For many years, Peter Lindemann DSc has studied what Nikola Tesla considered to be one of the most important energy sources if not the most important energy sources – ambient heat. Tesla considered his technologies that tapped this to be his greatest invention even beyond his electrical related systems for which he is the most widely known.
In 1900, Nikola Tesla said that the solar heat stored in the atmosphere was the largest, untapped, replenish-able energy source on the planet. He believed that any technology that successfully converted some of this heat into mechanical energy would be the ideal method to power civilization indefinitely into a clean and sustainable future. He worked most of the rest of his life on perfecting such a system. In this lecture, Dr. Peter Lindemann will discuss Tesla’s ultimate solution, as well as introduce 4 other technologies capable of achieving this goal, along with the theory, design, and “method of action” of each system.
The Bourke Engine is the most important development in the field of gasoline-powered engines and it was invented back in the 1920s by Russell Bourke! With only 2 moving parts and a Scotch Yoke, which is the most effective way to turn reciprocating motion into rotary, it delivers more horsepower per pound than any other engine. Roger Richard is the world’s leading authority on this engine, he had 3 original 30 cubic inch Bourke Engines and one he had built, which under very special circumstances proved to have 85% thermal efficiency – that defeats the Carnot Limit.
At minimum, the Bourke Engine, under normal circumstances is easily 40% effiicient and that is being extremely conservative. A unit small enough to carry in one hand can power more than a 5kw generator.
Due to some health complications, Roger Richard was unable to present at the conference so he sent Sky Huddleston, his protege. Roger told me that Sky might even know more about the Bourke than he does and if so, that makes Sky the leading authority on this incredible engine. Sky delivered an incredible, knowledge-packed, 1 hour presentation and he had two original 30 cubic inch Bourke engines on hand. They were not running but one was assembled and one was partially disassembled so that everyone could see all the parts and how it was put together. Imagine an engine that the average person could rebuild in minutes rather than hours, literally!
We recommend getting the combo package so that you can get an authentic copy of the Bourke Engine Documentary, which is a book assembled by Lois Bourke, Russell Bourke’s wife. It’s a must read for anyone interested in the Bourke Engine, but also Engine science in general.
This is a must have presentation because the Tesla Turbine is one of the “low hanging fruits” when it comes to a technology that is the closest to fulfilling a sustainable energy generator that can power your home or business. With relatively low temperatures, you can have a turbine spinning 10’s of thousands of RPM turning a generator that supplies electricity. There are many variations and applications of the Tesla Turbine technology and the particular one that Jeremiah Ferwerda is focusing on is the “cyrophorus” method.
That means there is a hot and cold side to the turbine – the warm water tank boils water at a low temperature because a vacuum is applied to it, that steam drives the drive stage of the turbine and the other side is a vacuum side that pulls a vacuum through the drive stage all the way to the water to keep it boiling at a low temperature.
Solar electricity is about 20% efficient if you’re lucky but what most people don’t understand is that using the sun to heat water is much more efficient. So, with not much effort to heat some water with the sun, you’ll have a solar battery that runs a turbine at high speed making electricity – literally, the concept is as simple as that and for this particular application of the Tesla Turbine, Jeremiah is further ahead that anyone else developing more and more efficient methods with the cyrophorus method. Imagine a solar electric system that winds up being 40, 60, 80 or even close to 100% efficient!
In 2020, Jeremiah presented other aspects of the Tesla Turbine system but that presentation was never released because we were not able to include a demonstration. We’re also releasing this presentation at the same time so you can get either the 2020 1.5 hour presentation or the 2021 1 hour presentation with demo or both at a further discount.
Dr. James DeMeo is the leading authority on the work of Wilhelm Reich who is known for his studies relating to the life force, etheric energy known as Orgone. His replications of Reich’s work and independent discoveries have contributed greatly to this growing field that acknowledges that the ether is valid and quantifiable in terms of its existence.
Watch this preview:
At the last couple conferences, Dr. DeMeo presented Parts 1 and 2 of of Orgone Energy Experiments and also Cosmic Ether Exists, which are required study for an in-depth look at the real science that shows that ether exists, undeniably. Many “experts” claim that the ether has been disproved by the Michelson-Morley experiments in the late 1800’s but what they leave out is that Michelson himself actually had positive results and defended the ether till the end.
This presentation is a continuation of this train of thought along with other observations and experiments that will focus on three different approaches to the work of Reich and related.
A replication of TT Browns electrogravitics. Dr. DeMeo made his own 90 KVDC system, novel gravitor that moves around on a pivot at about 2 MPH.
Reich’s 12V KS 9154 Western Electric motor, a small 2-phase item working on eddy currents, he found that it works well at low power ~3 volts, very standard for this motor, with a take-apart pics.
