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NEW RELEASE – 2023 ESTC William Skinner’s 1939 Gravity Power Machine by Mark Dorsten & Aaron Murakami

Over 80 years ago, William Skinner built a machine that uses gravity as a source of potential to amplify the input into his machine at a claimed increase of 1200%.

From the video evidence, this appears to be greatly understated. It is commonly thought that gravity is static and can do no work, but understanding the true nature of the dynamic properties of gravity, gravity is definitely a source of potential that can be used.

This machine has been discussed for many years on Energetic Forum and elsewhere. Aaron was the first to point out the obvious fact that Skinner’s input mechanism was of an elliptical nature but virtually every replication attempt posted online by independent builders have a circular input mechanism. Even the old news releases announcing Skinner’s machine clearly states that the “eccentrics”, which are the elliptical input mechanisms, are part of the secret.

Mark and Aaron are the only ones that appear to be attempting a replication using this eccentric input method rather than the circular input that has failed everyone else. The full scale model completely built by Mark that will be displayed is still under construction without any claims given.

This presentation aims to clearly show the evidence of Skinner’s eccentric input from the original 1939 video, which Aaron has pointed out multiple times in the past on YouTube and in Energetic Forum but has remained wholly ignored by the builders as well as pointing out once again what the original news releases describe, which matches what is obvious in the video.

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May 6, 2023 Eric Dollard Live Zoom Call

Support EPD Laboratories, Inc. a 501(c)3 non profit organization dedicated to furthering the electrical sciences.

Here are 2 NEW Eric Dollard presentations mentioned in the Zoom call!


Four-Phase, wrongly called “Two Phase”, is a relatively unknown form of polyphase power. However, it was the original method employed in the Tesla-Westinghouse system of polyphase power and for good reason. It provided the best match to the well-established Edison Three Wire System then in extensive use. While an effective mathematical representation exists for the common three-phase system, no such representation has ever been applied to four-phase. This representation is to be developed in this presentation.

Get your copy at an automatic huge discount now!


Four-Phase analysis opens a new dimension in multiple co-ordinate representation and accordingly, opens a new avenue into this area of general theory. The established master of multiple co-ordinates is J.S. Bach and his poly-phonic (phase) music. BWV536 represents an idyllic representation of the four-phase concept; this is taken into a very high level of expression. This presentation applies the Fortescue method of the Fugue of BWV536 and is applied to the introductory part of Bach’s work.

Learn more here:

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April 14, 2023 Eric Dollard Live Zoom Call Recording

Donate to EPD Laboratories, Inc. 501(c)3 non profit to help support this work!

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2023-04-12 Brother Sanchez TV Interview – Dollard & Marsh

Check out this 4.5 hour interview where Eric Dollard and Adrian Marsh, PhD go into a LOT of material and we even have a few demos!

Donate to EPD Laboratories, Inc. 501(c)3 Non Profit to support the work of Eric Dollard

Adrian Marsh, PhD’s website:

Get your tickets to the 12th annual 2023 Energy Science & Technology Conference

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2023-03-18 Eric Dollard Live Call

This call covers lot of different topics – music, polyphase, the 2023 ESTC, golden ratio discharges and more. This call is 3 hours long!!

Donate to EPD Laboratories, Inc. 501(c)3 Non-Profit –

2023 Energy Science & Technology Conference info –

2023 ESTC Tickets –

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2023-02-25 Eric Dollard Live Call

This call covers Eric’s new book on Amazon, updates from Hakasays and Griffin Brock as well as from Dr. Adrian Marsh and Bruce Gavin. Eric discusses the recent hype about the sun and what his observations are and he also discusses his upcoming presentation at the 2023 ESTC.

Donate to EPD Laboratories, Inc. 501(c)3 Non-Profit –

2023 Energy Science & Technology Conference info –

2023 ESTC Tickets –

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Eric Dollard Feb 4, 2023 Live Call Recording

This call has a lot of content, discussion of an attempt at trans-Atlantic ground transmission and more.

Donate to EPD Laboratories to keep this work alive!

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2022-12-17 Eric Dollard Live Video Call Recording

This video is JAM-PACKED with a lot of information from not just Eric Dollard, but also from Dr. Adrian Marsh, Griffin Brock and Hakasays. There are updates regarding the massive grounding system at EPD Laboratories, which will be used for the Tesla Telluric transmission experiments, discussion regarding the golden-ratio discharges from the Tesla coils originally shown by Eric Dollard and replicated by Dr. Adrian Marsh, aspects of seismic research and more.

This was the first live video Zoom call we have hosted and there will be more, more frequently and with more presenters/experts on a variety of subjects.

Donate to EPD Laboratories, Inc. 501(c)3 Non Profit to keep this work alive!

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The Higherside Chats with Aaron Murakami & Jeremiah Ferwerda

Jeremiah and I were interviewed by Greg Carlwood of The Higherside Chats a few weeks ago and we discussed some updates from the conference and went into depth into the Tesla Turbine project. The Higherside Chats is a very popular podcast where Greg has interviewed countless authors, presenters and so no who are involved in all kinds of taboo and other topics. You can listen to our interview for free and I’d encourage everyone to subscribe to his podcast and get a membership with The Higherside Chats.

Listen to our interview with the link below for Free! Thank you Greg!

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2022 ESTC New Release – Law of Electrostatic Induction by Aaron Murakami & Eric Dollard

The Law Of Electrostatic Induction As Applied To The John G Trump Electrostatic Machine by Eric Dollard and Aaron Murakami

Here’s the first of many new releases from the 2022 ESTC.

This one is an electrostatic generator invented by John G. Trump, the same Trump who was called in to analyze Tesla’s work after Tesla died. John Trump was mentored by Van de Graaff while at MIT and due to Van de Graaff’s encouragement to study vacuum high voltage systems, this generator concept is the result.

The test unit shown was built by Chris Carson, a friend of Eric Dollard’s and over the last year, we have figured out the basic running method, Eric has analyzed the math, I’ve been doing the bench experiments and have seen enough to realize that the claims by Trump and Carson are true.

The demo unit is flea power, is not in a vacuum so is not ideal but the presentation gives enough information for anyone to develop it further if they wish. There is no back EMF since there are no magnets or coils so when placing a load on it, the prime mover will not know.

Watch the preview vid and get a copy of this presentation here: The Law of Electrostatic Induction as Applied to the John G. Trump Electrostatic Machine