You’ve probably heard of Smart Meters – something else significant from Spokane is that one of the largest manufacturers of Smart Meters is based right here and we’re all to familiar with the local power company wanting to start placing these contraptions on homes while replacing perfectly good analog meters.
Whether you are familiar with the pro and con claims for Smart Meters, it is a good idea to inform yourself and decide whether or not you want to let your power company install one because in most places, it is up to you to refuse them. In any case, here is a free video that will definitely make you think twice:
That free viewing expires December 1st at Midnight Pacific Standard Time.
Here is a video showing a Plasma Ignition setup on a gasoline generator, which supplied power to a home during the day and charged up a big battery bank. Then at night when the loud noise wasn’t welcome, the generator was turned off and everything needed ran on a battery bank.
We mentioned that John Bedini would be disclosing something and he has actually disclosed and is continuing to disclose what the Zero Force Motor is, how it operates along with detailed explanations of its working principles. This knowledge that John is sharing is not just applicable to the Zero Force Motor, but opens up the mind to a whole other world of possibilities when it comes to what is actually happening inside of an electromagnetic coil.
This video was posted quite a while back:
Here is another Zero Force Motor that John Bedini made that is at a much lower power but helps to teach the principles.
Make sure to read through the last 3 weeks of posts to get up to date and it is VERY IMPORTANT to understand that if you’re only browsing as a guest, you are not able to download or see some very important attachements that are hidden so make sure you register – it’s Free!
Again, only logged in member’s can see everything available and this discussion is very important as there are many revelations with electromagnetic coils that have never been openly discussed before.
The Keshe Foundation has been building quite a network over the last several years with all kinds of free energy claims and devices for sales that are supposed to help get you off the grid.
These deal with superconductive nano-coatings on wires to plasma batteries. If there is one hot topic that we are emailed about – it is, “Are the Keshe claims real?” We can’t just claim it is or isn’t but here are a few facts that you should consider.
A few years ago, they were selling high output generators for thousands of Euros and to date, we can not verify that anyone has ever received one. More recently, this foundation has been selling energy units for about 800 Euros and we also cannot find evidence that anyone has ever received one. We have however found quite a few posts online by people who have spent the money and are complaining that they never received anything and have been brushed off over and over about new shipping dates, etc. and the list goes on.
Maybe the technology works and maybe it doesn’t, but recently, PayPal has blocked their account so they cannot receive any more money and the copyright owner and 5% shareholder of the foundation, Dirk Laureyssens, has even ordered the Keshe Foundation to stop using the logos.
Mr. Laureyssens, the copyright owner has filed legal action and here is a quote from him, “Due to the unacceptable slanderous and insulting behavior of Mr. Mehran Tavakoli Keshe in public, the logos can no longer be used by KF worldwide, starting … SEPT 21,2015. The logo’s will need to be removed from all documents, websites, Facebook groups, YouTubes, … everywhere.”
If you know of anyone on Facebook or elsewhere that is using this logo or a variation of it as their Avatar, etc. you might want to let them know that they might have their Facebook or other accounts shut down if they don’t comply.
Should you buy anything from the Keshe Foundation? Caveat Emptor! Buyer beware – it is up to you to do your due diligence and decide if you want to donate money or purchase any of their products. We’re not spending a penny on any of it until we see evidence that those who have spent thousands have actually received what they paid for.
Here is something that is also of great concern – the Belgian Federal Police are investigating and questioning Keshe regarding Fraud, Practicing Medicine without a License and Human Experimentation –
Does their technology work? It might or it might not. There are some claims, but even if it does, nobody seems to be getting what they paid for.
Here are two discussions at Energetic Forum about Keshe.
Conventional physics is in alignment with Newton’s 3rd Law of Motion where every action is supposed to have an equal and opposite reaction. However, that is a misunderstanding of natural phenomena because the reality is that the combined forces are divided between two reference points and that is a huge difference in the interpretation of nature. However that may be, this still does not permit a propulsion system with no reaction at all.
An important distinction is that there actually are mechanical systems, which take a reaction but turn it around to help push the machine/device/system in the forward direction. That means that the reaction is not opposing anything and is actually used to become additive to the original forward motion that created it to begin with. That means more forward work is accomplished compared to the work that was input and this violates no laws of physics contrary to conventional belief. Take note that there still is a reaction, but it does not buck the forward intended motion.
Now, lets get to systems that have no apparent reaction whatsoever. We’re not talking about using reactive power to do forward work, we’re taking about a system that appears to have no reaction at all.
Recently in the news, a new space propulsion drive is being admitted by NASA to have no reaction and it is ruffling some feather. An astrophysicist told, “The reason it’s controversial is, it violates Newton’s Third Law.”
The concept was invented by Roger Shawyer who calls it an EmDrive. Microwaves are bounced around inside a conical shaped container and without any propellant, a small amount of thrust is created. This has been verified by researchers at NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston.
The thrust produced is extremely small but nevertheless, it works and of course needs to be researched and developed further. It is always a good sign when we see conventionally trained academics and engineers admitting that something is doing the “impossible” and is apparently violating the coveted laws of physics.
It seems that the conical shape is causing a simple potential difference between the narrow and wide end giving it somewhat of an asymmetrical dipole effect that appears to be related to a century old discovery.
A reaction-less space drive has was invented and proven out in the 1920s – almost 100 years ago!
Thomas Townsend Brown developed an interesting propulsion system using capacitors charged to a high voltage. When charged up, the capacitor moves through space in the direction of the positive terminal. Here is a short excerpt from his British Patent #300,311, A Method of & an Apparatus or Machine for Producing Force or Motion:
“The invention also relates to machines or apparatus requiring electrical energy that control or influence the gravitational field or the energy of gravitation; also to machines or apparatus requiring electrical energy that exhibit a linear force or motion which is believed to be independent of all frames of reference save that which is at rest relative to the universe taken as a whole, and said linear force or motion is furthermore believed to have no equal and opposite reaction that can be observed by any method commonly known and accepted by the physical science to date. ”
This reaction-less propulsion system from he 1920s is not just theoretical, it demonstrates what is known as the Biefeld-Brown Effect, which is the basis for a field known as “Electrogravitics.”
Ten years ago when I first wrote The Quantum Key, my layman’s Aetheric Unified Model predicted the proper direction of movement in this manner without having ever heard of the Bifeld-Brown Effect. Basically, the positive charge of the aetheric source potential is repelled by the high voltage positive at the leading edge of the “craft” and this causes it to be deflected over the shell towards the negative end. Simultaneously, the implied anti or negative charge of the aether pulls on the positive end of the craft and causes it to move along at a negative resistance and this seems to be the obvious reason for no reaction – there simply is no positive resistance it is moving in to. Since the positive aetheric source charge is what causes inertia by imparting an electrostatic repulsion against the protons that make up the mass, inertia is reduced since that which causes it is no longer moving through the atomic matrix of the mass that makes up the craft – it is deflected over it. This appears to be the main principle at play in any asymmetrical thruster that has no reaction.
Anyway, the mainstream sources of information are really mainstream sources of disinformation because it is constantly claimed that the effect is nothing more than ion wind and that the movement is ion propulsion, but it is not. There is a small bit of ion wind, but not even close to being enough to account for the amount of lift or thrust given to an apparatus utilizing the Biefeld-Brown Effect.
The most common is known as a “Lifter” and you can see a very basic one in operation here:
Here is a PDF of a report from the U.S. Army Laboratory stating, “The calculations indicate that ionic wind is at least three orders of magnitude too small to explain the magnitude of the observed force on the capacitor.” Force on an Asymmetric Capacitor
The U.S. Military patented a very expensive form of transparent aluminum back in 1980. In 1986 in Star Trek IV The Voyage Home, Scotty the ship’s Engineer shared a method of creating Transparent Aluminum with a company dealing with polymers. Here is that video clip:
Since then, there have been several varieties of a Transparent Aluminum and this is one of the most popular demonstrations that circulated the Internet:
Transparent Aluminum
A research team at the University of Tokyo’s Institute of Industrial Science has created a totally transparent glass, which is as strong as steel! It is much more advanced than what you see in the picture above.
Aluminum is already added to some glass to increase the strength, but the more they add, the more crystallized the glass looks. The breakthrough is that up to 50% aluminum can now be added and the glass is perfectly clear – and is as strong as steel and iron.
