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Paul Babcock’s Work in Electromagnetics

Paul Babcock is a leader in advanced electromagnetics and is the inventor of the most effective switching technology in the world. With his patented switch, you can recover almost all electromagnetic losses and put them back to the front of the circuit to reduce your net input.

You can find his patents and applications here:

It was about 12-13 years ago when I first met Paul and his shop was at his home garage where together with his team, the circuit and motor was developed, which has no back emf – it is only a motor and does not generator against itself!

We are fortunate to have had his as a presenter at all our conferences and this year, he will be delivering a very interesting and important presentation. Below is a short letter from him:

The Universal Medium – As taught by the Great 20th Century Profits

Hello Folks – It has been quite a year of discovery since the 2016 Energy Conference. A long string of synchronous events that began at the 2016 gathering inspired me to spend last winter building a Multiple Wave Oscillator to study the works of George Lakhovsky. I had little knowledge of Lakhovsky before the 2016 Energy Conference when synchronous events; that started out as helping friends in dire medical straits turned into a journey over the last year that has lead to places I did not expect. I am going to share this journey with you at the 2017 Energy Conference.

During my lifetime I have intensely studied the works of many great minds and inventors whom I consider 20 century profits; Nikola Tesla, Wilhelm Reich, Walter Russell, many others and now George Lakhovsky.

All of these great minds were working with the same universal medium; referred to as Radiant Energy, Orgone Energy, Either Energy and many other names. Over a lifetime of reading the works of these great men and spending countless hours experimenting and reproducing their objective works I found the threads that weave through this great collection of objective works and theories.

This journey that started with the 2016 Energy Conference brought to me a new level of practical understanding that exposes the working theory threads that wind their way through the great works of the 20th Century profits. All of the inventions produced by Tesla, Reich and Lakhovsky are designed around the same theory and principles to achieve a number of different ends.

Tesla desired to bring limitless energy to mankind using the universal medium. Lakhovsky desired to create beneficial energy fields that would eliminate disease and optimize health for mankind. Reich uncovered the workings of the biosphere and life as manifestations of the universal medium.

The operating principles of the universal medium are consistently the same in all of the works produced by the great 20th Century profits.

I will share the discoveries that have emerged over the last year with you during my presentation at the 2017 energy conference. I will share as much as time allows for.

To all the good folks I must apologize for not sharing more on the website and blogs over the last months but between work demands and tools my hands give out and it is hard to keep up. Sitting and working behind the computer reminds me of the cowboys I knew as a kid who rode fence line on the ranch. Hunched sore backs, sore butts and cramped up hands. I’m just not as tough as I use to be.

Don’t let the fear mongers and war mongers scare you, the feudal lords and their minions are far more scared of you. Why they fear us is that we, meaning the people who make everything and pay for everything have risen above fat kings, corrupt priesthoods and crooked merchants with goodwill and good works. Common men have developed enough wisdom and compassion to embrace a new level of human ability; leaving the parasite class behind.  All the ugly efforts and death and destruction and manipulation that have been heaped upon humanity for 6000 years are ending and there is nothing the feudalists can do to stop humanity from achieving its birthright. The feudalist’s nightmares have come true!

See you at the Energy Conference in Hayden, ID this summer in July!

Paul Mario Babcock

There’s only 3 seats left, which will probably be sold before this link goes live, but you can try to register and pay for your ticket if you’re feeling lucky:

Here are some interviews with Paul since the beginning of our conferences so you can learn more about what his work is about:

To go deeper into Paul Babcock’s magnetic recovery and other related principles, we highly recommend that you add the following presentations to your library:

Magnetic Energy Secrets Parts 1, 2 & 3
Magnetic Energy Secrets Parts 1, 2 & 3
Babcock DC Motor Disclosure
Babcock DC Motor Disclosure

The Magnetic Energy Secrets Trilogy and the Babcock DC Motor Disclosure are available at: and

The Secret of Tesla's Power Magnification
The Secret of Tesla’s Power Magnification

Available at:

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Paul Babcock 9/12/2016 Live Call Recording

Here’s the recording of Paul Babcock’s live call from September 12th, 2016. There are some pictures in the video from the 2016 Energy Science & Technology Conference.

We hope you enjoy this and share it with your friends with the buttons below!

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Electrostatic Chocolate

A physicist from Temple University, Rongia Tao, was tasked with a challenge, which was to get chocolate to flow through machinery without clogging it. Normally, it requires a certain amount of fat to get the chocolate to flow. This was funded by Mars, Inc. which is a large candy corporation that makes M & M’s and other popular candy.

Cocoa solids are like little balls and no matter how close you pack them, there is still all that space that surrounds the points that don’t touch. And this random scattering of these solids leads to a higher viscosity or thickness.

By producing an electric field and pouring chocolate through it, the cocoa solids aligned into longer, thinner chains that allowed them to be packed closer together and the viscosity reduces thereby requiring even less fat to be added. Because there is less fat, the cocoa solids stick out more and more of a chocolate taste.

Here is the published study:

Here are the two patents filed: and

What is important about this technology is that it is rooted in another method developed by the same physicist, which is to apply an electric or magnetic field to crude oil in order to reduce its viscosity while traveling through pipelines. This is used by the oil industry to save on pumping costs – up to 75% savings have been shown.

Many that are conventionally trained claim that a magnetic or electric field cannot have any influence on hydrocarbon molecules, paraffin in diesel, etc. since they’re not dipole molecules like water.

Well, here is a Temple University developed electrostatic and magnetic method for reducing the viscosity of oil, which these skeptics claim is impossible –

This direct link downloads a PDF of the above linked to paper:

Here is a whole compilation of articles about Dr. Tao’s work that goes back many years.

Here is our product line of magnets for water and fuel: and our book that describes the govt validated technology

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We mentioned that John Bedini would be disclosing something and he has actually disclosed and is continuing to disclose what the Zero Force Motor is, how it operates along with detailed explanations of its working principles. This knowledge that John is sharing is not just applicable to the Zero Force Motor, but opens up the mind to a whole other world of possibilities when it comes to what is actually happening inside of an electromagnetic coil.

This video was posted quite a while back:

Here is another Zero Force Motor that John Bedini made that is at a much lower power but helps to teach the principles.

Make sure to read through the last 3 weeks of posts to get up to date and it is VERY IMPORTANT to understand that if you’re only browsing as a guest, you are not able to download or see some very important attachements that are hidden so make sure you register – it’s Free!

Again, only logged in member’s can see everything available and this discussion is very important as there are many revelations with electromagnetic coils that have never been openly discussed before.