Jeremiah Ferwerda demonstrates the Thermodynamic Transformer inspired and mastered by Nikola Tesla and also shows demonstrations as the main part of his presentation for the purpose of helping the layman understand the workings of the Tesla turbine aka Nikola Tesla’s Thermodynamic Transformer. This is a system that will solve the world’s clean energy crisis by transforming heat from many natural sources into usable energy.
He shows how the Tesla turbine can convert energy from the following sources:
Earth Heat / Earth Battery: Nearly unlimited energy from the earth. The earth is like a giant battery, charged with an average of 55 degrees F, about five feet below the surface. Harvesting the earth’s heat is most practical in the winter and in cold climates. The limitation is the speed in which you can extract the energy over a given amount of time for a small sized system
96% Efficient Solar: It’s about time the world used solar heat collection for electrical energy on a mass scale. Today’s electrical solar panels are only 15-19% efficient. With all this extra power from the sun, there is only one problem: how do you store all that energy? The answer is water. Water can store enormous amounts of energy in the form of heat, and it’s clean, cheap and available to everyone
Waste Heat: All of our machinery today produces losses in energy in the form of heat. If that heat can be transformed back into usable energy, literally all of our machinery can become more efficient
The 2020 presentation on the Tesla Turbine system by Jeremiah was not released after the 2020 conference because the demonstration was not ready so it was not included with the video. We have decided to release it anyway so that this package can be complete. We recommend getting both the 2020 and 2021 and watching them in order for the full picture of Jeremiah’s R & D path, which has led him to the results he is currently able to get.
2022 Presentation – Last year’s cold steam demonstration of boiling water to produce steam under a vacuum had to be carried on a trailer and a truck because it was so large, it took 5 people to set everything up over a couple days. This year the entire demonstration was small enough to fit on a small table and produced more electrical power. Not only that, but the condenser last year had to be submerged in ice to run. This year the small condenser could be carried by one person and ran at 80 degrees Fahrenheit as opposed to last year’s 35 degrees Fahrenheit condenser.
Discoveries and things he learned. An explanation of Nikola Tesla’s self-regulation condition will be given. The turbine behaves like a direct current motor when the condition is achieved. When the turbine is at idle very little steam is used, but when there is a demand for power, more cold steam automatically flows through the turbine to compensate for the added load. In addition, this effect automatically keeps the turbine from going faster then the materials can handle and prevents over speeds.
The below previews are for 2022 (top one) and 2021 is the one below that.
At the 2014 Energy Science & Technology Conference, the S.E.R.P.S. machine was demonstrated publicly for the first time in history.
S.E.R.P.S. is a Switched Energy Resonant Power Supply, which operates on the same power magnification principles that Nikola Tesla used to amplify the power in his generators.
In layman’s terms, energy is supplied by a power transformer to run the lights and then is stored in a capacitor. The capacitor is then discharged back through the lights again to the power supply in a way that neutralizes the load seen by the power supply.
The consequences of this energy oscillation is that the load (bulbs) can be powered twice while the net energy supplied by the power supply is reduced to a very small value. The implications of this technology for energy use in the future is absolutely astonishing!
This is all done without violating any laws of physics or electrical engineering principles and uses all standard electronic components.
Example of the input compared to the output as measured by a Tektronix oscilloscope
What the above graph shows is that the SERPS device is drawing 1.1 WATTS net from the power supply but the light bulbs are actually burning 52.7 WATTS. 52.7 watts divided by 1.1 watts = a COP or coefficient of performance of 47.90, which is 4790% more energy than is required to run the machine.
The input represents the difference between the energy provided and the energy returned. The output represents the work accomplished as this energy oscillates in and out of the system.
The Secret of Tesla’s Power Magnification is a downloadable presentation of our THEORY of how the S.E.R.P.S. device actually functions. This system is far from being perfected but proves that Nikola Tesla was correct in not only his claims but his explanations of how to “recycle energy” in his generator system networks.
