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Fractal Woman talks to Eric Dollard

Here’s a conversation between Fractal Woman (Lori) and Eric Dollard from last month. Eric was at our shop in Spokane working on the Cosmic Induction Generator that will be shown at the 2021 Energy Science & Technology Conference. Get your tickets now before they’re sold out:

Please donate to EPD Laboratories, Inc. to support the work of Eric Dollard. It’s a 501(c)3 non profit and all donations are tax deductible.

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Introducing Griffin Brock

Griffin G. Brock

Griffin Brock is a 16 year old enthusiast in the electrical sciences and he is an avid experimenter who has replicated some of Eric Dollard’s work. He was also a presenter at the 2020 Energy Science & Technology Conference. He delivered two presentations. One was on his variation of an electrodynamic seismic forecasting system and another was addressing issues with 3 Phase power systems.

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