In the last few years, Prof. Haralick became interested in subtle energy research but many of the experimental results were not explainable by the common paradigm. Some of his work in this area was presented at the last couple of Energy Science & Technology Conferences.
It became apparent to him that there should be a theory that can begin to explain some of this unusual phenomena.
His interest was primarily focus on whether or not Maxwell’s Equations could be generalized so that it could be used to explain some of this work specifically including the type of work Tesla was involved with in the early 1900’s regarding longitudinal waves.
Prof. Haralick will walk you through a very specific sequence of segments that include:
James Clerk Maxwell – an interesting biographic sketch that quite likely, many mathematicians and engineers have not heard of
The Maxwell Equations in Modern Form – a general review to set the stage for a comparison of the rest of the presentation
Maxwell’s Original 20 Equations – this takes you back to the original 1865 paper that he had before he wrote his treatise. Prof. Haralick has a strong intent to figure out what was in those equations in the way that Maxwell wrote them because what many people have said is that what Maxwell had in his equations are not the same as what the Heaviside-Biggs Equations are that are currently used
Quaternions – this goes into the quaternion algebra, which sounds complicated but if you have any background in the most basic high school algebrea, you’ll understand quite a bit of it
Quaternion Generalized Maxwell Equations – you’ll then be walked through the derivation and this derivation admits to a longitudinal electric wave along with the scalar wave and this type of “scalar wave” will most likely shock you. So far this comprises a little less than half of the presentation
Tesla, Galinas, Zimmerman, & Hively – the rest of the talk regarding the work of these men, what they built and what they wrote that is relevant to this kind of generalizaton as well as other related topics. Some of the material covered in this section may reveal to you some thing that you have not previously realized – especially regarding Tesla’s work
Get a copy of this presentation so you can have an authoritative analysis of Maxwell’s Equations that reveals a very specific type of “scalar wave”, which not been openly discussed in any literature on the subject.
Part of the 2019 Energy Science & Technology Conference series (127 mins downloadable video).
One of the most popular questions from those who are exploring the reality of “Free Energy” is, “Where do I start”?
The first step is to fully understand that there are no violations of physics with free energy systems. It’s not about more out than in, it’s more out than what we put in. Obviously, that implies there is extra input that we aren’t providing so there is no funny business and no over 100% efficiency claims.
How can a system output more than we put in but be under 100% efficient? If that doesn’t make sense to you, there is a good reason why – the proper distinctions are never taught in school although it is so simple that an elementary school child can understand the principles.
Here are some recommended starting points and why…
Hacking the Aether is a presentation I gave several years ago, which is based on my old book The Quantum Key. It is a fluid aetheric model, which is essentially a unified field model that shows why relativistic effect happen and why, what gravity is, what the real difference is between energy and potential, the basics of open vs closed systems and more. You do not need a technical background to learn the reality about free energy and you will learn the necessary distinctions that you will not learn in school.
Open System Thermodynamics is a section in Hacking the Aether and is probably the most important because it shows Nobel Prize material that says that any system that is open with the environment CAN output more than the operator inputs. Peter Lindemann presented on this at one of our earlier conferences and remains one of the most important presentations we’ve produced. If you want even more irrefutable evidence that Free Energy is legitimate, after watching Hacking the Aether, this is a must see.
The Dynamic Ether of Cosmic Space is a must-have book written by Dr. James DeMeo. The ether exists as a matter of fact and Michelson-Morley never disproved anything. As a matter of fact, Michelson defended the ether long after – this truth is in my presentation above but if you want to see the most important collection of studies that have been done all the way to the modern day showing the ether – this book has it. There has never been a compilation quite like this and nobody should receive a degree in physics unless they study and understand this material – it is that important. So with the above two presentations and this book (there is a presentation on this by Dr. DeMeo that came out right before the book), you will understand not only the principles of free energy systems, but you will understand about the source potential itself, which is the ether.
A Common Language for Electrical Engineering – Lone Pine Writings by Eric Dollard is a book, which is available as a paperback on Amazon. It lays out and defines all the basic electrical engineering dimensions. So, now we’re getting to the practical application of real energy science, which actually has its roots in the electrical sciences, which has not been taught for a very long time. Whether you are a newbie or electrical engineering expert, this book is a must have resource:
The ARRL Ham Radio License Manual – if I could have started all over 21 years ago when I first met John Bedini, I would have gotten my basic ham radio Technician’s license. The study guide is a basic electrical engineering course that teaches you all the basic components, formulas as well as the basic laws as it applies to radio transmission. This would have greatly cut my learning curve, especially as it applies to high frequency devices like Tesla Coil experiments and related. It’s so simple that even 6 year old children have gotten their basic ham radio license. For the practical application of electrical engineering principles, there is no better start than Eric’s book above and the ARRL manual – go get your ham radio license. It’s inexpensive and simple.
