Fundamentals of the Transforming Generator by Jim Murray
Fundamentals of the Transforming Generator by Jim Murray – This astounding machine demonstrates many principles that are not understood by conventional science. It rotates but creates a square wave output, with positive feedback – it speeds up to self-destruct speeds, which you normally only see in science fiction movies but this is the real thing, it can light mercury vapor lamps at 200-300% more lumens per watt among other mind-bending feats! For the first time ever, Jim Murray discloses the inner workings of this machine to the public and even describes how someone can replicate it by modifying an off the shelf motor. Release date – August 1, 2016. Learn more: Fundamentals of the Transforming Generator
Panel Discussion at the 2016 Energy Science & Technology Conference – This starts with some announcements from the vendors who had tables at the conference and then we celebrated Tesla’s 160th Birthday by playing the trailer to a very important documentary called Teslafy. The director of the documentary Janja Glogovac was there to share a bit about her work. The panel discussion was moderated by Aaron Murakami and included contributions by Peter Lindemann, Paul Babcock, Moray B. King, Graham Gunderson, Professor Robert Haralick, Jim Murray, Mike Waters and Eric P. Dollard. Watch it free right below, give it a LIKE and please share it with all your friends!
Cold Electricity by Aaron Murakami – This presentation reveals and unknown patent application that spells out the clearest description and list of benefits of Cold Electricity out of any public document. It has been hiding in plain sight for years and is the subject of a replication attempt. There are enough details in this presentation to demonstrate the basic switching method and two proposed methods of operation. Proceeds from this video will be used to further the replication attempt and we hope that others will be able to follow suit. Learn more: Cold Electricity
Babcock External Field Interaction Motor by Paul Babcock – In this presentation from the 2016 Energy Science & Technology Conference, Paul Babcock discloses for the first time how this motor actually works. It is based on the foundation that he taught in Magnetic Energy Secrets Parts 1, 2 & 3. What you will learn is that it is indisputable that magnets really are a source of energy contrary to what the physicists claim and engineers claim. Learn more: Babcock DC Motor
This Bedini RPX Sideband Generator is the circuit, which was presented by John Bedini at the 2016 Energy Science & Technology Conference.
Bedini RPX 3.1 MHz Sideband Generator
The Bedini RPX Sideband Generator has a 3.1 MHz RF Fundamental Frequency that will produce the Harmonic Sidebands when a function generator is connected to the AUDIO IN and is set with the correct sweep function.
Right now, the discussion thread is not very long so you can read the whole thing in a few minutes.
Tesla’s Self-Acting Engine works by simply creating a “perpetual” cold sink where heat can constantly move towards it, while producing mechanical work. Tesla has been quoted as saying it is his most important engineering accomplishment. This is over-simplified but is the basic idea in a nutshell.
You can watch the introductory video, which presents his ideas here:
We hope that if you gain something useful from Ernst’s work and want to do something with it that you will at least give him credit and you can contact him directly at Energetic Forum if you have any questions. His username on the forum is: Ernst
Eric Dollard has built and demonstrated a working Tesla Magnifying Transmitter as far back as the 1970’s and years ago, Peter Lindemann and Tom Brown saw one version. While they were packing up, Peter picked up a 300 watt light bulb and it lit to full brightness without any heat, electrical sensations in his body or any other phenomena that could be detected. In simple terms, the TMT works by exploiting the fluctuations of the dielectric field.
For further research into this subject, Peter Lindemann has a lot of references on Tesla’s Self-Acting Engine. This is not to take away from Ernst’s tireless work and dedication to the project, but rather to present a broader picture of the subject.
Walter Lovell created the twist off beer bottle cap – he also created a thermal junction that creates electricity from heat and it does NOT require a cold side so it does not operate on a temperature differential but just plain temperature:
Tesla’s Radiant Energy presentation and PowerPoint by Peter Lindemann is a must have for anyone studying the subject of the Tesla Magnifying Transmitter, which is available here:
A physicist from Temple University, Rongia Tao, was tasked with a challenge, which was to get chocolate to flow through machinery without clogging it. Normally, it requires a certain amount of fat to get the chocolate to flow. This was funded by Mars, Inc. which is a large candy corporation that makes M & M’s and other popular candy.
Cocoa solids are like little balls and no matter how close you pack them, there is still all that space that surrounds the points that don’t touch. And this random scattering of these solids leads to a higher viscosity or thickness.
By producing an electric field and pouring chocolate through it, the cocoa solids aligned into longer, thinner chains that allowed them to be packed closer together and the viscosity reduces thereby requiring even less fat to be added. Because there is less fat, the cocoa solids stick out more and more of a chocolate taste.
What is important about this technology is that it is rooted in another method developed by the same physicist, which is to apply an electric or magnetic field to crude oil in order to reduce its viscosity while traveling through pipelines. This is used by the oil industry to save on pumping costs – up to 75% savings have been shown.
Many that are conventionally trained claim that a magnetic or electric field cannot have any influence on hydrocarbon molecules, paraffin in diesel, etc. since they’re not dipole molecules like water.
Tesla Scientific was founded by electrical experimenter and Tesla enthusiast Simon Davies in December 2012. Currently a one-man mission based on South Wales, UK, the goal is to make practical applications of Nikola Tesla’s most notable work and ideas primarily in the field of wireless transmission of electrical energy. The company has just officially launched with the Advanced Crystal Radio Initiative Calculator, lots of incredible info will be coming soon so stay tuned!
For the Free Crystal Radio Initiative Calculator, visit Simon’s website here and be sure to spread the word to help support his efforts – he has openly shared a massive amount of his work and more people need to pay attention to what he has shared –
There is a new use for carbon emissions that go into our atmosphere – turning it into plastic. Newlight Technologies breaks apart the carbon and oxygen and rearranges it into what they call Air Carbon, which is literally plastic made from the emissions.
Their website states, “AirCarbon is made by combining air with methane-based carbon emissions–carbon that would otherwise become part of the air we breathe–to produce a material that is approximately 40% oxygen from air and 60% carbon and hydrogen from captured methane emissions by weight. By replacing oil with AirCarbon™, we transform the products we use everyday into materials that sequester more greenhouse gas than they emit and actually improve the world–displacing oil, reducing cost, and reducing the amount of carbon in the air.”
Plastic 6 pack rings have been an environmental nuisance for decades because they don’t decompose and have harmed countless animals. There have been very few solutions proposed to overcome this problem such as plastic can top huggers (won’t hurt animals but still won’t decompose) and the cardboard 6 pack boxes.
Recently, the Saltwater Brewery in Florida has created a new 6 pack ring that is edible and biodegradable and it is made of the byproducts of the brewing process such as wheat and barley.
Photo: Saltwater Brewery
The prototypes have been created using a 3D printer and the cost is more than the plastic rings. If the idea catches on and more beer companies want to adopt this method, then the price could come down to the same cost as plastic.