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History, Theory & Practice of the Electrical Utility System by Eric Dollard

This is a presentation that Eric Dollard has wanted to deliver for the last couple years. It was inspired by his discovery that on the land where the seismic lines are, there is an enormous amount of electrical transmission interference. Upon further research, Eric discovered that it is caused by the degenerated manner in which the grid is wired, which has deviated from the good practices of the past.

This presentation is 5 hours long so not for the faint of heart!

It is laid out in several sections sequentially starting with the most comprehensive history of electrical utility transmission systems, comparison between AC & DC, the development of the lighting systems, wiring methods, and related topics. It also lays out who the main players are, who got it all started and who inspired the modern electrical age as we have it.

Eric Dollard covers in detail all the different transformer wiring methods including Delta and Y (Wye) Three-Phase and many variations of each. He is very clear about what methods are preferred and what is wrong with the non-preferred methods that are already in widespread use. He covers the distinctions of why power engineers think the poor methods they are using are better, which reveals the fact that they don’t know what they don’t know – this is where the trouble begins.

One of the most important elements of this entire presentation is that EMP (electro magnetic pulse) vulnerabilities from nuclear weapons detonated in the atmosphere or other sources of EMP is a very hot topic. What is even hotter that most people don’t recognize is that as the grid is degenerated (and at a higher cost), not only is the grid vulnerable to the damage, the way the grid has been connected actually turns it into an antenna to broadcast the EMP damage right into YOUR home!

Every appliance plugged into the grid is metallically connected to HOT electrical wiring right at the electrical utility pole. The notion that everything is grounded to protect from this kind of situation is faulty and you will learn why.

Has this been done intentionally or is the sabotage simply unknown to the engineers and was made possible simply by their own ignorance of the matter? Is this sabotage organized top down by those who wish to take down the United States? Whatever the case may be – if you don’t believe in conspiracy theories yet, you probably will.

Intentional or not, this is something that needs to be addressed and is so important that it should be a National Security concern with high priority.

Learn more:

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Ken Wheeler to Present

Ken Wheeler
Ken Wheeler

At this year’s 2018 Energy Science & Technology Conference, Ken Wheeler, author of Uncovering the Missing Secrets of Magnetism, will be presenting on magnetism.

Ken Wheeler is an expert in Ancient Greek, Pali, & Russian and has worked for various governmental agencies as a translator. He was the founder of a popular website that focused heavily on the teachings and history of Buddhism with a heavy focus on the etymology of its related language. Ken is passionate about learning, exploring and teaching various subjects, especially magnetism. Several years ago, he released a free book called Uncovering the Missing Secrets of Magnetism, which is already in its fourth edition. This work was dedicated to some of Ken’s personal friends and associates, but also to those that have paved the way for the electrical sciences with clarity and that includes Tesla, Maxwell, Steinmetz, Heaviside and Eric P. Dollard. The book is available here: (3rd edition)

When Ken Wheeler first completed the first edition of his book, he offered to have me distribute it and give all the sales to Eric Dollard as a donation. This was a very kind and selfless offer and we appreciate it greatly. Although Ken hasn’t asked for anything in return, we encourage everyone to support Ken by giving him a donation to PayPal email:

There are 34 seats available for the 2018 Energy Science & Technology Conferenceget your tickets now: Energy Conference

Share this with your friends with the links below!

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2017 Energy Science & Technology Conference Testimonials

If you’re wondering if you should come to the 2018 Energy Science & Technology Conference, listen to what others have to say – this is why you need to be there!

Here are a few of the presenters for the 2018 Energy Science & Technology Conference:



Out of 150 seats, only 64 are available so register and get your tickets while you can –

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2018-02-18 Eric Dollard Live Call

Here is the latest live call with Eric Dollard from day before yesterday. It touches on a LOT of subjects.

Please share and donate to EPD Laboratories, Inc. at

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Musical Seismograph – Demonstration of the Tesla Converter by Eric Dollard

Musical Seismograph by Eric Dollard
Musical Seismograph by Eric Dollard

The advanced seismic warning system that was built by Eric Dollard in Landers, California was the most advanced earthquake forecasting system ever developed or probably even imagined.

