T. Henry Moray was known as having one of the most profound free energy devices that produced massive amounts of “overunity.” The key to making his system work was a crystal that Moray worked with that was referred to as a “Swedish Stone.” When Moray was on a mission in Sweden for his Mormon Church in 1912, he was researching crystal radios and was looking for minerals that could work just as well or better than the galena crystal. Claims for what this stone was appears to have been speculation but somehow, John Bedini managed to replicate it.
This crystal is actually the secret behind Bedini’s “Ionic Line Amps”. Keep in mind that these were in production and they were purchased and used by audiophiles all over the world!
John did a famous demo with these at an audio show in the early 1980’s – he would play a record or CD into his pre-amp, which fed a larger high power amp that powered some high end speakers with high volume.
John Bedini’s Ionic audio amplifier
He then disconnected the large speaker cables and put one of these amps at the output of the amp and another at the input of the speakers. He then connected both of those ionic line amps with tiny 30 gauge wire. Now anyone that knows even the smallest bit about stereos knows that if you crank up the stereo with this small fine wire that it will probably disintegrate them with that much wattage. However, as John was often doing the “impossible”, it worked perfectly!
John said that the wires were of course too small to carry that signal and the wires acted more as a guide – while the real power was moving through “hyperspace” or what is also known as “counterspace” from transmitter to receiver. This is in theory identical to what Eric Dollard has taught about extraluminal transmission systems and how longitudinal waves propagate.
You’re about to learn what the formula is (all the ingredients), how to bake and form it and what kind of circuit to put it in so you can experiment with it!
25 minute downloadable video presentation by John Bedini
Ingredients for the crystal formula
Instructions on temperature and time to bake the crystal
Diagram of circuit to use the crystal
Diagram and explanation of how to build two different longitudinal wave detectors
Free Energy Generator
John Bedini goes into his 1984 Free Energy Generator and why people have had trouble replicating it and it is primarily the timing, which most people have not been able to perfect. John then introduces Peter Lindemann as the developer of a low drag generator methodology.
The presentation ends with John giving a demonstration of a pocket size 1984 Free Energy Generator that runs itself and keeps it batteries topped up. The crowd stands up to see it so the video camera couldn’t see it running, but you do get all the full schematic posted on the chalkboard with no details left out. John really wanted everyone to get it!
John Bedini introducing Peter Lindemann to explain his low drag generator method
Small version of the self-running 1984 Free Energy Generator
45 minute downloadable video presentation by Tom Bearden, John Bedini and Peter Lindemann
The physics of “Stealing the Surface Charge” by Tom Bearden explaining one of the primary keys to John Bedini’s self running motor/generator system
John Bedini explaining the primary timing problem people are having that has made it difficult to replicate and how to solve this issue
Diagrams of the full system and how it all fits together
Brief presentation by Peter Lindemann explaining the history and inspiration of his low drag generator system
This is a * RARE * find and one that came to me by way of Geoffrey Miller of Energy Bat Labs – a long time researcher into the Tesla and Free Energy Sciences. But first, let’s give special thanks to Scott Beutlich for pleading with Geoffrey Miller to “help get this out there!” Geoffrey took that to heart and passed it on to us at Emediapress. The original video was filmed at a 1984 conference and was somehow lost in the archives. It was one of the most important presentations ever given there, but they never released it!
Listen to Geoffrey Miller share his insight into this disclosure:
These are from an old VHS recording so they’re not perfect, but they are watchable, you can hear everything and you can make out nearly everything he is writing on the chalkboard. HAVE REALISTIC EXPECTATIONS – THIS IS NOT SOME HIGH DEF RECORDING SO YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED but you will find this is some of the most important information to ever be released in this entire field of Free Energy and you’re fortunate to even be able to get your hands on it.
NOTE: This video has also been cropped to remove the USPA logo so it will not be confused with their direct releases.
Save $17 when you buy both presentations together!
