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Dollard’s HV Audio Rack Components

Here’s a quick look at the HV Rectifier panel I’m building based on Eric’s design along with more progress on the Linear Audio Modulator.

What’s the point to all of this? I have to 19 inch wide and about 6 ft tall Air Force racks for rack mount equipment. One rack will have all the audio and the other rack will have all the RF equivalents.

The audio rack will have a signal generator that will feed a 30 watt amp, which feeds the audio modulator you see in the video with the 810 tubes, that works in conjunction with the HV rectifier unit, which then outputs to the output transformer. This will turn whatever signal or audio I put into the input into a 5kv output at ultra high fidelity, which can do a lot of things, which I’m not going to reveal yet. If this is all done in time for the conference, there may be a couple demonstrations, which is the goal.

The RF rack will have almost the same setup but for radio frequencies. When mixed with the audio setup, it will be able to demonstrate a flame speaker like what Eric demonstrated at last year’s conference with the 20:1 scale model Tesla’s Colorado Springs Tesla Transformer. However, with the setup I’m building, it may have a flame that is 18 inches long approaching at over 80dB so it will probably literally knock you out of your chair.

The RF side may not be done until next year’s conference. I’m working as fast as I can, which is a challenge since I have to organize the 2020 ESTC and run a couple businesses but I’m getting there!

The 2020 Energy Science & Technology Conference is already 1/3 sold out so get your tickets while you can – come meet Eric Dollard live!

You may have seen Tesla coils online outputting audio – but those are almost always PWM (pulse width modulated) and the quality of the sound is similar to a 1980’s Mario Brothers video game so not very impressive. This is RF modulated and is a huge difference. The above-mentioned setup will be the highest quality audio you’ve ever heard in your life as well as being extremely holographic – it will be coming right out of space and is not associated spatially with any speaker or possibly even the flame. If Tesla made a sound system, this is what it would be.

This will also be able to replicate the full Cosmic Induction Generator designed by Eric years ago with the golden ratio discharges and more. It will demonstrate the destruction of energy and quite a few other things that completely smash the so-called “Laws of Physics.”

Anyway, it’s an expensive project, so if you want to donate to the project to make it easier on all of us, please donate by PayPal here:

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The Meaning of Unity in Energy Conversion Systems by Jim Murray – Paperback Available on Amazon Now!

The Meaning of Unity in Energy Conversion Systems by Jim Murray
The Meaning of Unity in Energy Conversion Systems by Jim Murray


At the 2018 Energy Science & Technology, Jim Murray, a legend in the Tesla Sciences & Free Energy field presented on The Meaning of Unity in Energy Conversion Systems. This is one of the most important presentations given in this field simply for the fact that is explains an accurate accounting method so that the distinctions are made between system efficiency and conversion efficiency. The bottom line is that this shows how to properly compare the input to the output of a system, which is more complex than it initially appears.

Get the paperback here: The Meaning of Unity in Energy Conversion Systems

Initially, it had been assumed that a simple ratio computed by dividing the output power by the input power would provide a reliable yardstick for motor power efficiency. The basic idea was sound, for the closer the quotient came to unity, the nearer the motor efficiency would be to 100%. Hence began the so-called “Quest for Unity.” However, early “electric engines” were very inefficient, probably delivering no more than 30% of the electrical input power to the output shaft.

Jim Murray - 2018 ESTC
Jim Murray – 2018 ESTC

Therefore, it quickly became evident that not all the applied power was being converted to a mechanical output. Clearly, inefficiencies were involved, and they would have to be accounted for. Until this was complete, the simplified approach to establishing a Factor of Unity could not be realized. What is remarkable, in the history of motor development, is the curious degree of synergy that seems to have accompanied these early pioneering efforts.

Between 1839 and 1850 the British Brew Master James Joule conducted an elegant series of experiments, in which he sought to unify electrical, chemical and thermal phenomena by demonstrating their inter-convertibility and their quantitative equivalence. The results of Joule’s work were published in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, with a very impressive title: “On the Mechanical Equivalence of Heat.

Get the paperback here: The Meaning of Unity in Energy Conversion Systems

The contributions of Lord Kelvin must be considered next. His paper, “The Dynamical Equivalent of Heat,” published in 1851, contended that energy could be “lost to man irrecoverably; but not lost to the material world”. Thomson was thus the first person to understand that all energy changes involve energy dissipation, and losses. During the second half of the nineteenth century Kelvin and other scientists, including Clausius, Rankine, Maxwell and, Boltzmann, continued to develop these ideas. Their combined efforts resulted in the establishment of the Science of Thermodynamics; with Conservation of Energy as its First Law and the Dissipation of Energy as its Second Law.

Accordingly, motor researchers were thus made aware of the extreme importance of classifying all known motor losses, and accounting for them with the same degree of accuracy as would be exhibited in the well-established science of corporate book-keeping.

Ultimately, such practices would lead to the development of two principle kinds of Efficiency Measurements, both very valuable in all research pertaining to rotating components, but, particularly valuable for developing an understanding of over-unity as a scientific fact.

Both efficiency concepts shall be fully explained in this book. Simply, this book serves as a definitive guide for those who wish to properly validate their input vs output claims. It also includes copies of one of the most significant and important patents in history in this field, The Dynaflux Alternator, which is Jim’s generator that has a reduced Lenz Law Effect meaning it has less drag than conventional science will admit is possible. There is also another related patent on Jim Murray’s Dynaflux Alternator, which gives a much wider picture. The Dyanflux was used as an example in the book so is not required to understand what it is about, but is valuable to know about.

Get the paperback here: The Meaning of Unity in Energy Conversion Systems

To get a copy of the video presentation from the 2018 ESTC, go here: The Meaning of Unity in Energy Conversion Systems Video Presentation

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The Current War – Edison vs Tesla

Last weekend I watched The Current War, which is about the battle between Edison’s desire to maintain and grow his DC power plant system and Tesla’s desire to give the world AC power at about 1/3 the cost.

I first heard of this movie last year and have been eagerly awaiting its release.

The movie was well done as far as the quality of production is concerned, the acting was good but they didn’t quite develop the story well enough to build up the excitement enough with Tesla’s triumph of lighting the 1893 World’s Fair in Chicago.

Nevertheless, it is a story that changed the world and is worth watching just for the history lesson. The story is also not ultra technical so even youngster’s can understand the gist of the story. It doesn’t get into Tesla’s more mysterious technologies, but Tesla’s character does mention briefly the transmission of electricity without wires and it was left at that.

Here’s the trailer:

Learn more about The Current War and where you can watch it: The Current War

One thing about the movie is that it doesn’t give a lot of context of where Tesla came from and more of his back story but there is a movie that is old enough that it’s free online that does a great job of giving you the larger story. It even has Orson Wells as JP Morgan – The Secret of Nikola Tesla. I’d recommend watching this old movie first and then The Current War second because you’ll have more of a frame of reference about everything referenced.

It’s got a bit of a dated, strange feel to it, but it’s definitely a must see. This version has subtitles, but at least its free. There is another version on YouTube that is a full version that doesn’t have subtitles but the audio and video aren’t perfectly in sync so this one seems to be the best edition.

Share this movie with your friends using the share links below!

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Hidden Energy by Jeane Manning & Susan Manewich

Hidden Energy by Jeane Manning & Susan Manewich
Hidden Energy by Jeane Manning & Susan Manewich

One of the most, if not the most, highly-anticipated books in the alternative energy scene is Hidden Energy, Telsa-inspired Inventors and a Mindful Path to Energy Abundance by Jeane Manning and Susan Manewich.

Hidden Energy readies you for humankind’s next leap-tapping into an abundance of truly clean power, the ultimate renewable. Making the leap is more about mindsets and a consciousness shift than technology.

Inspired by seeing their connection to nature and the cosmos, scientists and inventors are making breakthroughs. Help decide who benefits-amoral corporations or your family, communities and the environment….

Get your copy here: Hidden Energy

Hidden Energy is not only beautifully done, it is very well-written as expected and very easy to read so it is for everyone – no technical experience is required!

Although it educates the reader on quite a few sustainable energy technologies, many which are potentially disruptive and rightfully so, it has a strong emphasis on the human-interest element and is logically divided into five parts. These five sections walk you through the thought processes and paradigms to the technologies themselves and concludes with a section on getting these technologies out to the world.

I just received my copy from Amazon and am glad that I choose the Hardback edition because I plan to pass this around to everyone that comes over and it’s going to be a lot more rugged. You can also get the paperback version on Amazon if you choose.

It’s also worth mentioning that quite a few of the inventors and developers who have presented at the conference, contributed in the forums or who have worked with many well-known names are mentioned in the book. These include John Bedini, Peter Lindemann, Paul Babcock, Jim Murray, Graham Gunderson, Dr. Gerald Pollack and many others including myself, which is a great honor!

Get your copy here: Hidden Energy

Christmas is just around the corner and this book will be a very beautiful, thoughtful, important and timely gift for every Tesla, Free Energy or other alternative science enthusiast that you know – including yourself! Many of you are activists at heart when it comes to these subjects and there is no easier way than to buy a book for a friend or refer them to one.

