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Ammann Atmospheric Generator

This “free energy” technology has been making the rounds online for quite a while but there are no useful leads to learn more about the reality of it. After reading this blog post, you’ll have a few more leads because I’m posting references to links relating to the Ammann family and related but there’s still nothing that leads to validating the claims and certainly not replicating it.

Let’s start with a couple articles from the early 1900’s. I left remnants of the ads on either side in order to capture the source and date at the top. Also, it’s an interesting synchronicity that this so-called free energy running automobile article is next to an add discussing the Pierce-Arrow, which is supposed to be the car that Tesla drove around with some wireless free energy as well. Although, most of what is claimed about the Tesla Pierce-Arrow story is complete fraud and misinformation, it is interesting. Another interesting connection, at least for me, is the reference to Spokane, Washington since I live here.

For easier reading, here’s a zoomed in text image:

Here is a close up of the Ammann “Atmospheric Generator” literally roped to the front of the car as mentioned in the article. The generator is supposed to be made of only iron, wire and minerals. This is repeated in various references. The red arrows pointing out the two metallic spheres was put on the picture by someone else.

Here’s a closeup of the Ammann Atmospheric Generator, which doesn’t reveal anything spectacular:

With iron, wire and minerals as being the only details about this Atmospheric Generator, that’s not much to go on. Was it wirelessly picking up a transmission from elsewhere or was it some mineral solution that created some galvanic action between iron and wire making it a simple but apparently powerful battery? There are vertical rods around the perimeter of it which look like they are tying the top and bottom together so who knows. It could be anything.

Here is another article sourced from Rex Research –

Denver Post (Monday, August 8, 1921)

Denver Man Invents Generator That Takes Electricity From Air & Propels Automobile

Believes He has Apparatus that will Revolutionize Power & Lighting & Gives it a Test on Streets of City

Has an invention been made that will revolutionize the electrical world? Will the apparatus conceived by a Denver man light buildings, run automobiles, battleships, power plants by the unlimited supply of electricity in the air? Denver electrical experts say “yes”, and the young inventor, C. Earl Ammann, Monday demonstrated his invention by attaching it to an old automobile and running it about the city.

An atmospheric generator is the name of Ammann’s apparatus. It is a compact, cylindrical object with two small brass spheres protruding from the top. Inside, Ammann says, is an arrangement of steel wires and minerals, so fixed as to draw the electricity from the air, condense it and utilize it for driving power.

The automobile which Ammann used for his demonstration Monday was the body and chassis of an electric vehicle. There are said to be no batteries in the car. It propelled itself with remarkable speed at the touch of the foot, climbed hills and glided through a maze of traffic under easy control.

Careful To Conceal His Invention ~

When asked by skeptical persons if he had a storage battery concealed inside of the power cylinder, Ammann said:

“As badly as I would like to show the inside of my invention, I can’t, for I have not yet obtained the patent rights. It would be exposing the result of seven years of work to open the cylinder. I leave for Washington this week to obtain the patent rights. When I return I will gladly show everything and I can only say, wait until then and time will tell.

“I have bucked every law of the textbooks to perfect the invention. It appears on the order of the wireless telephone but it is decidedly different, except that the electricity is derived from the air. It will run anywhere except under water.

The automobile is only a simple test. The generator will light buildings, do away with steam turbines, and, in fact, propel any kind of engine motor”.

J. N. Davis, the proprietor of the Davis Electric Garage company, at 921 East 14th Avenue, and one of the oldest electrical men in Denver, made a thorough study of the generator.

Electrical Man Has Faith In It ~

“I believe that Mr. Ammann has at least made the invention which will revolutionize power”, Mr. Davis said. “Of course, we don’t know what is inside of the generator and the inventor would be foolish to show us. We have long known that certain minerals exist, which if properly arranged together, would furnish power. That, in substance, according to the blueprints of the invention, is the basis of the whole thing.

“If the generator has been perfected to the extent that it will propel an automobile, the rest of its work is assured. It will be the greatest invention of the age. The electricity obtained from the air, first passing through the generator, would be available for any use”. So impressed was Mr. Davis that he offered the use of his building for Mr. Ammann’s headquarters. Ammann, who is but 28 years old, came to Denver from Spokane, Washington. He is an electrical engineer and lives at the Argonaut Hotel.

This might be the Argonaut Hotel in Denver that one or both of the Ammann brother’s lived at during this time:

Here’s another article by someone that was in Spokane and had the technology demonstrated and partially explained to him – also available at the same Rex Research link above:

Fate Magazine, October 1956, pp. 123-125; “Report from the Readers”

Mysterious Invention

“The Hubbard Energy Transformer” brought back to me exciting memories of another inventor. In 1918, while doing painting and decorating, I was hired to paper several bedrooms in a large two-story house. While at this work I went down to the back porch to pick up some materials. I happened to glance at the light meter and saw it was not moving.

I opened the fuse box and saw the main power fuses had been removed. It took only a minute to make sure the line had not been taped beyond the meter.

The only member of the family at home at the time was a young man in his early twenties [C. Earl Ammann]. I asked him, “Earl, where do you get your juice? I noticed it does not come from the power lines”.

“Come along and I’ll show you”, he said. He led me up to the attic. He placed some steel bars on a work table and picked up a coil which looked like a loose coupler. After placing the coils on the steel rods he touched the opposite terminal. The bell rang with great force, and there was quite a spark, too.

I picked up the coils to make sure there was no contact with other appliances. I could see right through them. There was no battery inside. The bell rang just as vigorously. The wire was iron.

In the basement Earl had what he called an Activator Transformer, the size of two fists, which had to be within 10 miles of the radius of the generator coils. The activator was not in contact with any visible wires or appliances. It was activated by the electric currents which surge around the earth and activate the compass needle. By cutting into these currents, earl said, we can obtain unlimited power.

A year later Earl demonstrated his Cosmo Electric Generator in Denver. He had placed two copper spheres on the front fenders of his car in pace of the headlights. From these copper spheres he obtained enough power to drive that old jalopy all over Denver as reported in the Denver Post at the time.

While Earl was demonstrating his invention all over the streets of Denver, the power had been cut off in the foothills. In spite of this, when he went to Washington DC shortly afterward to try to obtain a patent on his Cosmo Electric Generator, he found that charges had been filed against him claiming he had a device to steal power from the power lines.

K. H. Isselstein,
Spokane, WA

So the “Activator Transformer” with the the spheres sounds like the “Atmospheric Generator”, which is strapped to the front of the car. It supposedly taps into Earth Currents or the Earth’s Magnetic Field. But why does it have to be within 10 miles of the generator coils or Cosmo Electric Generator if it uses Earth currents?

Isselstein who wrote that article in the 50’s is from Spokane so was that demo also in Spokane or in Denver?

I haven’t been able to find a reference online to anything regarding one of the Ammann brothers getting busted with claims that has stealing power from the electric lines.

C.E. Ammann was heavily invested in real estate and appears to be part of a prominent family in Spokane back then. This link shows a list of properties he was involved in:

Spokane was originally called Spokan Falls (Spokane without the E at the end) but that gazette shows it as Spokane Falls.

When looking at some properties related to Ammann, I came across this building, which is on the historical register:

The address is 1516 West Riverside Avenue and it is the “Ammann Apartments” – I know that address because it is just down the street from where my friend Victor lived. I saw a picture and it didn’t quite hit me even though it looked a bit familiar…

But when I saw this side picture of the building…

From about 2014 to 2020, Phil was the videographer for all our ESTC conferences – a whole 7 years. After each conference, we’d take a 1-2 week break and then we’d get together from around 10am to 4pm or so every day until we were done going through every presentation for the final edits. It was a long, tedious task because I had to re-watch every second of every video, every conference for all those years. All the hours spent with Phil was well worth it and is what made the final productions possible. And… every minute of all that time was on the bottom floor of the AMMANN APARTMENTS building, which was originally built by the Ammann family, including C.E. Ammann, the inventor of the “Cosmo Electric Generator” and “Atmospheric Generator” that powered the electric car with Earth Currents – a “Free Energy” technology, right here in Spokane, Washington and the leading conference in the world on this very topic had most of it’s videos edited in C.E. Ammann’s building!

A bit of the family history from the historical register pdf:

Ammann Family & Ammann Apartments After her husband Arnold Ammann’s death in 1886 in Springfield, Illinois, Caroline Ammann and her children Henry, Louise, Hermann, and Charles came to Spokane four years later in 1890. Charles worked as a real estate agent with his firm Ammann & Graves, buying, selling, and investing in land in Greenacres and the Spokane Valley. In addition, he worked at different times as a telegraph operator for the Northern Pacific Railroad and owned a mercantile store. He became wealthy and eventually moved to Seattle. His brother Henry was president of the Car Annunciator Company in Spokane, and worked for many years as secretary/treasurer of the Spokane Toilet Supply Company.