Of course, just the revelation about power magnification is worth the investment in this package, but you’ll get much, much more than that.
Part of the 2014 Energy Science & Technology Conference series (downloadable video).
I became interested in science early in my life. By High School, I had built a small Linear Accelerator as a Science Fair project. It seemed like I was headed for “great things”, but my life took a different turn.
As luck would have it, I ended up on the trail of a BLUE NOTEBOOK that Nikola Tesla had used to document some of his most obscure findings. Over the years, I worked for a number of people who claimed to have “the notebook”, and they were all working on either mechanical power magnification, or anti-gravity effects.
In-between some of these adventures, I held “real jobs”, usually as an electrical engineer. Even during these more prosaic periods, I never stopped thinking about the possibilities of increasing the work output of machines.
Eventually, I did have the opportunity to build a number of novel experimental machines that demonstrated genuine, power magnification. Since then, I’ve made a lot of progress, and I wanted more people to know about my work.
TESLA’S HIDDEN DISCOVERIES is that communication. In it I tell the story of how I was introduced to this work, and what I have been able to verify, so far. The most important discovery has been the understanding that “power is relative to a specific rotational reference frame.”
That may sound weird, but what it means is that a power magnification is possible by simply “changing rotational reference frames” between the input and the output of the machine. During my Power Point Presentation and lecture, I actually show a number of these machines and describe the test results I have collected.
TESLA’S HIDDEN DISCOVERIES is really an overview of my life’s work, and the beginning of my efforts to start publishing my research in this field. Even though I received one US Patent on a “low back-EMF” generator, getting patents on every discovery isn’t practical. That’s why I want to publish this material, so you can learn this science and further your own discoveries.
Of course, just the revelation about power magnification is worth the investment in my presentation, but you’ll get much, much more than that.
The true story of how Tesla’s BLUE NOTEBOOK found its way into the hands of Otis Carr, and other researchers in the 1960s
The complete overview of how I learned about this technology, and what I have done to verify that it is true
The most complete description of the experiments I have run to show that a power multiplication can actually be demonstrated
Multiple color images of my latest “Gravitational Torque Amplifier” and the methods I have used to test it
(Description by Jim Murray)
Part of the 2013 Energy Science & Technology Conference series (100 mins downloadable video).
The Extraluminal Transmission Systems Of Tesla And Alexanderson
There was so much interest in the publication of my book in 2013, titled “Wireless Giant Of The Pacific“, it became obvious that people wanted more. This lecture is my response.
The objective here is to review the complete history of signal propagation from its earliest beginnings and to develop a “transmission theory” that includes both the electro-magnetic as well as the electro-static methodologies.
Our modern world depends on our ability to send and receive information quickly from one place to another. We’ve all heard that these signals are moving around at the “speed of light.” I review how these ideas became established and reveal some astonishing discoveries along the way.
You see, there are two different ways of looking at electricity when it comes to wireless signal distribution. One is based on the “electro-motive-force” associated with magnetism, and the other is the “displacement current” associated with dielectricity. Today’s methods focus mostly on the EMFs of magnetism and ignore the displacement currents of dielectricity. This creates an unbalanced system with significant limitations.
Only when both processes are equally involved can you create a balanced system. From this basis, I then go on to describe the terms that are used to characterize “transmission systems” in general, with the principle functions being “inductance” and “capacitance.”
To show this development in its proper historic perspective, I begin with the experiments of Stephen Gray in 1730, and show the progression of ideas through Benjamin Franklin, Mahlon Loomis, Heinrich Hertz, Nikola Tesla, Guglielmo Marconi, Reginald Fessenden, Walter Massie and Oliver Heaviside. There were other significant contributors, as well.
From this foundation, I use diagrams to establish the Michael Faraday – J. J. Thompson “lines of force” theory and then use that theory as a model to show how electrification orients itself in the different types of transmission configurations. This study is important because it demonstrates the relationship between the way the lines of force are directed and the direction of the propagation of the signals that are generated.
This method establishes the basic building blocks of a “transmission network” and the different configurations involved in electro-magnetic and electro-static propagation, as well as the different characteristics of transverse and longitudinal signals as they move through these networks.
Since actual working models of different transmission systems can be built and bench tested from this method, actual test results can replace mathematical calculations as a means to study these phenomena. The term “analog computer” is used to describe these models because direct measurements and computations can be made anywhere within the model during its operation.
I then move beyond the theory of how to do this and present actual working models and data with numerical values for given currents, voltages, and power flows through the transmission networks. No one has ever done this before!!
I finish by showing the complete electrical characteristics of the various transmissions systems used in the last 100 years. This includes the later Marconi systems, the Tesla system, and the later Alexanderson systems used at New Jersey, California, and Hawaii. This is the first time in history that this complete method of analysis has ever been revealed.
With this process, the electrical characteristics of any transmission system can be modelled, studied, perfected, scaled-up, and implemented on an industrial scale.
(Description by Eric Dollard)
Part of the 2014 Energy Science & Technology Conference series (downloadable video).
Eric Dollard’s Telluric Research
In 2007, the San Francisco Tesla Society visited me at my research facility in Landers, California. I insisted that we film a documentary covering the technology because it was about to be taken from me.
This was to include my research into earthquake detection and the general monitoring of longitudinal, electro-static signals emanating from the earth. This video tour documents the facility and the scientific achievement it represented.
This facility represents almost three generations of work starting with George Van Tassel at the Integratron, which is located next to this Landers Facility. The land owner Walter J. Deroche had commissioned me after the Integratron was taken from me and I needed another place to continue the work. So this began on Walter’s property roughly 1000 feet from the Integratron.
Walter’s idea was to build our own Naval Communications facility based on the materials that were moved from the RCA Station in Bolinas, California to Landers. This was a dream that we had both shared. At that point, I continued the research of the Radio Corporation of America (RCA) on Walt’s property.
Ample assistance of materials were provided by Walt’s friends and associates who worked in the aerospace and telecom companies in the Southern California area. And much of the equipment was hand made by me from surplus gathered in the Los Angeles area.
Based on my knowledge that I gained from the Navy and Bell Telephone, I was able to build this equipment exactly to their specifications as can be seen in the photographs. The parts inventory that I gathered was massive. This derived from my 20 years of working in the surplus business in Los Angeles. (One part of the lifelong effort.)
Over a course of time, one of the biggest communications research installations in private hands grew out of this effort.
Under suspicious circumstances, Walt died but in the course of his passing had willed the installation to myself and the telephone line foreman who helped me build the place. Unbeknownst to me, efforts were made behind the scenes to tamper with the paperwork and the will. Eventually, the property wound up in the hands of an Olen Bales at which point a $250,000 ransom was demanded or he would destroy the station.
When the money was not forthcoming, Owen declared me a squatter and had the legal system remove me from my own installation and the facility was looted of all of my property, possessions and equipment at which point I became destitute in Lone Pine.
Considering that the installation was the most advanced “listening station” ever built outside of the control of the military, its loss was catastrophic and irreplaceable.
So, what was there? This film is a complete tour of the facility with me explaining the scientific significance of each and every component filmed. This includes the “antenna farm” which held Broadband High Frequency Antennas, Broadband Low Frequency Antennas, a Marconi Antenna, a Rhombic Antenna, an Earth Signal Antenna consisting of a Beverage Antenna and an Alexanderson Antenna in tandem.
It also had a stereo broadcast and receiving antenna for the entire high frequency band with worldwide range of reception. It allowed for the determination of the directional origin of the signals, which were heard in stereo. In effect, the Earth became a concert hall of enormous proportions. Unfortunately, before much of this could be recorded, the station was lost.
