Introducing the NEW S3A12 Bedini Solar Charge Controller, which was invented by the late John Bedini. This is for most 50 watt 12 volt solar panels that have a maximum short circuited output of 3 amps. The ideal VMP of max loaded voltage should be at minimum 18.0 volts up to 18.5 volts. This is Version 5.1.
A variation of this 3 amp 12 volt solar charge controller was made by John Bedini and it was our biggest seller since it was the least expensive model and it was a chance for most people to be able to actually own a piece of John Bedini’s handiwork.
The circuit is proprietary but the visible difference between this new release and what John made available is that we listened to the thousands of customers we have all over the world who have bought our battery chargers and solar charge controllers – the S3A12 is now finally available with mounting flanges on the case can be fixed to a cabinet, board, etc. This was the single most requested feature so now you have it.
We also moved the terminals from the sides to the top for easier access. The terminals are not shown in the above picture. Plus, they’re out of the way so a screwdriver will not touch them when turning screws on the mounting flanges. It also looks a lot more slick with the new silk-screened label.
It’s simple – by default, all commercially available charge controllers simply undercharge the batteries so their life is greatly shortened. The S3A12 can push AMG, Gels and LiFePo4 batteries to a 14.7-14.8 volts, which is where they need to be topped at in order to give extended life.
Of course, when you hook an inverter to the battery to run 110VAC loads, it will take the power preferentially from the solar panel first and will only take from the battery when the load exceeds what the panels can provide.
People are mislead to believe that if a 12v battery is charged and then the charger is removed that if it settles to 12.6 or above, it is full charged. Nothing could be further from the truth. Voltage is NOT an indication of how much capacity that battery has to deliver electricity. It’s all smoke and mirrors. We know from years of dedicated research and the fact that John Bedini knew more about charging batteries than any human being on the planet what the charging graph must look like and what it must show in order for the battery to tell us when it is done. These charge controllers do that.
Around $2 Million in R & D was diligently accomplished at John Bedini’s company to learn what batteries really need and more than anything, it simply verified the biggest battery secret that has been known for a century, which is explained in our FREE book Solar Secrets.
That $2 Million taught all of us is full explained in our video presentations by Peter Lindemann Battery Secrets & Battery Rejuvenation. Anyone that is serious about learning about lead acid batteries need to get these authoritative and definitive presentations. Also, if you are interested in earning money with a battery rejuvenation business, those two videos are a must have. You will learn more about batteries, how they work and how to rejuvenate, repair or simply charge them correctly from the beginning in the Free Solar book and the two presentations than you have ever learned in your entire lifetime.
You will save a lot of money in the long run, you’ll have more security because your batteries will be more reliable and will last longer so your solar system will out perform anything else out there.
Below are videos that we took of the older variety of the S3A12 but the results are the same as the new S3A12 v5.1.
NOTE: The videos reference our old website TeslaChargers.com but please be aware the website is obsoleted as all new solar charge controller and battery charger information will now be on Emediapress.com.
Also take note that in the videos below we’re using Amorphous, thin film, low light panels, which charge better in cloudy conditions than crystalline panels made of individual cells.
This video is a general demo showing how the S3A12 works. The voltage the S3A12 is set to top out at is 15.1 and is more appropriate for a flooded cell battery but we are using a sealed AMG battery, which was more convenient for this demo.
The next video shows this S3A12 Bedini Solar Charge Controller can top up two big car batteries
This is for demonsration purposes only as the S3A12 is only intended for 35Ah sealed deep cycle batteries or smaller flooded cell starter batteries.
The S3A12 v5.1 will be available in 2 different modes but they will have the exact same silkscreened label on the face. One will be tuned to top batteries at 14.7-14.8 and will be for AMG (Absorbed Glass Mat), Gels and LiFePo4 (Lithium Iron Phosphate) – do NOT use this for regular lithium ion / cobalt type batteries. The other will be tuned top batteries at 15.1-15.3 and is only for use with flooded cell lead acid batteries.
Obviously, you can use the lower voltage model on flooded cell batteries but take note that it will not bring it to the full topping voltage of 15.1-15.3. You CANNOT use the higher voltage model on AMG, Gels or LiFePo4 batteries because the voltage is too high and can shorten the life of those batteries. If you’re in an emergency, of course doing that once in a while is ok but if you do it on an ongoing basis, it will shorten their life.
The S3A12 v5.1 comes with the charge controller and output cables to connect the S3A12 to your batteries. The instruction manual is only available digitally so please download your copy at the link right here: