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Red Light Power by Aaron Murakami

Red Light Power by Aaron Murakami
Red Light Power by Aaron Murakami

Having started my journey in light therapy around 20 years ago, I have seen a lot of technologies come and go. One astounding evolution is that the quality and power of LEDs (light emitting diodes) have increased substantially while the cost has gone down.

Because of this fact, one would think that light therapy devices would become more amazing and more affordable but instead, the devices have become more flashy with with ridiculous price increases.

This is obviously only made possible because these manufacturers are simply preying on the average person’s lack of knowledge about the modality in general and definitely their lack of knowledge about the technology itself.

In this presentation, it’s all laid out. We cover the general history of light therapy, how laser therapy evolved into LED therapy. Although laser therapy still exists, there are more reasons to use LEDs. We look at the origins of LEDs in light therapy devices. My personal mentors worked directly with the first man who ever used an LED for therapeutic purposes and you’ll learn the real history in this presentation.

Get your copy here: Red Light Power

This is a preview…

Besides the history, you’ll learn about multiple, proven applications of red and infrared light therapy, which are all backed by published studies you can look up in PUBMED yourself. PUBMED is an archive of published medical papers under the National Institute of Health’s Library of Medicine.

You’ll learn the basic and simple to understand biological mechanisms at the cellular level of what happens when light is used on the body and specifically red and infrared. You’ll also learn why pulsed LEDs are better than steady red light and what frequency set has more history than virtually every other frequency set combined!

Get your copy here: Red Light Power

This presentaiton is very comprehensive and even if you’re familiar with red light therapy, you will most likely learn quite a bit about it that you have never heard of.

The presentation ends with some simple recommendations of DIY (Do It Yourself) methods to have the same benefits of light therapy devices that cost hundreds to thousands for around $50! Also, there are a lot of advertisements lately for red light devices that stimulate the growth of hair. The problem is that it costs around $1000 for something that really doesn’t cost a lot to manufacture. For under $50, you can get something that will be just as effective, which literally saves you nearly $1000!

There are countless applications for red and infrared light therapy from hair growth, reducing wrinkles, speeding the healing of wounds, relaxing tight muscles, improving mobility in joints and many others.

Get a copy of Red Light Power – it empowers you with a literal fortune’s worth of information while helping you to protect yourself from getting ripped off by unscrupulous companies who are preying on the fact that most people do not know what is in this presentation!

Get your copy here: Red Light Power

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The Current War – Edison vs Tesla

Last weekend I watched The Current War, which is about the battle between Edison’s desire to maintain and grow his DC power plant system and Tesla’s desire to give the world AC power at about 1/3 the cost.

I first heard of this movie last year and have been eagerly awaiting its release.

The movie was well done as far as the quality of production is concerned, the acting was good but they didn’t quite develop the story well enough to build up the excitement enough with Tesla’s triumph of lighting the 1893 World’s Fair in Chicago.

Nevertheless, it is a story that changed the world and is worth watching just for the history lesson. The story is also not ultra technical so even youngster’s can understand the gist of the story. It doesn’t get into Tesla’s more mysterious technologies, but Tesla’s character does mention briefly the transmission of electricity without wires and it was left at that.

Here’s the trailer:

Learn more about The Current War and where you can watch it: The Current War

One thing about the movie is that it doesn’t give a lot of context of where Tesla came from and more of his back story but there is a movie that is old enough that it’s free online that does a great job of giving you the larger story. It even has Orson Wells as JP Morgan – The Secret of Nikola Tesla. I’d recommend watching this old movie first and then The Current War second because you’ll have more of a frame of reference about everything referenced.

It’s got a bit of a dated, strange feel to it, but it’s definitely a must see. This version has subtitles, but at least its free. There is another version on YouTube that is a full version that doesn’t have subtitles but the audio and video aren’t perfectly in sync so this one seems to be the best edition.

Share this movie with your friends using the share links below!

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2019 ESTC Business Presentations

2019 ESTC Business Presentations
2019 ESTC Business Presentations

Here are three presentations that will answer many questions relating to Intellectual Property protectionCircuit Board creation and Contract Manufacturing from experts in their own respective fields.

These presentations are comprehensive and will walk you through the whole topic and they end with some Q & A.

You can get each video separately or you can get all three of them at a discount.

