William Lyne

William R. Lyne was born and raised in West Texas oil boom towns and ranching country. He is multi-talented with broad experience. In the words of Robert Bradstreet, Diversified Services, Cape Coral, Florida: “William Lyne is a remarkable researcher – a lateral thinking individual, possessing a keen sense of curiosity, an intuitive artistic sense, coupled with the eye of a forensic detective and at the same time, serendipitously being moved about on the chessboard of life to interface, just at the right moment with people and events, which has given him access to a wealth of knowledge. In the Air Force, Lyne was in Intelligence with a top secret clearance, and in martial arts (judo). He acquired a B.S. with a double major in Fine Arts and Industrial Arts in 1965. He acquired an MFA in Studio Arts from U.T./Austin in 1969. He has lived in New Mexico since 1970. In 1975, Lyne was offered an executive position by the CIA, which he rejected because he believes the National Security Act of 1947 is a betrayal of American sovereignty and liberty and the main means for oppression of the American people.

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