Jeane Manning, B.A. Soc., is co-authoring Hidden Energy and previously authored other books about breakthroughs, starting with The Coming Energy Revolution (Avery Publishing NY 1996). Her previous books are published in ten countries. For 30+ years she interviewed scientists and inventors on various continents. She has been a social worker, journalist and publicist for a gypsy-style theatre company. Jeane has a veggie garden in British Columbia, Canada.

Susan A. Manewich M.S. is the President of New Energy Movement. Susan is experienced in the field of leadership development, organizational development, resonant technology and consciousness. She has co-authored work in Emotional Intelligence in Everyday Life (Psychology Press, NY 2006) and Applying Emotional Intelligence (Psychology Press, NY 2007). Susan enjoys nature and spending time learning about ancient cultures.

Get your copy here: Hidden Energy

Get your copy here: Hidden Energy

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AMInnovations by Adrian Marsh

AMInnovations - Adrian Marsh
AMInnovations – Adrian Marsh

Adrian Marsh is very skilled with electrical engineering and has a lab where he has not only done some phenomenal work – his builds are high quality and beautiful as well! If you want not just picture and videos of experiments but hard data and a lot of technical detail based on experimental results, you must visit his website.


In the picture above, Adrian is explaining to Eric the waveforms that the Vector Network Analyzer is outputting from measurements of the 20:1 scale model Tesla coil replications. Raui Searle, another skilled engineer in the arts is in the background of the picture.

The analyzer being used cost less than $500 USD and is about as accurate as a $100,000 old Hewlett-Packard analyzer! You read that right – for less than $500, you can get the same results as a 6 figure one that has been used by industry for many years!!! It is a MUST HAVE for anyone interested in these experiments.

If you want to get one, go here: Vector Network Analyzer

For quite some time, he has been working on replicating and innovating various experiments based on the teachings of Tesla, Dollard and related. His website is quite a compendium of research on different projects including the old diathermy machines, multiwave oscillator, Tesla’s radiant matter experiment and more.

He has attended a few conference and at the latest 2019 ESTC, he brought a vector network analyzer to measure the 20:1 Colorado Springs replica for Eric Dollard’s presentation but unfortunately, he was unable to do that since much of the equipment was packed up and left prematurely.  Instead, he was able to modify the Multiwave Oscillator pulse modulator that I built (my personal unit) for some experiments with the Tesla coils used for Dollard’s 20:1 Colorado Springs replica.

Go here to watch two videos where they are doing the experiments with the MWO pulse modulator and the 20:1 scale model replicate Tesla transformers as well as details on what the Vector Network Analyzer is measuring. Click below…

ESTC 2019 – Tesla’s Colorado Springs Experiment

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The Problem of Increasing Human Energy: The Tesla Code by Ernst Willem van den Bergh

The Problem of Increasing Human Energy - The Tesla Code by Ernst Willem Van Den Bergh
The Problem of Increasing Human Energy – The Tesla Code by Ernst Willem Van Den Bergh

In a few of the previous blog posts, we shared with you two books by Ernst Willem van den Bergh who has been a long time researcher of Tesla’s technologies and is a member of Energetic Forum.

Learn about them at these two links, which give a basic overview of his two previously released books, which are here:

A newer 3rd book (and there is a 4th to be discussed in the near future), is available and Ernst was kind enough to provide some copies to us, which we made available at the 2019 ESTC in July.

Get your copy hereThe Problem of Increasing Human Energy: The Tesla Code

Here is the description of the book: “This book explains what I have called “the Tesla Code”; the way Nikola Tesla communicates his theories and greatest invention with the future. Tesla’s most important and famous article “the Problem of Increasing Human Energy” seems at first a vague and philosophical text. Not at all what you’d want to see from the foremost expert on electricity in his days. But this article contains a message that has been long overlooked by everyone searching for his secrets. Nikola Tesla hid his secrets in plain sight. Please also have a look at my other books “Tesla’s Magnifying Transmitter – recreating Tesla’s dream” which deals with the construction and operation details of the Magnifying Transmitter, and “The Battle for Wardenclyffe” which shows the story of the Wardenclyffe project using the letters Tesla wrote during that time. The price of this book includes a small donation for my research and hopefully one day, we will build the power plant that Tesla envisioned.

Get your copy hereThe Problem of Increasing Human Energy: The Tesla Code

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* NEW RELEASE * Longitudinal & Scalar Waves: The Biquaternion Generalization of Maxwell’s Equations by Robert Haralick, PhD.

