S3A12 Bedini Solar Charge Controller

S3A12 Bedini Solar Charge Controller

Introducing the NEW S3A12 Bedini Solar Charge Controller, which was invented by the late John Bedini. This is for most 50 watt 12 volt solar panels that have a maximum short circuited output of 3 amps. The ideal VMP of max loaded voltage should be at minimum 18.0 volts up to 18.5 volts. This is Version 5.1.

A variation of this 3 amp 12 volt solar charge controller was made by John Bedini and it was our biggest seller since it was the least expensive model and it was a chance for most people to be able to actually own a piece of John Bedini’s handiwork.

The circuit is proprietary but the visible difference between this new release and what John made available is that we listened to the thousands of customers we have all over the world who have bought our battery chargers and solar charge controllers – the S3A12 is now finally available with mounting flanges on the case can be fixed to a cabinet, board, etc. This was the single most requested feature so now you have it.

We also moved the terminals from the sides to the top for easier access. The terminals are not shown in the above picture. Plus, they’re out of the way so a screwdriver will not touch them when turning screws on the mounting flanges. It also looks a lot more slick with the new silk-screened label.


It’s simple – by default, all commercially available charge controllers simply undercharge the batteries so their life is greatly shortened. The S3A12 can push AMG, Gels and LiFePo4 batteries to a 14.7-14.8 volts, which is where they need to be topped at in order to give extended life.

Of course, when you hook an inverter to the battery to run 110VAC loads, it will take the power preferentially from the solar panel first and will only take from the battery when the load exceeds what the panels can provide.

People are mislead to believe that if a 12v battery is charged and then the charger is removed that if it settles to 12.6 or above, it is full charged. Nothing could be further from the truth. Voltage is NOT an indication of how much capacity that battery has to deliver electricity. It’s all smoke and mirrors. We know from years of dedicated research and the fact that John Bedini knew more about charging batteries than any human being on the planet what the charging graph must look like and what it must show in order for the battery to tell us when it is done. These charge controllers do that.

Around $2 Million in R & D was diligently accomplished at John Bedini’s company to learn what batteries really need and more than anything, it simply verified the biggest battery secret that has been known for a century, which is explained in our FREE book Solar Secrets.

That $2 Million taught all of us is full explained in our video presentations by Peter Lindemann Battery Secrets & Battery Rejuvenation. Anyone that is serious about learning about lead acid batteries need to get these authoritative and definitive presentations. Also, if you are interested in earning money with a battery rejuvenation business, those two videos are a must have. You will learn more about batteries, how they work and how to rejuvenate, repair or simply charge them correctly from the beginning in the Free Solar book and the two presentations than you have ever learned in your entire lifetime.

You will save a lot of money in the long run, you’ll have more security because your batteries will be more reliable and will last longer so your solar system will out perform anything else out there.

Below are videos that we took of the older variety of the S3A12 but the results are the same as the new S3A12 v5.1.

NOTE: The videos reference our old website TeslaChargers.com but please be aware the website is obsoleted as all new solar charge controller and battery charger information will now be on Emediapress.com.

Also take note that in the videos below we’re using Amorphous, thin film, low light panels, which charge better in cloudy conditions than crystalline panels made of individual cells.

This video is a general demo showing how the S3A12 works. The voltage the S3A12 is set to top out at is 15.1 and is more appropriate for a flooded cell battery but we are using a sealed AMG battery, which was more convenient for this demo.

The next video shows this S3A12 Bedini Solar Charge Controller can top up two big car batteries

This is for demonsration purposes only as the S3A12 is only intended for 35Ah sealed deep cycle batteries or smaller flooded cell starter batteries.

The S3A12 v5.1 will be available in 2 different modes but they will have the exact same silkscreened label on the face. One will be tuned to top batteries at 14.7-14.8 and will be for AMG (Absorbed Glass Mat), Gels and LiFePo4 (Lithium Iron Phosphate) – do NOT use this for regular lithium ion / cobalt type batteries. The other will be tuned top batteries at 15.1-15.3 and is only for use with flooded cell lead acid batteries.

Obviously, you can use the lower voltage model on flooded cell batteries but take note that it will not bring it to the full topping voltage of 15.1-15.3. You CANNOT use the higher voltage model on AMG, Gels or LiFePo4 batteries because the voltage is too high and can shorten the life of those batteries. If you’re in an emergency, of course doing that once in a while is ok but if you do it on an ongoing basis, it will shorten their life.

The S3A12 v5.1 comes with the charge controller and output cables to connect the S3A12 to your batteries. The instruction manual is only available digitally so please download your copy at the link right here:


Made in U.S.A.

Biomagnetic Pair Theory

Biomagnetic Pair Theory by Ingrid Heitsch

Biomagnetic pair therapy (BPT) or biomagnetism has been referred to as a “revolutionary, and both scientific and therapeutic modality to wellness.” This can be further explained as a novel modality to healing and wellness, that is non-invasive, and classified within an emerging field known as, Energy Medicine. BPT is unique compared to other holistic modalities to wellness such as magnet therapy (which uses only 1 single magnet), and of course it is vastly different compared to modern allopathic medicine.

Biomagnetic pair therapy is recognized and practiced internationally, as an approach to health that uses a pair of opposite polarity biomagnets (a North and a South, therefore forming a polarity when placed properly on the body). BPT utilizes specific high field strength neodymium biomagnets, and was pioneered by Dr. Isaac Goiz, MD, in Mexico City, starting in 1988. These specified placements, correspond to over 1000 meticulously annotated pairs of placements, and in the hands of medical doctors across the globe, these placements have unique effects for targeting various conditions of pH imbalance, which on a larger systemic body-wide scale, tend to correspond to specific conditions or dis-ease states. By re-establishing the pH balance within microsites within the body, various microbial pathogens such as viruses, fungi, parasites, and bacteria, and the cytotoxins they excrete, can be better mitigated with our own natural immune system.

BPT applied to other animals such as horses, demonstrates this is not a placebo effect, while studies from Kirlian photography and other energy capturing imaging, indicates just as well as when someone who is very light and happy energetically, walks into a room, and one experiences the other’s longitudinal waves (Tesla waves). If the energy you emit, the thoughts you entertain are positive, functional MRI studies, demonstrate that the central nervous system and downstream immune system functions are of positive nature whereas the opposite leads to diminished immune system function (and that’s translated to chronic illness, slow healing, and advanced dis-ease clinical indicators). We truly become what we think. In biomagnetic pair therapy, we find consistently that the body goes, where the mind tells it.

While placements are organized by category of concern or anatomical region, biomagnetic pair therapy and medical doctors who have pioneered this protocol have shared their placements for the benefit of everyone, and we are guided to state that “these placements do not cure, treat, or diagnose disease.” These placements have been shown to have a biofeedback effect, which is identified as modifying the pH of the body.

ESTC 2020 provided a unique opportunity to present Biomagnetic Pair Therapy in the framework of how it could be applied to the year of Covid 19, as Dr. Isaac Goiz, MD, published his own identification of placements associated with the strain of Coronavirus he coined the Wuhan Virus, when little was first known about its origins other than location. A novel finding was shared during this presentation, correlating BPT and specific placements to the work of the pioneers of Energy Medicine, such as Dr. Hulda Clark, Ph.D., Dr. Jerry Tennant, MD, and a preliminary elucidation of the mechanism by which BPT works within the body was explained. Lastly, as an educational opportunity, the audience was given a unique perspective to learn how to discern science publication worthy data, ‘vs. manipulated or fraudulent data, the latter which has been shamefully rampant during 2020 as a result of Covid 19, politics, and money. A brief discussion on the mode of action of a 60 year old generic drug that became famous in 2020 was also highlighted, namely the mechanism of hydroxychloroquine mode of action. In doing so, this provided an example of biomedical fraud in academics and peer reviewed journals which exposes the corruption that we currently face in so many facets of industry, government and society as a whole.

As a Daughter of the American Revolution and as a proponent of biomedical freedom, Dr. Ingrid, Ph.D. encouraged the audience to become their own advocate of health to become one’s own Doctor. As a vocal proponent of biomedical freedom, Dr. Ingrid’s philosophy is quite simple: first and foremost doctors and research scientists ought to do no harm and as such, allopathic medicine has it backwards. Instead of introducing agents or procedures that will damage or challenge the immune system, we should build it back up to optimal functioning. We are each a complex physiological cocktail, where at the heart of it, we are our central nervous systems. How the mind sees its body has a profound effect upon prognosis and ultimate healing, and so we find that the body goes where the mind tells it.

