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Paul Babcock, You Will be Missed!

Paul Babcock

It is with great sadness that I announce the passing of Paul Babcock on June 4, 2024. Paul was not only a brilliant engineer but also a cherished friend and a visionary in the field of alternative energy. His extensive experience in industrial electronics and his pioneering work on overunity and magnetic energy have inspired many. Paul’s notable works include presentations such as “Zero Entropy States” and “Magnetic Energy Secrets.” His insights and innovative ideas were showcased at numerous Energy Science & Technology Conferences, leaving a lasting impact on the community.

Many people have been deeply impacted by Paul’s passing, and there are concerns about the future of his work, particularly his switching circuits for electric motors and other applications. Rest assured, plans are being formulated with various collaborators to ensure Paul’s legacy continues. I am personally working on completing a project that Paul was helping with, which originated with his assistance to carry forward one of John Bedini’s legacies. This project will now be part of both John’s and Paul’s enduring contributions to the field.

We are also moving forward with the home water purification unit that Paul presented at last year’s conference. Additionally, the “modules,” which are more compact versions of his switch and battery swapper for experimenters to run their motors on, will move forward. Both presentations were never released because we wanted to wait until we were ready to launch the products. Paul told you all my company would be manufacturing and selling all of these and I intend to bring that to fruition – everyone has been waiting for almost a year. Paul’s timeline was usually a bit different from mine but better late than never! Hang tight.

Peter Lindemann introduced me to Paul around 20 years ago when I met him at his home garage where Flyback Energy was born. Since then, Paul has become one of my closest and best friends who was like a brother. This is very difficult to share this news with you.

For those of you who push conspiracies as you did with John & Gary Bedini – please stay away and mind your own business. I can assure you that Paul died of natural causes and there was no foul play.

When an obituary and any memorial information for donations to the family are known, they will be added to this announcement. Please understand that we will not respond to any emails regarding questions about Paul’s work or anything else related. We ask for your patience as things unfold.

Paul is finally at rest with what he called “The Great Holy.”

Paul will be deeply missed, but his spirit and contributions will continue to inspire and drive us forward in our pursuit of knowledge and innovation.

If you would like to offer your condolences, post your favorite stories with Paul, how he inspired you, etc., please login and post a reply to this blog post at the bottom – that will serve as a guestbook. It will be compiled and printed for his family. Thank you.

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2023-06-24 LIVE EPD Laboratories Video Call

We apologize for the late posting of this recorded video, but it is worth the wait! We had to get thru the 2023 ESTC – this call is PACKED with a lot of information regarding all presentation topics presented on by: Eric, Adrian, Griffin and Hakasays. Justin Miller who has been helping Eric Dollard since before EPD Laboratories, Inc. was even founded – he shares a slide show of the latest work done down in Tonopah. You do NOT want to miss this recording.

Donate to EPD Laboratories, Inc. 501(c)3 –

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NEW RELEASE – 2023 ESTC – Earth Integrated Structures and The Truly Passive Greenhouse – Paul Wheaton

Hear about the greenhouse that uses zero electricity (not even a fan!) that stays warm throughout the Montana winter. Learn techniques to create your own, using local materials with zero cement, or other toxic gick. Explore the fascinating aspects of earth integrated structures and hear about Paul’s Wofati design which highlights rustic passive house design creating a comfortable, solid and charming home that is quick, easy and cheap to build.


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NEW RELEASE – 2023 ESTC – Metallic Copper and Human Health – Abner Weintraub

Copper metal was long-known to the ancients as a powerful healing modality, but its health benefits have largely been forgotten over the centuries. More recently, mainstream science has come to recognize metallic copper as one of the most powerful antimicrobial substances in existence, with hundreds of research studies and thousands of academic papers published on the subject around the world.

In 2021, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) formally registered metallic copper, and some copper alloys, as providing “long-term effectiveness against viruses, including SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.” The EPA states that metallic copper surfaces “eliminate 99.9 percent of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, within two hours.”

In this presentation Mr. Weintraub reveals that the entire scientific community is missing or ignoring the most important, and potentially the most useful human health benefit offered by metallic copper, an inexpensive, easily available element. The implications for human health, longevity, and disease management cannot be overstated.