Longitudinal & Scalar Waves: The Biquaternion Generalization of Maxwell's Equations
Longitudinal & Scalar Waves: The Biquaternion Generalization of Maxwell’s Equations

In the last few years, Prof. Haralick became interested in subtle energy research but many of the experimental results were not explainable by the common paradigm. Some of his work in this area was presented at the last couple Energy Science & Technology Conferences.

It became apparent to him that there should be a theory that can begin to explain some of this unusual phenomena.

His interest was primarily focus on whether or not Maxwell’s Equations could be generalized so that it could be used to explain some of this work specifically including the type of work Tesla was involved with in the early 1900’s regarding longitudinal waves.

Get your copy here:

Prof. Haralick will walk you through a very specific sequence of segments that include:

James Clerk Maxwell – an interesting biographic sketch that quite likely, many mathematicians and engineers have not heard of.

The Maxwell Equations in Modern Form – a general review to set the stage for a comparison of the rest of the presentation.

Maxwell’s Original 20 Equations – this takes you back to the original 1865 paper that he had before he wrote his treatise. Prof. Haralick has a strong intent to figure out what was in those equations in the way that Maxwell wrote them because what many people have said is that what Maxwell had in his equations are not the same as what the Heaviside-Biggs Equations are that are currently used.

Quaternions – this goes into the quaternion algebra, which sounds complicated but if you have any background in the most basic high school algebrea, you’ll understand quite a bit of it.

Quaternion Generalized Maxwell Equations – you’ll then be walked through the derivation and this derivation admits to a longitudinal electric wave along with the scalar wave and this type of “scalar wave” will most likely shock you. So far this comprises a little less than half of the presentation.

Tesla, Galinas, Zimmerman, & Hively – the rest of the talk regarding the work of these men, what they built and what they wrote that is relevant to this kind of generalizaton as well as other related topics. Some of the material covered in this section may reveal to you some thing that you have not previously realized – especially regarding Tesla’s work.

Get a copy of this presentation so you can have an authoritative analysis of Maxwell’s Equations that reveals a very specific type of “scalar wave”, which not been openly discussed in any literature on the subject.

Get your copy here:

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Lakhovsky Multiwave Oscillator – Tesla & Lakhovsky Comparison by Aaron Murakami

This presentation covers the difference between Tesla’s balanced method  and Lakhovsky’s unbalanced method.  Other aspects of the MWO pulse modulator are also presented that are normally considered proprietary information.

For more info on the Lakhovsky MWO, go here:

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Panel Discussion #1 – 2019 Energy Science & Technology Conference

Panel Discussion #1 - 2019 Energy Science & Technology Conference
Panel Discussion #1 – 2019 Energy Science & Technology Conference

Here is the free viewing of the first Panel Discussion with Paul Babcock, Aaron Murakami, James DeMeo PhD, Robert Haralick PhD, Jack Hanlon PhD, & Eric Dollard.

There is a wide range of topics in this discussion with an emphasis on a living ether. Both Dr. DeMeo and Eric Dollard give some interesting insights into the Orgone energy and wait until you hear what Eric’s personal experience was with a small orgone accumulator. It needs to be replicated far and wide!

Please share this far and wide!

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Tesla Colorado Springs

Theory, Calculation & Operation of the Colorado Springs Tesla Transformer by Eric Dollard
Theory, Calculation & Operation of the Colorado Springs Tesla Transformer by Eric Dollard


We’re very excited and honored to be a part of history where Eric Dollard shows a working 20:1 scale model replica of Nikola Tesla’s Colorado Springs Magnifying Transformer!

If you ever wanted to know the truth down to the finest detail on what Tesla actually did, here is your opportunity. Not only will you learn the operating theory and more data than you will ever want to know, you’ll get all details on how to replicate a 20:1 scale model along with an actual demonstration by Eric Dollard and Bruce Gavin. So, it’s not just talk, you see the demonstration that blew everyone away!

Go here to get your copy now & learn more – see some pics!!

There are 5 things that come with this package.

  1. Part 1 of the 4 hour presentation
  2. Part 2 of the 4 hour presentation
  3. 20 minute demonstration video
  4. 35 minute white board overview of the demonstration setup
  5. 553 page PDF of the PowerPoint presentation

The introductory discounted price is only good for the next 24 hours then it goes up to the regular price.

Go here to get your copy now & learn more – see some pics!!

A portion of the proceeds to go EPD Laboratories, Inc., a 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to the work of Eric Dollard.