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Tesla Turbine 2180 Watts @ 14000 RPM

At less than half of our intended operating speed, we saw a bit over 2000 watts of real power. Here’s a quick video about it – It’s also Jeremiah’s birthday on the 15th, which is an hour away. If you like to support him personally, consider becoming a Patreon supporter. Or, if he gets a PayPal donate link on his page in time, maybe you can send a little support. His website is

If you’re interested in the turbines themselves, there will be a link given later on, which will be on a different website.

In the meantime, we hope you enjoy this demonstration and can understand the significance of it. This is beyond what anyone else is showing online. Also, to further your research into the Tesla Turbine, the principles were all revealed in this presentation from last year:

Here’s the recent test – we’re still waiting for a few automated controls, but it’s almost complete.

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NEW RELEASE – 2023 ESTC – Earth Integrated Structures and The Truly Passive Greenhouse – Paul Wheaton

Hear about the greenhouse that uses zero electricity (not even a fan!) that stays warm throughout the Montana winter. Learn techniques to create your own, using local materials with zero cement, or other toxic gick. Explore the fascinating aspects of earth integrated structures and hear about Paul’s Wofati design which highlights rustic passive house design creating a comfortable, solid and charming home that is quick, easy and cheap to build.


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NEW RELEASE – 2023 ESTC – Jeremiah Ferwerda’s Tesla Turbine Powerplant

Last year’s presentation demonstrated a 3 inch diameter Tesla Turbine operating in the cryophorus mode whereby a hot and cold take under vacuum with a turbine in the middle can create a high speed rotation, which can produce electricity. This year, you will witness a production ready prototype of a 6″ diameter Tesla Turbine operating in the same mode, which has already been tested without an electrical load at over 42,000 RPM, which equates to a peripheral speed, which is faster than Mach 1. The goal is to develop this into a viable powerplant.

After the conference, at 260F, the turbine produced 1300 watts. Part of that test is in the preview video but is not included in the conference presentation.

See the preview video on the presentation page.

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New Release – 2023 ESTC Peter Lindemann – Electric Motor Secrets Part 3

This is the first of many releases to come from the 2023 ESTC. Electric Motor Secrets Part 3 also concludes the Trilogy of Electric Motor Secrets, which also has an extra video Advanced Motor Secrets.

This new presentation is a first disclosure of what Peter Lindemann saw when meeting Troy Reed years ago – he is finally discussing what he believes he saw. Discussing the secret life of Tesla’s AC Induction Motor, Troy Reed’s “Hot Fan” project, and Robert Alexander’s 1975 US Patent titled Method and Apparatus for Increasing Electrical Power.

The other presentations will be released daily until they’re all out.

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The Higherside Chats with Aaron Murakami & Jeremiah Ferwerda

Jeremiah and I were interviewed by Greg Carlwood of The Higherside Chats a few weeks ago and we discussed some updates from the conference and went into depth into the Tesla Turbine project. The Higherside Chats is a very popular podcast where Greg has interviewed countless authors, presenters and so no who are involved in all kinds of taboo and other topics. You can listen to our interview for free and I’d encourage everyone to subscribe to his podcast and get a membership with The Higherside Chats.

Listen to our interview with the link below for Free! Thank you Greg!

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ESTC 2022 New Release – Tesla’s Thermodynamic Transformer Part 3 by Jeremiah Ferwerda

Nikola Tesla's Thermodynamic Transformer by Jeremiah Ferwerda (2022)

Here is the third presentation by Jeremiah on Tesla’s favorite invention – the Tesla Turbine.

Last year, the hot tank was on the back of a trailer and it took a lot of space to setup everything up and it worked so-so.

This year, it out performed last year’s demonstration and it fit on a table top! Also, the vacuum box the turbine was inside of is gone and there was a much lower thermal differential. Last year’s cold tank was in an ice bath and this year, it was 85 degrees F!!

This is by far the most efficient Tesla Turbine demonstration for producing electricity based on a low thermal differential that anyone is showing – to our knowledge.

See the preview here or get a copy: Tesla’s Thermodynamic Transformer Part 3

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2022-04-02 Tesla Turbine Update with Jeremiah Ferwerda

Jeremiah Ferwerda - Tesla Turbine

Here’s the latest update with Jeremiah Ferwerda of My Tesla Power – formerly known as iEnergySupply.

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2020-09-28 Jeremiah Ferwerda Interview on Tesla Turbines & iEnergy Supply

Tesla Turbine - Jeremiah Ferwerda

This was a few months ago in our shop when we were helping Jeremiah with some machining for his new Tesla Turbine model.

Support Jeremiah’s work through his website:

Jeremiah’s presentation from the 2021 ESTC is available here:

So far, Patreon is the primary way to financially support his efforts but more will be added to this website soon.

Please LIKE this video and join my YouTube channel!

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Zero Entropy States – More on Time, Space & Overunity by Paul Babcock

Years ago, John Bedini posted multiple references on his website in the late 90’s regarding a “Time Charge” when it came to charging capacitors from the School Girl energizers and discharging them to batteries. Hardly anyone ever took this comment seriously but Paul Babcock definite did and when we consider the depth of Paul’s experience, it is a lot more meaningful. When we look at energy, potential, potential energy (potential for energy to exist), then doesn’t the possibiliy of Time Potential exist as well? It does and it is the potential for TIME to exist at a later time as well so if we can charge batteries with Time Potential from the radiant energy spikes, interesting things happen in batteries, etc.

Paul has been working with Mike Clarke on his Reactive Power Generator for several years and this knowledge has been applied to allow it to run in a manner, which appears to be indefinite without killing the batteries. And, mechanical work is turning a generator producting power by lighting bulbs the entire time. Getting a battery to reverse it’s TIME is more literaly than one might think.

This presentation is the perfect companion to his presentation from 2019 called Aether Weirdness – It’s About Time! Magic Batteries And Other Observations, which is recommended as the perfect companion presentation.

Get a copy of this presentation here:

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Methods for Achieving the Ambient Temperature Heat Engine by Peter Lindemann

For many years, Peter Lindemann DSc has studied what Nikola Tesla considered to be one of the most important energy sources if not the most important energy sources – ambient heat. Tesla considered his technologies that tapped this to be his greatest invention even beyond his electrical related systems for which he is the most widely known.

In 1900, Nikola Tesla said that the solar heat stored in the atmosphere was the largest, untapped, replenish-able energy source on the planet. He believed that any technology that successfully converted some of this heat into mechanical energy would be the ideal method to power civilization indefinitely into a clean and sustainable future. He worked most of the rest of his life on perfecting such a system. In this lecture, Dr. Peter Lindemann will discuss Tesla’s ultimate solution, as well as introduce 4 other technologies capable of achieving this goal, along with the theory, design, and “method of action” of each system.

Get a copy of this presentation here: