The Secret Power Source for Overunity Switched Reluctance Generators by Jack Hanlon, PhD
Jack Hanlon, Ph.D. believes over unity electrical machines have been built and even demonstrated many times at the ETSC and other places; however, he has never heard a complete explanation of “how they work” that will stand up to the skepticism of a conventionally trained mathematician, physicist or engineer.
The explanations always seem to involve some “mysterious” source of power or slightly nebulous use of magnetism.
The missing piece is always: what is the source of the extra power?
Since we have been unable to answer this question in a satisfactory way, the technology is put in the realm of “voodoo” science, and it is not seriously considered by the larger traditional scientific community.
He believes this holds back the wide spread and rapid development of this important technology and limits the developers to a small community of experimenters.
Switched reluctance generators have always been a prime candidate for overunity results. Eric Dollard who is very skeptical about any “free energy” claims was originally brought into Borderlands years ago to verify a switched reluctance generator built by Peter Lindemann and Michael Knox. Accounting for a sufficient margin of error, Eric Dollard found that it did indeed produce more work than it took to run the machine!
This is probably the most comprehensive analysis on where the free energy is in such machines and it is done in a relatively simple and eloquent manner with simple algebra and geometry.
If this technology is “real”, and he believes it is, then we should be able to give a solid and complete explanation for it based on traditional physics, mathematics and engineering principles.
You will get more than theory; you will get very specific examples of converting reactive power to real power by a former Los Alamos National Labs scientist and former university math teacher!
That is the goal of this presentation. Jack Hanlon thinks David Squires put it well in his 2012 ETSC conference presentation. He said: “You can’t engineer what you don’t fully understand”.
This presentation covers the difference between Tesla’s balanced method and Lakhovsky’s unbalanced method. Other aspects of the MWO pulse modulator are also presented that are normally considered proprietary information.
Panel Discussion #1 – 2019 Energy Science & Technology Conference
Here is the free viewing of the first Panel Discussion with Paul Babcock, Aaron Murakami, James DeMeo PhD, Robert Haralick PhD, Jack Hanlon PhD, & Eric Dollard.
There is a wide range of topics in this discussion with an emphasis on a living ether. Both Dr. DeMeo and Eric Dollard give some interesting insights into the Orgone energy and wait until you hear what Eric’s personal experience was with a small orgone accumulator. It needs to be replicated far and wide!
Theory, Calculation & Operation of the Colorado Springs Tesla Transformer by Eric Dollard
We’re very excited and honored to be a part of history where Eric Dollard shows a working 20:1 scale model replica of Nikola Tesla’s Colorado Springs Magnifying Transformer!
If you ever wanted to know the truth down to the finest detail on what Tesla actually did, here is your opportunity. Not only will you learn the operating theory and more data than you will ever want to know, you’ll get all details on how to replicate a 20:1 scale model along with an actual demonstration by Eric Dollard and Bruce Gavin. So, it’s not just talk, you see the demonstration that blew everyone away!
Attendees from 9 countries and from 48 out of 50 states helped make this year’s 8th Annual Energy Science & Technology Conference another magical experience. There were about 20 presentations from an amazing group of speakers including Dr. James DeMeo, Prof. Robert Haralick, Dr. Jack Hanlon, Eric Dollard and many others.
The presentations will be produced in digital downloads available through Clickbank like usual and this begins next week with the editing. We may start releasing them by the end of next week. The goal is to make 2-3 available per week until they’re all available.
Here are just a few pictures to give you a glimpse of what happened this weekend. There are a lot more to come including some slideshows.
Tesla Colorado Springs
Eric Dollard
Here are a few comments from some of the attendees:
“For all of what you have done. It was our first time and we will walk away with networking opportunities and a large amount of knowledge. Thanks to you and the great presenters.” – Terry & Jake
“I just wanted say how much I enjoyed this years conference. Thank you to you and all your team for all your efforts in putting it on and making it possible. Your work and events like the ESTC are part of what it’s going take to bring about the changes the world so badly needs. So keep up the good work. I learned a lot and enjoyed meeting like minded people from all over North America and different parts of the world. I found the staff at the Eagles very accommodating and friendly. You have a perfect venue…… Also thanks to you, Paul, Jeff and Peter I have information on how to get my MWO working properly and have already started making changes.” – Jim C.
“Just want to mention that my first experience at the 2019 ESTC was very positive. Thanks to you and the hardworking team behind the scenes, I can say that the 2019 ESTC was a success. The presentations were insightful and the networking opportunities made it worthwhile. I believe it was time well spent. Looking forward to the 2020 ESTC.” – Roul M.
“That was my second year at ESTC and it was #AWESOME. Thanks so much for all the hard work from your and the community. I appreciate it. I mentioned to you that I’m looking forward to having the opportunity to purchase that Kit that you and Adam are putting together. Consider me committed and on a list, if there is one. I’ll just follow the instructions once I see them. Thanks again. I’m looking forward to next year.” – Michael E.
“The conference exceeded all expectations!” – Adam B.
There are a lot more updates to come as time permits.
Pre-Register for 2020, there are some big things planned for next year. If you registered for 2019, you do not have to register again.
In Dr. Hanlon’s last two brief videos, he introduced you to the concept of Geometric Algebra and then gave an introduction to Complex Numbers. In this video, he will give a more comprehensive, but still brief overview of Geometric Algebra.
It is highly recommended to study this video and his other two (all in order) in order to get the most out of his presentation THE SECRET POWER SOURCE FOR OVER UNITY SWITCHED RELUCTANCE GENERATORS at the 2019 Energy Science & Technology Conference.
This is a quick 3 minute heads up on what Dr. Jack Hanlon’s presentation at the 2019 Energy Science & Technology Conference will be about. His presentation is called: THE SECRET POWER SOURCE FOR OVER UNITY SWITCHED RELUCTANCE GENERATORS
Keep in mind that Dr. Hanlon is working on a new video that I’ll post on YouTube that will be narrated with a walk through on some of the basics to orient you his upcoming presentation, which is game-changing and revolutionary!
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It is an honor to have Dr. James DeMeo present at our Energy Science & Technology Conference this year. His contributions are too vast to mention in one post, but suffice to say, he is one of the leading authorities if not the top expert on Reichian Orgonomy and the history of interferometer experiments that positively show there is an aether. If there was one reference that I have sent out and recommended over and over throughout the years that really stands out, it would be Dr. DeMeo’s website that discusses Dayton Miller’s interferometer experiments along with what Einstein actually said about it. To make a long story short, because of Miller’s experiments, Einstein had zero confidence in anything he believed in and this is on record.
His presentations at the 2019 ESTC are game-changers and there are only 46 seats remaining. Register and get your tickets while you can: Energy Conference
James DeMeo, PhD, is Director of the Orgone Biophysical Research Laboratory, a high-altitude research facility in the Siskiyou Mountains near to Ashland, Oregon, exhibiting optimal conditions for sensitive orgone energy experiments. He formerly served on the faculty of Geography at the University of Kansas, Illinois State University, University of Miami and University of Northern Iowa, presenting courses on Earth, Atmospheric and Environmental Science. He was the first to undertake natural scientific research in a mainstream university investigating Wilhelm Reich’s controversial discoveries, subjecting those ideas to rigorous testing, with positive verification of the original findings. His published works include dozens of articles, compendiums and books, such as The Orgone Accumulator Handbook, In Defense of Wilhelm Reich, and Saharasia. He was editor of the compendiums On Wilhelm Reich and Orgonomy and Heretics’ Notebook, and of the journal Pulse of the Planet, and co-editor for the German-language compendium Nach Reich: Neue Forschung zur Orgonomie.
At this year’s 2019 ESTC, Dr. DeMeo will be delivering the keynote presentation: COSMIC ETHER EXISTS: CORRECTING A MAJOR ERROR IN MODERN SCIENCE – This presentation covers the historical ether-drift experiments, how even Michelson-Morley got positive results, as did others (ie, Dayton Miller), and how those findings were defeated politically, but never scientifically, mostly by the followers of Einstein. I have a book in preparation on this subject. The Miller-type of motional entrained material ether is quite similar to Reich’s orgone energy.
This is the perfect presentation to set the stage for this year’s conference since there will be a heavy focus on the aether. Also, another presenter will be demonstrating an interferometer experiment that everyone needs to see in order to believe it.
Dr. DeMeo will also be giving a second presentation: THE ORGONE ENERGY ACCUMULATOR: EXPERIMENTAL CONFIRMATIONS AND NEW WATER-STRUCTURING EVIDENCE – This presentation covers Dr. DeMeo’s recently published research on orgone-charged water. He will also discuss Reich’s discovery of the orgone and the best orgone accumulator constructions — there is so much misinformation on that issue, falsehoods created by the advocates of the “orgonite” and “orgone generator” devices. New findings on water research will be presented.
Every Energy Science & Technology Conference is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and this year is no exception! His presentations at the 2019 ESTC are game-changers and there are only 46 seats remaining. Register and get your tickets while you can: Energy Conference
It is highly recommended to get these two books for study before coming to the conference but not required – in either case, these are required for any seeker’s library:
The Orgone Accumulator Handbook
The Orgone Accumulator Handbook: In the 1940s, the physician and natural scientist Dr. Wilhelm Reich claimed discovery of a new form of energy which charged up living organisms and also existed in the open atmosphere and in high vacuum. Reich’s laboratory and clinical findings indicated this new energy, which he called the orgone, could be photographed and measured, and had powerful life-positive biological effects. Reich trained other scientists and physicians in his findings, and together they set about applying the inexpensive orgone treatment methods – using a device called the orgone energy accumulator – against various illness, including cancer, with remarkably good results. His published findings shocked the scientific world of his day, however, ultimately leading to numerous smear articles in the popular press, and trumped-up charges by a power-drunk Food and Drug Administration. The FDA & “investigation” lead to a court trial of much greater significance than the better-known “Scopes Monkey Trial”. Ignoring Reich’s evidence and declaring “the orgone energy does not exist”, US Courts ordered all books on the orgone subject to be literally banned and burned. Reich was thrown into prison, where he died. His work was nearly forgotten except by a small group of supporters. In this book, former university professor Dr. James DeMeo examines Reich’s evidence and reports on his own observations and laboratory experiments, which have repeatedly confirmed the reality of the orgone phenomenon. Dr. DeMeo also recounts the observations and experiments of others, particularly physicians working in private European clinics where open use of Reich’s controversial orgone energy accumulator proceeds today. This Handbook gives a warning about low-level atomic and electromagnetic radiations, as from nuclear power plants, power-line fields and cell-phones, along with advice on measurement and protection against such toxic energy. The book also gives a discussion on the subject of healing waters from natural hot springs, a form of energy medicine which once was widely used in North America before the rise of the authoritarian MD-hospital system and the powerful federal bureaucracy of the FDA. Dr. DeMeo also gives detailed construction plans for people to build their own orgone energy blankets and accumulators, which are inexpensive and simple to construct, though requiring specific direction as to their materials and environments. This is the Third Revised and Expanded 2010 Edition of the Orgone Accumulator Handbook, nearly 100 pages larger than prior editions and carrying a Foreword by Dr. Eva Reich (the daughter of Dr. Wilhelm Reich), along with many photos, diagrams and charts. It retains all the original construction plans, updated to address new issues about the best materials for orgone accumulator and blanket construction. Two Appendix documents are also included, one which summarizes a double-blind and controlled clinical experiment proving the physiological effects of the orgone accumulator on volunteer subjects in a German university, and another which details the similarities of Reich’s orgone energy to the cosmic ether and “dark matter” of modern physics. This new edition also includes a section providing New Evidence on the Persecution of Reich, along with a bibliography, index and many weblinks for added information. It has many new photos and materials extracted from Dr. DeMeo’s publications verifying the reality of the orgone energy, and is a must-have for all those interested in the issue of life-energy, subtle-energy or energy-medicine research. This is an excellent introduction to a major scientific discovery, organized for the educated layperson but with sufficient detail and citations to stimulate the curiosity of the open-minded physician and scientist.
Heretic’s Notebook: Emotions, Protocells, Ether-Drift and Cosmic Life-Energy, with New Research Supporting Wilhelm Reich
Heretic’s Notebook: Emotions, Protocells, Ether-Drift and Cosmic Life-Energy, with New Research Supporting Wilhelm Reich: A compendium of 30 different research articles, by an international group of 18 different scientists and scholars, validating and expanding upon the subject of Wilhelm Reich’s amazing discoveries and related concepts. The fifth issue of the ongoing series, Pulse of the Planet, presents new research in the fields of biogenesis and experimental orgone biophysics, with insightful essays and research articles on a truly amazing range of subjects: On natural childbirth, sexuality, archaeological evidence on early human violence, Reich’s orgonomic functionalism, exposes on Reich’s detractors, Giordano Bruno’s work, protocells and bion-biogenesis research, a fresh look at Dayton Miller’s ether-drift discoveries, emotional effects in REG (psychokinesis) experiments, new methods for detection of orgone energy, dowsing research, orgone energy effects in low-level radiation, cloudbusting experiments in Africa, plant growth stimulation in the orgone accumulator, several papers on the orgone energy motor with a discussion on the implications of “free energy”, plus UFO research, book reviews, and much more, with many striking photos and illustrations.
Please let your friends know about the work of James DeMeo, Ph.D. with the share buttons below. His presentations at the 2019 ESTC are game-changers and there are only 46 seats remaining. Register and get your tickets while you can: Energy Conference
Recently, I had the privilege of talking to Dr. Jack Hanlon more in depth about his presentation on Geometric Algebra and it is much more powerful than I had initially thought. He gave me some very specific examples where mainstream science says no energy is happening, but it clearly is. He presented a type of “source-code” to being able to reveal this hidden energy using Geometric Algebra. Once it is understood where the energy is happening in reactive power situations, then the first step has been taken in being able to move towards understanding how we might be able to use it to create real measurable work, which is one of the “Holy Grails” of Free Energy.
Versor Algebra
Eric Dollard’s Versor Algebra is based on the work of Steinmetz who developed it in order to mathematically model and crack Tesla’s polyphase patents on behalf of General Electric who hired him. The application of Versor Algebra for studying polyphase power systems of any number of phases including the self-referencing single phase Tesla mode is possible. It can also be used to analyze planetary phases, the ebbs and flows of the ocean, time and countless other things that have rhythms and motions.
Having worked with Eric for a number of years now regarding this kind of math, which I do not claim to be at any level of proficiency, I can say that Dr. Hanlon’s Geometric Algebra developments will be an excellent foundation for anyone interested in learning what kind of math they should learn in order to mathematically show the basic operating principles of natural energy systems. I can say this because I fully comprehended what Dr. Hanlon shared with me and I have not studied mathematics for nearly 30 years.
Hacking the Aether by Aaron Murakami
After presenting my Hacking the Aether model, which is a “unified field” model for the layman showing possibly what gravity, inertia, time and other natural phenomena are in a simple but seamless method, Professor Haralick suggested that I put some math to it beyond the basic Newtonian Equations to tie it all together. I haven’t seen anything that seems to be a good fit but after talking to Dr. Hanlon, it’s the first time I have had an interest in learning a specific, simple and elegant mathematical method to accomplish my goals. I can only image what it could do for you in your pursuit of advanced energy technologies.
There will be a specific focus on switched reluctance motors/generators but this is far from being the only thing his developments in Geometric Algebra can be used for. Join us at the 2019 Energy Science & Technology Conference to see this landmark presentation in person. 2019 Energy Conference