John Bedini goes into his 1984 Free Energy Generator and why people have had trouble replicating it and it is primarily the timing, which most people have not been able to perfect. John then introduces Peter Lindemann as the developer of a low drag generator methodology.
The presentation ends with John giving a demonstration of a pocket size 1984 Free Energy Generator that runs itself and keeps it batteries topped up. The crowd stands up to see it so the video camera couldn’t see it running, but you do get all the full schematic posted on the chalkboard with no details left out. John really wanted everyone to get it!
John Bedini introducing Peter Lindemann to explain his low drag generator method
Small version of the self-running 1984 Free Energy Generator
45 minute downloadable video presentation by Tom Bearden, John Bedini and Peter Lindemann
The physics of “Stealing the Surface Charge” by Tom Bearden explaining one of the primary keys to John Bedini’s self running motor/generator system
John Bedini explaining the primary timing problem people are having that has made it difficult to replicate and how to solve this issue
Diagrams of the full system and how it all fits together
Brief presentation by Peter Lindemann explaining the history and inspiration of his low drag generator system
This is a * RARE * find and one that came to me by way of Geoffrey Miller of Energy Bat Labs – a long time researcher into the Tesla and Free Energy Sciences. But first, let’s give special thanks to Scott Beutlich for pleading with Geoffrey Miller to “help get this out there!” Geoffrey took that to heart and passed it on to us at Emediapress. The original video was filmed at a 1984 conference and was somehow lost in the archives. It was one of the most important presentations ever given there, but they never released it!
Listen to Geoffrey Miller share his insight into this disclosure:
Ronald Brandt was a brilliant experimenter who was successful in developing many Tesla and related technologies. He associated with many of the legends of the “Free Energy” and Tesla Sciences field including the late John Bedini who he shared his well-known “Tesla Switch” plans with that ran an electrical motor in a unique way that allowed the batteries to stay charged up while producing an abundance of mechanical work.
With a different methodology, he developed a generator technology that had high energy gains based on synchronizing various resonances in the system and this serves as the foundation for the Quantum Energy Generator or QEG project, which became an internationally known phenomena by Hope Girl and the Fix the World Organization.
The QEG is a switched/variable reluctance, variable frequency generator that uses mechanically pumped parametric resonance (tank circuit) to generate up to 30,000 volts of reactive power in its primary windings.
The reactive power in the core is then converted to real power by the secondary windings.
The QEG has 2 modes of operation; conventional mode, which produces about 800 Watts peak output for 1,000 Watts input, and resonance mode, where the machine is operated at a particular RPM/frequency to excite the fundamental mechanical resonant frequency (around 2.4 kHz) from a lower order harmonic.
In resonance mode the machine appears to be capable of overunity due to the output voltage increase afforded by the vibration of the core steel when the machine is driven into resonance.
Join us in exploring the possibilities by unifying all parts of the generator as one synchronized energy machine.
Also Included
Rare 22 minute video that includes the legendary Ronald Brandt discussing the generator that is the origin of the QEG
How to Build an Energy Efficient and Potentially Fuel-Less Generator – 254 page PDF
This is the QEG presentation you must have if you want to see in a very concise way what it is about, what the goal is and what is needed for it to achieve its ultimate objective.
Part of the 2017 Energy Science & Technology Conference series (84 mins downloadable video).
The advanced seismic warning system that was built by Eric Dollard in Landers, California was the most advanced earthquake forecasting system ever developed or probably even imagined. It could predict earthquakes magnitude 6.0 and above 24-72 hours ahead of time, which is far beyond anything our own government or military has ever achieved (publicly that is). Since it was closed, Eric has been working to rebuild the basic system, but this time on protected land where nobody can stop the progress.
He has been accomplishing this with a low budget based on donations and “glom”, which is free stuff found around the desert, junk yards or electrical surplus places. This has been ongoing for a few years now and the progress has been incredible including have an entire mine dedicated with three seismic transducers (seismographs) at the disposal of EPD Laboratories, Inc!
The signals are very low strength and it is an amazing challenge to amplify these – especially if the goal is to do it all with analogue components. Of course being that Eric Dollard is the modern-day Tesla, he is doing it Tesla style.
This presentation walks you through the concepts of converting the seismograph signals into musical signals using a Tesla Converter. Most Tesla fans have never heard of or even know what a Tesla Convert is, but Eric teaches what it is and even shows one working. It amplifies signals with resonance instead of electrically. That along is beyond the scope of most Electrical Engineers and Eric Dollard is using this to have each Seismograph output tones that will eventually be tuned to the Pythagorean scale.
If you thought 432 Hz was the musical note of A that would be in resonance with the natural world, well, the truth is you’ve been misled. The truth is that the Pythagorean scale is the one that is truly in harmony with natural ratios and you will learn all about that in this presentation.
Besides the Tesla Converter presentation and demo (with us in the actual mine!), you’re going to learn about some audio amplifier circuits that you have never seen and the design concept that Eric shares may very well be the most highest fidelity audio amplifier ever conceived.
You’re going to learn quite a bit about multiplexing, which is like playing a chord on the piano, but it is more than that. On phone lines, being able to send multiple signals once and having them be split apart again at the end. You’re going to see Eric on a piano keyboard showing a lot about chords and multiplexing. He has quite a bit of this in the presentation and is necessary to prove the point. If you understand that harmonics are important, even if you don’t fully understand it, this presentation is priceless.
Part of the 2017 Energy Science & Technology Conference series (244 mins downloadable video).
For the first time publicly, Paul Babcock shares intimate details about his own life story, background and path that he followed that has led him to the understanding that he shared with the audience. He covers some of the greats such as Tesla, Lakhovsky and a few others and how their work is directly related to The Universal Medium – otherwise known as the Aether.
Because of his extensive background in electrical engineering and personally having held may technical and non-technical duties in many companies, he has amassed a uniquely qualified skill set that has allowed him to unlock the true nature of the Lakhovsky Multiwave Oscillator.
It wasn’t until several years ago that the real circuit was even known since Lakhovsky and his son never revealed it to anyone. Fortunately, some engineers came across some original units still crated up after all these decades. They reverse engineered it so that the actual circuit is known.
However, the deeper understanding of the nature of the machine and it’s interaction with The Universal Medium is still missing from the literature and this is where Paul’s profound and empowering presentation comes in. He also covers how the machine and the Aether interact with our physical bodies to boost the Life Force energy, which allows it to operate at an optimum level.
When you hear Paul’s personal story, which I have been a personal witness to most of it, it will shatter a few paradigms of what is thought to be possible!
Part of the 2017 Energy Science & Technology Conference series (127 mins downloadable video).
Everything is made of the same stuff… So is there an exchange at every level? If everything is a field of information, then how does it inform? If everything vibrates, then through what? What ethereal medium do most glance over? What is the primordial soup of creation? What is the foundation, and the entanglement – micro to macro? How did Tesla come up with the wireless network? Where do those aha moments and ideas come from? Which greats were electrified?
Water is one of the key elements and like all is it fundaMENTAL and eleMENTAL. This presentation is EXTREME on visuals.
In this presentation Karen Elkins takes you on a visual journey though a myriad of disciplines and shows you the interconnectedness within the universe – micro to macro – man, machine and the matrix.
Because she is the editor, researcher and designer for Science to Sage E-Magazine, and has produced over 53 issue hosting the best in the world, she has images most have never seen. Her presentation shows riveting images of water most in the world have NEVER seen.
Here witness the living matrix – its eleMENTAL.
Part of the 2018 Energy Science & Technology Conference series (70 mins downloadable video).
For the first time publicly, Paul Babcock shares intimate details about his own life story, background and path that he followed that has led him to the understanding that he shared with the audience. He covers some of the greats such as Tesla, Lakhovsky and a few others and how their work is directly related to The Universal Medium – otherwise known as the Aether.
Because of his extensive background in electrical engineering and personally having held may technical and non-technical duties in many companies, he has amassed a uniquely qualified skill set that has allowed him to unlock the true nature of the Lakhovsky Multiwave Oscillator.
It wasn’t until several years ago that the real circuit was even known since Lakhovsky and his son never revealed it to anyone. Fortunately, some engineers came across some original units still crated up after all these decades. They reverse engineered it so that the actual circuit is known.
However, the deeper understanding of the nature of the machine and it’s interaction with The Universal Medium is still missing from the literature and this is where Paul’s profound and empowering presentation comes in. He also covers how the machine and the Aether interact with our physical bodies to boost the Life Force energy, which allows it to operate at an optimum level.
When you hear Paul’s personal story, which I have been a personal witness to most of it, it will shatter a few paradigms of what is thought to be possible!
Part of the 2017 Energy Science & Technology Conference series (127 mins downloadable video).
The Living Earth
This is an excellent follow up to The Universal Medium, which covers the Life Force enhancing benefits of the Lakhovsky Multiwave Oscillator, which was originally meant to supplant the lack of Earth generated Life Force Energy in different areas.
In The Living Earth, Paul covers quite a few topics from the electrical sciences to spirituality. The presentation starts with defining consciousness and its relationship to The Universal Medium and how we can use this to co-create our world.
The relationship between the Earth and Sun is broken down in detail and is the basis of the life force generating mechanism of The Living Earth.
The human life force energy is discussed in detail and how many cultures have their own specific language to discuss it as well as the method used to intake this energy into our body for storage.
It is vitally important to understand how the intuitive and reasoning minds must work together to truly have wisdom and understanding in these topics and that many inner and outer world balances are a theme that runs throughout this presentation – in other words – BALANCE.
Paul then takes us on a journey into the basics of the fact that our Universe is electrical, which is not a new idea, but it still runs contrary to much of the conventional astro-science. The capacitive nature of stars and living planets is all important when it comes to understanding life force generating mechanisms. Charged dielectric mediums and longitudinal wave propagation are the medium and energy of life.
Radiant energy is discussed in detail and how it plays into the Earth’s life force generating mechanism. This is explained in simple terms so a background in the electrical sciences is not necessary. This presentation is for everybody.
Paul goes heavily into atmospheric electricity and our connection to it as well as the various conditions that assist or degrade the life force or orgone creation process. Some of these natural processes are show in comparison to electrical component equivalents to make it easier to understand.
This presentation leads to us human beings being able to fully realize our potential and this entire process is augmented by enhancing our intake of the life force energy and enhancing these processes around us.
Part of the 2018 Energy Science & Technology Conference series (107 mins downloadable video).
Save $17 when you buy both presentations together!
Presently, much discussion exists regarding the proliferation of harmonics in the electric utility system. Moreover, the susceptibility of this system to damage or destruction from a well-positioned nuclear E.M.P. is a subject of great concern.
Such problems are not necessarily intrinsic to the process of electric transmission and distribution, but only present themselves when certain configurations exist within the electric utility system. Paramount in any transmission or distribution system is that such system must be a closed system, that is, the electromagnetic boundary condition must be maintained to the highest practical degree. This assures that the entry or exit of extraneous electric forces is minimized.
Presently, with regard to the electric utility system, the electromagnetic boundary condition is being violated in two ways;
1) By the ubiquitous employment of Wye to Wye connected transmission and distribution transformers, and related load configuration.
2) Through the extension of a common neutral connection throughout the entire electric utility system.
The widespread and enforced adoption of these practices has rendered the electric utility system an open system, or in other words, an antenna system, one of unprecedented proportions. The consequences must be obvious.
It is the objective of the following series of engineering reports to re-establish a fundamental understanding of polyphase alternating current, then apply this understanding to the analysis of the situation as it exists today with regard to the electric utility system.
