This is a project that I (Aaron Murakami) have been working on for a while. It is engineered by Eric Dollard and built by myself mostly from scratch. Jeff Moe helped with machining some of the parts but most is hand fabricated with hand tools on my work bench.
There are multiple applications for the system when completed or in other words a lot of different experiments that can be performed because it is being designed to be universal.
We have a bit more to do for the audio rack and still have to do the entire RF rack – next year’s conference will have some of the most incredible Tesla experiments most people have ever seen or heard of.
Here’s a self-sustaining 2-stage Tesla Turbine setup – watch the video…
Cryophorus 2-Stage Tesla Turbine self-runs by creating it’s own vacuum to boil water in a warm tank at low temperature. This vapor pressure runs the first stage turbine, while the second stage maintains the vacuum. This runs in this self-running mode as long as there is enough warmth in the front side tank.
There will be more disclosed at the 2020 Energy Science & Technology Conference, which has not be revealed publicly yet with possibly other relevant demonstrations!
If you want a bit more insight, it’s recommended to get this book. Tesla’s Engine – there are only a handful of used copies left. When those are gone, they’re gone!
Ernst Willem van den Bergh has been a long time contributor to Energetic Forum and much of his research has been related to Tesla’s Magnifying Transmitter. Eric Dollard and others have corresponded with Ernst for quite some time now as he is a wealth of knowledge regarding Tesla’s history, etc.
There is a new interview of Ernst by Greg Carlwood of The Higherside Chats, which is an online podcast with a lot of very interesting, alternative science topics. Greg’s home page is
Listen here for Ernst’s interview:
Below are links with information about Ernst’s 4 books:
Last weekend I watched The Current War, which is about the battle between Edison’s desire to maintain and grow his DC power plant system and Tesla’s desire to give the world AC power at about 1/3 the cost.
I first heard of this movie last year and have been eagerly awaiting its release.
The movie was well done as far as the quality of production is concerned, the acting was good but they didn’t quite develop the story well enough to build up the excitement enough with Tesla’s triumph of lighting the 1893 World’s Fair in Chicago.
Nevertheless, it is a story that changed the world and is worth watching just for the history lesson. The story is also not ultra technical so even youngster’s can understand the gist of the story. It doesn’t get into Tesla’s more mysterious technologies, but Tesla’s character does mention briefly the transmission of electricity without wires and it was left at that.
Here’s the trailer:
Learn more about The Current War and where you can watch it: The Current War
One thing about the movie is that it doesn’t give a lot of context of where Tesla came from and more of his back story but there is a movie that is old enough that it’s free online that does a great job of giving you the larger story. It even has Orson Wells as JP Morgan – The Secret of Nikola Tesla. I’d recommend watching this old movie first and then The Current War second because you’ll have more of a frame of reference about everything referenced.
It’s got a bit of a dated, strange feel to it, but it’s definitely a must see. This version has subtitles, but at least its free. There is another version on YouTube that is a full version that doesn’t have subtitles but the audio and video aren’t perfectly in sync so this one seems to be the best edition.
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The Science of Tesla’s Magic by Ernst Willem van den Bergh
Here is the fourth new book by Ernst Willem van den Bergh – The Science of Tesla’s Magic.
It’s a beautiful book inside and out with a lot of full color illustrations inside. And having started White Dragon Press years ago, the cover couldn’t be any more incredible!! 🙂
The description of the book on Amazon is as follows: “When Tesla passed away in 1943, the world lost a wealth of knowledge and experience. Many experiments that Tesla showed us have never been replicated since. Is all this knowledge lost forever, or can it be recovered from the many texts that he left us? That was one of the goals of my project and in this book, I present the results.These results are not just based on Tesla’s work as I want to present a much more complete picture. How is matter formed? What is it formed from? Why do we see repeating patterns all around us? These questions form the base and from there we extend into electricity. What is it? What can we do with it? And most importantly how can we get access to a clean, renewable source of energy?”
One of the primary goals of this book is to recovery Tesla’s theories and possibly hidden knowledge from what he left behind.
Adrian Marsh is very skilled with electrical engineering and has a lab where he has not only done some phenomenal work – his builds are high quality and beautiful as well! If you want not just picture and videos of experiments but hard data and a lot of technical detail based on experimental results, you must visit his website.
In the picture above, Adrian is explaining to Eric the waveforms that the Vector Network Analyzer is outputting from measurements of the 20:1 scale model Tesla coil replications. Raui Searle, another skilled engineer in the arts is in the background of the picture.
The analyzer being used cost less than $500 USD and is about as accurate as a $100,000 old Hewlett-Packard analyzer! You read that right – for less than $500, you can get the same results as a 6 figure one that has been used by industry for many years!!! It is a MUST HAVE for anyone interested in these experiments.
For quite some time, he has been working on replicating and innovating various experiments based on the teachings of Tesla, Dollard and related. His website is quite a compendium of research on different projects including the old diathermy machines, multiwave oscillator, Tesla’s radiant matter experiment and more.
He has attended a few conference and at the latest 2019 ESTC, he brought a vector network analyzer to measure the 20:1 Colorado Springs replica for Eric Dollard’s presentation but unfortunately, he was unable to do that since much of the equipment was packed up and left prematurely. Instead, he was able to modify the Multiwave Oscillator pulse modulator that I built (my personal unit) for some experiments with the Tesla coils used for Dollard’s 20:1 Colorado Springs replica.