If you’re walking into all of this brand new and you actually TAKE ACTION and watch the above presentations and get the books and study them, you will be light years ahead of where any of us were 20, 30 or even 40 years ago. For some very famous people in this field, it has taken a lifetime of research to simply come to these conclusions that are presented in the above material. You can have this in your hands almost instantly and with the books, it may take 1-2 weeks to go through this material repeatedly, it’s impossible to stress the value of this and how fortunate you are that you even have access to all of this.
Then join Energetic Forum here: – it is one of the leading discussion forums online for all the above topics. It is free to join and fast – once you join, regardless of what emails you receive, send an email to help at emediapress dot com with your username and email you used during registration requesting activation and your account will be activated right away. You can learn from some experts in there, share your experiments, and get answers to a lot of your questions.
Energy Science Forum is also a great resource with less members and there is no approval process, just join, read, post, etc. there is a lot of info shared there that is not in Energetic Forum.
This call is JAM-PACKED with a lot of info. Jim gives an overview of each and every presentation he gave at the Energy Science & Technology Conference. He also discusses his latest book, which has been released on Amazon – The Meaning of Unity in Energy Conversion Systems.
Then we open up for questions from the callers and there are quite a bit that cover a lot of areas of his work.
Here’s a quick look at the HV Rectifier panel I’m building based on Eric’s design along with more progress on the Linear Audio Modulator.
What’s the point to all of this? I have to 19 inch wide and about 6 ft tall Air Force racks for rack mount equipment. One rack will have all the audio and the other rack will have all the RF equivalents.
The audio rack will have a signal generator that will feed a 30 watt amp, which feeds the audio modulator you see in the video with the 810 tubes, that works in conjunction with the HV rectifier unit, which then outputs to the output transformer. This will turn whatever signal or audio I put into the input into a 5kv output at ultra high fidelity, which can do a lot of things, which I’m not going to reveal yet. If this is all done in time for the conference, there may be a couple demonstrations, which is the goal.
The RF rack will have almost the same setup but for radio frequencies. When mixed with the audio setup, it will be able to demonstrate a flame speaker like what Eric demonstrated at last year’s conference with the 20:1 scale model Tesla’s Colorado Springs Tesla Transformer. However, with the setup I’m building, it may have a flame that is 18 inches long approaching at over 80dB so it will probably literally knock you out of your chair.
The RF side may not be done until next year’s conference. I’m working as fast as I can, which is a challenge since I have to organize the 2020 ESTC and run a couple businesses but I’m getting there!
The 2020 Energy Science & Technology Conference is already 1/3 sold out so get your tickets while you can – come meet Eric Dollard live!
You may have seen Tesla coils online outputting audio – but those are almost always PWM (pulse width modulated) and the quality of the sound is similar to a 1980’s Mario Brothers video game so not very impressive. This is RF modulated and is a huge difference. The above-mentioned setup will be the highest quality audio you’ve ever heard in your life as well as being extremely holographic – it will be coming right out of space and is not associated spatially with any speaker or possibly even the flame. If Tesla made a sound system, this is what it would be.
This will also be able to replicate the full Cosmic Induction Generator designed by Eric years ago with the golden ratio discharges and more. It will demonstrate the destruction of energy and quite a few other things that completely smash the so-called “Laws of Physics.”
The Meaning of Unity in Energy Conversion Systems by Jim Murray
At the 2018 Energy Science & Technology, Jim Murray, a legend in the Tesla Sciences & Free Energy field presented on The Meaning of Unity in Energy Conversion Systems. This is one of the most important presentations given in this field simply for the fact that is explains an accurate accounting method so that the distinctions are made between system efficiency and conversion efficiency. The bottom line is that this shows how to properly compare the input to the output of a system, which is more complex than it initially appears.
Initially, it had been assumed that a simple ratio computed by dividing the output power by the input power would provide a reliable yardstick for motor power efficiency. The basic idea was sound, for the closer the quotient came to unity, the nearer the motor efficiency would be to 100%. Hence began the so-called “Quest for Unity.” However, early “electric engines” were very inefficient, probably delivering no more than 30% of the electrical input power to the output shaft.
Jim Murray – 2018 ESTC
Therefore, it quickly became evident that not all the applied power was being converted to a mechanical output. Clearly, inefficiencies were involved, and they would have to be accounted for. Until this was complete, the simplified approach to establishing a Factor of Unity could not be realized. What is remarkable, in the history of motor development, is the curious degree of synergy that seems to have accompanied these early pioneering efforts.
Between 1839 and 1850 the British Brew Master James Joule conducted an elegant series of experiments, in which he sought to unify electrical, chemical and thermal phenomena by demonstrating their inter-convertibility and their quantitative equivalence. The results of Joule’s work were published in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, with a very impressive title: “On the Mechanical Equivalence of Heat.”
The contributions of Lord Kelvin must be considered next. His paper, “The Dynamical Equivalent of Heat,” published in 1851, contended that energy could be “lost to man irrecoverably; but not lost to the material world”. Thomson was thus the first person to understand that all energy changes involve energy dissipation, and losses. During the second half of the nineteenth century Kelvin and other scientists, including Clausius, Rankine, Maxwell and, Boltzmann, continued to develop these ideas. Their combined efforts resulted in the establishment of the Science of Thermodynamics; with Conservation of Energy as its First Law and the Dissipation of Energy as its Second Law.
Accordingly, motor researchers were thus made aware of the extreme importance of classifying all known motor losses, and accounting for them with the same degree of accuracy as would be exhibited in the well-established science of corporate book-keeping.
Ultimately, such practices would lead to the development of two principle kinds of Efficiency Measurements, both very valuable in all research pertaining to rotating components, but, particularly valuable for developing an understanding of over-unity as a scientific fact.
Both efficiency concepts shall be fully explained in this book. Simply, this book serves as a definitive guide for those who wish to properly validate their input vs output claims. It also includes copies of one of the most significant and important patents in history in this field, The Dynaflux Alternator, which is Jim’s generator that has a reduced Lenz Law Effect meaning it has less drag than conventional science will admit is possible. There is also another related patent on Jim Murray’s Dynaflux Alternator, which gives a much wider picture. The Dyanflux was used as an example in the book so is not required to understand what it is about, but is valuable to know about.
Watch this video and the read below to understand the significance of the Rotary Electrostatic Converter:
Chris Carson was an a friend of Eric Dollard who was a gifted electrical engineer. The following is a post on Energetic Forum by Eric, which is worth reading so you can get the context of what Chris Carson’s machine is about – the original post can be found here:
There are some very serious misconceptions in the world of Electrical Engineering today. (The writings of Oliver Heaviside and Proteus Steinmetz gravely warned about this…) Let us start with the YouTube MIT Physics Demo video that Armagdn03 posted a link to on 11-10-2009 on page 2 of this thread. This is a good demonstration for several reasons.
1.) Glass is a dielectric which can store electrical energy within its physical form. This should be common knowledge and not a surprise to anyone today…
2.) That this simple fact and reality “blows some people’s minds” clearly illustrates that it’s just all gone way, way, too far… The Einsteinian Lie has succeeded in instilling a mind virus in most everyone and also in confusing Main Stream “Scientists”, who today waste billions of dollars of funding each year, only to chase their own tails in a canonic sequence.
Chris Carson Built the Rotary Electrostatic Converter. His design was based entirely on my electrical theory and math. It was designed to demonstrate and validate the concept of Synchronous Parameter Variation and the Four Quadrant Theory of Electricity. The device worked well. It had to spin up to around 10,000 RPM. This unit took Chris months to complete; to get all of the parts together, and to get it perfectly balanced and operational. Chris determined that it was starting to exhibit the effects of synthesis of electrical energy from the electrostatic field. This is a result of the variation of capacitance (C in Farrads) with respect to time (T in seconds) which results in a negative conductance G (in Siemens). Hence the generation of electric energy. Then, disinformants, whom I refer to as the “Montauk Crowd” swooped in on him after he completed this device, and he was never the same again, – he died of Brain Cancer a year or two later…
Chris Carson’s Rotary Electrostatic Converter
There was also the Rotary Electrostatic Converter, constructed by Michael Knox and Peter Lindemann with the help of Chris Carson. This unit exhibited the property of materializing and dematerializing electric energy without regard for the Law of Conservation of Energy. This is another example of synchronous parameter variation. In this case inductance (L in Henrys) time (T in seconds) gave rise to positive resistance (R in Ohms), hence the unaccounted for destruction of electric energy. It must be just as illegal to destroy energy as it is to create it – don’t you think? E is NOT equal to MC squared. There is no Matter to Energy equivalency – this is: The Great White Lie…
(Where is the video that was made of this device being tested with my Navy electrical switchboard instrumentation anyway????)