Electrical engineering in the digital age has taken a turn into the abyss. The engineering foundation so well established through the efforts of Arthur Kennelly, Charles Steinmetz, and other notables, has been outright abandoned. Engineers have been replaced by software technicians, and accordingly the electric utility system has become a morass of harmonics, parasitic oscillations, and stray currents. This malady is presently being carried out with deliberation, and moreover, being made law.
Kennelly once remarked that a properly designed three phase power system contains no significant harmonics. This may have been true in the era in which Kennelly lived, but presently the proliferation of harmonics in the electric utility system is rampant. In the manner of Oliver Heaviside, one may ask; If harmonics are a problem, then why allow them to begin with. The child exclaims, “The Emperor wears no clothes”!
In the early electrical age, the principal customer loads were the incandescent lamp of Thomas Edison, and the induction motor of Nicola Tesla. Neither were a source of significant harmonics. What harmonic content did exist was neutralized by the Delta connection of apparatus windings.
The concurrent development of long distance telephone served as a check upon the harmonic content of the electric utility system. In this era the long lines were of open wire construction and utilized voice frequency transmission, both of which are susceptible to power system interference. This situation led to the establishment of an administrative agency to co-ordinate electromagnetic compatibility between power and communication companies.
Two principal factors led to the harmonic situation as it exists today in the electric utility system. One was the gradual adoption of a Wye connection of apparatus windings and load configurations, another was the increasing use of fluorescent lighting as a replacement for incandescent lighting.
The general use of a Wye connected transformer configuration grew out of the need to expand the load capacity of existing distribution systems to meet the ever-increasing demand for electric light and power. Delta to Wye system conversion allowed for a 173 percent increase in capacity while retaining the original transformers. The only additional requirement in this conversion is the system-wide installation of a fourth conductor, or system neutral. An additional benefit derived from the neutral was that the system could be referenced to Earth potential without the need for auxiliary apparatus, as was necessary in a Delta connected system.
The dominance of the Wye connected load grew out of the proliferation of large office complexes. The enormity of their lighting systems required a shift from the Edison three wire system to a Wye connected four wire configuration, this in order to provide a good phase balance to the electric utility providing the power for illumination. A significant penalty for this conversion is that while the Edison system suppresses the harmonics, the Wye system reinforces the harmonics.
The large-scale generation of harmonics began when the fluorescent lamp replaced the incandescent lamp in these large office complexes. The fluorescent lamp and its reactance ballast are a prodigious source of troublesome harmonics. Ultimately such a load should be Delta connected in order to suppress the proliferation of these harmonics into the electric utility system. However, such connection requires two pole rather than one pole switching and circuit protection devices, which increases the cost of installation.
In the electric age the primary windings of the distribution transformers supplying electric power to these lighting systems were typically Delta connected. This prevented entry of the harmonics into the electric utility system. The penalty was to be increased transformer heating.
The widespread adoption of Wye connected electric utility systems can be attributed to the efforts of the rural electrification administration, R.E.A. Here the objective was to significantly reduce the cost of delivering electric power to the more remote areas of the United States. Through the employment of the higher transmission voltages for the purpose of distribution, the “copper” cost was greatly reduced. Because no transformer was required to step down this transmission voltage to a distribution voltage, the cost of a distribution substation was obviated. The penalty for this practice was that the transmission system must also be Wye connected.
Another cost savings measure adopted by the R.E.A. program was the implementation of a multiple grounded neutral throughout the entire system. This neutral was made common to both the high side and low side of the distribution transformer, effectively bypassing the transformer. This practice significantly reduced the insulation requirements on an otherwise high voltage system. The penalty for this practice is the exposure of the customer to primary neutral transients, and difficulty in ground fault protection.
The practices instituted by the R.E.A. program significantly enhanced the ability of the resulting electric utility system to interfere with other services. Inevitably, what saved the power company money cost the phone company money, and endangered the customer.
