Special thanks to Alex L. for bringing this interesting and quite well-done documentary about cell phone towers, etc., which strongly focuses on Eric Dollard’s opinion on the matter.
To watch this short documentary with English auto-generated subtitles follow these simple instructions:
- Click on the video to make it play
- Click the CC button at the bottom to turn on subtitles – it will be Spanish subtitles.
- Click the gear icon for settings – a little popup menu will show.
- Click the subtitles/cc option that says Spanish
- Click the bottom option in that menu for Auto Translate
- Scroll down in that menu then click English (or whatever language you want)
- The subtitles will now be in English – the translation will be good enough to understand what is being said.
Donate to EPD Laboratories, Inc. to support the work of Eric Dollard – donation details is in the right column of https://ericpdollard.com