A year ago, Kregus started this thread discussing his research into Tesla’s Hairpin Circuit here: http://www.energeticforum.com/renewable-energy/20779-hairpin-circuit-strange-spark-gap-behavior.html
dR_Green (Simon Davies) of http://teslascientific.com, J_Dove, blackchisel97 and others pitched in to lend their expertise and Kregus has brought his experiment to completion. He will probably continue to study it, but check out the results, which are exactly like Tesla described: http://www.energeticforum.com/renewable-energy/20970-tesla-hairpin-replication-experimental-results.html
Here is a link to his page that lists all the parts, setup, etc. – everything necessary to replicate this yourself. This is a high voltage circuit so please only do this if you have experience or at least enlist the experience of someone who is qualified. https://waveguide.blog/tesla-hairpin-circuit-stout-copper-bars-replication/
For further study, check out Jonathan Zerbin’s page on this topic: http://www.gestaltreality.com/energy-synthesis/tesla-stout-copper-bars-hairpin-circuit/
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