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NEW RELEASE – 2023 ESTC – The Toltec System of Knowledge – Adrian Marsh, PhD

The Toltec system of knowledge is a vast system of experiential knowledge acquired over aeons upon aeons of time, and handed down from one generation to another only through oral and experiential training. The word Toltec simply means “a man or woman of knowledge”, and is independent of race, gender, religion, country, language, or any other differentiating factors within humanity. The Toltecs have systematically developed and evolved their knowledge of life and the universe, often quietly behind the scenes, and far from the normal daily pursuits of the world. The Toltecs have long understood that the outer-world is but a reflection of the diversity and richness of our inner-world. Modern science is currently a good description of the form of the natural world, in other words the outer-world, what things are made-of, and how these forms interact with one-another on the outside, the what, where, and the how of the physical form. The Toltec system of knowledge goes beyond this outer form, and works with the inner-world, intelligence, awareness, perception, and the hidden knowledge and understanding, the why, purpose for, and meaning of life’s most fundamental principles.

The practical application of the Toltec system of knowledge grows your awareness, and can transform your life far beyond your present comprehension. When we each contribute to the growth of humanity’s collective awareness, we will bring about a more inclusive, inter-dependent, and life-supportive approach, and a multidisciplinary understanding of our-self, each other, and the natural world. Little known or understood, this presentation introduces this system of knowledge, who the Toltecs are, and what they have accomplished through studying the great mystery and problems of the physical and spiritual universes.

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NEW RELEASE – 2023 ESTC – Panel Discussion 3

Here’s the latest Panel Discussion #3 from the 2023 ESTC with the following presenters:


Peter Lindemann

Paul Babcock

Aaron Murakami

Jeane Manning

Jeremiah Ferwerda

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NEW RELEASE – 2023 ESTC – The Art of Freeze Drying by Katja Gwynn PhD

Sharing her years of experience freeze drying the foods we all need for surviving in times of scarcity, Katja’s knowledge and expertise will be invaluable to you, as you begin to freeze dry at home, preparing your own MREs for long term storage. Freeze drying for yourself provides significant savings compared to commercial freeze dried foods. And the quality of commercially available freeze dried foods and MREs does not begin to compare with your own. Katja will show the HarvestRight home freeze drier, share edible samples and explore the many options, accessories and techniques available. The presentation will include Q&A for the serious and the novice attendees interested in preserving nutritious food for up to 30 years.

For freeze dryer info, go here: Freeze Dryers

For the free presentation download, go here: The Art of Freeze Drying

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2023 ESTC Panel Discussion 2 Free Download

This panel discussion has the following presenters in addition to Jeane Manning who is moderating it.

Griffin Brock

Eric Dollard

Aaron Murakami

Jeane Manning

Adrian Marsh, PHd


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NEW RELEASE – 2023 ESTC Water, Frequencies & Experiments – Robert Haralick, PhD

The current set of experiments come about through the findings of Geesink and Meijer, some of which I talked about last year. (The life beneficial frequencies and the life detrimental frequencies.) And on the most recent findings of Geesink and Meijer, there is yet more to say. There is some linkage between magnetically treating water with frequencies to structure it and the resulting properties of the structured water. The change in the water due to the frequency treatment involves a quantum field effect that causes the water to have a memory of the frequency. And because of that it falls within the subtle energy world including the homeopathic world. In a certain way, the treatment alters the bonding angle between the hydrogen and the oxygen and it sets up vibrations within the water’s coherent domains where I hypothesize that the water molecules become entangled. They all vibrate together. I suspect the vibrations are not the electron bonding vibrations. They are the vibrations of the potential electric field and potential magnetic field, which are holding the memory.

Why is any of this important? Each of our organs, each of our chakras, have vibrations due to the structured water in their tissues. If we know that an organ or chakra is weak, and if we know what the structured water properties the organ or chakra needs, we can treat water with the corresponding frequencies and the person can drink the treated water to strengthen the organ or chakra. Or the treatment may be given directly to the organ or chakra. My experiments will yield the data of how different frequencies change the water properties and that information with the information about what properties the water needs to have for an organ or chakra will be relevant in the vibration medicine world. At this time, what I am doing is too far out from the vibration medicine world. So it has to be considered as basic research that is interesting for the Energy Science and Technology Conference just because of the Einstein Planck relation between energy and frequency.

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NEW RELEASE – 2023 ESTC Ether-Drift Experiments with the Vertical Component – Chris Machado

Inspired by a video posted online in 2009 of one Martin Grusenick from Germany who conducted a simple experiment with a self-built Michelson interferometer oriented to the vertical plane, through prodding from friends, Chris Machado took the investigation to the next step. The Grusenick device was examined and rebuilt with several modifications and upgrades while staying true to the Grusenick design. This in order to be sure we could reasonably compare results with Grusenick’s device.

This presentation will open with a brief review covering the background of the ether-drift concept and experiments to date. We’ll then review the experiment with the modified Grusenick-style interferometer, sharing results and analysis of over 130 turns and 3,336 data points collected. We’ll close the discussion with a review of ideal approaches to a further iteration on the device design and experiment.