In August 1903, Caroline Ammann purchased Lot 17 on Block 2 at 1516 W. Riverside Avenue in Browne’s Addition for $1,500. She hired Spokane architect Albert Held to design and build a multi-story apartment building with apartments that offered four rooms, a kitchenette, and a private bathroom. By the time work on the property had begun, Caroline’s sons Henry and Charles, and her daughter Louise and her son-in-law W. J. C. Wakefield, had formed the Equity Investment Company, and in 1904, purchased the Ammann Apartments for $10,000. The March 25, 1904 edition of the Spokesman Review newspaper made the following announcement:

W. J. C. Wakefield, L. A. Wakefield, H. A. Ammann, and C. E. Ammann have
incorporated the Trust Investment Company with a capital stock of $10,000.
The new company will do a real estate business, which will consist principally
of holding family property as all the incorporators are related to one another.
One of the company’s chief holdings will be the new two-story
pressed brick apartment house being constructed on Riverside Avenue.

The building was named the Ammann Apartments and was open for business by September. An advertisement in the Spokesman-Review on September 6, 1904 reported:

Beautiful, modern four-room apartments.
Rents $40-$45.
On leases only at 1516 W. Riverside Avenue.
The Washington Trust Company agents.

One year later, a November 1905 advertisement in the Spokane Daily Chronicle newspaper ran a description of an apartment within the property as a “strictly modern four-room apartment, close in, with hot water heat in the Ammann Apartments, 1516 W. Riverside, $35.”

After 23 years, the up-scale Ammann Apartments were still being actively advertised for lease in the newspaper:

W. 1516 Riverside Avenue
Four-room apartment with glass-enclosed balcony.
Located near library; outside rooms; papered walls;
enameled woodwork; Elecure-Keid refrigerators;
laundry room and locker space in basement. $55.

The Ammann family owned and operated the Ammann Apartments for 27 years from 1904 to 1931, renting apartments to hundreds of people over the ensuing decades.

Well, it’s not often that you chase a mystery and find out that you have spent many hours in a building owned by the very inventor of a “free energy” technology from the early 1900’s!

I’ll conclude with a few historical references to the Ammann’s, company names related to electric power, etc.

The National Underwriter: The National Newspaper of Fire and Casualty Insurance, Volume 19, Part 1

Electrical World, Volume 80

Poor’s Cumulative Service

I have no idea if J.E. Ammann is related, but on my search, I came across this – it relates to flowers, but is very interesting because right below the article about prominent speakers, which includes J.E. Ammann, the title of the next article is Tartarian Honeysuckle! lol

Many references online to Ammann and pointing to the spheres on the generator on the car all claim some relationship to Tartaria, the ancient empire between Russian and Mongolia, Tartaria was a references to the general area. And these spheres – well, so many claim the spires on buildings with or without spheres are all related to wireless electricity that the “mud flood” covered up. It’s good entertainment, but I haven’t seen anything convincing other than the fact that all areas of the world have been building up on ancient ruins over and over and yes, there was the vast region in Asia that was referred to as Tartaria, but the claims about wireless electricity, etc. aren’t backed by much other than imagination. However, the chances that there’s a Tartarian on the same page as an Ammann during my search, which came from the early 20’s independent of modern day hysteria is very, very interesting and entertaining!

I hope you enjoyed that as much as I did! lol The Ammann Atmospheric Generator is an interesting bullet point of free energy history and comes out of the same era as many others who were pursuing earth current generators. If any of this leads you to find any leads, please do let me know! If I have any further leads that guide me to something that we don’t already know, I’ll be sure to post it here and tell you all about it. Until then, happy synchronicities!

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July 2023 – Golden Ratio Discharge – Extended Experiments FREE VIEWING – Adrian Marsh PhD, Eric Dollard & Aaron Murakami

There is a newly released 50 minute video that is a FREE VIEWING at the bottom of this page:

The Golden Ratio is one of the fundamental underlying principles in the Wheelwork of Nature, and is reflected within many forms in the natural world. The Golden Ratio Discharge reflects this fundamental principle in the field of electricity and energy, first discovered by Eric Dollard in 1978, and now rediscovered by Adrian Marsh, and demonstrated by using a specific arrangement of Tesla coil and generator. This presentation makes an in-depth exploration of this unique discharge, looking into its scientific, engineering, and philosophical/esoteric origins, and how to practically reveal this discharge in a Tesla coil system, as well as considering its importance as an example of a core underlying principle of nature revealed in the field of electricity and electro-magnetism.

A complete engineering apparatus and schematics are disclosed for the experimental Tesla coil system, along with comprehensive measurements of the power supply, generator, and Tesla coil characteristics in both the time and frequency domain. The presentation contains all the necessary design keys to replicate this remarkable experiment. Vibration, tuning, and resonance of the experiments are explored in detail, and how to transition the discharge form from the Golden Dragon, a fractal expanding with Golden Ratio proportions, to more conventional Sword streamers. The Golden Dragon discharge shows profound symmetry, temporal and spatial coherence, and a choreography that demonstrates in no uncertain terms the fundamental nature of this underlying principle of the natural world.

The inner nature of the Golden Ratio discharge is explored using high-speed photography up to 2000 times which shows the creation and extinction of each discharge streamer, and hidden within this the first conjectured emergence of ball-lightning, or the formation of a “micro-sun”, the precursor to an inclusive fusion process, observed before within specialized vacuum tubes, but never before manifested in free-space. The presentation concludes with a live demonstration of the optimal tuning of the experimental apparatus to generate the Golden Ratio discharge in the form of the Golden Dragon, and then through specific tuning and adjustment the transition to sword streamers at lower frequencies.

The Golden Ratio Discharge experiment in this presentation is shown to support Tesla’s profound statement, “… then it is a mere question of time when men will succeed in attaching their machinery to the very wheelwork of nature.”, and has the potential to reveal deeper insights, principles, and knowledge of the natural order.

There is a newly released 50 minute video that is a FREE VIEWING at the bottom of this page:

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NEW RELEASE – 2023 ESTC – The Toltec System of Knowledge – Adrian Marsh, PhD

The Toltec system of knowledge is a vast system of experiential knowledge acquired over aeons upon aeons of time, and handed down from one generation to another only through oral and experiential training. The word Toltec simply means “a man or woman of knowledge”, and is independent of race, gender, religion, country, language, or any other differentiating factors within humanity. The Toltecs have systematically developed and evolved their knowledge of life and the universe, often quietly behind the scenes, and far from the normal daily pursuits of the world. The Toltecs have long understood that the outer-world is but a reflection of the diversity and richness of our inner-world. Modern science is currently a good description of the form of the natural world, in other words the outer-world, what things are made-of, and how these forms interact with one-another on the outside, the what, where, and the how of the physical form. The Toltec system of knowledge goes beyond this outer form, and works with the inner-world, intelligence, awareness, perception, and the hidden knowledge and understanding, the why, purpose for, and meaning of life’s most fundamental principles.

The practical application of the Toltec system of knowledge grows your awareness, and can transform your life far beyond your present comprehension. When we each contribute to the growth of humanity’s collective awareness, we will bring about a more inclusive, inter-dependent, and life-supportive approach, and a multidisciplinary understanding of our-self, each other, and the natural world. Little known or understood, this presentation introduces this system of knowledge, who the Toltecs are, and what they have accomplished through studying the great mystery and problems of the physical and spiritual universes.

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NEW RELEASE – 2023 ESTC Ether-Drift Experiments with the Vertical Component – Chris Machado

Inspired by a video posted online in 2009 of one Martin Grusenick from Germany who conducted a simple experiment with a self-built Michelson interferometer oriented to the vertical plane, through prodding from friends, Chris Machado took the investigation to the next step. The Grusenick device was examined and rebuilt with several modifications and upgrades while staying true to the Grusenick design. This in order to be sure we could reasonably compare results with Grusenick’s device.

This presentation will open with a brief review covering the background of the ether-drift concept and experiments to date. We’ll then review the experiment with the modified Grusenick-style interferometer, sharing results and analysis of over 130 turns and 3,336 data points collected. We’ll close the discussion with a review of ideal approaches to a further iteration on the device design and experiment.

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NEW RELEASE – 2023 ESTC Ultra Low Frequency Amplifier-Modulator – Eric Dollard, Adrian Marsh PhD, Aaron Murakami

Last year’s flame speaker was 100 watts, this year, it will be around 2000 watts. The audio modulator bay is 100% complete and the RF bay is well on its way. We have some makeshift modifications that we had time to complete for the conference. We’ll continue to completion after the conference. There will be multiple demonstrations with this universal, high frequency and high voltage test equipment. Watch the preview video below for a sample of what is demonstrated.

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NEW RELEASE – 2023 ESTC Slaying Maxwell’s Demon – Hakasays

The focus in this presentation is to step back and take a “bird’s-eye-view” of both the established and the fringe science and find common themes/mechanics between them. How does Lorentz Special Relativity relate to electrical engineering, and is it compatible with the works of Eric Dollard, Heaviside, and others? How can we tell if a theory is accurate, and how might we design experiments to confirm or falsify a model or claim? Are there common threads between different claimed “overunity” devices? Parametric variation is a major theme of the talk, and the demonstration(s) will be a reflection of that. A much improved ‘Carson rotary electrostatic converter’ aka Trump motor is planned for demonstration as well as other models to demonstrate key principles of fringe tech.

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NEW RELEASE – 2023 ESTC William Skinner’s 1939 Gravity Power Machine by Mark Dorsten & Aaron Murakami

Over 80 years ago, William Skinner built a machine that uses gravity as a source of potential to amplify the input into his machine at a claimed increase of 1200%.

From the video evidence, this appears to be greatly understated. It is commonly thought that gravity is static and can do no work, but understanding the true nature of the dynamic properties of gravity, gravity is definitely a source of potential that can be used.

This machine has been discussed for many years on Energetic Forum and elsewhere. Aaron was the first to point out the obvious fact that Skinner’s input mechanism was of an elliptical nature but virtually every replication attempt posted online by independent builders have a circular input mechanism. Even the old news releases announcing Skinner’s machine clearly states that the “eccentrics”, which are the elliptical input mechanisms, are part of the secret.

Mark and Aaron are the only ones that appear to be attempting a replication using this eccentric input method rather than the circular input that has failed everyone else. The full scale model completely built by Mark that will be displayed is still under construction without any claims given.

This presentation aims to clearly show the evidence of Skinner’s eccentric input from the original 1939 video, which Aaron has pointed out multiple times in the past on YouTube and in Energetic Forum but has remained wholly ignored by the builders as well as pointing out once again what the original news releases describe, which matches what is obvious in the video.

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2022-12-17 Eric Dollard Live Video Call Recording

This video is JAM-PACKED with a lot of information from not just Eric Dollard, but also from Dr. Adrian Marsh, Griffin Brock and Hakasays. There are updates regarding the massive grounding system at EPD Laboratories, which will be used for the Tesla Telluric transmission experiments, discussion regarding the golden-ratio discharges from the Tesla coils originally shown by Eric Dollard and replicated by Dr. Adrian Marsh, aspects of seismic research and more.

This was the first live video Zoom call we have hosted and there will be more, more frequently and with more presenters/experts on a variety of subjects.

Donate to EPD Laboratories, Inc. 501(c)3 Non Profit to keep this work alive!

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Recorded – Aaron Murakami Interviewed by Killah Priest of Wu Tang Clan

Aaron Murakami on the Killah Priest Podcraft

Here’s a 3 hour interview where I cover a variety of topics sort of like a sampler – consciousness, aether, dipole, gravity, open systems, etc. and even a few Cosmic Induction Generator demonstrations at the end. Special thanks to Vinny B for making it possible to introduce our work to a new audience!

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Science of Nikola Tesla’s Longitudinal Wave Transmission

Tesla's Longitudinal Waves

There is a lot of propaganda/misinformation online regarding Longitudinal wave transmission, false claims about “scalar waves”, which don’t even exist and other nonsense.


These classic FREE videos will address most of what everyone is looking for. It’s a bit dated, but the information is accurate and is able to be reproduced.

These videos have more real info on Tesla’s longitudinal waves than most of the nonsense online combined.

Transverse waves are almost at light speed moving through the air and conform to the inverse square law – it diminishes by the square of the distance. Energy is dissipated 90 degrees to the direction that these waves are propagating. They are no X times light speed as this group’s ABOUT us section claims.

Longitudinal waves are EXTRALUMINAL – not faster than the speed of light like the propagandists want to teach. Longitudinal waves move through counterspace and have no velocity so they aren’t “faster”, there is no time between point A and point B. It requires traveling through space in order to travel a length of time/distance and this is not the case with Longitudinal waves. These waves also do NOT conform to the inverse square law.

Every AM radio station transmits in BOTH modes simultaneously. They transmitter transverse electromagnetic waves through space. Through their massive ground systems, they transmit longitudinal waves as well.

These videos are a must see for anyone that wants to learn the truth from Eric Dollard who is the world’s leading authority on this subject.

Then, I’d recommend his book/presentation on the Crystal Radio Initiative that teaches how to make a Tesla style crystal radio that is powered from the longitudinal ground transmission from AM radio stations. But that’s another topics although related.

Start here:

Then consider getting this presentation for an easy entry into the Tesla style crystal radio to learn about the basics of longitudinal ground transmission:

This subject goes much deeper but this is where to being. Consider this post the beginning.