Energy Saving Fluid Conditioning Technology
for Home, Business & Industry
MAGNETIZER products are the leading fluid conditioning technology in the world bar none!
Here’s PROOF… just look at some of Magnetizer’s clients:
- US Department of the Treasury
- U.S. Census Bureau
- N.O.A.A. (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration)
- Multiple City, County & State Governments
- U.S. Coast Guard
- U.S. Army
- U.S. Air Force
- Multiple Federal & State Prisons
- Coca Cola
- Phelps Dodge
- Multiple Hospitals & Universities
- Toyota
- Hitachi
- Matsushita
- Panasonic
- Fuji Camera
- Walt Disney World ($63,000 Per Year Savings)
- Siemens (17.4% Fuel Savings)
- Hilton Hotels (13% Fuel Savings)
- Brazilian Government (20% Fuel Savings)
- I.B.M.
- Samsung
- Holiday Inn
- too many to list…
Whether you want to remove or prevent the scale in an industrial boiler, or you want to save fuel on your private automobile amongst countless other applications, Magnetizer simply have the MOST proven products for conditioning fluids in the world.
All of our products are Made in the USA!
A & P Electronic Media
Authorized Magnetizer Distributor
Many of you have seen Peter Lindemann’s book, Magnet Secrets, and learned the real ways to use magnets to save money and energy. One thing that wasn’t mentioned in the book is the great debt of gratitude I have for the person who really got this started. That man is Garrett Shivo. (Listen to an interview with Garrett below on youtube)
The company that eventually grew out of this pioneering work was Magnetizer, Inc. Garrett (deceased) was a former President and CEO of Magnetizer, and remained deeply involved with the company. Peter and Garrett knew each other since 1982. Since then, Magnetizer has sold its products to governmental departments, militaries, corporations, and universities all over the world.
McReedy East Mine – Heating House
“Ventilation of a mine is one of the most important functions that allow miners to go to work everyday. A one-year period of monitoring was done on the heater house [that heats mine ventilation air in the winter] without magnets, and the second year the magnets were installed on the headers of the heater house. This installation was monitored and after two years the results were completed in May 2002. The savings in natural gas as a result of the installation of magnets was 11.95% in 2001-2002 when compared to 2000-2001.”
204 Residential Apartments, Quebec City, Canada, 1999
“We have monitored the consumption of natural gas as per the Gaz Metropolitan invoices forwarded by you recently. In conclusion this report indicates savings with magnetic [adjusted for yearly variations in ‘degree days’]
Base year was 1996/97
1998/99 vs. 1996/97 13.3% [Reduction in natural gas used]
1998/99 vs. 1997/98 12.6% [Reduction in natural gas used]”
York Holdings Office Building, Montreal, Canada, 1999
“We have computed the consumption, occupancy and degree-days… in making a comparison for the six (6) month period of January – June in the years of 1996, 1997, 1998, and 1999, as per available data. The saving achieved of 8.3% based on an average [energy] consumption of $120,000.”
Wallace McBain & Associates Building, 299 Mill Road, Scarborough, Ontario, Canada, 1999
“This report compares the Degree-Day values for the building over the last two winters. This comparison shows a decrease of 9.73 cubic meters per degree-day. Percentage of saving – 7.5%.
Our treatment is only on the heating boilers. These boilers consume 58% of the building’s total cubic meters. Therefore 7.5% divided by 58% consumption factor gives an overall 12.9% savings.”
Nexacor Realty Management, Oshawa, Ontario, Canada, 2001
“Multi unit Apartment building powered by natural gas benefited an energy savings of 10.97% based upon available data for previous years.“
University of California
“Saved $4,200 yearly on elimination of chemicals, acid treatments, drilling, & maintenance. Tested in 1991, that would be approx. $6,300 in 2004 dollars. ROI in 2 months.“
Siemens, Boilers at our Istanbul Ð Kartal factory. 11-16-2007
“We have assembled MAGNETIZER Fuel Saving Systems on our three Natural Gas Hot Water boilers – average savings were 18.6% verified by Chief Engineer.“
Danbury, Connecticut Correctional Facility
“Removed softener to boiler. Installed on condensate tank feed line. Eliminated chemicals. Able to reduce continuous blow downs 60-75%. Scale eliminated which eliminated pitting. Garden hose flush instead of punching out the tubes. Saving of $23-$26,000 yrly.“
Canada Post Office – North Tower
“Magnetic arrays were installed on 3 boilers used for heating this sorting facility. Since the boiler instrumentation included individual stack temperature thermometers but not individual fuel flow meters, combustion efficiency was measured via increases in stack temperatures. Over 22 boiler ‘runs’, stack temperature readings were taken, and, comparing 11 runs without magnets to 11 runs with magnets a 9.8% increase in thermal efficiency was achieved.“
IBM White Plains, New York 1997
“IBM service contractor tested 300 HP natural gas burners, with 3 inches galvanized fuel lines. Monitoring through the demonstration was done in the presence of Global EnviroTech, Inc. Valco Energy Systems, and the on site engineering staff at the IBM location The average fuel consumption per degree-day with Magnetizer treatment was reduced by 17%. The estimated average savings was $20,000. This particular installation had one time cost of $6,354.“
Scarsdale Manor, Scarsdale, New York 1997
“A.B. Wolle, Inc served two Boilers installed in the Scarsdale Manor facility. The performance of the two boilers was tested prior to the Magnetizer installation using Bacharach Fyrite II Combustion Analyzer.
Perhaps the most dramatic occurrence during the testing was noted by A.B. Wolle Inc. two months after installation that when using “dirty oil” such as #4 or #6 oil the boiler efficiency increased instead of decreasing. Both boilers showed yearly fuel savings of 17% and 19% respectively. The yearly savings was $17,855 with cost of Magnetizer equipment of $3,716.“
United States Air Force
“The USAF Management & Equipment Evaluation Program tested two vehicles over six months, one gasoline-powered and one diesel-powered. Because of the USAF’s fuel issuance methods, fuel consumption had to be measured indirectly by measuring unburned hydrocarbons in the vehicles’ emissions. The results, at a test load of 2500 rpm, were a reduction in unburned hydrocarbons of 75% (diesel) and 70% (gasoline). Carbon Monoxide emissions were also substantially reduced.“
Beijing Railroad
“A 16-valve diesel-engine locomotive that travels approximately 150,000 km a year was tested. For 6 months, data was collected on fuel consumption and carbon build-up with no magnets, and for another 6 months with magnets installed. Over the entire test, an average savings in fuel of between 4.5% and 4.9% was achieved with a maximum saving of 9.1% for one of the months. Simultaneously, hard carbon deposits changed to soft carbon resulting in significantly easier periodic maintenance.“
Brazil EPA
“Tests show 20.11% diesel fuel savings with substantial emissions opacity reduction.“
“Ministry of Surface Transport – Diesel Bus test resulted in a 16.8% diesel savings – 10.7 to 12.5 Kilometers per liter.“
23 PAGES – PDF FORMAT TOO MUCH DOCUMENTATION TO LIST ON THIS SINGLE PAGE BELOW ARE JUST A FEW SAMPLES!!! (magnetizerproducts.com domain in the document is our old site, it will just lead you back to this page)
U.S. Postal Service Van (2.5L Grumman, fuel injected, automatic transmission)
“The vehicle was tested under the supervision of the Northern California Diagnostic labs Inc according to the Code of Federal Regulations 40 CFR 600.113-88 protocol. After baseline measurements were taken for Hydrocarbon, Nitrogen, Carbon Monoxide and Carbon Dioxide emissions as well as fuel consumption at idle, a Magnetizer emission reduction system was installed on the vehicle and the following observations were made – a reduction in hydrocarbon emissions was observed of 15.9%, a reduction in Carbon Monoxide of 11.37% while fuel consumption decreased by 8.68%. The Postal test mpg achieved much lower than normal driving increases because of this stop & go type utility vehicle.“
Canadian Postal Service Van (3.9L 2000 Dodge C/V)
“The Canadian Postal Service tested the vehicle. Baseline measurements were taken for Hydrocarbon, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Carbon Monoxide and Carbon Dioxide emissions as well as fuel consumption at idle, and at 2000 rpm. The main observations were a 48% reduction in Hydrocarbon emissions and an 8.64% reduction in the Air/Fuel ratio indicating a similar improvement in fuel consumption.“
Brazil EPA
“Tests show 20% gasoline fuel savings with substantial emissions reduction.”
“California emissions tests show 85% reduction of hydrocarbons, 73% reduction of nitrous monoxide, 84% reduction of carbon monoxide. Note – all emissions testing stations through the years have shown the approximate same results. These emissions are unburned fuel – any reduction is an indication of fuel savings.“
Western US User
“Went from 19 mpg to 22 mpg the first tank, then went to 32 mpg the second tank. 4 clylinder, Japanese car.“
* U.S. Census Bureau, Jeffersonville, Indiana (All applicable water applications. Several systems were installed on a trial basis. The results were excellent and additional units were installed on every applicable part of the water systems for the entire building.
* Department of Treasury, U.S. Mint, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (All applicable water and fuel applications, to include the portable water system for quenching tanks. All the large furnaces using natural gas have been treated with MAGNETIZER fuel systems, which have provided great fuel efficiency and fuel dollar savings.)
* N.O.A.A. (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) Norfolk, Virginia (Fuel systems for their diesel engines and water cooling systems as well as portable water systems installed and delivering recognizable results.)
* D.S.C.S. (Defense Command Supply Center), Columbus, Ohio, (Automotive fuel systems, stocking order for call out.)
* City of Seattle, Washington (Cooling tower for the city with a letter of endorsement from the city administrator’s office.
* City of San Antonio, Texas (Numerous water system applications, throughout the city’s myriad water system. Including fire trucks.
* City of San Diego, Metropolitan Correction Center, San Diego, California (Sundry water applications on city water systems.)
* City of Cheyenne, Wyoming (Sundry water applications on city water systems with excellent results. As time and budget permit, the city continues to add MAGNETIZER systems to their water system on an on going basis.
* City of Fort Walton Beach, Florida (Numerous fuel systems for police cars and other municipal gas powered vehicles. A few vehicles were picked for a test. After the test, they dropped from 89 to 87-octane fuel with no loss in performance and evidenced lowered emissions. As funds permit, all the city owned vehicles will be treated with MAGNETIZER fuel systems.)
* Bucks County Housing Authority, Doylestown, Pennsylvania (Water and fuel boilers in county owned housing, test systems installed and showing favorably.)
* U.S.C.G. Cutters “ Gallatin” and “Dallas”, Governors Island, New York (Boilers- MAGNETIZER fuel and water systems installed with excellent results. So good that when Coast Guard personnel were transferred to other cutters, they requested MAGNETIZER systems be installed.
* U.S.C.G. Cutter “ Red Oak”, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (MAGNETIZER water system in use for over a year on their boiler.)
* U.S.C.G. Cutter “Mellon”, Seattle, Washington (Water system installation on their boiler water system.)
* Brooks Army Hospital, San Antonio, Texas (Medical Sterilizers used for sterilizing medical instruments. There was so much built up scale that after MAGNETIZER system was installed they had to shovel out the mush like scale.)
* U.S. Navy, New London, Submarine Base, New London, Connecticut (Diesel engine coolant storage tanks (anti-freeze), spent anti-freeze once too acidic to use, once treated magnetically, now reusable.)
* U.S. Navy/Tenneco (Test), Newport News Shipyard, Virginia (Cooling tower, long term, 2 year test.)
* U.S. Navy – Naval Warfare Center, Warminster, Pennsylvania, (Cooling Tower and humidifiers with serious scale problems.)
* U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs, Colorado (Automotive fuel systems for base vehicles.)
* U.S. Air Force, Elmendorf AFB, Alaska (Sauna boilers with scale problems.)
* U.S. Air Force, MEEP Program (fuel test), Elgin AFB, Florida (Automotive fuel hree-month test on base cars and trucks. The net results were substantial reductions in emissions.)