And then there was the Lightning Indicator system which measured the voltage gradient between the local sky and the ground, and set off an alarm when lightning was about to strike nearby.
For listening to signals in the earth, there was a series of sensitive microphones buried around the property, as well as the Alexanderson Antenna that consisted of a loaded pair of “above ground” and “below ground” lines that were compensated to eliminate speed of light propagation rate limitations. Each of these antennas is shown and explained out in the field, so you can see for yourself the physical structures used to accomplish these technologies.
All of these antennas produced their characteristic signals, all of which were routed back to a central signal processing area after going through an initial “lightning arrestor” filter. Then, each signal could be selected for individual monitoring. Most of these signals were entering this area in the micro-volt range. These signals were then filtered to eliminate noise and interference, and then amplified back up to their original levels. Further amplification stages carefully brought the signals up to the kilovolt power levels.
After this, the signals could be amplified to be listened to through headphones, or through loud speakers, they could be viewed on oscilloscopes, or used to activate chart recorders, or even close relays to sound alarms. They could also be piped into a telephone line to be played to anyone else who was listening. And all of these output systems were completely compensated so they did not load the initial signal from the antennas in any way.
The entire facility was operated on battery supplies that were 100% isolated from the local utility. The signal processing was all done in the native, analog modem to preserve the fundamental character of the signals. There were no digital computers involved in the signal processing; only analog computers were used.
Many considered the design to be beyond brilliant, and much of the facility was operational. The last section includes over 20 minutes of listening to signals from the Alexanderson Antenna while watching them on an oscilloscope.
If you have understood the scientific significance of my presentation The Extraluminal Transmission Systems Of Tesla And Alexanderson, then here is your only chance to see a fully functioning system in action with a full technical description. My book about the Wireless Giant of the Pacific tells about how this technology works, but this film shows one of these systems actually working!
It’s hard to understand how historically important this film is, because it is the only detailed record of this facility ever made. Technically, the film has some weaknesses, like during the tour of the Antenna Field, the wind came up a bit and played havoc with the microphones. Even through this, my periodic comments reveal priceless details of the structures and their operation. Over all, the film may leave you breathless once you comprehend the scope and magnitude of the facility and what it represents. What you will see is the scope and function of the Landers Facility, which at the time was the culmination of my life’s work!
(Description by Eric Dollard. 240 mins video download)
There was so much interest in the publication of my book in 2013, titled “Wireless Giant Of The Pacific“, it became obvious that people wanted more. This lecture is my response.
The objective here is to review the complete history of signal propagation from its earliest beginnings and to develop a “transmission theory” that includes both the electro-magnetic as well as the electro-static methodologies.
Our modern world depends on our ability to send and receive information quickly from one place to another. We’ve all heard that these signals are moving around at the “speed of light.” I review how these ideas became established and reveal some astonishing discoveries along the way.
You see, there are two different ways of looking at electricity when it comes to wireless signal distribution. One is based on the “electro-motive-force” associated with magnetism, and the other is the “displacement current” associated with dielectricity. Today’s methods focus mostly on the EMFs of magnetism and ignore the displacement currents of dielectricity. This creates an unbalanced system with significant limitations.
Only when both processes are equally involved can you create a balanced system. From this basis, I then go on to describe the terms that are used to characterize “transmission systems” in general, with the principle functions being “inductance” and “capacitance.”
To show this development in its proper historic perspective, I begin with the experiments of Stephen Gray in 1730, and show the progression of ideas through Benjamin Franklin, Mahlon Loomis, Heinrich Hertz, Nikola Tesla, Guglielmo Marconi, Reginald Fessenden, Walter Massie and Oliver Heaviside. There were other significant contributors, as well.
From this foundation, I use diagrams to establish the Michael Faraday – J. J. Thompson “lines of force” theory and then use that theory as a model to show how electrification orients itself in the different types of transmission configurations. This study is important because it demonstrates the relationship between the way the lines of force are directed and the direction of the propagation of the signals that are generated.