I have a device, built for the Army Air Corps during World War 2, A/N number PP-18/AR Power Converter, which self-sustains the electrical system in my car. It uses the same theory of operation as Chris’s device but involves a different mechanical implementation utilizing a vibrator, several capacitors and 12V and 24V batteries that are connected in parallel through the device, rendering them as one.
I had a young student from Korea visit me a few years back. He had no problem understanding the basic concept of producing an energy synthesizing apparatus, because his mind was uncontaminated by all of the Bedini/Bearden falsehoods. The term Scalar Wave is an oxymoron, as scalar is part of the propagation constant that is NOT A WAVE! (Idiots!)
Most are clueless about the importance of the Variation of Inductance and Capacitance with respect to time – and synchronous parameter variations. Read chapter 21 (XXI) titled REACTION MACHINES in Charles Proteus Steinmetz’s book titled “Alternating Current Phenomena”. There is also a Russian paper (brought to me by the Korean student as a gift) titled: “UBER DIE ERREGUNG VON ELETRISCHEN SCHWINGUNGEN DURCH PARAMETERAENDERUNG” von L. Mandelstam und N. Papalexi, published in 1934 in: J. ZEITSCHRIFT FUR (umlaut on the U – as should also be on the first U in the title of the paper) TECHNISCHE PHYSIK Band IV, Heft 1, that continues with what Steinmetz teaches in his books, and takes it all the way (Title translation: Concerning the Excitation of Electrical Waves Through Parameter Changes). In one picture in the paper, there appears to be a brightly glowing incandescent lamp connected to a network, with no apparent connection to a power source. It appears to be an Alexanderson type Mag. Amp. operating in a self oscillation mode. (Alexanderson Patent # 1,328,797 Jan. 20, 1920): Even though my copy of the paper is in Russian, the equations speak for themselves and echo the work of Steinmetz and Alexanderson. Ernst Alexanderson emigrated to America because of Steinmetz’s book, – he was determined to work with Steinmetz after studying it. Steinmetz was forced to reverse many of his equations in later books and was severely criticized by physicist Michael Pupin of Columbia University for not using Maxwell’s ideas and instead developing a methodology that was actually useful and practical for engineers. (Read, “Steinmetz, Engineer and Socialist” written by Ronald R. Kline.) Here it was said that General Electric gave Steinmetz permission to create Electricity form the square root of minus one…
I personally created so much Electricity form the square root of minus one out of the compressor plant’s synchronous machines at the Richmond Ship-yard that I was working in at the time (which also housed one of my laboratories) that it tripped the reverse power relays of the Richmond substation and shut off all power to the City of Richmond. For that to have happened, means that the City of Richmond was producing more power than it was consuming, hence the reverse power relays tripped and shut the city down. PG & E trucks were there almost immediately. Shortly thereafter, I presented my Four Quadrant Theory to Pacific Gas & Electric Co. executives and engineers on behalf of the lease holder of the shipyard and they became my friends (however they would not allow the shipyard meter to turn backwards). So much for Corporate Suppression… In actuality PG & E would love to have energy sustaining devices connected to their power grid. Profits would soar and pollution would drop. Such devices tend to operate above 500 kva and are not scalable into smaller devices, and therefore are only appropriate for substations. In West Marin, the Tocaloma PG & E substation on the Ignacio/Olema 66 kv line, has only one line for both the input and output. It represents the vestige of such devices, – an installation that has been in operation for at least 70 years. Today, probably no one in PG& E, even knows how it all works. (Don’t expect the lights to stay on for too much longer… today, engineers have been replaced by lawyers and safety has been replaced by insurance. It’s a LET-IT-BURN policy…)
At the time, the Bolinas RCA-Marconi Station, through corporate encouragement by RCA and Bell Telephone, gave me free run of that site to set up one of my laboratories. My plan was to produce a system utilizing no rotating machinery but only static devices, such as coils and condensers in an Alexanderson configuration to possibly power the town of Bolinas and at least provide PG & E with all of their reactive power needs. The network experiments would consume no energy to operate and therefore cost nothing. The plan was to use the electrical substation on-site to connect to PG & E’s grid, giving power to them for free, in exchange for being able to use the 12kv power line for my experiments. Everything of importance including engineering records and notes as well the equipment at the Bolinas RCA-Marconi Station was destroyed by State of California Environmentalists through Jerry Brown (former California Governor) and the environmental politician Burr Henneman, this in conjunction with The National Park Service. The NPS is an EMBEDDED FOREIGN ORGANIZATION within the United States Government. Massive quantities of polychlorinated biphenyls and mercury were released into the environment by environmentalists in their endeavor to destroy the Station as quickly as possible. (See the link already posted by phi1.62 on 01-21-2009 on page 2 of this thread) The same group destroyed my Civil Defense Facility in the town of Bolinas which was on the property of Nashama Franklin. The same property was embezzled afterwards from Ms. Franklin by the same crowd that embezzled the Reynolds funding.
Also in Bolinas, U.S. Coast Guard Communication Station NMC worked with me on certain problems they were having and their reutilization of the RCA site. This enviro-group went to NMC and warned them of the consequences of doing business with Eric Dollard. Today NMC cannot even be heard in Half Moon Bay 50 miles away, if they are on the air at all. (Who needs Bin Laden?) Who doesn’t like Tesla then? Is it the government? (no). Is it the environmentalists? (you got it) They call themselves Commonweal. Altman link
As far as inventing the log periodic: it was invented by Raymond H. Du Hammel, I believe, as an Air Force Project and the University of California Berkeley was where most of the work was done. Check patent number: 2,985,879, it is a fascinating design.
On the other hand, I did invent the Log Periodic Multiple Wave Oscillator based on the initial Lakhovsky patent. I got rid of all the bull and added a Golden Ratio Log Periodic antenna which was etched out of a double sided printed circuit board and then Gold plated which was widely sold and probably still is, for which I did and do not receive a dime. It seems to have some sort of radionic effect even with out power being applied.
Individuals in the guise of Borderland Sciences embezzled $50,000, money that R. Joshua Reynolds had provided me with to continue my research. At the “Last Supper” where Joshua invited everyone for dinner, (everyone that he had funded with millions of dollars that is) he cut off funding for Andrea Puharic et al (the Soviet Scalar Conspirators) and pronounced that I had done more on USDA food stamps than any one else that he had funded. Needless to say, I made no friends at the dinner table that night… The Voodoo was hideous…
Am I concerned about the CIA, the NSA or any other alphabet soup organizations’ supposed suppression or retribution?… No! Common swine that’s who I am concerned about. An example of this is a situation that I encountered in Montana. A group in Missoula (which was later found out to be a group of international criminals) showed up to “HELP ME” and in trade I would help them extract gold from spent tailings utilizing Tesla methodologies. They helped me alright, by entrapping me, assaulting me and stealing my classic Celica and threatened to kill me if I were to do anything about it. They strong armed their way into my Desert laboratory to steal all related equipment. The property owner of the desert lab died shortly thereafter, within weeks of Chris Carson’s death. Friends of yours Peter?
As is well known, I was the last engineer involved with getting the Integratron operational. My efforts were thwarted and ruined, not by the Men in Black, but rather by the Woman in White. Today the Integratron is a Goddess worship temple…
So in light of all the above, why should Eric Dollard involve himself in the useless or criminal behavior of others. There are those who wish to republish my earlier writings and to make this information freely available to everyone. Unfortunately, much of it has already gone to the dump. I have no interest in teaching anyone about Tesla except under the department of the Navy or the likes thereof. The door is shut!
One of the most, if not the most, highly-anticipated books in the alternative energy scene is Hidden Energy, Telsa-inspired Inventors and a Mindful Path to Energy Abundance by Jeane Manning and Susan Manewich.
Hidden Energy readies you for humankind’s next leap-tapping into an abundance of truly clean power, the ultimate renewable. Making the leap is more about mindsets and a consciousness shift than technology.
Inspired by seeing their connection to nature and the cosmos, scientists and inventors are making breakthroughs. Help decide who benefits-amoral corporations or your family, communities and the environment….
Hidden Energy is not only beautifully done, it is very well-written as expected and very easy to read so it is for everyone – no technical experience is required!
Although it educates the reader on quite a few sustainable energy technologies, many which are potentially disruptive and rightfully so, it has a strong emphasis on the human-interest element and is logically divided into five parts. These five sections walk you through the thought processes and paradigms to the technologies themselves and concludes with a section on getting these technologies out to the world.
I just received my copy from Amazon and am glad that I choose the Hardback edition because I plan to pass this around to everyone that comes over and it’s going to be a lot more rugged. You can also get the paperback version on Amazon if you choose.
It’s also worth mentioning that quite a few of the inventors and developers who have presented at the conference, contributed in the forums or who have worked with many well-known names are mentioned in the book. These include John Bedini, Peter Lindemann, Paul Babcock, Jim Murray, Graham Gunderson, Dr. Gerald Pollack and many others including myself, which is a great honor!
Christmas is just around the corner and this book will be a very beautiful, thoughtful, important and timely gift for every Tesla, Free Energy or other alternative science enthusiast that you know – including yourself! Many of you are activists at heart when it comes to these subjects and there is no easier way than to buy a book for a friend or refer them to one.
Jeane Manning, B.A. Soc., is co-authoring Hidden Energy and previously authored other books about breakthroughs, starting with The Coming Energy Revolution (Avery Publishing NY 1996). Her previous books are published in ten countries. For 30+ years she interviewed scientists and inventors on various continents. She has been a social worker, journalist and publicist for a gypsy-style theatre company. Jeane has a veggie garden in British Columbia, Canada.
Susan A. Manewich M.S. is the President of New Energy Movement. Susan is experienced in the field of leadership development, organizational development, resonant technology and consciousness. She has co-authored work in Emotional Intelligence in Everyday Life (Psychology Press, NY 2006) and Applying Emotional Intelligence (Psychology Press, NY 2007). Susan enjoys nature and spending time learning about ancient cultures.
Joan Cerio welcomes author and longtime researcher Jeane Manning to discuss the upcoming impact of inventions that can replace polluting fuels. Jeane has interviewed scientists who say some of the inventions tap into a background sea of universal energy and that sea of energy also supports life. She discusses what an energy revolution means in times of Earth changes and especially how new science reveals the oneness of humankind and all life.
Jeane is an award-winning writer who has chronicled the lives of inventors of energy breakthroughs around the world for 30+ years. She lives in Kelowna, BC, Canada with her daughter, granddaughter and a big backyard veggie garden. Jeane’s previous books are published in more than ten countries. Her forthcoming book, Hidden Energy: Tesla-inspired Inventors and a Mindful Path to Energy Abundance, co-authored with Susan Manewich of Massachusetts will be published in October 2019. They can be contacted via their website,
Adrian Marsh is very skilled with electrical engineering and has a lab where he has not only done some phenomenal work – his builds are high quality and beautiful as well! If you want not just picture and videos of experiments but hard data and a lot of technical detail based on experimental results, you must visit his website.
In the picture above, Adrian is explaining to Eric the waveforms that the Vector Network Analyzer is outputting from measurements of the 20:1 scale model Tesla coil replications. Raui Searle, another skilled engineer in the arts is in the background of the picture.
The analyzer being used cost less than $500 USD and is about as accurate as a $100,000 old Hewlett-Packard analyzer! You read that right – for less than $500, you can get the same results as a 6 figure one that has been used by industry for many years!!! It is a MUST HAVE for anyone interested in these experiments.
For quite some time, he has been working on replicating and innovating various experiments based on the teachings of Tesla, Dollard and related. His website is quite a compendium of research on different projects including the old diathermy machines, multiwave oscillator, Tesla’s radiant matter experiment and more.
He has attended a few conference and at the latest 2019 ESTC, he brought a vector network analyzer to measure the 20:1 Colorado Springs replica for Eric Dollard’s presentation but unfortunately, he was unable to do that since much of the equipment was packed up and left prematurely. Instead, he was able to modify the Multiwave Oscillator pulse modulator that I built (my personal unit) for some experiments with the Tesla coils used for Dollard’s 20:1 Colorado Springs replica.
Go here to watch two videos where they are doing the experiments with the MWO pulse modulator and the 20:1 scale model replicate Tesla transformers as well as details on what the Vector Network Analyzer is measuring. Click below…
Here is an interview with me by Ken Rohon on his show Amplified – he is the photographer for our conference – he is WAY more than a photographer. My segment is about 35-40 minutes and goes into some general topics.
I just listened to it and noticed that I said Tesla is the greatest inventor alive… in some ways he certainly is.