Orgone charged high vacuum, slight electrical charges from them. Charging of capacitors to yield sl. higher voltage. Orgone charged GM Tubes, yielding anomalously very high CPM, verified Reich’s finding at his lab.
All are works in progress, the only real amazing thing is the high counts, up to 3000 to 4000 CPM in the OR charged GM tubes, at the max of the last sunspot cycle. Today at minima, only 300-400 CPM, background only. Without OR charging, maybe 2 CPM, specialized neutron counter.
The first presentation we’re releasing is for both the techie and the layman – there is the how-to on our method of creating these special Tesla Coils with unprecedented levels of magnification as well as a plenty of eye candy with some plasma demonstrations that nobody has ever seen – a few of them were even Eric Dollard’s first time seeing them when we were doing some experiments at our shop in Spokane.
The Borderlands Of Nikola Tesla’s Resonant Transformer by Eric Dollard & Aaron Murakami
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Have you ever seen helium, argon, neon and other gases emit colors that are not associated with those colors? We already know the answer is no, but we’re going to show you various demonstrations that we can accomplish just that when exciting various tubes with the Tesla Resonant Transformer in the Cosmic Induction Generator mode. What kind of physics are we bending or defeating or making obsolete? What does that say for the predicted gases some stars are supposed to have by looking at the colors being emitted – maybe some electrical phenomena exists that are fooling our scientists? We already know the red shift model is false and the premise for the big bang theory is nonsense as Einstein’s Relativity is, but now this? We’re only proposing possibilities, but it is irrefutable that we can change the emitted spectrum of multiple gases when we subject it to our Counterspace node and you’re free to make up your own mind as to what is happening or what it means.
The picture at the top of this post is a demonstration of exactly that. It is “supposed to be” pinkish/purple. Interesting things happen when you place something at a point where it leads into the other dimension, literally, that is what we’re doing.
It’s important to understand, especially if you’re a Tesla enthusiast, that the primary and secondary coils should be avoided at all costs and although Tesla taught this, nobody appears to be putting this into practice and certainly not like what you’re seeing in this presentation. There are primary coils, secondary coils and then tertiary coils, which are the 3rd or “extra coils” and we’re only using the extra coils because that is what is doing all the work anyway. The full embodiment of our extra coils looks like a primary and secondary attached to each other but they’re not. The thick wire coil is where the current resides and the skinny wire coils is where the voltage potential resides and together, they are ONE coil.
You’ll also learn how to calculate the bandwidth and magnification factor for your Tesla coils and although some of this has been shared in some of the blog posts with videos on, this presentation gives you Eric’s full notes on the subject for all the calculations necessary for you to not only understand what we’re doing, but to replicate it as well. We’re only scratching the surface with what we can do with all of this!
If that is too technical for you, enjoy the demonstration part of the video and I’ve included 2 other videos that add an hour to the demonstrations, which were recorded both before AND after the conference. The first free bonus video shows the super amazing, Cosmic Induction Generator effect on a plasma tube from John Bedini’s private collection – a plasma show unlike anyone has ever seen – along with a few extra demonstrations that we recorded after the conference when Griffin Brock brought some bulbs from his collection to the shop including a few he made himself.
This is by far one of the most interesting demonstrations with some of the most important knowledge about Tesla’s Resonant Transformers and we even have a good time introducing the subject with some ideas and thoughts about what lies on the other side since that IS indeed what we are tapping into with the Cosmic Induction Generator. Have fun and enjoy your journey with us to the Outer Limits! 🙂
This is the first ever air conditioner given the “Most Efficient” award by Energy Star – Energy Star finally got something right. This AC is about 35% more efficient than normal ACs due to the inverter technology, but look at the design!
The window literally closes right down the middle of the unit keeping the noisy compressor side on the other side of the window while only the quiet, cool air is on the inside. Its only a few dB louder than a library.
I just ordered one and am having it delivered to Home Depot since for some reason, through Amazon, it can’t be delivered go my home due to the location – never seen that before. In any case, this Midea company offers an 8000, 10000 and 12000 BTU unit.
Needless to say, you can still have full functionality of your window when you want unlike other AC’s where the are locked in the up position due to the fact that you simply have to have the window all the way open for the AC to stick through the opening but not with this one.
I have a portable AC that I stick in the window and use for maybe 2 months here in Spokane, Washington but it’s not cutting it now and that is why I was prompted to search for a better AC and was happy to have found this Midea U-Shaped Air Conditioner.
Check out the temperature here in the Inland Northwest – going to be 113F tomorrow and 100 minimum every day for the next week and unfortunately, that’s not Photoshopped!
Here’s another update on the Cosmic Induction Generator with a few misc. items including a voice promotion on the monopolar flame speaker. It’s so wild that it even has Eric Dollard cracking up!