This method establishes the basic building blocks of a “transmission network” and the different configurations involved in electro-magnetic and electro-static propagation, as well as the different characteristics of transverse and longitudinal signals as they move through these networks.
Since actual working models of different transmission systems can be built and bench tested from this method, actual test results can replace mathematical calculations as a means to study these phenomena. The term “analog computer” is used to describe these models because direct measurements and computations can be made anywhere within the model during its operation.
I then move beyond the theory of how to do this and present actual working models and data with numerical values for given currents, voltages, and power flows through the transmission networks. No one has ever done this before!!
I finish by showing the complete electrical characteristics of the various transmissions systems used in the last 100 years. This includes the later Marconi systems, the Tesla system, and the later Alexanderson systems used at New Jersey, California, and Hawaii. This is the first time in history that this complete method of analysis has ever been revealed.
With this process, the electrical characteristics of any transmission system can be modelled, studied, perfected, scaled-up, and implemented on an industrial scale.
(Description by Eric Dollard)
Part of the 2014 Energy Science & Technology Conference series (downloadable video).
This presentation is also available as part of a combo package
Save $37 when you buy The Extraluminal Transmission Systems Of Tesla And Alexanderson and Eric Dollard’s Telluric Research together!
What is Radiant Energy? How is it produced? What is its relationship to “ordinary” electricity? How can it be harnessed to power our industrial machines? Why is it important to understand the answers to these questions?
That’s what I wanted to know, ever since I found out about Tesla’s work, back in 1975. Back then, nobody seemed to know what Radiant Energy was. It was all a big mystery.
After 31 years of study, I finally made sense out of what Tesla was saying, but it took a lot of work! July 10, 2006 was the 150th anniversary of Nikola Tesla’s birth, so I decided to give a presentation at the ExtraOrdinary Technology Conference of that year, hosted by TeslaTech, Inc. This lecture was the Keynote Address, closing the Conference, on July 30, 2006 in South Jordan, Utah.
In order to answer all of the questions listed above, I have cited dozens of quotes from Tesla’s patents and published lectures, to redevelop his understanding of Radiant Energy, in his own words! After all, I don’t want you to think I’m making this stuff up! Of course, I do add my own commentary, to bring all of Tesla’s ideas into a meaningful association.
Starting with a lecture given in February of 1893, I show how Tesla had developed a way of transforming ordinary electricity into something quite extraordinary. He called it his “Method of Conversion” and he identifies at least six variations of this process.
While normal electrical circuits require two wires for the electricity to flow in a closed circular path, the new method enabled an electrical phenomena to travel from “point A” to “point B” on a single wire, with no return path! He likened this process to the propagation of “sound waves of electrified air.”
Of course, this was just an analogy. The point is that “sound waves” can travel from their source to our ears without our ears having to give anything back! It’s a “one-way” energy transmission. Tesla had discovered a way to send electrical energy from the generator to the load along “one wire” in an open circuit with no return wire! This process was all disclosed in 1893!
Next I show how Tesla started patenting different inventions to use this system. They included special lighting systems, special electric motors, and special circuits to manage its distribution. Each of these patents had individual clues that all have to be read together for the full understanding to arise in your mind.
The problem was that the Banker/Industrialists, like J. P. Morgan, who had financed his poly-phase AC electric system, were NOT interested in these new discoveries! When Tesla showed how he could send this kind of electricity to distant locations, using the Earth itself as that “single wire”, Morgan realized that this new kind of electricity could NOT be metered!
Morgan’s plan was to sell everybody electricity and make billions of dollars. If Tesla’s new system couldn’t be used to create an industrial monopoly, it was of no use to him. At that point, Morgan decided to openly oppose Tesla’s research and the implementation of this new electrical system. After all, Morgan controlled Tesla’s poly-phase AC electric distribution system, and that was good enough for him.