An interesting new development allows light to be directed in a unique way.
Using a gold-plated silicon array, light can be made to move at 90 degrees from where it came from and the strange thing is that the light moves in a STRAIGHT LINE instead of in a sinusoidal pattern. That prevents interference between two different phases of light.
This is not a claim that the light is transmitting in some sort of longitudinal way, but it sure sounds like it – especially when it was reported that there was no time delay between the transmission of light from one point to the other. Longitudinal transmission would mean that energy is not lost at 90 degrees from the direction that the light is moving as opposed to a transverse “sinusoidal pattern”.
Another interesting thing is that the original article posted by PBS did state that the light was transmitted instantaneously to the other side instantaneously. Shortly thereafter, they were asked to correct the article so that the laws of physics were not violated.
“A previous version of this article mistakenly reported that light hitting the chip was transmitted to the other side instantaneously. That would violate the laws of physics, of course. We regret the error.”
A group of students from the University of Calgary have developed a simple evaporative refrigerator. It was inspired by the way that animals and insects keep themselves cool.
Warm air from the surroundings is funneled into a pipe network to evaporate water moisture, which carries heat away from the air. Once the air is cooled, it moves into the chamber where the food is kept. The only power requirement to bring the temperature down to 4C is to power a small fan to move this cool air, which can be done with a very small battery setup powered by a small solar panel. The refrigerator still works with no electricity but works best with the fan.
Veljko Milkovic’s mechanical amplifier known as a 2-Stage Mechanical Oscillator is one of the simplest true overunity machines that most people can build. Using some very clever innovations in pendulum mechanics, it allows gravitational potential to contribute to real mechanical work.
At the 2015 Energy Science & Technology Conference, Veljko Milkovic’s team was kind enough to provide a video presentation, which is a compilation of much of his work relating to this machine as well as other pendulum concepts.
This machine is not theoretical – it works and is being used not just as an experimental device, but as a water pump in low income areas. It allows more water pumping work to be done than the operator has to input into the pendulum themselves. Again, demonstrating simply that gravity is a source of energy contrary to the mainstream belief.
Wait until you see the demonstration in the video with the flashlights!
The Veljko Milkovic Research & Development Center has produced a couple books highlighting some of their research in these areas.
The first is called Basic Principles of Overunity Electromagnetic Machines by by Jovan Marjanovic, M.Sc.
The goal of this book is to unlock the secrets of over unity and to teach people what is over unity and how it works. The reader will learn basic ideas of making new ultra efficient electric motors and generators and how to improve existing patents which use permanent magnets.
The second books relating to gravity power is Gravitational Machines by Veljko Milkovic.
This is the story of the discoveries, which have been hidden from us for a long time, and were dismissed as science-fiction, until nowadays when breakthrough inventions are receiving awards, appraisals and objective criticism, but also dogmatic a priori attacks.
Perhaps it is time to change the perspective since new ideas and materials brought about breakthroughs in gravitational machines which are fully functional and can be used for various purposes.
The aim of this book is to present as many facts as possible, which will lead us to the light at the end of the tunnel.
20 years ago, the Navy created a magnetoelastic material that produced efficient electricity. When this material, Galfenol, is physically impacted, it produces a magnetic fields.
Galfenol can produce up to 80 megawatts of power per cubic meter under strong impacts! Not only does this material produce a magnetic field when hit, a magnetic field applied to the material will cause it to change shape – so it works both ways – and at a 70% conversion efficiency.
One of the first things that comes to mind is to possibly use the Galfenol in conjunction with Nitinol – the metal that changes shape with heat. Our Energy Times newsletter has an entire article on Nitinol with some recommended links.
Maybe we have the materials necessary for a perpetual motion machine? Perhaps Galfenol can create electricity that heats a resistor that causes the Nitinol to bend. That bending could in turn impact the Galfenol to create the magnetic field. At that point, the Nitinol cools and goes back to the original shape. The magnetic field can cause electricity to produce heat to warm the Nitinol causing it to bend and repeat the process.
This is obviously not a completely serious suggestion but is food for thought since it seems all the necessary attributes to do something like this is sitting right there in these materials.