Part of the 2020 Energy Science & Technology Conference series (73 mins downloadable video).


Any health related information in this presentation is not intended to take the place of advice or treatment from healthcare professionals. It is also not intended to substitute for the users’ relationships with their own health care and pharmaceutical providers. This presentation is provided for information uses only.


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Emediapress.com Gift Cards Now Available

There are quite a few improvements and upgrades we’ve been doing with the new store here at Emediapress.com and the most recent addition is that you can now purchase gift cards for your family and friends so they can get some of the authoritative books and videos on Free Energy, Tesla Sciences, and other related topics.

Go here for the gift cards – these are perfect for birthdays, Christmas or just because you’re an awesome friend: https://emediapress.com/shop/gift-card/

Everyone can also earn points that are redeemable for free downloads – details coming soon…

How To Measure The Resonant Frequency Of An Inductor

How To Measure The Resonant Frequency Of An Inductor by Aaron Murakami

This brief video gives a simple walk through on measuring the resonant frequency of both parallel and series resonant circuits such as what is in the Multiwave Oscillator (MWO) or many other Tesla type systems. This can even be used to measure the simple resonant frequency of ignition coils or just about any kind of inductor.

This video walks you through doing all of this with nothing more than a small current transformer, which is simply a ferrite toroidal core with a few windings of magnet wire, an analog voltmeter, and a few wires with alligator clips. There are of course more sophisticated methods such as with Vector Network Analyzers and so forth but this low budget and low-tech method will give you the correct answer.

A Vril Lakhovsky MWO is used with the demo to show this simple method also with some comments by Eric Dollard toward the end as to another variation he recommends still using the same tools.

This is so simple that anyone can learn this method even if you have very little technical experience.

Part of the 2020 Energy Science & Technology Conference series (33 mins downloadable video).


Colorado Springs Magnifying Transmitter Scale Model Designs

Colorado Springs Magnifying Transmitter Scale Model Design Sheet

Build the world’s most advanced Tesla coil with the Colorado Springs Magnifying Transmitter Scale Model Design Sheet

Designed by none other than Nikola Tesla himself through the extensive experimental research described in ‘Nikola Tesla: Colorado Springs Notes, 1899-1900’, the Colorado Springs Magnifying Transmitter has now been scaled down to the finest detail, and is 100% functional!

This downloadable 21 page PDF document includes 33 diagrams and pictures illustrating the scaled down Magnifying Transmitter design with fully detailed dimensions and circuit diagrams you can use for setting up your own experimental Tesla Magnifying Transmitter transmitting station, making it ideal for learning what Nikola Tesla was REALLY doing the best possible way – through direct experience. Custom design frequencies also available.

Colorado Springs Magnifying Transmitter Scale Model Design Sheet

Learn more at teslascientific.com

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Wardenclyffe by Ernst Van Den Bergh & Kyle Dell’Aquila


I have had the pleasure of communicating with Ernst Willem Van Den Bergh over the last few years and feel that he has much to add to our electric community.

Born in the Netherlands and now based in Thailand, Ernst Willem Van Den Bergh resumes the electrical physics research of Nikola Tesla. Ernst has focused his attention on Nikola Tesla’s work since 2005, and is now ready to share some of his insights to the world. Ernst’s background in IT & physics enabled him to recover unreported truths that would have been otherwise lost forever.

Get your copy now: Wardenclyffe

Continue reading Wardenclyffe by Ernst Van Den Bergh & Kyle Dell’Aquila
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Cosmic Induction Generator 2020

This is a project that I (Aaron Murakami) have been working on for a while. It is engineered by Eric Dollard and built by myself mostly from scratch. Jeff Moe helped with machining some of the parts but most is hand fabricated with hand tools on my work bench.

There are multiple applications for the system when completed or in other words a lot of different experiments that can be performed because it is being designed to be universal.

We have a bit more to do for the audio rack and still have to do the entire RF rack – next year’s conference will have some of the most incredible Tesla experiments most people have ever seen or heard of.

Continue reading Cosmic Induction Generator 2020

Versor Algebra Volume 2 (Paperback)

In Versor Algebra Volume 2, the general theory presented in the first volume is actually applied to any number of phases.

Each set of phases has its own mathematical manifestation. If there are eight phases, the math is very different from the math necessary to analyze three phases. The general theory is basically being developed into special theory for multiple number of phases.

