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The Battle for Wardenclyffe – A Story in Letters

The Battle For Wardenclyffe
The Battle For Wardenclyffe

In Energetic Forum, which has been a leader in open source Free Energy and related topics, various members pitched in to transcribe a series of letters revealing the real Morgan-Tesla story that are now finally compiled in one single book by Ernst Willem van den Bergh.

Many know the story of Nikola Tesla. How he wanted to provide energy to the whole world, how he contacted the worlds most powerful financier J. P. Morgan, how he build a huge tower and…. well, that is where it ended.

Many speculate on what exactly transpired, but what was it that really happened? This book does not tell a story, instead it provides the letters exchanged between N. Tesla and J.P. Morgan and a few others.

These letters, that up until now were only available to a select few, they tell the true story. They were saved on microfilm and through a community effort they have been restored so that now you can read them.

The author/composer of this book has been working relentlessly on recovering Tesla’s theories for over a decade, researching his work and recreating his experiments. One day, perhaps, we will have the unlimited and clean energy source that Tesla wanted to give us. Many fascinating discoveries have already been made and with the purchase of this book you are supporting this work.

Get your copy here: The Battle for Wardenclyffe – A Story in Letters

For information on Ernst’s other book, go here:

Tesla’s Magnifying Transmitter: Recreating Tesla’s Dream

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Overview of Geometric Algebra by Dr. Jack Hanlon

Jack Hanlon, Ph.D.In Dr. Hanlon’s last two brief videos, he introduced you to the concept of Geometric Algebra and then gave an introduction to Complex Numbers. In this video, he will give a more comprehensive, but still brief overview of Geometric Algebra.

It is highly recommended to study this video and his other two (all in order) in order to get the most out of his presentation THE SECRET POWER SOURCE FOR OVER UNITY SWITCHED RELUCTANCE GENERATORS at the 2019 Energy Science & Technology Conference.

The first video is here:

The second video is here:

Here is the new video:

Share this with your friends with the share buttons below! Subscribe to my YouTube channel to get more videos like this.


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Remembering Dr. Myron Evans

Myron Evans
Myron Evans

The Alpha Institute for Advanced Studies (AIAS) is saddened to announce the sudden passing of Myron Evans, its lead theoretical physicist and creator of the Generally Covariant Unified Field Theory, better known and the ECE theory.  Myron’s death is a shock to all of us. He will be missed.

Myron’s contributions to science and the world are profound. His genius is among the best that has ever lived, and his works will be remembered among the greats in the records of history.

Myron not only appreciated the beauty around him as expressed in his science, but through his poetry and photography he shared his appreciation of nature’s beauty with all of us. His love of history and culture reminded us of the foundations on which we build and our place in building those foundations.

Myron was the rarest of scientists, with a great mind, an endless curiosity, and the courage to follow the science where ever it led, irrespective of the personal and professional damages. Dr. Evans will always be remembered as one of the greatest scientific minds, whose wisdom was complemented by his generosity of spirit.  May all who cared for him find peace and comfort during these difficult days.

Myron died on May 2, 2019.

To learn more about the work of Dr. Myron Evans, go here:

The website for the Alpha Institute for Advanced Studies is here:

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Exciting E.E. Job Opportunity

We have a medical doctor friend involved in a lot of cutting edge research and technologies who is looking for an Electrical Engineer.

  • Salary $60,000 to $80,000 Annually (plus commission)
  • Benefits Offered Medical
  • Employment Type Full-Time

Here are the basics… Clayton Georgia is a great place to live…a mild winter early spring late fall and a wonderful summer with many lakes and hiking trails.

Small research/prototype development electronics shop. Clayton Georgia is looking for a part or full-time electrical engineer with experience in PCB board layout and circuit design, specification and design document understanding, experience with microprocessor based hardware design and embedded programming experience. Text msg if interested to 706 490 1241.

If you know someone please please have them check out the ziprecruiter add for electrical engineer in Clayton Ga…,GA?jobid=431ea87d-5b001de8

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400-600% Overunity Cooling Machine

A university project created a cooling system that creates about 600% more work than it takes to run the system using memory metal.

In this brief article, you’ll learn how something can easily produce way more work than it takes to run it and there are no violations of physics.

Electric heating element heaters are energy hogs for the heat they produce but regardless, they are 100% efficient already. And there is nothing magical or special about a 100% efficient heating system.

Why? Because nichrome or other heating element wire is thought to dissipate or waste all the electrical current that runs through it. That is not even close to being the reality, but that is what conventional science believes so we’ll just entertain that for the purposes of this article and to keep it simple. Normally, heat is considered waste in non-heat systems but if you power a heating element and it “wastes” all the electricity, then it is 100% efficient since the desired work is the heat.

Efficiency is a funny subject because as absolute as it sounds, it is really an objective measurement because efficiency changes depending on your perspective of what kind of work you want.

An incandescent bulb is considered 10% efficient since the desired work is light while 90% of the energy is “wasted” in heat. However, if we want to use those bulbs as heaters, then magically, they would be considered 90% efficient, with 10% wasted as light. But if you want some heat AND light, then the bulb is also magically considered 100% efficient since 100% of what you are using to power the bulb is creating both power and light.

Heat pumps create hundreds of percent more heat/cooling than the electricity required to run them – geothermal, refrigerators, air conditioners, air source heat pump dryers and water heaters, etc. yet, they are less efficient than heating element heaters.

Efficiency is a ratio of TOTAL input to TOTAL output. The heating element produces as much heat as the wattage is provided. It is 100% efficient.

But there is another measurement, COP or Coefficient of Performance, which is the ratio of ONLY WHAT WE PROVIDE on the input compared to the TOTAL output. With a heating element, we provide all the input so total output divided by our input will equal 1.0 or COP of 1.0.

With heat pumps, the story is very different. If it takes 200 watts of electricity to run a compressor to circulate a refrigerant through compressions and expansions cycles (that creates high and low potentials in the system), heat moves for free towards a colder area so the total amount of heat moved in a heat pump can easily be 300, 400, 500, or 600 watts worth of work in an electrical equivalent – for only paying 200 at the wall.

If you put in 200 but you get 600 watts of heat movement, the total desired work is 600 watts worth divided by only your input (not counting free environmental contribution) of 200 watts = 3.0 or COP of 3.0. That is a 300% NET GAIN in total energy (work) produced compared to what you have to pay for. But if you look at all input including environmental input, it will be under 100% since  there are losses. That is how you can have a system that produced hundreds of percent more work compared to what you pay for although it will still be 100% efficient of less.

The cooling system methodology created by a team led by Professors Stefan Seelecke and Andreas Schütze at Saarland University is technically not new in concept, but it is the best example of taking advantage of an interesting memory metal called Nitinol and it’s known effects of soaking up heat while it gets bent and releasing the heat when it straightens out.

The cooling system is made of a cylindrical chamber with a rotor that has nitinol metal strings running along the length. There is a cam system that flexes the wire as it rotates for 1/2 the revolution. During this 1/2, the wires soak up heat in that compartment, which cools the compartment down. When the wires goes into the other side of the chamber, they are allowed to straighten up and they release a lot of heat, which heats up that compartment.

There is air moving through the devices to move both the hot and cold air. The claims from the university is that it is about twice as efficient as a heat pump. As you know from the examples above that a heat pump could have a COP of 2.0 or 3.0 easily. That means that this new Nitinol cooling device would have a COP of 4.0-6.0 or 400-600% more work done than the motor takes to rotate the cylinder!

Although the recent buzz has been talking about this latest development as if it is new, but the university has been at this project for several years. Read this to see where their thought process came from as well as their funding.

It also has this graphic that illustrates a bit of how it works –  this is not shown in any of the recent media releases.

Here is a PDF of the German patent:

Here is the PDF with a low quality translation to English – good enough to understand what is going on:

Who will be the first to replicate the claims and post their results in

For more info on Nitinol, go here: Nitinol

To learn how open systems are permissible by the laws of physics and that systems CAN and DO produce more work than it requires from the operator by getting these two presentations:

Hacking the Aether by Aaron Murakami:

Open System Thermodynamics by Peter Lindemann:

Share this article with your friends using the links below – let’s get some replications going!

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6000% Overunity Cylindrical Sail Technology

The cylindrical sails you see in the picture above go back 100 years and were invented by a German Engineered Anton Flettner are are based on the Magnus Effect.

The Magnus Effect is where air flow over a round object will have an uneven flow over the shape so that there is a faster flow on one side than the other and similar to the Bernoulli Effect that allows an airplane to fly, the Magnus Effect can produce an asymmetrical thrust.

Here is an animated Gif showing how it works:

For this effect to work on a ship, electricity is used to rotate these cylinders and as the wind blows past it, a unidirectional thrust is created that helps to propel the ship thereby reducing it’s fuel consumption.

Here is the claim: “The 240 metre-long Maersk tanker will be retrofitted with two modernised versions of the Flettner rotor that are 30 metres tall and five metres in diameter. In favourable wind conditions, each sail can produce the equivalent of 3MW of power using only 50kW of electricity. Norsepower expect to reduce average fuel consumption on typical global shipping routes by 7% to 10%, equivalent to about 1,000 tonnes of fuel a year.”

That’s not a misprint – 3 MEGA WATTS of power is created using only 50 KILOWATTS – that is a COP of 60 times or 6,000% gain compared to what the operators of the ship have to input. Of course, none of this violates any laws of physics since it is an open system and the wind is free environmental input, which is simply being leveraged from very little input.

Congratulations to Norsepower for being open about what it is able to accomplish and to Maersk for allowing this to be implemented on a tanker.

Full story is here:

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Copper Turns into “Gold”

A few months ago, an article was released in Science Advances describing how Chinese researchers turned copper into “gold” by blasting it with hot, charged argon gas.

This blasting process knocks off the copper atoms, which are then collected as a very micronized copper sand that has very different properties. This modified copper dust is used as a catalyst to turn coal into alcohol.

While the copper did not actually turn into real gold, it has the same catalytic properties of precious metals such as silver and gold. It also resists oxidation and high temperatures.

The implications are potentially very large. Gold and silver are used in electronics, but of course is very expensive but if copper can be made to have catalytic or electrical properties that are similar to gold or silver, it could be a game-changer.

The full article is here:


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Hutchison Effect Artifacts Available

John Hutchison who is known for the “Hutchison Effect” is making his collection of rare artifacts available for sale through Ebay.

The Hutchison Effect is the result of mixing some high frequency, high voltage effects and transmitting them into metal. This also is related to some anti-gravity demonstrations where objects lose weight and levitate upwards by this same effect. Some metal turns to jelly, some metal appears to have occupied the same space with another object and then solidifies into one piece and other strange effects including transmutation of elements.

This has been studied by many independent labs and even the U.S. Military has studied this without a satisfactory explanation even offering up the possibility that John Hutchison is causing these effects with some unintended or unknown telekinetic ability.

John is trying to raise the funds for something he recently acquired overseas (possibly details on that coming later) by making offering up these samples for sale as well as a lot of his electronic equipment. The collection is available here:

You can learn more about some of John Hutchison’s work at Energetic Forum: