ECE Unified Theory Of Physics



An armchair look at ECE electromagnetic theory with an explanation of LENR and other pathological science

It seems that any experiment, invention, or theory that goes against the current scientific flavor is labelled pathological, and not given any recognition whatsoever.

Such is still true for cold fusion, which was first discovered in 1989 by scientists Pons and Fleishmann of the University of Utah. (Its name has been changed to Low Energy Nuclear Reactions.) The same is true for all devices that would be labelled over unity or free energy by those within that community.

This behavior by leading scientists is not new; Einstein experienced this in the early 1900’s until irrefutable experimental evidence showed conclusively that the thinking of the day was wrong. The same was true for Michael Faraday about a hundred years earlier.

As revealed in this lecture, the currently accepted model of the physical universe has outlived its usefulness to the point that new experiments such as CERN for example cost tens of billions of dollars, investment that could be much more wisely utilized elsewhere.

Just to complain and offer no glimmer of a solution is not the best approach to addressing this situation. A theory developed by Prof. Myron Evans of Wales in 2003 and worked on by several notable scientists and engineers, (including this author for the past ten years) offer the needed replacement for the current standard model of physics including electromagnetism.

The electromagnetic theory of Maxwell of the 1860’s is still is the electromagnetic theory used by mainstream engineers and scientists. The electromagnetic portion of the ECE theory, a theory which in total couples electromagnetism, gravity, quantum theory, and the rest of physics, together as a unified field, is presented in a manner that can by understood by anyone with a slight knowledge of the mathematics of vectors.

This theory is used to explain LENR, the homopolar generator, and parametric over-unity devices, all of which have eluded satisfactory explanation using the standard model.

Part of the 2015 Energy Science & Technology Conference series (downloadable video).


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