The Alpha Institute for Advanced Studies (AIAS) is saddened to announce the sudden passing of Myron Evans, its lead theoretical physicist and creator of the Generally Covariant Unified Field Theory, better known and the ECE theory. Myron’s death is a shock to all of us. He will be missed.
Myron’s contributions to science and the world are profound. His genius is among the best that has ever lived, and his works will be remembered among the greats in the records of history.
Myron not only appreciated the beauty around him as expressed in his science, but through his poetry and photography he shared his appreciation of nature’s beauty with all of us. His love of history and culture reminded us of the foundations on which we build and our place in building those foundations.
Myron was the rarest of scientists, with a great mind, an endless curiosity, and the courage to follow the science where ever it led, irrespective of the personal and professional damages. Dr. Evans will always be remembered as one of the greatest scientific minds, whose wisdom was complemented by his generosity of spirit. May all who cared for him find peace and comfort during these difficult days.
Myron died on May 2, 2019.
To learn more about the work of Dr. Myron Evans, go here: https://drmyronevans.wordpress.com/about/
The website for the Alpha Institute for Advanced Studies is here: http://www.aias.us/