As society moved from the electrical age into the electronic age the situation of the electric utility system began to deteriorate. In the electronic age an ever-increasing proportion of the load presented to the electric utility system was to involve the conversion between the alternating current used for light and power and the direct current used for electronic devices. The conversion between A.C. and D.C., rectifiers and inverters, is verily a condition of “forcing a square peg into a round hole”. Accordingly, this process engenders a plurality of troublesome transients, particularly those associated with the silicon-controlled rectifier (S.C.R.), which ultimately spelled disaster for the electric utility system.
The harmonic malady was propelled forward by a shift in reasoning, this from the established viewpoint of electric transmission as an electromagnetic boundary condition (Maxwell-Heaviside), to the modernistic viewpoint of electric transmission as an electronic current (Lorentz-Einstein). In the modern viewpoint electricity was no longer propagation in the space enclosed by the transmission conductors, but the notion is that electricity is propagated within the transmission conductors themselves. Accordingly, in this view, the space surrounding the transmission conductors is void of any electrical activity. This mindset has made impossible any understanding of electric transmission and has sent electrical engineering back into its dark ages when electricity was regarded as a material substance.
The electric utility in the digital age has arrived at a situation where all deleterious factors have merged into a common motive. Nicola Tesla would say “Commercial Enterprise has out-run technical competence”.
The vanguard is the ubiquitous eradication of the Delta connection of apparatus windings and load configurations. The entire electric utility system is undergoing a retrograde conversion, from what was an interlocked triple phase system, into a trio of independent singe phase systems. Moreover, the primary and secondary windings of all transmission and distribution transformers are being bonded together at their neutral points. This effort effectively bypasses the transformers, hence creating an extensive metallic pathway for the propagation of harmonics, oscillations, and disruptive transients.
In this digital age the load presented to the electric utility system is of a disruptive discharge nature. All contemporary power conversion methodologies employ the integration of switching transients in the conversion process between the utility system alternating current and the electronic (silicon) device direct current. In general, a true A.C. load is becoming non-existent.
It is the intrinsic nature of such transient waveforms to excite oscillations into the electric field surrounding the various transmission and distribution structures. These in turn intensify the already problematic harmonic waveforms. Moreover, the interaction of these electric oscillations with the semi-conductor devices results in a barrage of spurious frequencies. The plurality of these parasitic oscillations tend to merge into a unified oscillation through the common neutral connection, giving the ability to distribute interference on an unprecedented level. This situation alludes to electronic warfare, where consumer devices of foreign manufacture can be regarded as a “Trojan Horse”.
It has become evident to many that the aforementioned condition has created an unprecedented level of radio interference, particularly in the A.M. broadcast band. However, unlike the era of long distance telephone, no administrative agency exists to ensure electromagnetic compatibility in this digital age.
It is important to recognize that the ultimate root of the problem here defined is sociological, not technological. The situation today resembles in many ways that which existed at the onset of the dark ages, when the first theory of relatively announced that the Earth is the centre of the universe, a notion brutally enforced by the corporate church.
Accordingly, any attempt toward re-mediation of the electric utility situation will be met with fierce opposition and nothing will change for the better. Such is the fate of the human species, it is written.
Part of the 2018 Energy Science & Technology Conference series (5 hours downloadable video).
The advanced seismic warning system that was built by Eric Dollard in Landers, California was the most advanced earthquake forecasting system ever developed or probably even imagined. It could predict earthquakes magnitude 6.0 and above 24-72 hours ahead of time, which is far beyond anything our own government or military has ever achieved (publicly that is). Since it was closed, Eric has been working to rebuild the basic system, but this time on protected land where nobody can stop the progress.
He has been accomplishing this with a low budget based on donations and “glom”, which is free stuff found around the desert, junk yards or electrical surplus places. This has been ongoing for a few years now and the progress has been incredible including have an entire mine dedicated with three seismic transducers (seismographs) at the disposal of EPD Laboratories, Inc!
The signals are very low strength and it is an amazing challenge to amplify these – especially if the goal is to do it all with analogue components. Of course being that Eric Dollard is the modern-day Tesla, he is doing it Tesla style.
This presentation walks you through the concepts of converting the seismograph signals into musical signals using a Tesla Converter. Most Tesla fans have never heard of or even know what a Tesla Convert is, but Eric teaches what it is and even shows one working. It amplifies signals with resonance instead of electrically. That along is beyond the scope of most Electrical Engineers and Eric Dollard is using this to have each Seismograph output tones that will eventually be tuned to the Pythagorean scale.
If you thought 432 Hz was the musical note of A that would be in resonance with the natural world, well, the truth is you’ve been misled. The truth is that the Pythagorean scale is the one that is truly in harmony with natural ratios and you will learn all about that in this presentation.
Besides the Tesla Converter presentation and demo (with us in the actual mine!), you’re going to learn about some audio amplifier circuits that you have never seen and the design concept that Eric shares may very well be the most highest fidelity audio amplifier ever conceived.
You’re going to learn quite a bit about multiplexing, which is like playing a chord on the piano, but it is more than that. On phone lines, being able to send multiple signals once and having them be split apart again at the end. You’re going to see Eric on a piano keyboard showing a lot about chords and multiplexing. He has quite a bit of this in the presentation and is necessary to prove the point. If you understand that harmonics are important, even if you don’t fully understand it, this presentation is priceless.
Part of the 2017 Energy Science & Technology Conference series (244 mins downloadable video).
Electrodynamic Seismic Forecasting
Eric Dollard has over 30 years experience in this specific field of predicting earthquakes by analyzing the Earth’s electrical signals. Quite a bit has been released in the past about his methods but in this new presentation, he discloses previously classified information.
This presentation starts out with an overview of a simple Earthquake prediction system successfully used in Greece days in advance. As you know, the best the governmental agencies seem to have are warning systems that only gives minutes of advanced notice. Being able to forecast earthquakes days in advance is obviously magnitudes above what is currently being used to warn the public. This system could also give fairly accurate predictions of magnitude, location and time! Eric describes that he detuned an AM radio so it can receive below the normal broadcast band to pick up precursor noise from Earthquakes.
After reviewing some of the Greek system, he covers some of the famous Lander’s installation that took him and his associate two generations to build literally. He show a lot of video clips and pictures from that facility that have been shown before, but this time, he is narrating it with details that were not previously revealed.
Eric explains every crucial component in the entire system and keep in mind that all the racks and racks of equipment, he built nearly all of that from scrap parts. I get some comments on YouTube from people listening to his interviews asking what he has ever built – well, the Lander’s facility alone is one project and is more that most people will ever build in a lifetime. It is truly an amazing, superhuman feat to accomplish that with just Eric, his friend Walt and a handful of helpers.
One year of data
The one year chart directly above has been shown and explained in parts – you’ll see close-ups of the chart explained by Eric and what it all means. This is a collection of four sets of data. Solar Flux, mechanical earth vibrations, and above and below ground electrostatic (longitudinal) impulses. When all four of these data sets start to rise together and start building up, there will be an earthquake 6.0 and above in the next 24-72 hours. Eric also explains the relationship between solar flux and earth vibrations.
Diagrams that were previously held confidential and were the subject matter of reports prepared for certain individuals and agencies are shown that give the layout of the overall system. It shows the basic layout, the electric wave interception circuit layout, layout of the terminal facility, the central office facility, and the tandem operation.
Eric then walks you though a lot of pictures that were released in a report last year, but he goes into all the details of what it actually means. You’ll see the real work out in the field, up on the poles out in the desert.
There’s also a brief video demo of an experiment out in the desert where he shows the reception of Earth signals with all the necessary, basic test equipment sitting in the back of his car.
Towards the end, he reviews some of the Alexanderson Network Diagrams and some Versor Algebra diagrams and how it relates to this entire earthquake forecasting system. He then ends with some diagrams of the waveforms and equations.