Get copies here:


Protecting your inventions is an imporant consideration depending on your goals. If you have an invention and want to be able to earn money from it commercially, you may or may not want to file for a patent. Before deciding what you want to do, it is highly recommended to at least look at your options by hearing from a qualified Intellectual Property attorney who was also one of John Bedini’s attroneys at EnergenX. Kevin helped them to secure patents for them in the field of battery charging efficiency and EMF recovery.

There are pros and cons to patenting and this presentation will shine light on many of your blindspots when it comes to this topic. There are also many misconceptions that people in the “open source” and alternative energy field have that need to be corrected as well. It is also possible to file for a patent yourself so you need to consider all the facts in order to determine whether or not you want to do that or if you want to hire an expert.

If you’re involved with any kind of disruptive technology, you should definitely consider hiring an attorney to help you with this if you want to patent it because there are ways to get the patent granted or at least have the best chance of doing so and the language is all important. If Kevin Jablonski can help John Bedini get a patent on his energy recovery circuits, then you can see the value of having someone like this on your own team to help you protect your valuable inventions.

Get copies here:


If there is a circuit board as part of your invention, you will need to know about PCB Software so you can create the right kind of files to provide to a PCB company so they can manufacture them for you. This can be intimidating for the beginning who has only made circuits on breadboards or their own univesal soldering boards.

When I first had the Bedini RPX Sideband Generator manufactured, I printed the PCB file as an iron-on transfer, which I put on copper boards. Then I etched them in a chemical solution, cleaned them off and then dipped them in a highly toxic tinning solution, which allows the solder to stick to the traces more easily. It worked, but it was an experience that taught me one lesson – that is exactly what I do NOT want to do!

It was a valuable lesson for me as part of the overall manufacturing process but there is a much simpler way. The program I used was and still is Kicad, a free, open source software program that is more robust than even some paid programs. It has its quirky parts, but it works perfect. It took me a while to learn how to use it because I didn’t use any tutorials and taught myself by trial and error. Most of the tutorials I saw on YouTube and elsewhere were usually assuming I already knew how to use the program, which wasn’t helpful at all.

RS Stafford, who has many years experience with PCB programs learned Kicad in a matter of days and knew it better than I did with months of experience with it. Having the “schema” or frame of reference for what these programs are supposed to do was most likely very helpful in cutting down his learning curve.

In this presentation, RS walks you through the creation of a circuit step-by-step so you know exactly how to do it. He uses one or two example circuits that many of you will be familiar with and he shows how to export this to Gerber files, which are what you want to provide a company if you want multiple boards created for you. Take my advice, forget about the DIY method of etching your own boards, etc. it isn’t worth the time. If you want to do that just to have the experience, that is one thing but you will never keep up on the demand if you’re serious about selling a significant amount of your circuits.

Get copies here:


If you plan on offering your invention(s) to the public, you build them all yoursef if you plan to do small quantity, but if you want to have a life where you aren’t owned by the building process like so many small-time inventors, you will absolutely want to learn about contract manufacturing.

My first experience with contract manufacturing was when I initially made the Bedini RPXs available. At first, I built the first 25 myself. They worked, but since I drilled out the holes in the cases by hand, they weren’t all 100% aligned, the sticker labels looked so-so, they worked perfect, but it was so time-consuming! After that first batch, I learned another lesson, besides etching my own PCBs, I aboslutely did NOT want to manufacture these devices. Again, I can have a life or be consumed by building things. I enjoy building but more when it is experimental research on the bench, but working my own assembly line – forget about it.

Paul Babcock referred me to a local contract manufacturer since he knows the whose who in that business here in Spokane. I made an appointment, showed them what I wanted to accomplish and they guided me in the process of what I needed to provide to them so they could do it all. There is an option for them to do as much or as little as desired. I chose to do it “turn-key” meaning that I just submit the order for how many I want and they do 100%. They order every piece, they order the PCBs, they did all the assembly exactly to my spec, you name it.

In four weeks (with an expedited fee) or six weeks of normal lead time, they have 125-150 units all brand new and waiting in a box for me to pick up. They even test each unit with a scope and spectrum analyzer I let them borrow for a few days according to the exact protocols John Bedini used. They’ll even pack the units in boxes with the signal generators, batteries, and cables if I want with the only thing needed is a customer address label stuck to the box.