* U.S. Air Force, MEEP Program & Department of Defense (water test in progress), Langley AFB, Virginia (Cooling tower and chiller, a six month test in two phases. The results of the test will be disseminated the government. Adoption will be recommended if the results are as we expect.)
* U.S. Air Force, Kelly AFB, San Antonio, Texas (Automotive fuel systems for base vehicles.)
* U.S. Air Force, Randolf AFB, University City, Texas (Cooling towers.)
* Lewisburg Federal Penitentiary, Lewisburg, Pennsylvania (Treatment for water systems for their scaled boilers.
* Danbury Federal Penitentiary, Danbury, Connecticut (All applicable water treatment for scaled boilers and condensate return lines. Natural gas fuel systems for the same boilers are installed and the results are as promised, control of scale on the water side and reduced fuel consumption on the fuel installations.
* Graterford Prison, Graterford, Pennsylvania (All applicable water and fuel applications. First systems installed were on a scale-clogged dishwasher, which in a couple of weeks was running scale free. One cell block was not getting enough hot water for showers due to extensive scale build up in the water pipes, the units were installed and within two weeks were getting all the hot water they needed.
* Callpatria State Prison, Callpatria, California (Several water systems applications such as commercial dishwashers were installed with good results.)
* Leavenworth Federal Penitentiary, Leavenworth, Kansas (All applicable water and fuel applications, probably beginning with a test on a boiler.)
* Dallas State Penitentiary, Dallas, Pennsylvania (All applicable water and fuel applications. Presently waiting for State assignment and approval of specific boiler for water test. Once proven at this model facility to control scale, all 23 state prisons will be on line to be outfitted with MAGNETIZER water and fuel systems.)
* Petersburg Federal Penitentiary, Petersburg, Virginia (Waiting on approval from the Department of Justice.)
* U.S. Navy- Philadelphia Naval Shipyard, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (Sundry water applications – Canceled with the announcement of closing of the shipyard.
* U.S. Navy – Carderock Division, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Philadelphia,
* Pennsylvania (Water closet systems, waiting on final approval from Annapolis.)
* Philadelphia Housing Authority, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (Waiting for specific boiler to be assigned for treatment testing.)
* U.S.C.G. Cutter “White Hearth”, Boston, Massachusetts (An officer who had been on the U.S.C.G. Cutter “Gallatin”, having sent the results, once being assigned to the “White Hearth” has ordered water systems for the boiler, and then will order fuel systems later as budget permits.)
1. Coca-Cola Bottling (Queens, NY): Boilers Waterside and Natural Gas, Cooling Tower
Systems, Water Softening System, Condensate Tower.
2. City of Seattle, Cooling towers, water process equipment
3. City of San Antonio, Public Works, All major Processing equipment
4. Berkeley California Municipal Police and Sanitation Departments, Engine Performance
Maximizers on all vehicles to save fuel and cut pollution
5. US Mint, All water Process equipment
6. Federal Penitentiaries, Pennsylvania, Water Process Equipment
7. Schreiber Foods: (Queens, NY): Boilers Waterside and Natural Gas, Cooling Towers
8. Marino’s Ices: (Queens, NY): Cooling Tower System.
9. Losquadro Ice: (Brooklyn, NY): Cooling Tower System.
10. Tony’s Brush & Processing: (Brooklyn, NY): Boilers Waterside and Natural Gas, Well
Water System.
11. Carlton Ice Cream: (Brooklyn, NY): Cooling Tower System, Boilers Waterside and #2 Oil.
12. Mars Fudge & Fruit: (Brooklyn, NY): #2 Oil.
13. Jung-Sun Laundry: (Long Island City, NY): Boilers Waterside and Natural Gas.
14. Peerless Tube Co.: (Bloomfield, NJ): Boilers Waterside and Natural Gas, Cooling Towers,
Waterside Scrubber System.
15. Knights Inn Motels: Boilers, Ice Machines, Laundries, and Pools.
16. Charles Tozzer Dental Clinics: Dental Hand Pieces.
17. Homewood Suites Hotels: Cooling Towers, Chillers, and Boilers.
18. Cementos de Chihuahua: Cement Boiler Burners (Natural Gas).
19. RCA Juarez: Boilers (Gas & Water).
20. Phelps Dodge: Copper Smelters Turbines (Natural Gas).
21. China Springs ISD: Boilers, Ice Machines.
22. Bexar County: Chillers, Boilers
23. Arkansas Regional Hospital: Boilers, Cooling Tower.
24. Prowers Medical Center: Reduce Salt, Boilers, Cooling Towers.
25. Sand Haven Nursing Home: Reduce Salt, Boilers, Ice Machines.
26. Boise City Hospital: Reduce Salt, Boilers, Cooling Tower, Chillers.
27. Weyland Baptist College: Chillers, Cooling Tower, and Boilers.
28. Roberson Saw Mills Natural Gas Generators.
29. Waugh Dry Cleaners: Boilers.
30. Tyler Dry Cleaners: Boilers.
31. Randolph Air Force Base, Texas: Cooling Towers.
32. Luke Air Force Base, Arizona: Cooling Towers and Boilers.
33. Brooks Army Medical Center, Texas: Equipped sterilizers.
34. City of Live Oak, Texas: Fire engines and police cars
35. Hilton Towers Avenue of the Americas ,New York, NY
1. Toyota Motors: (Distributor with stocking # for all their factories) Water treatment, Boilers,
Heat Exchangers and Cooling Towers.
2. Hitachi Electronics: Water Treatment.
3. Matsushita Electronics: Water Treatment.
4. Panasonic: Plastic Mold Injection Machines.
5. Fuji Camera: Plastic Mold Injection Machines.
6. Fujitsu Optical Disk: Plastic Mold Injection Machines.
7. New Japan Steel: Water Treatment in pipes, boilers, heat exchangers and cooling towers.
8. Hot Springs – Scale Treatment.
9. Public baths – Fuel Treatment (hot water heaters)
10. Hotels & Restaurants – Water Treatment.
1. Hindusthan National Glass & Industries Ltd.: Boilers, Cooling Towers, and Compressors.
2. Garden Reach Shipbuilders & Engineers Ltd.: Screw Compressors, Boilers.
3. Hindustan Motors Ltd.: All phases of scale treatment.
4. West Bengal State Electricity Board: Condensers, Air Conditioners, Water Piping.
5. Patton Tanks Ltd.: Cooling Towers, Injection Mold Machines.
6. Rasoli Limited: Complete plant installation for de-scaling pipes.
7. Paharpur Cooling Towers Ltd., OEM Manufacturer.
8. Premier Fountains: Supplies Magnetizer to fountains throughout India.
9. Besco Steel, Ltd.: Diverse factory applications.
10. R.V. Briggs & Co. Pvt. Ltd.: Private consultants for water quality (many clients).
11. Madhusudan Organics Ltd.: Condensers, Thermic Fluid Boilers.
12. Assam Ltd.: Tea nursery, extra leaves, darker hue, increased flavor.
13. Kortisa India Pvt. Ltd.: Chemical Factory, Water Systems.
14. Electrometal Ltd.: 10% Fuel Savings on Diesel.
15. Adams Motor Works: Emission Reductions.
16. Bayer India Ltd.: Cooling Towers, Boilers.
17. Sea Crests Shipping: Myriad Fuel & Water Treatment.
18. Carrier Air Conditioning, OEM Supplier.

University Of California:
San Diego Medical Center
La Quint-A Motor Inns
Ronan Enterprises
Western Reserve Historical Society
Bobkat Small Engines
City Of Monroe
Siblico Water Treatment
Bernard’s Coffees Of The World
Hall Of Fame Fitness Center
Wheaton’s Plastics
Holmes By-Products
H.E.B. Grocery Co. Headquarters
Bayse Janitorial Supply
Pittman Distributing Company
Pyramid Plastics
Gary Job Core; U-S. Government
Presidents Health Clubs
Universal Fitness Center
Texas Educational Foundation
Mercy Center For Health Care