At less than half of our intended operating speed, we saw a bit over 2000 watts of real power. Here’s a quick video about it – It’s also Jeremiah’s birthday on the 15th, which is an hour away. If you like to support him personally, consider becoming a Patreon supporter. Or, if he gets a PayPal donate link on his page in time, maybe you can send a little support. His website is
If you’re interested in the turbines themselves, there will be a link given later on, which will be on a different website.
In the meantime, we hope you enjoy this demonstration and can understand the significance of it. This is beyond what anyone else is showing online. Also, to further your research into the Tesla Turbine, the principles were all revealed in this presentation from last year:
For many years, Peter Lindemann DSc has studied what Nikola Tesla considered to be one of the most important energy sources if not the most important energy sources – ambient heat. Tesla considered his technologies that tapped this to be his greatest invention even beyond his electrical related systems for which he is the most widely known.
In 1900, Nikola Tesla said that the solar heat stored in the atmosphere was the largest, untapped, replenish-able energy source on the planet. He believed that any technology that successfully converted some of this heat into mechanical energy would be the ideal method to power civilization indefinitely into a clean and sustainable future. He worked most of the rest of his life on perfecting such a system. In this lecture, Dr. Peter Lindemann will discuss Tesla’s ultimate solution, as well as introduce 4 other technologies capable of achieving this goal, along with the theory, design, and “method of action” of each system.
Here is an interview of me by Greg Carlwood of Higherside Chats, a popular online podcast. The topic focuses on concepts from my presentation Hacking the Ather, which I gave at last year’s 2017 ESTC. This interview was on October 12, 2018.
Hacking the Aether is a simplified Unified Field Model that shows in a very simple way that any relativistic effects are caused by the aether, how the aether has been proven by Dayton Miller and Einstein admitted he had no confidence in his own work anymore, an interferometer experiment that shows the aether is moving from above towards the downward direction causing a gravitational push and many other concepts that are seamlessly tied together.
Mike Water’s wind turbine design can produce 12,000% MORE electricity compared to a standard 3 blade turbine of the same diameter. And, it can start generating electricity in less than 1 MPH. Check out this awesome looking transparent version created by one of the member’s of Energetic Forum!
Open System Physics & Thermodynamics by Mike Waters
Open System Physics & Thermodynamics by Mike Waters – If you want to learn an argument that wins 100% of the time against conventional physicists who deny “overunity”, this is for you. You’ll also learn how Michael produced 12,000% MORE electricity from the wind compared to a conventional turbine – it’s so simple, you can build your own test units to see what they produce! He also goes into graphene, cavitation and many other concepts including sharing his vision of a personal transport vehicle that could eventually have an unlimited range. Release date – August 5, 2016. Learn more: Open System Physics & Thermodynamics
Many conventionally trained academics deny the possibility that a machine can produce more work than we’re required to supply on the input. As long as a system is open to the environment where more potential energy can enter the machine, then more work can be done than we had to pay for.
The downfall to conventional academia is that the concepts of energy and potential energy are taught completely backwards and there is no accounting for what the actual source potential for electrical charge even is or where it comes from.
Once the distinctions are straightened out, then we can see that not only is it possible to create a free energy machine, if we build them according to the natural principles of open systems, it is practically a requirement for them to output more than we have to input.
Closed system thermodynamics as taught in school only apply to closed heat systems, yet the entire field of physics, etc. try to apply it to electromagnetics, mechanical systems, you name it. The fact of the matter is that conventional closed system thermodynamics actually do not even apply to any natural system in the Universe – because every natural system is open to other sources of potential energy!
We recommend reading a copy of The Quantum Key by Aaron Murakami as a basic primer that explains the reality of free energy systems in terms so simple, only a junior high school level understanding is needed.
The Quantum Key is actually a simplified Unified Field Theory for the layman that links gravity, inertial, electricity, mass, light speed, etc… all together in a seamless manner and even gives a simple explanation of what Time may actually be. Make sure to at least read the descriptions of the chapter on the website below!
This book is available at a hugely discounted price, which will change soon, so make The Quantum Key a part of your library – its a perfect companion to the Bedini SG Trilogy!