This is the most open Eric Dollard has ever been in terms of much of the proprietary information behind this system and he lays this all out for you to understand. Much of this is able to be understood by those without a technical background. This presentation will leave no doubt in the viewers mind as to his engineering genius and is a testimony to his hand on ability to simply build things that work that most people have never seen.
Part of the 2019 Energy Science & Technology Conference series (90 mins downloadable video).
Save $17 when you buy both presentations together!
We need to start here with one very important and valuable piece of information… Paul Babcock is now dedicated to open-sourcing his life’s work in the electrical sciences. He wants to empower the masses with some very profound information that took millions of dollars to learn.
This presentation does indeed contain some weird things relating to overunity effects, but Paul actually shows you the specific waveforms his circuits created when demonstrating overunity. This has never been disclosed to the public before.
A lot of information relating to overunity principles have made it out to the public but in Paul’s opinion, it hasn’t really taken root yet in any substantial way. Many overunity effects are also like ghosts where they come and go so how can we pin it down?
There is definitely some kind of aether weather that influences the machines with its own rhythms where the overunity ebbs and flows – how do we reconcile all of this with conventional physics, which teaches us that these things can’t happen?
Our own perception limits our ability to comprehend these higher dimensional processes and on top of that, most of us are unable to solve problems in certain ways once we are used to solving problems in other ways.
It is important to understand that there are many commonalities throughout many machines that are overunity or in other words, they output more work than is required for us to input into them. Paul will spell these out in no uncertain terms – at least for the type of machines many of us have direct or second-hand experience with.
AIR GAPS – the air has important magnetic properties, which is the secret to many overunity machines and Paul will walk you through many details specifically related to this. Ed Gray, John Bedini and others used these principles that apply to the air and its interesting qualities. This specific information is worth its weight in gold even if this is the only thing you get from this presentation.
Paul will also cover some aspects to Dr. Harold Aspden’s work. This work overturns Einstein’s Relativity as commonly understood as does the work of other forward-thinking scientists. What is so important about Dr. Aspden’s work is that it is using nothing more than relatively simple algebra that describes, time, space and other concepts in simple ways that makes them make sense in a very practical way.
Space itself has “energetic” properties and this is a huge part of the picture that everyone should understand so their foundation has meaning when it comes to the “free energy” sciences.
Something else that is important besides air gaps and energetic properties of space is phase switching – going from electric to magnetic and back to electric. Again, it is necessary to restate the importance that these are commonalities that exist across many overunity machines.
Tesla was known for the ideas of separating the so-called electrons from the radiant energy component of electricity and Paul covers this as well. This presentation is simple enough that most people can understand the concepts even without a background in electrical engineering.
The aforementioned switching methods elicits anomalous TIME effects in batteries, hence the subtitle to this presentation – IT’S ABOUT TIME – it has more than one meaning. Twenty years ago, John Bedini told me that the capacitors were receiving a TIME charge, but many people didn’t not understand how literal that was. Paul will be going into these concepts from his perspective, which carries a lot of weight. He’s done it with his own builds and he has seen others do it too.
Paul covers his experience with John Bedini’s “Glass Case Motor” and how batteries that were so dead they were corroding away – yet they ran the motor, produced mechanical work, lit LEDs and charged themselves up!
Ed Gray’s motor technology exploited some of these effects and again, Paul will show you the waveforms that showed the overunity in his own circuits. his inverters showed 106% and his other circuits showed higher such as in his lighting circuits.
And, you will learn how there can be overunity when measuring less than 100%. Much of this comes from Jim Murray’s teachings of how to correctly account for everything happening in a system and when you understand this, you may realize that you too may have overunity but were never able to realize it. This information is very important because most people do not properly account for all the input, output and losses. It’s all about distinctions and this will be spelled out for you.
If you’re serious about overunity and achieving it, this is a must-have presentation that is sure to open your eyes.
Part of the 2019 Energy Science & Technology Conference series (103 mins downloadable video).