The proper name for this is “Sequence Algebra” and the rudiments were presented in my presentation and book Four Quadrant Representation Of Electricity.
Even though the system has become adopted for general engineering usage, Versor Algebra Volume 1 and Versor Algebra Volume 2 is the first theoretical basis that has ever been presented on the subject.
Versor Algebra Voume 1 and Versor Algebra Volume 2 is the next logical step after Four Quadrant Representation of Electricity as it takes the reader into the mathematical journey of the mathematical model and theory that is necessary to realize the unique electrical waves that exist in polypahse power systems. These waves are actually beyond the original understanding of Tesla and Steinmetz with regard to polyphase power systems.
It is important to understand that this is all possible with simple 9th grade algebra. I take the reader through a step-by-step process from very basic algebra and logarithms into the more complex subject. The process involves very simple but numerous steps to guide the reader into the understanding of polyphase mathematics.
Through my own journey in writing this Versor Algebra book, I have been able to unify the polyphonic music of Bach and his contemporaries as this music follows the logic of sequence algebra perfectly.
In fact, the book was written when listening to this music, which aided the process greatly.
(146 page downloadable ebook)
Volume 2 – Special Theories Of Sequence Operators As Applied To Power Engineering
In Versor Algebra Volume 2, the general theory presented in the first volume is actually applied to any number of phases.
Each set of phases has its own mathematical manifestation. If there are eight phases, the math is very different from the math necessary to analyze three phases. The general theory is basically being developed into special theory for multiple number of phases.
The second volume covers a plurality of phases including eight phases, which is necessary for the proper mathematical analysis of polyphase music. It also covers the very usual true single or monopolar phase developed by Nikola Tesla for his telluric ground transmission systems. We also review the more common three and four phase power systems.
What is commonly misunderstood as single phase is actually a two phase system that is common in your home. This is not a true polyphase system because it is not rotational like a four phase system but is included for continuity.
You will be able to observe the mathematical process without being sidetracked by numerous subscripts and the use of the same letter for a multiplicity of terms, which is the flaw in the available textbooks on the subject. This is necessary to establish the clarity of the process so that in the future third volume, it is possible to understand its application and extension.
(193 page downloadable ebook)
Fault has been found with these articles that they are hard to read. They were harder, perhaps, to write.
Oliver Heaviside – Electromagnetic Theory Volume 1, 1893
The complete set of ebooks is also available as a combo package
History, Theory & Practice Of Electrical Transmission Notebooks 1, 2 & 3
484 page PDF of in depth material from Eric Dollard on the history, theory and practice of electrical transmission, which has never been presented until now. This is the deep technical side of his presentation from the 2014 Energy Science & Technology Conference, The Extraluminal Transmission Systems Of Tesla And Alexanderson.
History, Theory & Practice Of Electrical Transmission Notebooks 4 & 5
188 page PDF of in depth material from Eric Dollard on the history, theory and practice of Thomson and Steinmetz’s work as applied to aether physics and electrical transmission.
These downloadable ebooks are composed of scanned images of Eric’s actual notebooks.
The complete set of 5 notebooks is available as a combo package
Save $17 when you buy all 5 notebook sets together!
Eric Dollard demystifies the aether and gives it tangible form and substance while attempting to demonstrate how it is the medium of creation. Below is a synopsis of each section of this presentation that is nearly 4 hours long!
For many years, it was thought that there were magical interactions between things at a distance much like quantum physics of today.
Michael Faraday developed the ideas of the Lines of Force, which shows the interconnectivity between electrified and magnetized objects.
J.J. Thomson is the key person here who allowed us to express this in simple mathematical form.
Classical music composer Charles Roland Berry and Robert Emin discussing some of the relationships between music, electricity and harmonics with Eric Dollard
Aether, Electricity & Life
This section explores the all-permeating golden ratio log periodic structure. It regulates the process of life and creation. It is the geometric basis for it. This is demonstrated through the Tesla monopolar electrical discharge. Once this discharge manifests, the process follows the morphic fields, which are the potential forms that exists in the aether. Gustav LeBon’s work is important in understanding these concepts.
Levitation & Harmonics
The Walls of Jericho are not an energetic process but are a direct result of the action of the aether upon the structure of matter. The binding forces that hold matter together are neutralized causing it to fall apart. It appears that this process can be used in reverse to cause the creation of matter. This is a primary process of the aether.
An example of something that is an energy process is Tibetan rock launching. It is thought that the rocks are levitating, but it is not levitation in the normal sense. There is a convergence of harmonic sounds, which results in a cumulative energy process. This concentrates all of this energy in a very short period of time with a very intense magnitude, which is known as an impulse. This does not levitate the rocks, but rather launches them into the air in a normal physical trajectory. This is the process of harmonic energy convergence.
Substation Of God
This is an analogy between church architecture and electrical substations. This converts very dangerous potentials into a safe and manageable form.
The impedance of the transformer at a substation performs this transformation just like the pipe organ performs this transformation in the church. They can only couple so much energy before destroying themselves. In the church, the equal temperament scale is what tames the energy.
The roof of the church is metal, which becomes radioactive with a very tall antenna, which becomes a capacitor that polarizes the aether inside the building. The church becomes highly electrified during cosmic events, which is not a daily phenomena. The electrification is channelled through dielectric induction into the substance of the building and this allows people listening to this music to experience supernatural phenomena.
The entire process is modulated by the pipe organ so that the sound interacts with the dielectric induction and consequently the aether. The formative forces take control during these events and produce the subjective sensation that the church is literally going to explode. The individuals experiencing these processes become separated from their bodies and become one with the form and field within the church. This is something that cannot be called upon at will but is made possible during times of cosmic convergences.
Universe Alpha Vs. Universe Omega
Originally, mankind was on a path that is in alignment with the harmonic natural laws of the universe. This was from the time of Pythagoras up to Johann Sebastian Bach. Then, the big shift came. This divergence basically turned everything inside out. All of this understanding has become denied and despised. There has been a deliberate attempt to make this knowledge suppressed and outlawed.
Today, we are still on this dark road into the abyss. Mankind is denied any further connection with the cosmos. What has been substituted are the notions of evolution, relativity and quantum mysticism and mankind only exists for its economic value and is reduced to a component in a telephone exchange. Communism is the flower of all of this and the faces of its leaders speaks for itself.
Pythagoras The Gateway
Pythagoras takes us back to Universe Alpha by retracing his steps. During his time, people had higher levels of power and deeper understanding of the mysteries of the Universe. He created the basic structure of music and its intervals and later Plato turned this into the musical scale. The original science of music was to understand the harmonic laws of the universe rather than for purposes of entertainment, which was highly rejected. This lays the foundation for music as we know it in our culture today.
Plato And The Demiurge
Plato extends the teachings of Pythagoras in encrypted and enigmatic forms, which are still not thoroughly understood by scholars to this day. The Demiurge was the cosmic engineer holding the musical scale, which represents the creation of the universe. The end result was the diatonic musical scale, which is the foundation for the musical scale, which exists today in our culture.
Musical Scales
This goes into a full discussion of the log periodic and Versor form of the musical scales as they exist both today and in antiquity. This connects it back to the log periodic form of life and its creation through the log periodic spiral.
Dark Ages To Renaissance
All of this information went underground in the dark ages and most of the proponents for this were killed. At this time, we were given the first Theory of Relativity that declared that instead of being in a heliocentric universe, we existed in a geocentric universe. This was proposed by Ptolemy and it was enforced with an iron fist for a millennia resulting in the death of many philosophers.
In the middle ages, neo-Pythagorean and neo-Platonic thinking was reawakened and there was light at the end of the tunnel leading back to Universe Alpha. This was the period at which the cathedral and pipe organ and the development of music started to take hold. This was when the substation of God was reinvented and music was composed for cosmic purposes. This led to the renaissance, which was the re-awakening of classical thought.
Kirchner, Fludd & Kepler
The renaissance led to development of the knowledge of Kirchner, Fludd and Kepler. This led back to the harmonic laws of the universe and the engineering of music into its current form.
Kirchner represented the knowledge of Church as a Jesuit scholar. He was considered the most knowledgeable man in the known world of his time.
Fludd takes us back to the occult knowledge of the ancients. He was attempting to preserve this knowledge before it became lost forever. This necessarily put him at odds with the church.
Kepler developed the geometric aspect of the harmonic laws of the universe. He took us from a geocentric universe back to a heliocentric universe.
All three of them contributed extensively to the advancements in musical theory and re-established the concept of the music of the spheres as originally understood by Pythagoras. And with the uprising of Martin Luther, the church lost its power over these matters.
Bach And Symmetrical Co-Ordinate Systems
Bach is the synthesis of all of this by developing a truly cosmic music, which transcended space, time and matter and could bring the substation of God into its full power. He was the Tesla of music.
The Aether Physics Of J.J. Thomson
Thomson came up with the dynamics of Faraday’s Lines of Force, which he called Tubes of Electric Induction and this became an engineerable manifestation of the aether even though the aether itself remains an unknown.
His most important concept is that the aether is the storehouse of momentum. This means that when the aether is electrified, it exhibits the properties of a substance with inertia and momentum that acts upon physical matter.
This leads to an understanding that matter in and of itself is an accretion of the aether. Thomson shows that the aether is a substance that is directly engineerable both mathematically and in concrete form and that there is a direct equivalence between aether and matter.
J.J. Thomson’s work has not been understood very well as there is no continuity between the variables used in his mathematical equations. One letter may represent something in one part of his writings and it may mean something entirely different in another. Part of this work has been to straighten out the confusion in his book Electricity and Matter so that others can begin to see what he was getting at. This has never been done until now!
This is the practical foundation for not only understanding the physics of the aether, but in being able to apply practical engineering to it.
Part of the 2015 Energy Science & Technology Conference series (225 mins downloadable video).