This presentation, The Steinmetz-Fortescue Method Of Analysis As Applied To Delta And Wye Electric Power Configurations, is an extension of Eric Dollard’s 2020 ESTC presentation, Method Of Symmetrical Co-Ordinates Applied To The Solution Of Polyphase Networks – A Sequel To The Work Of Charles Fortescue Of The Same Title. Essentially, its part 3 of a series and is recommended to get all 3 parts. This latest presentation is now being applied to the analysis of Delta to Wye and Wye to Delta transformations in 3-Phase power systems.
The representations that are commonly taught in engineering curriculum will be found to be in error. Also, to be presented will be the undesirability of the Wye connected power system, which is finding wide-spread use.
Get a copy of this presentation here: https://emediapress.com/shop/the-steinmetz-fortescue-method-of-analysis-as-applied-to-delta-and-wye-electric-power-configurations/
If you want a taste for what this presentation relates to, get a copy of the latest paperback, The Electrical Utility in the Digital Age by Eric Dollard, which is a compilation of two papers that are still available for free on his website, but getting a copy of this book supports his efforts: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0943J88S1?ie=UTF8&tag=maimounas-20&linkCode=as2&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=B0943J88S1