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Shielding Cloth – Protects against RF

If you could have a cloth to wrap your mobile phone in so you are not subject to its radiation would you want it? There are countless applications for this kind of material and it’s getting more and more popular by the day.

Tonight, I tested some shielding cloth, which many promote as “EMP Cloth” and verified that what it actually does is block radio frequencies. I wrapped my mobile phone in some and folded it over enough so that there are no openings that would allow any RF to sneak into any of it and from another phone I called it but it just went to voicemail.

Go here more more information: EMP CLOTH

When I removed my phone from the cloth, instead of a wifi or 4G or LTE symbol, it had a circle with a line through it meaning that while it was wrapped in the cloth, it could not find a connection! Obviously, we can put the phone in a metal box with a metal lid, but we don’t always want to carry something like that around, so if we can just take some cloth and wrap it up, then our bodies are free of any of its emissions because the RF can’t get out or in!

There are a lot of other uses that will be evident and the cost of this kind of material is actually affordable.

What about something that may partially block you from the deadly effects of 5G emissions? We’re living in a soup of RF and depending on certain frequencies, it is NOT hospitable to life and can cause a lot of other problems.

I don’t necessarily agree with the vocabulary and definitions of what their website says, but I can say that it does block the RF from going through. It is extremely rare that I ever promote external products but when I tried this shielding cloth myself, I know it works. It’s also available through Clickbank just like the digital books and videos published by A & P Electronic Media so the merchant is trustworthy.

Go here more more information: EMP CLOTH

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Smart Meter Danger

I just posted an article about how to opt out from smart meters in the Spokane, Washington area. But read below for information that you have a right to know about!

Spokane Smart Meters – How to Opt Out

Opting out is not the real solution but it is a start. Opt out options are a sham for passively silencing people. Also, Opt Out in Spokane doesn’t mean no smart meter, it means they turn off the RF but still replace your bulletproof analog meter with a digital one. RF is not the only issue as fires, higher bills (since digital can be manipulated), etc. are the other issues including spying on your appliance usage and so on.

Here is the most updated presentation by Josh del Sol and when you see the references, it will shock you! No pun intended. And some come straight from mainstream sources. Ever see 100 smart meters explode simultaneously because a truck hits a power pole? And all the outlets in the home expel black carbon from the outlets all over the walls? If you want to talk about a serious fire hazard that has never happened in the history of analog meters, this will blow your mind!

Also, when you hear what Dr. Timothy Schoechle, National Institute for Science, Law & Public Policy, has to say, you will know why the power companies are trying to ram these smart meters down our throat – the whole thing is a scam and the power companies know it!

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Water Powered Moped?

EDIT – Denis Garnier on Facebook brought this to my attention: Aaron, the Greek inventor is named Petros Evangelou Zografos (Makis Triantafillopoulos is just a well known journalist in Greece who presented the Zografos invention at the TV in the presence of some scientists ). His invention is protected by the patent n° GR1007830 (METHOD AND DEVICE FOR WATER ELECTROLYSIS AND PRODUCTION OF HYDROGEN TO BE USED AS COMBUSTIBLE UPON UTILISATION OF COMBINED FREQUENCIES) … Here is one of the Makis Triantafillopoulos recorded presentation (in greek) of Petros Zografos invention powering a genset … Have a nice week-end !!!


Makis Triantafillopoulos in Greece claims to have created a moped that runs on water.

He uses milliwatts of RF to separate hydrogen from salt water – this process is reminiscent of the late John Kanzius who was able to “burn” salt water.

This is a Greek website translated into English so it won’t be a perfect translation, but it is understandable. The formula to his claim is not revealed as it appears he is waiting for worldwide patent protection.|en&hl=en

Here is a video, which didn’t appear on the website where it was supposed to: