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Shorted Coils Part 2

First we posted about the Kromrey Generator speeding up when the generator coils are shorting out:

Second we posted Shorted Coils Part 1 to get into some of the concepts about this here:

Here is Shorted Coils Part 2, which shows a couple benefits of why you would even want to do it, possibly, in some of your own builds. You wind up with more output from your coils while simultaneously unloading the prime mover. We’ll show a bit more on the Kromrey with a few more experiments in another video soon:

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High Voltage N-Machine by Aaron Murakami

Michael Faraday N-Machine by Aaron Murakami
Michael Faraday N-Machine by Aaron Murakami

The importance of the Homopolar Generator cannot be emphasized enough. It is a drag free generator that produces electricity by simply rotating a magnet in space!

Common generators will get bogged down when you draw electricity from them – for example if you light up a bunch of bulbs on a gasoline generator set, the engine has to work harder to compensate for that load, thereby burning up more gasoline.

But with a Homopolar Generator, you can draw electricity from it and it does not bog down what is turning the magnet. And this is just one of the many benefits of this kind of generator.

If you literally take a disc magnet and put a shaft through it, you can spin it and you will produce a voltage potential between the circumference of the magnet and the shaft that the magnet is rotating around. Think about it – you’re producing electricity by doing nothing more than rotating a magnet in space. There are no generator coils or anything like what is necessary in a normal generator! Simple, simple, simple!

This is all good, but the downfall is that you wind up with current, but almost no usable voltage and this has been the case since Michael Faraday first invented the Homopolar Generator, which was in fact the very first generator. This has been the case since 1831.

For nearly 200 years, the Homopolar Generator has been more of a novelty to most although a few low voltage high current applications have been powered by large industrial homopolar generators.

At the 2017 Energy Science & Technology Conference, I review the basic history and the most notable names who have been involved with this kind of generator and then I show a working model that I have used to charge some capacitors up to 150-160 volts! If you consider the fact that for the size of magnets I was rotating, I would be lucky to wind up with 0.5 volts! I have a neon bulb connected to the capacitor and the bulb blinks every time the capacitors are up to the trigger voltage of these neons, which is about 95-105 volts.

What this shows is that I’m able to get 200 TIMES THE VOLTAGE than is expected from this kind of generator, which could very well take the entire experimental world of homopolar generators to a whole other level of practicality unlike anything has ever been demonstrated. It appears that at the conference, the small demonstration model achieved a worlds record by showing that I have wound up with more voltage from a Homopolar Generator that anyone has achieved in the last two centuries!

This is VERY SIMPLE and I would encourage you to get a copy of this and experiment with it because even if you have very little technical knowledge, you can build this and make it work!

High Voltage N Machine, Advancing the Homopolar Generator by Aaron Murakami
High Voltage N Machine, Advancing the Homopolar Generator by Aaron Murakami

Get your copy here:

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The Synchronicity Handbook – Free Download

Synchronicity by Aaron Murakami
Synchronicity by Aaron Murakami

Last Saturday night August 19th to August 20th morning, I was on Coast to Coast AM with Richard Syrett for three whole hours talking about Synchronicity, methods to increase synchronicity and sharing some stories.

Three old but popular articles of mine were compiled into one Free downloadable PDF called The Synchronicity Handbook. The articles are Murakami’s Model of Synchronicity, Time Travel Meditation and DeVisE Method of Manifestation. Download your free copy here: The Synchronicity Handbook by Aaron Murakami

A Course in Mind Power is a book that was written to go deep into the biology involved in synchronicities, which was first proposed by me in 2006. As a special, my popular book A Course in Mind Power was offered at a 33% discount with this coupon code: ACIMP33

You can use that code (for a limited time) in the shopping cart for the book through this website: A Course in Mind Power

The website for the Coast to Coast AM show is here: and my Coast to Coast AM bio:

You can find Richard’s hometown radio show here:

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Hacking the Aether by Aaron Murakami

Aaron Murakami - Hacking the Aether
Aaron Murakami – Hacking the Aether

This presentation, Hacking the Aether is something that I have been wanted to share for many years. It’s roots are in my popular book The Quantum Key but I go much deeper into many of the concepts and tie it all together in a way that has never been accomplished.

At the 2017 Energy Science & Technology Conference, many people commented over the weekend that Hacking the Aether should be the presentation that starts the conference every year because it sets such a foundation and in fact should be the presentation that everyone watches if they’re interested in Free Energy or related technologies.

This is basically Energy Physics 101 and amazingly, there were many attendees including some academics that shared their enthusiasm about the presentation and agreed with ideas that were shared! Times are changing and that kind of agreement tells me that we’re definitely on the right track and that the Time is at hand to start taking these ideas to the mainstream!!

Essentially, this is a simple Unified Field Model that ties together the Aether, Gravity, Inertia, Time, Electricity, Open Systems, and many other natural concepts in a way that they all fit together like a seamless picture. And, this is all done with very simple analogies, common sense and elementary school math with junior high school equations. Just about anyone can understand and appreciate what is being shared in Hacking the Aether even if they do not have technical background.

Hacking the Aether by Aaron Murakami
Hacking the Aether by Aaron Murakami

Learn more about Hacking the Aether by Aaron Murakami here:

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2017 Energy Conference Panel Discussion #2

2017 Energy Science & Technology Conference Panel Discussion 1
2017 Energy Science & Technology Conference Panel Discussion 1

Here is the second Panel Discussion from the 2017 Energy Science & Technology Conference. But first, here is a link to the first one in case you missed it.

For reference, the first Panel Discussion is here:

It includes the following presenters: Al Francoeur, Yaro Stanchak, Aaron Murakami, James Robitaille, Geoffrey Miller, and Jeff Moe.

For this second one, it includes Susan Manewich, Jeane Manning, Walt Jenkins, Dr. Paul LaViolette, Aaron Murakami, Prof. Robert Haralick and Paul Babcock.

This discussion concluded the 2017 Energy Science & Technology Conference and included topics such as Emotional Intelligence, Synchronicity, Remote Viewing, Creativity, the Subconscious Mind, the Collective Unconscious, and of course some discussion on Energy technologies. MUST SEE!


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2017 Energy Conference Panel Discussion #1

2017 Energy Science & Technology Conference Panel Discussion 1
2017 Energy Science & Technology Conference Panel Discussion 1

This year, we have two smaller Panel Discussions instead of one large one – it worked out much better.

For this one, these are the speakers: Al Francoeur, Yaro Stanchak, Aaron Murakami, James Robitaille, Geoffrey Miller, Jeff Moe.

Soon, we’ll launch the second Panel Discussion.

Many have said the panel discussions are their favorite part of the conference because it gives an insight into the personal nature of the presenters.


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High Voltage N-Machine

Faraday's Disc Dynamo
Faraday’s Disc Dynamo.

In 1831, Michael Faraday invented the Faraday Disc Generator. It was a simple copper disc rotating between 2 magnetic fields that were perpendicular to the conductor. It worked, but had efficiency problems with current moving in opposite direction away from the magnetic field as well as other issues.

Around 1977, Bruce DePalma invented the “N-Machine”, which was not predicted by Faraday or Maxwell as it had the magnets FIXED to the conductor and they rotated together – something that is not supposed to work but it does.


Today, there is still no satisfactory answer as to why it works and the conventional explanations fall flat.

DePalma’s presentation is available here as part of a large collection of videos called Classic Energy Videos

Later on Adam Trombly enhanced DePalma’s N-Machine and was given two gag orders by the Pentagon. Fortunately, the patent applications had already circulated world wide and Paramahamsa Tewari had replicated Trombly’s machine and to this day, they are still moving this technology forward.

The above mentioned machines of DePalma, Trombly and Tewari are legitimate “overunity” machines where more electricity can be taken from it than is required to run the prime mover.

The problem with many of these related machines is that they output a lot of current, but there is hardly any voltage. The voltage is so low it will be in the millivolts and to get anything in the couple volt range requires very large setups with very high RPM’s.

At the 2017 Energy Science & Technology Conference, I’ll show the simplest and most elegant innovation to the N-Machine concept that has allowed me to charge a capacitor to 18 volts DC and the magnets are only 2 inches in diameter and they were spinning at only 2000 RPM at the most. This is a world’s record and is something that I came up with many years ago.

I’ve experimented with it off and on over the last few years and proven it to work indisputably and it is so simple that everyone will be wondering why nobody else has every figured this out until now.

This presentation will be the first presentation Saturday morning at the energy conference. All the seats are sold out, but the presentation will be released in the A & P Electronic Media catalog not too long after the conference.

The whole catalog is available at

Share this with everyone with the share buttons below. Once this method is out there, it can never be put back in the bottle!

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Plasma Impulse Motor

Here is a video excerpt from the 2016 Energy Science & Technology Conference demonstrating my Pulsed Plasma Ignition motor invention:

Here’s information about this motor and concept:

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Magazine Collection

Last year, after receiving a collection of electronic equipment, the Sewell family donated an old magazine collection with many of them going back 100 years.

Much of this is scanned into Google, but there is nothing like having all of these in hard copy. This is definitely a treasure trove of valuable knowledge in electronics and engineering.

Special thanks to Donald Sewell for this amazing magazine collection!

Here’s Bob Sewell’s Regenerative Electric Car project:

Here’s Bob Sewell’s Electronic’s Collection:

You can find Donald Sewell’s photography website here: Sewell Scenics

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Bob Sewell’s Electronics Collection – 2015-05-21

Bob Sewell's Electronic Collection
Bob Sewell’s Electronic Collection

This is a collection of electronics equipment and parts that I purchased last year, which belonged to Bob Sewell. It was an interesting synchronicity that this was all sitting on shelves in a basement in a house literally across the street from me.

In December of 2014, a post was made about the regenerative electric car he invented back in the 1950’s, which was featured in the November 1957 issue of Popular Mechanics. You can see that here:

My shop is almost finished and I’ll be able to go through and test some of these devices to see what works and whatever I don’t need will probably be donated to EPD Laboratories, Inc, Eric Dollard’s non-profit organization if there is anything useful to him for his projects.