The second volume covers a plurality of phases including eight phases, which is necessary for the proper mathematical analysis of polyphase music. It also covers the very usual true single or monopolar phase developed by Nikola Tesla for his telluric ground transmission systems. We also review the more common three and four phase power systems.

What is commonly misunderstood as single phase is actually a two phase system that is common in your home. This is not a true polyphase system because it is not rotational like a four phase system but is included for continuity.

You will be able to observe the mathematical process without being sidetracked by numerous subscripts and the use of the same letter for a multiplicity of terms, which is the flaw in the available textbooks on the subject. This is necessary to establish the clarity of the process so that in the future third volume, it is possible to understand its application and extension.

(193 page downloadable ebook)

Fault has been found with these articles that they are hard to read. They were harder, perhaps, to write.

Oliver Heaviside – Electromagnetic Theory Volume 1, 1893

Versor Algebra is also available as a downloadable ebook

Versor Algebra Volume 1 (Paperback)

Charles Proteus Steinmetz’s original math model is a natural outgrowth of Nikola Tesla’s polyphase power systems. Tesla was the discoverer, but Steinmetz was the builder who first applied Versor Algebra to the analysis of alternating current power systems.

In my presentation and book Four Quadrant Representation Of Electricity, my extension of Steinmetz’s work is presented in the most simple way possible using very simple analogies, pictures and diagrams. It was a very difficult task as the goal was to facilitate an understanding for the layman.

That presentation was given at the 2013 Energy Science & Technology Conference and shortly thereafter, the book version was released, which went into more detail that was not covered in the presentation.

Tesla’s polyphase power system was originally four poles or four phases. Steinmetz is the one who adapted it into a three pole or three phase system, which is the prominent system of today. The complication is that three phase systems cannot be explained by conventional mathematics. With three phase systems, there is no plus or minus and that is the reason why the conventional math doesn’t work any more.

That left a big gap in polyphase power systems until Dr. Fortescue came up with the system of Symmetrical Coordinates. This laid the groundwork for polyphase mathematics for any number of phases. And ultimately, it can be extended into the Pythagorean understanding of numbers.

The “Fortescue Method” was never fully developed because of its complexity. The proper name for this is “Sequence Algebra” and the rudiments were presented in my presentation and book Four Quadrant Representation Of Electricity.

Even though the system has become adopted for general engineering usage, Versor Algebra Volume 1 and Versor Algebra Volume 2 is the first theoretical basis that has ever been presented on the subject.

Versor Algebra Voume 1 and Versor Algebra Volume 2 is the next logical step after Four Quadrant Representation of Electricity as it takes the reader into the mathematical journey of the mathematical model and theory that is necessary to realize the unique electrical waves that exist in polypahse power systems. These waves are actually beyond the original understanding of Tesla and Steinmetz with regard to polyphase power systems.

It is important to understand that this is all possible with simple 9th grade algebra. I take the reader through a step-by-step process from very basic algebra and logarithms into the more complex subject. The process involves very simple but numerous steps to guide the reader into the understanding of polyphase mathematics.

Through my own journey in writing this Versor Algebra book, I have been able to unify the polyphonic music of Bach and his contemporaries as this music follows the logic of sequence algebra perfectly.

In fact, the book was written when listening to this music, which aided the process greatly.

(146 page downloadable ebook)

Fault has been found with these articles that they are hard to read. They were harder, perhaps, to write.

Oliver Heaviside – Electromagnetic Theory Volume 1, 1893

Versor Algebra is also available as a downloadable ebook

Classic Energy Videos

These videos from the 1980’s highlight a handful of researchers who are greatly responsible for laying the firm, scientific foundation for the “free energy” movement of today.

The main package includes 5 films, representing almost 8 hours of information on paradigm shattering physics and electrical demonstrations. Major presentations by Bruce DePalma, John Bedini, Eric Dollard, and Peter Lindemann. The package also includes 8 bonus features including Bob Teal, Adam Trombly, Jim Murray, Chris Carson, and Parmahamsa Tewari.

Main package contents

Free Energy Research (1987) – 2 hours

A laboratory demonstration of original electrical equipment by Eric P. Dollard, Peter Lindemann, Tom Brown, Michael Knox, and others.

This film starts with a sequence by Eric Dollard showing the difference in quality between the energy returning from an inductor and the energy returning from a capacitor. It also shows the only filmed tests of the Rotating Parametric Transformer in operation.

We also show a way to get more out of your solar panels, a novel N-Machine that can produce AC from two shaft contacts, and dozens of other experiments. Dozens of original and patentable devices were shown in this film. If there ever was a Classic, this is it!

Tesla’s Longitudinal Electricity (1988) – 60 minutes

A laboratory demonstration by Eric P. Dollard and Peter Lindemann

Experiments presented show Tesla’s One-Wire method of electrical transmission with no return wire, including lighting a light bulb in an “open circuit”!

Also, the Wireless Power Transmission method, and the Transmission of Direct Current through Space are demonstrated. It also shows how impulse currents can produce Radiant Energy emissions in an electric light bulb which attracts material objects but repels the human hand. At the end of the film, a longitudinal signal is broadcast from the laboratory to a beach one mile away, using the ocean as an antenna.

Transverse & Longitudinal Electric Waves (1988) – 48 minutes

A laboratory demonstration by Eric P. Dollard. Eric demonstrates the reality of longitudinal waves and their application to the natural transmission of electricity. Networks of coils and capacitors are presented as Analog Computers, opening up the field of research into the kind of wave-forms discovered and used by Nikola Tesla in his wireless power transmission methods.

The LMD (Longitudinal Magneto-Dielectric) wave is shown to have a propagation velocity greater than the speed of light! This is actually shown on the film! The TEM (Transverse Electro-Magnetic) wave, (in present use) is shown to be a retarded, unnatural form of energy transmission. Many measurements are taken on the test apparatus during the demonstrations.

Experiments On Rotation (1990) – 2 hours

Extremely rare lecture and demonstration by Bruce DePalma at a conference in Santa Barbara, California in 1990. Probably fewer than 50 of these films were ever sold.

This film includes footage of the first demonstration of the “Sunburst N-Machine” in 1979, as well as presentations on dozens of experiments that show that the inertia of an object can be altered by the simple act of rotation.

For anyone who is interested in anti-gravity or the idea of extracting unlimited energy from the fabric of space, this film is the crown jewel of the collection!

Unifield Dynamics Presents John Bedini (1986) – 2 hours

This is a rare demonstration by John Bedini of his early work with the Kromrey Generator designs, what he calls his “G-field generator”.

The film was made at Bedini’s audio amplifier facility in Sylmar, California in 1986. On hand to check Bedini’s work is Electrical Engineer Roger Modjeski, from Santa Barbara. I was the one filming and asking questions during the presentation. Is it possible to build an electric generator that defies conventional behaviors? See for yourself!

Bonus package contents

Demonstration Of The Magnapulsion Engine (1975) – 10 minutes

Extremely rare footage of Bob Teal demonstrating his Magnapulsion Engine prototype #4 at a “Penny Stock Convention” in Hollywood, Florida in 1975.

The demonstration shows that it is possible to build an electric motor that produces mechanical energy using very small amounts of electricity AND even recovers that electricity without losing power. Many electric motor designs purport to do this now, but Bob Teal was the first!

International Water Fuel Company – Automotive Hydrogen Generator – 6 min 51 sec

Showing that the hydrogen boosters were being manufactured and sold years before the HHO Booster craze you see these days.

Tikon Industries, M-Series – 10 min 31 sec

Demo of a motor claimed to produce more electricity than what it consumes.

Modified Newman Machine – 19 min 32 sec

Demo of a variation of a Newman Machine.

Jim Murray – 60 minutes

This is one of the most important energy videos ever produced. Jim discusses his experiments with power magnification in physical devices and electrical circuits – One of Tesla’s greatest secrets!

Chris Carson And Eric Dollard (1996) – 53 minutes

Lecture about longitudinal waves vs transverse waves and novel ways to completely eliminate antennas from ham radio systems and more.

Bruce Depalma – 7 minutes

Excerpt from documentary with Bruce DePalma discussing universal energy, the N-Machine and politics.

Bruce Depalma N-Machine – 2 hours 44 minutes

This is a four part download. The first is on Adam Trombly and the Homopolar Generator. Second and third is Bruce DePalma going over his N-Machine technology. Fourth is from Paramahamsa Tewari who built the Space Power Generator based on Bruce DePalma’s N-Machine.