Dr. Rainer Viehweger presents The theory of global scaling developed by Hartmut Müller, which explains the global scaling phenomenon describes the preferred distribution of matter on its lowest energy state. The theory is based on the fact that the number continuum itself is the source, or the origin of life on all scales. Numbers themselves are oscillators; and the inner structure of these oscillators presents itself when numbers are expressed as continued fractions.
Resonance phenomena occur when oscillating systems form whole number or rational relationships with each other. Over time, such resonance becomes destructive and destabilizes the system until the system destroys itself. Therefore, nature found the solution for avoiding destructive resonance by creating ratios between resonant oscillating systems in chain systems of harmonic oscillators based on whole number or rational powers of Euler´s number.
All matter in the Universe is made of protons and electrons. Protons and electrons are the most stable spacetime oscillators known in physics. Creating long lasting stability requires relationships between oscillatory systems made of physical properties of protons and electrons that avoid destructive resonance the most. The fundamental fractal used in global scaling represents the density spectrum of transcendental numbers on the natural logarithmic scale. After calibration of the logarithmic scale with physical properties of the proton or electron, it is possible to determine optimal ranges of the physical properties of any natural oscillatory systems.
In physiology, the same laws should apply because biological bodies consist of protons and electrons. In this work, we use a set of heart rate variability (HRV) data provided by Rollin McCraty, Ph.D. from the HeartMath Institute which was derived from a person who showed an HRV pattern representing the most coherent state. We analyze the data conventionally using two often applied HRV indices. In a third step, we provide the global scaling analysis of the data. As our result we find an astonishing match of the measured data with the fundamental fractal of about 85%.
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