The greatest thing about all of this is that I learned I can do this at affordable pricing right here in Spokane so I don’t have to outsource antything overseas! 100% Made in Spokane for a reasonble price. It doesn’t get any better than that.

In this presentation, Seth Young who is with a Contract Manufacturer that specializes in sheet metal fabrication (they made the cases for our MWO Pulse Modulators) gives an overview with a lot of information on the process. Although you may or may not need sheet metal fabrication, the concepts apply to any kind of contract manufacturing and what you can expect or know to ask for.

Get copies here:

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Disruptive Water Fuel by Walt Jenkins

For the more recent 2019 presentation by Walt Jenkins, he gives an update of how far he has come over the last couple years. There is so much water in the atmosphere that it is possible to extract this right out of the air to be used in the fuel process and this is something he wants to use in his planned RV project where he drives across the country mostly on water.Walt covers that his study of charged particles and lightning led to his new process to get the energy out of water. This possibly leads to the lowest cost fuel on Earth that may utilize either fresh or salt water.

He shows some video of some tests such as 5ml of gasoline and 450ml of water that were mixed and put into a 49cc scooter. There has shown to be an 80% reduction in emissions with this system. Normally, this kind of scooter gets around 70mpg. With Walt’s system, he claims 500mpg! We hope to see experience this test ourselves where we can see a long road test from Spokane to Seattle for example, which is about 280 miles. This would eliminate any doubt in the minds of skeptics that it is only burning vapor of the gasoline for a short demonstration until those vapors are gone.

In some tests, it is claimed to have an 1100 times increase in gas mileage and the horsepower doubles.

Another video of a test is done with a 196cc engine.

Walt covers his planned RV/bus tour to travel across the country without stopping for fuel.

Again, we hope to see some long distance tests such as the scooter running on a circular track for x miles until all the water/fuel mixture is used up as well as seeing some commercial application come into play as soon as possible.

Get the presentation here:

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Science of Smiles by Ken Rochon

At the 2019 Energy Science & Technology Conference, Ken Rochon, our photographer presented on the Science of Smiles. Each year, he always presents something interesting, informative and fun.

His websites are and

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The Dynamic Ether of Cosmic Space by James DeMeo, Ph.D.

The Dynamic Ether of Cosmic Space by Dr. James DeMeo
The Dynamic Ether of Cosmic Space by Dr. James DeMeo

At the 2019 Energy Science & Technology Conference, Dr. James DeMeo presented on two topics, Cosmic Ether Exists and The Orgone Energy Accumulator. These two topics are inseparable and we were very blessed for Dr. DeMeo to give both presentations during the same weekend!

During the presentation Cosmic Ether Exists, he showed an author’s proof copy of The Dynamic Ether of Cosmic Space, Correcting a Major Error in Modern Science, which he had been working on for quite a while and now it is finally available to the public.

Get a copy of Dr. DeMeo’s presentations from the 2019 ESTC here:

The new 2020 PRESENTATIONS are: Cosmic Ether Exists: Implications To Modern Physics (Part 2) & Orgone Energy Experiments: Proof Of A Cosmic Life-Energy (Part 2)


Many who have been following the energy field and specifically the reality of the ether are familiar with some of the real history of Michelson-Morley and their interferometer experiments, which many conventional academics claim disproved the ether. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Dayton Miller took these experiments to the next level by taking them to a higher altitude and also where they were not shielded by heavy stone walls. Miller’s experiments showed quite conclusively that there is indeed an ether and these experiments even caused Einstein to doubt all of his own work, which is something no university dares to teach.

These interferometer experiments split a beam of light so they go on two paths and meet at a common destination. If they get there at the same time, then it is understood that nothing in or of space influenced the path of light meaning no ether. But if one of the light beams arrive slightly ahead of or behind the other beam, then that shows there is an ether that influenced the propagation of light.  This is the most commonly-known experiment that has been done for a century to gather evidence in favor of against the existence of the ether.

What is so powerful about Dr. DeMeo’s new book, The Dynamic Ether of Cosmic Space, is that it not only straightens out the real history of these experiments, it documents and catalogs many other non-interferometer type of experiments that also show evidence for the ether. Many are unknown even by those have been studying the unconventional energy field and ether for many years!

This book is an absolute must-have as it is in my opinion THE definitive bible of proof of a dynamic ether and should be required study by anyone who is pursuing a degree in physics and engineering. The Dynamic Ether of Cosmic Space definitely lives up to its goal of Correcting a Major Error in Modern Science.