125 years later, we are still using Tesla’s poly-phase AC system for the distribution (and sale) of electricity, as modified by Charles Steinmetz and the General Electric Corporation. Once put in place, this electricity distribution monopoly has operated, essentially unchanged, for over 80 years.
But Tesla’s new system was much better! Using “pulsed DC” instead of AC, Tesla’s “Method of Conversion” actually laid the foundation for the development of our modern digital age. It’s just that Tesla’s method of delivering it to us would have started 100 years ago, and it wouldn’t have tethered us to a monthly bill!
But that is just the beginning. I go on to show all of the inventions connected to these discoveries, including the fact that this “new kind of electricity” is really based on the discovery of a sub-atomic particle that is much smaller than an electron, and capable of completely different behaviors.
This smaller sub-atomic particle is the basis of Tesla’s Radiant Energy, and its availability in the Natural World is the reason Morgan did not want anyone to know how to access it! Today, we might call these particles “neutrinos,” but whatever they are called, they form the basis of understanding what electricity really is!
Finally, with Tesla’s Radiant Energy, you can understand exactly what Nikola Tesla discovered, all those years ago, as described in Tesla’s own words! This lecture is the definitive communication on Tesla’s model of electricity and its relationship to the production and use of Radiant Energy as a freely available energy source from the environment.
71 mins downloadable video & 90 page ebook package
Almost everything believed about “space aliens” are nothing more than a complex web of lies within lies to cover up the real truth that the U.S. Government has had fully operational electric propulsion craft capable of interstellar travel for over 70 years. This presentation also covers William Lyne’s work with the Atomic Hydrogen Furnace technology that he developed many years ago, which is partially inspired from Irving Langmuir’s work with his Atomic Hydrogen Torch. Hydrogen molecules require a smaller amount of energy to split them into atomic hydrogen than the energy released when they are recombined back into molecular hydrogen!
A 2-hour in-depth downloadable video presentation exposing the history and science of Tesla’s Ideal Flying Machine and it’s use by the U.S. Government
Discussion of William Lyne’s work with the “overunity” Atomic Hydrogen Furnace technology
Various Q&A throughout the presentation
Part of the 2014 Energy Science & Technology Conference series (120 mins).
On the Parallel Propulsion Researches of Tesla and J.J. Thomson by William Lyne
In this new presentation the comparison between the works of these two important men are reviewed in detail. We’ll be covering material going back to the late 1880’s. This presentation includes a discussion of the Theory of Electromagnetic Momentum developed by J.J. Thompson and is crucial to the understanding the foundations of aether physics.
A 1.5-hour downloadable video presentation into the history of the aether going back over 100 years
Learn the comparison between Tesla and J.J. Thomson’s work and how both are important for the possible understanding of craft propelled by directly engineering the aether
Understand where many concepts in this field originated and who the real players were to had the strongest understanding of these topics
Part of the 2015 Energy Science & Technology Conference series (92 mins).
Save $17 when you buy both presentations together!
In this new presentation the comparison between the works of these two important men are reviewed in detail. We’ll be covering material going back to the late 1880’s. This presentation includes a discussion of the Theory of Electromagnetic Momentum developed by J.J. Thompson and is crucial to the understanding the foundations of aether physics.
A 1.5-Hour presentation into the history of the aether going back over 100 years
Learn the comparison between Tesla and J.J. Thomson’s work and how both are important for the possible understanding of craft propelled by directly engineering the aether
Understand where many concepts in this field originated and who the real players were to had the strongest understanding of these topics
By William Lyne.
Part of the 2015 Energy Science & Technology Conference series (92 mins).
Save $17 when you buy On The Parallel Propulsion Researches Of Tesla And J.J. Thomson and Tesla’s Ideal Flying Machine together!
Almost everything believed about “space aliens” are nothing more than a complex web of lies within lies to cover up the real truth that the U.S. Government has had fully operational electric propulsion craft capable of interstellar travel for over 70 years. This presentation also covers William Lyne’s work with the Atomic Hydrogen Furnace technology that he developed many years ago, which is partially inspired from Irving Langmuir’s work with his Atomic Hydrogen Torch. Hydrogen molecules require a smaller amount of energy to split them into atomic hydrogen than the energy released when they are recombined back into molecular hydrogen!
A 2-hour in-depth downloadable video presentation exposing the history and science of Tesla’s Ideal Flying Machine and it’s use by the U.S. Government
Discussion of William Lyne’s work with the “overunity” Atomic Hydrogen Furnace technology
Various Q&A throughout the presentation
By William Lyne.
Part of the 2014 Energy Science & Technology Conference series (120 mins).
Eric Dollard gives the most historically important and accurate analysis of Nikola Tesla’s Colorado Springs Magnifying Transmitter and he gives every detail on how to replicate it. A 20:1 scale model demonstrates multiple violations of conventional physics and electrical engineering principles!
Eric Dollard is an Electrical Engineer who is a living legend in the field of electrical research. He is considered by many to be the most knowledgeable expert alive today on the true nature of electricity. Author of the landmark mathematical papers Symbolic Representation of Alternating Electric Waves and Symbolic Representation of the Generalized Electric Wave, Eric shows how all electric phenomena can be mathematically measured and engineered WITHOUT using calculus or Maxwell’s Equations. Author of Condensed Intro to Tesla Transformers and Theory of Wireless Power, he is also the only person since Tesla’s death to successfully build a real Magnifying Transmitter. His last three conference presentations are Four Quadrant Representation of Electricity, The Extraluminal Transmission Systems of Tesla & Alexanderson & The Power of the Aether as Related to Music and Electricity, Musical Seismograph and History, Theory & Practice of the Electrical Utility System.
A lifetime of work by Eric Dollard, the modern-living Tesla, has led to this historically important presentation, which is the most accurate analysis of Nikola Tesla’s Colorado Springs Magnifying Transformer that has ever been given. Not only are the facts laid out in a methodical sequence from A to Z, there is a 20:1 scale model replica, which demonstrates multiple violations of the so-called Laws of Physics. This presentation is half complex for the techies and half simple for those who aren’t so there is something for everyone. It all started with a 15-20 minute demonstration of the 20:1 scale model replica, which you will see in the video.
A few of the aspects to the demonstration including a few that violate the “Laws” of physics are:
No closed return path – violates Ampere’s Law
If the bulb is removed while powered, the current doubles rather than diminishing – violating the Conservation of Energy
Energy disappers wtihout being accounted for – demonstrates the destruction of energy
Rare tenticle plasma from a tube in the field
Neutral spot in the middle of the fluorescent tube – the doorway to counterspace
A small version of the famous “Flame Speaker” – high fidelity sound coming out of the air as opposed to the low quality “Tesla Coil Speakers” on YouTube, which are simple PWM (pulse width modulated) versions.
500 watt bulb lit to full brightness with one wire.
Demo of Tesla’s “Rotating Brush” plasma at the end of a plasma tube held near the field.
Extraluminal transmission from transmitter to receiver – does not conform to the inverse square law – violating Einstein’s propaganda about light speed limitations erronously attached to electricity
Increase of AM station’s reception for transmitter tuned to the AM frequency.
And more…
What you get with Theory, Calculation And Operation Of The Colorado Springs Tesla Transformer
4 hour video presentation with Q & A at the end in two separate MP4 files
15 minute video of the demonstration, which is history-making
35 minute video of a whiteboard presentation where Eric teaches you about the exact setup used to run the demonstration
553 page PDF of the PowerPoint presentation so you have a clear copy of all pages shown on the projector screen in the video
Part of the 2019 Energy Science & Technology Conference series (290 mins downloadable video).