In 1999, when John Bedini was first introduced to me, this “Glass Case Motor” was the first thing he wanted to show me so it had always been very special to me but it was even more special to John. It is a beautiful work of art that John built because it embodied the many principles that were worked out over the years with his partner from the past, Ron Cole.
The first time he ever presented it publicly was at the 2015 Energy Science & Technology Conference but it was mostly a demonstration along with the history and some of the thinking behind it but he never disclosed the circuit specs, coil details, etc.
John Bedini’s Glass Case Motor – Gravity Wave Space Flux Motor
The interesting or even profound thing about this “glass case motor”, which John actually called the Gravity Wave Space Flux Motor, is that it had run countless hours over the years on 30 year old either alkaline or zinc carbon batteries. The batteries had been seen to be in such poor shape that they were practically falling apart but nevertheless, once the rotor is spun, it picks up speed, turns a propeller shaft with eddy currents, blinks LEDs but the batteries never seem to die.
The long-awaited, full-disclosure that everyone has wanted but never thought would happen is coming to the 2020 Energy Science & Technology Conference.
While we may not be able to claim we know all the answer as to why this particular arrangement of coils, magnets, etc. can demonstrate these amazing feats and we may not be able to claim that we see this motor the same way John did as he had his own unique way of looking at things, you will will walk away with all the information necessary to replicate this historical and amazing machine!
Get your ticket now while you can for our 9th annual event – 2020 Energy Science & Technology Conference – register now: 2020 Energy Conference
James DeMeo has been investigating the work of the late Dr. Wilhelm Reich since 1970, and founded the Orgone Biophysical Research Laboratory in 1978. With cooperative assistance from a network of professionals and institutes supportive of Wilhelm Reich’s original discoveries, OBRL has grown to become one of the world’s primary centers for genuine and uncompromised research and educational programs focused upon Orgonomy, the science of orgone (life) energy functions in nature, as developed by Reich in the first half of the 20th Century. James formally studied the Earth, Atmospheric, and Environmental Sciences at Florida International University and the University of Kansas, where he earned his PhD in 1986. At KU, he openly undertook the first graduate-level natural scientific research specifically focused upon Wilhelm Reich’s controversial discoveries, subjecting those ideas to rigorous testing, with positive verification of the original findings. DeMeo subsequently undertook drought-related field research in the arid American Southwest, Egypt, Israel, sub-Saharan Eritrea, and Namibia, Africa.
At the 2019 Energy Science & Technology Conference, he presented on two topics. Cosmic Ether Exists: Correcting a Major Error in Modern Science and The Orgone Energy Accumulator: Experimental Confirmations and New Water-Structuring Evidence – Get your copies here:
Dr. DeMeo will also be delivering two new presentations at the 2020 Energy Science & Technology Conference – pre-register for free here – seating is limited to 150 people.
Eric Dollard will be giving two presentations at the 2020 ESTC and will be co-presenting with myself for my own presentation.
The first presentation is based on Oliver Heaviside’s work. In the late 1800’s Heaviside wrote a series of articles for the British magazine The Electrician, which is the first magazine for electrical engineering. The title for this collection is called Electromagnetic Induction and it’s Propagation.
Eric’s presentation is a sequel to this collection of papers.
The second presentation is based on a paper called The Method of Symmetrical Coordinates Applied to the Solution of Polyphase Networks by Charles Fortescue. It was published by the IEEE in 1918. You can get a copy here:
Eric’s presentation on this topic is also a sequel to this paper.
These are very important topics for electrical engineering and Eric Dollard is the leading authority on these subjects.
For a third presentation, I’ll (Aaron Murakami) be presenting on a topic with a few incredible demonstrations and Eric will be there for backup. This is based on some equipment that I am building that was engineered by Eric Dollard. Eric is the leading authority on this projects, not me, but I will do my best to do it justice and Eric will fill in the gaps. It’s been an amazing learning process and I’m looking forward to showing the demonstrations because it will blow some minds!
Here are three presentations that will answer many questions relating to Intellectual Property protection, Circuit Board creation and Contract Manufacturing from experts in their own respective fields.
These presentations are comprehensive and will walk you through the whole topic and they end with some Q & A.
You can get each video separately or you can get all three of them at a discount.
Protecting your inventions is an imporant consideration depending on your goals. If you have an invention and want to be able to earn money from it commercially, you may or may not want to file for a patent. Before deciding what you want to do, it is highly recommended to at least look at your options by hearing from a qualified Intellectual Property attorney who was also one of John Bedini’s attroneys at EnergenX. Kevin helped them to secure patents for them in the field of battery charging efficiency and EMF recovery.
There are pros and cons to patenting and this presentation will shine light on many of your blindspots when it comes to this topic. There are also many misconceptions that people in the “open source” and alternative energy field have that need to be corrected as well. It is also possible to file for a patent yourself so you need to consider all the facts in order to determine whether or not you want to do that or if you want to hire an expert.
If you’re involved with any kind of disruptive technology, you should definitely consider hiring an attorney to help you with this if you want to patent it because there are ways to get the patent granted or at least have the best chance of doing so and the language is all important. If Kevin Jablonski can help John Bedini get a patent on his energy recovery circuits, then you can see the value of having someone like this on your own team to help you protect your valuable inventions.
If there is a circuit board as part of your invention, you will need to know about PCB Software so you can create the right kind of files to provide to a PCB company so they can manufacture them for you. This can be intimidating for the beginning who has only made circuits on breadboards or their own univesal soldering boards.
When I first had the Bedini RPX Sideband Generator manufactured, I printed the PCB file as an iron-on transfer, which I put on copper boards. Then I etched them in a chemical solution, cleaned them off and then dipped them in a highly toxic tinning solution, which allows the solder to stick to the traces more easily. It worked, but it was an experience that taught me one lesson – that is exactly what I do NOT want to do!
It was a valuable lesson for me as part of the overall manufacturing process but there is a much simpler way. The program I used was and still is Kicad, a free, open source software program that is more robust than even some paid programs. It has its quirky parts, but it works perfect. It took me a while to learn how to use it because I didn’t use any tutorials and taught myself by trial and error. Most of the tutorials I saw on YouTube and elsewhere were usually assuming I already knew how to use the program, which wasn’t helpful at all.
RS Stafford, who has many years experience with PCB programs learned Kicad in a matter of days and knew it better than I did with months of experience with it. Having the “schema” or frame of reference for what these programs are supposed to do was most likely very helpful in cutting down his learning curve.
In this presentation, RS walks you through the creation of a circuit step-by-step so you know exactly how to do it. He uses one or two example circuits that many of you will be familiar with and he shows how to export this to Gerber files, which are what you want to provide a company if you want multiple boards created for you. Take my advice, forget about the DIY method of etching your own boards, etc. it isn’t worth the time. If you want to do that just to have the experience, that is one thing but you will never keep up on the demand if you’re serious about selling a significant amount of your circuits.
If you plan on offering your invention(s) to the public, you build them all yoursef if you plan to do small quantity, but if you want to have a life where you aren’t owned by the building process like so many small-time inventors, you will absolutely want to learn about contract manufacturing.
My first experience with contract manufacturing was when I initially made the Bedini RPXs available. At first, I built the first 25 myself. They worked, but since I drilled out the holes in the cases by hand, they weren’t all 100% aligned, the sticker labels looked so-so, they worked perfect, but it was so time-consuming! After that first batch, I learned another lesson, besides etching my own PCBs, I aboslutely did NOT want to manufacture these devices. Again, I can have a life or be consumed by building things. I enjoy building but more when it is experimental research on the bench, but working my own assembly line – forget about it.
Paul Babcock referred me to a local contract manufacturer since he knows the whose who in that business here in Spokane. I made an appointment, showed them what I wanted to accomplish and they guided me in the process of what I needed to provide to them so they could do it all. There is an option for them to do as much or as little as desired. I chose to do it “turn-key” meaning that I just submit the order for how many I want and they do 100%. They order every piece, they order the PCBs, they did all the assembly exactly to my spec, you name it.
In four weeks (with an expedited fee) or six weeks of normal lead time, they have 125-150 units all brand new and waiting in a box for me to pick up. They even test each unit with a scope and spectrum analyzer I let them borrow for a few days according to the exact protocols John Bedini used. They’ll even pack the units in boxes with the signal generators, batteries, and cables if I want with the only thing needed is a customer address label stuck to the box.
The greatest thing about all of this is that I learned I can do this at affordable pricing right here in Spokane so I don’t have to outsource antything overseas! 100% Made in Spokane for a reasonble price. It doesn’t get any better than that.
In this presentation, Seth Young who is with a Contract Manufacturer that specializes in sheet metal fabrication (they made the cases for our MWO Pulse Modulators) gives an overview with a lot of information on the process. Although you may or may not need sheet metal fabrication, the concepts apply to any kind of contract manufacturing and what you can expect or know to ask for.
Here is an interview with me by Ken Rohon on his show Amplified – he is the photographer for our conference – he is WAY more than a photographer. My segment is about 35-40 minutes and goes into some general topics.
I just listened to it and noticed that I said Tesla is the greatest inventor alive… in some ways he certainly is.
RS Stafford is a long time researcher in the energy sciences and knows more about John Bedini’s work than most. He is blessed to have been able to acquire John Bedini’s 6 coiler SG and the large Ferris Wheel Motor.
Here is the goal and why we need your help to raise some donations:
Investigate John Bedini’s Ferris Wheel Hub Motor and Mag amp Motor to get a better handle on how this Tech works. Map out the Magnetic Fields around the various magnets and coils. Document and study all the various values of the components. Add extra Energy producing equipment to demonstrate various concepts that John Bedini has shown us.. And to show case experiments beyond what JB was allowed to show us. Then Bring the Ferris Wheel to the 2020 Energy Science & Technology Conference for a full Presentation.
The below is an excerpt from the full length vendors & announcement videos from the 2019 ESTC.
Aether Weirdness – It’s about Time – Magic Batteries and other observations by Paul Babcock
We need to start here with one very important and valuable piece of information… Paul Babcock is now dedicated to open-sourcing his life’s work in the electrical sciences. He wants to empower the masses with some very profound information that took millions of dollars to learn.
This presentation does indeed contain some weird things relating to overunity effects, but Paul actually shows you the specific waveforms his circuits created when demonstrating overnity. This has never been disclosed to the public before.
A lot of information relating to overunity principles have made it out to the public but in Paul’s opinion, it hasn’t really taken root yet in any substantial way. Many overunity effects are also like ghosts where they come and go so how can we pin it down?
There is definitely some kind of aether weather that influences the machines with its own rhythms where the overunity ebbs and flows – how do we reconcile all of this with conventional physics, which teaches us that these things can’t happen?
Our own perception limits our ability to comprehend these higher dimensional processes and on top of that, most of us are unable to solve problems in certain ways once we are used to solving problems in other ways.
It is important to understand that there are many commonalities throughout many machines that are overunity or in other words, they output more work than is required for us to input into them. Paul will spell these out in no uncertain terms – at least for the type of machines many of us have direct or second-hand experience with.
AIR GAPS – the air has important magnetic properties, which is the secret to many overunity machines and Paul will walk you through many details specifically related to this. Ed Gray, John Bedini and others used these principles that apply to the air and its interesting qualities. This specific information is worth its weight in gold even if this is the only thing you get from this presentation.
Paul will also cover some aspects to Dr. Harold Aspden’s work. This work overturns Einstein’s Relativity as commonly understood as does the work of other forward-thinking scientists. What is so important about Dr. Aspden’s work is that it is using nothing more than relatively simple algebra that describes, time, space and other concepts in simple ways that makes them make sense in a very practical way.
Space itself has “energetic” properties and this is a huge part of the picture that everyone should understand so their foundation has meaning when it comes to the “free energy” sciences.
Something else that is important besides air gaps and energetic properties of space is phase switching – going from electric to magnetic and back to electric. Again, it is necessary to restate the importance that these are commonalities that exist across many overunity machines.
Tesla was known for the ideas of separating the so-called electrons from the radiant energy component of electricity and Paul covers this as well. This presentation is simple enough that most people can understand the concepts even without a background in electrical engineering.
The aforementioned switching methods elicits anomolous TIME effects in batteries, hence the subtitle to this presentatin – IT’S ABOUT TIME – it has more than one meaning. Twenty years ago, John Bedini told me that the capacitors were receiving a TIME charge, but many people didn’t not understand how literal that was. Paul will be going into these concepts from his perspective, which carries a lot of weight. He’s done it with his own builds and he has seen others do it too.
Paul covers his experience with John Bedini’s “Glass Case Motor” and how batteries that were so dead they were corroding away – yet they ran the motor, produced mechanical work, lit LEDs and charged themselves up!
Ed Gray’s motor technology exploited some of these effects and again, Paul wil show you the waveforms that showed the overunity in his own circuits. his inverters showed 106% and his other circuits showed higher such as in his lighting circuits.
And, you will learn how there can be overunity when measuring less than 100%. Much of this comes from Jim Murray’s teachings of how to correctly account for everything happening in a system and when you understand this, you may realize that you too may have overunity but were never able to realize it. This information is very important because most people do not properly account for all the input, output and losses. It’s all about distinctions and this will be spelled out for you.
If you’re serious about overunity and achieving it, this is a must-have presentation that is sure to open your eyes.
Longitudinal & Scalar Waves: The Biquaternion Generalization of Maxwell’s Equations
In the last few years, Prof. Haralick became interested in subtle energy research but many of the experimental results were not explainable by the common paradigm. Some of his work in this area was presented at the last couple Energy Science & Technology Conferences.
It became apparent to him that there should be a theory that can begin to explain some of this unusual phenomena.
His interest was primarily focus on whether or not Maxwell’s Equations could be generalized so that it could be used to explain some of this work specifically including the type of work Tesla was involved with in the early 1900’s regarding longitudinal waves.
Prof. Haralick will walk you through a very specific sequence of segments that include:
James Clerk Maxwell – an interesting biographic sketch that quite likely, many mathematicians and engineers have not heard of.
The Maxwell Equations in Modern Form – a general review to set the stage for a comparison of the rest of the presentation.
Maxwell’s Original 20 Equations – this takes you back to the original 1865 paper that he had before he wrote his treatise. Prof. Haralick has a strong intent to figure out what was in those equations in the way that Maxwell wrote them because what many people have said is that what Maxwell had in his equations are not the same as what the Heaviside-Biggs Equations are that are currently used.
Quaternions – this goes into the quaternion algebra, which sounds complicated but if you have any background in the most basic high school algebrea, you’ll understand quite a bit of it.
Quaternion Generalized Maxwell Equations – you’ll then be walked through the derivation and this derivation admits to a longitudinal electric wave along with the scalar wave and this type of “scalar wave” will most likely shock you. So far this comprises a little less than half of the presentation.
Tesla, Galinas, Zimmerman, & Hively – the rest of the talk regarding the work of these men, what they built and what they wrote that is relevant to this kind of generalizaton as well as other related topics. Some of the material covered in this section may reveal to you some thing that you have not previously realized – especially regarding Tesla’s work.
Get a copy of this presentation so you can have an authoritative analysis of Maxwell’s Equations that reveals a very specific type of “scalar wave”, which not been openly discussed in any literature on the subject.