Order now direct from the publisher, Natural Energy Works. International shipping charges will be billed separately.
(See the top left column)

To purchase this book on Amazon, go here (it supports Dr. DeMeo’s work more if you purchase it from the link above rather than on Amazon): The Dynamic Ether of Cosmic Space

Learn more below…

The Cosmic Ether Changes Everything!

The historical ether-drift experiments of Michelson-Morley, Dayton Miller and others yielded positive results for an ether wind and light-speed variations of 5 to 18 kilometers per second. Academic bias and erasure has misrepresented these facts for over 120 years, to the point that few dare question today. Scientist James DeMeo reviews the original documents and archives, exposing the facts which demolish nearly all of the post-ether astrophysical theories, including Einstein’s relativity, the “big bang”, “black holes” and quantum magic. Cosmic ether exists and moves in a creative gravitational spiral vortex, as the long-sought prime mover and life-energy. A must-read item for the professional scientist, educated layperson and student, in ordinary language with minimal maths.

Dr. DeMeo’s Dynamic Ether of Cosmic Space is another scholarly masterpiece, doing for Astrophysics what his Saharasia did for Ancient History, Climatology and Ethnography. Astrophysical mysticism, references to “other worldly” and unseen mechanisms comes in for pointed criticism, even while empirical Astronomy and Space Science Engineering is preserved and celebrated. The conflict between the feet-on-the-ground experimenters versus the “head in the clouds” theoreticians is exposed and its counter-productive consequences laid bare.

Perfect bound paperback with color covers, 406 pages with over 100 photos, illustrations and graphics, with astronomical glossary, 17 pages of references, index, and two appendices. 9″ x 6″ format. Order now direct from the publisher, Natural Energy Works. International shipping charges will be billed separately.
(See the top left column)

To purchase this book on Amazon, go here (it supports Dr. DeMeo’s work more if you purchase it from the link above rather than on Amazon): The Dynamic Ether of Cosmic Space

Over 40 years of slowly accumulating evidence and nearly 2 year in the writing, The Dynamic Ether of Cosmic Space also presents new findings on the close relationship between the cosmic ether and the Cosmic Superimposition cosmology of Wilhelm Reich’s life energy science.

“There is no ‘vacuum'”. (W.R.)
Space is not “empty” and the universe is not “dead”. (J.D.)

Author DeMeo goes well beyond merely recounting the historical record and suppression of positive evidence favoring the cosmic ether. He also presents new evidence for a cosmic life-energy, functionally identical to cosmic ether, for the open-minded to consider, along with the Implications and Consequences of thse findings to mainstream astrophysics and astronomy. For example:

Part I, Cosmic Ether as Theory and Experimentally Confirmed Fact, includes 8 different chapters which firstly introduces the concept of ether, then details the late 18th and 19th Century experimenters who made its detection by increasingly sophisticated instruments, some of which are still in use today. The interferometer experiments of Michelson-Morley and Dayton Miller are introduced, exposing facts by direct quotations from their publications in mainstream science journals, of multiple positive detections of the cosmic ether. In most every case, from the early to the more recent ether-drift experiments, the cosmic axis of Earth’s motion in space, in right ascension and declination, have been determined. Furthermore, these determinations are in approximate agreement with the modern determinations of the Sun and solar system’s motion through the galaxy, towards the star Vega, and ultimately towards the center of our Milky Way Galaxy. These experiments provide evidence violating a major starting assumption for Einstein’s theory of relativity, proving that light speed is variable, depending upon direction in the cosmos.

Part II, The Empire Strikes Back: Erasure, Mystification and Falsification of History, covers the rise of Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity, and how he and his supporters managed to ignore and obscure the positive outcomes of the various ether-drift experiments. It also details the unethical “hatchet-job” against Dayton Miller’s exceptional ether research, years after his death, by Einstein sycophant Robert Shankland, whose paper is still cited today as “definitive proof against Miller’s ether-drift findings”. That, it most certainly was not! Einstein’s originally friendly, but later dismissive treatment of Miller is detailed, including his many statements in private letters wherein he expressed deep concern that, if Miller’s work was correct, then his theory of relativity would “collapse like a house of cards”.