Go here to watch two videos where they are doing the experiments with the MWO pulse modulator and the 20:1 scale model replicate Tesla transformers as well as details on what the Vector Network Analyzer is measuring. Click below…
The Problem of Increasing Human Energy – The Tesla Code by Ernst Willem Van Den Bergh
In a few of the previous blog posts, we shared with you two books by Ernst Willem van den Bergh who has been a long time researcher of Tesla’s technologies and is a member of Energetic Forum.
Learn about them at these two links, which give a basic overview of his two previously released books, which are here:
A newer 3rd book (and there is a 4th to be discussed in the near future), is available and Ernst was kind enough to provide some copies to us, which we made available at the 2019 ESTC in July.
Here is the description of the book: “This book explains what I have called “the Tesla Code”; the way Nikola Tesla communicates his theories and greatest invention with the future. Tesla’s most important and famous article “the Problem of Increasing Human Energy” seems at first a vague and philosophical text. Not at all what you’d want to see from the foremost expert on electricity in his days. But this article contains a message that has been long overlooked by everyone searching for his secrets. Nikola Tesla hid his secrets in plain sight. Please also have a look at my other books “Tesla’s Magnifying Transmitter – recreating Tesla’s dream” which deals with the construction and operation details of the Magnifying Transmitter, and “The Battle for Wardenclyffe” which shows the story of the Wardenclyffe project using the letters Tesla wrote during that time. The price of this book includes a small donation for my research and hopefully one day, we will build the power plant that Tesla envisioned.”
Theory, Calculation & Operation of the Colorado Springs Tesla Transformer by Eric Dollard
We’re very excited and honored to be a part of history where Eric Dollard shows a working 20:1 scale model replica of Nikola Tesla’s Colorado Springs Magnifying Transformer!
If you ever wanted to know the truth down to the finest detail on what Tesla actually did, here is your opportunity. Not only will you learn the operating theory and more data than you will ever want to know, you’ll get all details on how to replicate a 20:1 scale model along with an actual demonstration by Eric Dollard and Bruce Gavin. So, it’s not just talk, you see the demonstration that blew everyone away!
Eric Dollard’s description of the book: “Charles Proteus Steinmetz’s original math model is a natural outgrowth of Nikola Tesla’s polyphase power systems. Tesla was the discoverer, but Steinmetz was the builder who first applied Versor Algebra to the analysis of alternating current power systems.
In my presentation and book Four Quadrant Representation of Electricity, my extension of Steinmetz’s work is presented in the most simple way possible using very simple analogies, pictures and diagrams. It was a very difficult task as the goal was to facilitate an understanding for the layman.
That presentation was given at the 2013 Energy Science & Technology Conference and shortly thereafter, the book version was released, which went into more detail that was not covered in the presentation.
Tesla’s polyphase power system was originally four poles or four phases. Steinmetz is the one who adapted it into a three pole or three phase system, which is the prominent system of today. The complication is that three phase systems cannot be explained by conventional mathematics. With three phase systems, there is no plus or minus and that is the reason why the conventional math doesn’t work anymore.That left a big gap in polyphase power systems until Dr. Fortescue came up with the system of Symmetrical Coordinates. This laid the groundwork for polyphase mathematics for any number of phases. And ultimately, it can be extended into the Pythagorean understanding of numbers.The “Fortescue Method” was never fully developed because of its complexity.
The proper name for this is “Sequence Algebra” and the rudiments were presented in my presentation and book Four Quadrant Representation of Electricity.
Even though the system has become adopted for general engineering usage, Versor Algebra as Applied to Polyphase Power Systems and/or Versor Algebra Vol. II, Special Theories of Sequence Operators as Applied to Power Engineering is the first theoretical basis that has ever been presented on the subject.Versor Algebra as Applied to Polyphase Power Systems and/or Versor Algebra Vol. II, Special Theories of Sequence Operators as Applied to Power Engineering is the next logical step after Four Quandrant Representation of Electricity as it takes the reader into the mathematical journey of the mathematical model and theory that is necessary to realize the unique electrical waves that exist in polypahse power systems.
These waves are actually beyond the original understanding of Tesla and Steinmetz with regard to polyphase power systems.It is important to understand that this is all possible with simple 9th grade algebra. I take the reader through a step-by-step process from very basic algebra and log-rhythms into the more complex subject.
The process involves very simple but numerous steps to guide the reader into the understanding of polyphase mathematics.Through my own journey in writing this Versor Algebra book, I have been able to unify the polyphonic music of Bach and his contemporaries as this music follows the logic of sequence algebra perfectly.In fact, the book was written when listening to this music, which aided the process greatly.”
In Energetic Forum, which has been a leader in open source Free Energy and related topics, various members pitched in to transcribe a series of letters revealing the real Morgan-Tesla story that are now finally compiled in one single book by Ernst Willem van den Bergh.
Many know the story of Nikola Tesla. How he wanted to provide energy to the whole world, how he contacted the worlds most powerful financier J. P. Morgan, how he build a huge tower and…. well, that is where it ended.
Many speculate on what exactly transpired, but what was it that really happened? This book does not tell a story, instead it provides the letters exchanged between N. Tesla and J.P. Morgan and a few others.
These letters, that up until now were only available to a select few, they tell the true story. They were saved on microfilm and through a community effort they have been restored so that now you can read them.
The author/composer of this book has been working relentlessly on recovering Tesla’s theories for over a decade, researching his work and recreating his experiments. One day, perhaps, we will have the unlimited and clean energy source that Tesla wanted to give us. Many fascinating discoveries have already been made and with the purchase of this book you are supporting this work.