Part III, Into New Territory: Additional Evidence for a Material, Motional and Dynamic Ether, Dr. DeMeo overviews the findings from different disciplines, for a biologically-active and water-reactive cosmic life-energy. Notably, the findings of Wilhelm Reich, Giorgio Piccardi and Frank Brown are discussed. These newer findings are very agreeable to those of the ether-drift scientists, who postulated a material entrained ether that could affect, and be affected by matter. Additional direct evidence for the cosmic ether and ether-wind, by other names are discussed, showing they mostly have cosmic motions nearly identical to the older ether-drift findings: the interstellar wind, dark matter wind, cosmic ray wind, neutrino wind, and so forth. Seventeen independently determined, yet similar cosmic vectors of motion, from the ether-drift experiments, as well as from modern Astronomy, Biology and Chemistry are identified by Dr. DeMeo, as summarized on the rear-cover graphic, shown below.

The implications for these collective findings are staggering for modern science, indicating how modern metaphysical and other-worldly astrophysical theory has diverged from Empirical Astronomy, to embrace multiple mystical theories in an increasingly complicated manner. A return to the experimentally-detected cosmic ether, in its real-world dynamic and spiral-form motion, provides a singular explanation for multiple cosmic phenomena, where currently there are dozens. All the post-ether astrophysical theories are shown to be mired in mysticism and unproven assumptions, even while empirical astronomy and space science engineering proceeds with new discovery nearly every day.

The Dynamic Ether of Cosmic Space covers a broad landscape of 20th and 21st-Century science, but is developed for the non-specialist, the educated layperson and student. Most scientific professionals will also find it refreshing, if not challenging, as most of them were never taught about the factual ether-drift discoveries in their own student textbooks!

A dynamic cosmic energy in space, merged with related discoveries in biology, chemistry and physics, changes everything, indeed!

Order now direct from the publisher, Natural Energy Works. International shipping charges will be billed separately.
(See the top left column)

To purchase this book on Amazon, go here (it supports Dr. DeMeo’s work more if you purchase it from the link above rather than on Amazon): The Dynamic Ether of Cosmic Space

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Hidden Energy by Jeane Manning & Susan Manewich

Hidden Energy by Jeane Manning & Susan Manewich
Hidden Energy by Jeane Manning & Susan Manewich

One of the most, if not the most, highly-anticipated books in the alternative energy scene is Hidden Energy, Telsa-inspired Inventors and a Mindful Path to Energy Abundance by Jeane Manning and Susan Manewich.

Hidden Energy readies you for humankind’s next leap-tapping into an abundance of truly clean power, the ultimate renewable. Making the leap is more about mindsets and a consciousness shift than technology.

Inspired by seeing their connection to nature and the cosmos, scientists and inventors are making breakthroughs. Help decide who benefits-amoral corporations or your family, communities and the environment….

Get your copy here: Hidden Energy

Hidden Energy is not only beautifully done, it is very well-written as expected and very easy to read so it is for everyone – no technical experience is required!

Although it educates the reader on quite a few sustainable energy technologies, many which are potentially disruptive and rightfully so, it has a strong emphasis on the human-interest element and is logically divided into five parts. These five sections walk you through the thought processes and paradigms to the technologies themselves and concludes with a section on getting these technologies out to the world.

I just received my copy from Amazon and am glad that I choose the Hardback edition because I plan to pass this around to everyone that comes over and it’s going to be a lot more rugged. You can also get the paperback version on Amazon if you choose.

It’s also worth mentioning that quite a few of the inventors and developers who have presented at the conference, contributed in the forums or who have worked with many well-known names are mentioned in the book. These include John Bedini, Peter Lindemann, Paul Babcock, Jim Murray, Graham Gunderson, Dr. Gerald Pollack and many others including myself, which is a great honor!

Get your copy here: Hidden Energy

Christmas is just around the corner and this book will be a very beautiful, thoughtful, important and timely gift for every Tesla, Free Energy or other alternative science enthusiast that you know – including yourself! Many of you are activists at heart when it comes to these subjects and there is no easier way than to buy a book for a friend or refer them to one.

Jeane Manning, B.A. Soc., is co-authoring Hidden Energy and previously authored other books about breakthroughs, starting with The Coming Energy Revolution (Avery Publishing NY 1996). Her previous books are published in ten countries. For 30+ years she interviewed scientists and inventors on various continents. She has been a social worker, journalist and publicist for a gypsy-style theatre company. Jeane has a veggie garden in British Columbia, Canada.

Susan A. Manewich M.S. is the President of New Energy Movement. Susan is experienced in the field of leadership development, organizational development, resonant technology and consciousness. She has co-authored work in Emotional Intelligence in Everyday Life (Psychology Press, NY 2006) and Applying Emotional Intelligence (Psychology Press, NY 2007). Susan enjoys nature and spending time learning about ancient cultures.

Get your copy here: Hidden Energy

Get your copy here: Hidden Energy

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Shielding Cloth – Protects against RF

If you could have a cloth to wrap your mobile phone in so you are not subject to its radiation would you want it? There are countless applications for this kind of material and it’s getting more and more popular by the day.

Tonight, I tested some shielding cloth, which many promote as “EMP Cloth” and verified that what it actually does is block radio frequencies. I wrapped my mobile phone in some and folded it over enough so that there are no openings that would allow any RF to sneak into any of it and from another phone I called it but it just went to voicemail.

Go here more more information: EMP CLOTH

When I removed my phone from the cloth, instead of a wifi or 4G or LTE symbol, it had a circle with a line through it meaning that while it was wrapped in the cloth, it could not find a connection! Obviously, we can put the phone in a metal box with a metal lid, but we don’t always want to carry something like that around, so if we can just take some cloth and wrap it up, then our bodies are free of any of its emissions because the RF can’t get out or in!

There are a lot of other uses that will be evident and the cost of this kind of material is actually affordable.

What about something that may partially block you from the deadly effects of 5G emissions? We’re living in a soup of RF and depending on certain frequencies, it is NOT hospitable to life and can cause a lot of other problems.

I don’t necessarily agree with the vocabulary and definitions of what their website says, but I can say that it does block the RF from going through. It is extremely rare that I ever promote external products but when I tried this shielding cloth myself, I know it works. It’s also available through Clickbank just like the digital books and videos published by A & P Electronic Media so the merchant is trustworthy.

Go here more more information: EMP CLOTH

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Tapping the Energy that Connects all Life by Jeane Manning

Jeane Manning
Jeane Manning

Joan Cerio welcomes author and longtime researcher Jeane Manning to discuss the upcoming impact of inventions that can replace polluting fuels. Jeane has interviewed scientists who say some of the inventions tap into a background sea of universal energy and that sea of energy also supports life. She discusses what an energy revolution means in times of Earth changes and especially how new science reveals the oneness of humankind and all life.

Jeane is an award-winning writer who has chronicled the lives of inventors of energy breakthroughs around the world for 30+ years. She lives in Kelowna, BC, Canada with her daughter, granddaughter and a big backyard veggie garden. Jeane’s previous books are published in more than ten countries. Her forthcoming book, Hidden Energy: Tesla-inspired Inventors and a Mindful Path to Energy Abundance, co-authored with Susan Manewich of Massachusetts will be published in October 2019. They can be contacted via their website,

For Joan Cerio’s Earth Energy Forecast show, go here:

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The Science of Tesla’s Magic by Ernst Willem van den Bergh

The Science of Tesla's Magic by Ernst Willem van den Bergh
The Science of Tesla’s Magic by Ernst Willem van den Bergh

Here is the fourth new book by Ernst Willem van den Bergh – The Science of Tesla’s Magic.

It’s a beautiful book inside and out with a lot of full color illustrations inside. And having started White Dragon Press years ago, the cover couldn’t be any more incredible!! 🙂

Learn more here: The Science of Tesla’s Magic

The description of the book on Amazon is as follows: “When Tesla passed away in 1943, the world lost a wealth of knowledge and experience. Many experiments that Tesla showed us have never been replicated since. Is all this knowledge lost forever, or can it be recovered from the many texts that he left us? That was one of the goals of my project and in this book, I present the results.These results are not just based on Tesla’s work as I want to present a much more complete picture. How is matter formed? What is it formed from? Why do we see repeating patterns all around us? These questions form the base and from there we extend into electricity. What is it? What can we do with it? And most importantly how can we get access to a clean, renewable source of energy?

One of the primary goals of this book is to recovery Tesla’s theories and possibly hidden knowledge from what he left behind.

Learn more here: The Science of Tesla’s Magic

Ernst’s other three books are detailed in the links below.