Learn more here: Musical Seismograph

It could predict earthquakes 6.0 and above 24-72 hours ahead of time, which is far beyond anything our own government or military has ever achieved (publicly that is.)

After it was closed, Eric has been working to rebuild the basic system, but this time on protected land where nobody can stop the progress.

He has been accomplishing this with a low budget based on donations and “glom”, which is free stuff found around the desert, junkyards or electrical surplus places. This has been ongoing for a few years now and the progress has been incredible including have an entire mine dedicated with three seismic transducers (seismographs) at the disposal of EPD Laboratories, Inc!

The signals are very low strength and it is an amazing challenge to amplify these – especially if the goal is to do it all with analog components. Of course being that Eric Dollard is the modern-day Tesla, he is doing it Tesla style.

Learn more here: Musical Seismograph

This presentation walks you through the concepts of converting the seismograph signals into musical signals using a Tesla Converter. Most Tesla fans have never heard of or even know what a Tesla Convert is, but Eric teaches what it is and even shows one working. It amplifies signals with resonance instead of electrically. That along is beyond the scope of most Electrical Engineers and Eric Dollard is using this to have each Seismograph output tones that will eventually be tuned to the Pythagorean scale.

If you thought 432 Hz was the musical note of A that would be in resonance with the natural world, well, the truth is you’ve been misled. The truth is that the Pythaogrean scale is the one that is truly in harmony with natural ratios and you will learn all about that in this presentation.

Besides the Tesla Converter presentation and demo (with us in the actual mine!!!), you’re going to learn about some audio amplifier circuits that you have never seen and the design concept that Eric shares may very well be the highest fidelity audio amplifier ever conceived. This has never been publicly shared so you’ll be the first to see what he has been working on.

You’re going to learn quite a bit about multiplexing, which is like playing a chord on the piano, but it is more than that. On phone lines, being able to send multiple signals once and having them be split apart again at the end.

You’re going to see Eric on a piano keyboard showing a lot about chords and multiplexing. He has quite a bit of this in the presentation and is necessary to prove the point.

This is one jam-packed presentation and just so you know, the transmission lines for the Advanced Seismic Warning System will be complete in about a month!

Thank you for supporting EPD Laboratories, Inc. and Eric Dollard’s work.

Musical Seismograph - Demonstration of the Tesla Converter by Eric Dollard
Musical Seismograph – Demonstration of the Tesla Converter by Eric Dollard

Learn more here: Musical Seismograph

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Teslafy Documentary

Janja Glogovac is creating a very important documentary about Nikola Tesla and it will feature some of our favorite top experts on the Tesla Sciences such as Eric Dollard, Paul Babcock and others.

Teslafy Documentary

A BRAND NEW trailer is available on his link that you just have to see – you’ll probably recognize a few people in it!

Help support the completion of this documentary by donating whatever you can to the cause and ask your friends to do the same.

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NEW RELEASE – Electrical Transmission in Multiple Coordinate Systems by Eric Dollard

Electrical Transmission in Multiple Coordinate Systems by Eric Dollard
Electrical Transmission in Multiple Coordinate Systems by Eric Dollard

Electrical Transmission in Multiple Coordinate Systems by Eric Dollard – This is the sequel to The Extraluminal Transmission Systems of Tesla and Alexanderson. This is the deepest Eric Dollard has ever gone to develop the theoretical basis for longitudinal propagation, which is not subject to the inverse square law. There is also no velocity to its propagation and therefore no association to light speed. If you ever saw the classic Borderland videos on Tesla’s Longitudinal Waves, this presents diagrams, math and more information that you can ever hope for if you want to experiment with the analog Longitudinal networks on your own! Release date – August 15, 2016. Learn more: Electrical Transmission in Multiple Coordinate Systems

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Crystal Radio Initiative Free Calculator

Tesla Scientific was founded by electrical experimenter and Tesla enthusiast Simon Davies in December 2012. Currently a one-man mission based on South Wales, UK, the goal is to make practical applications of Nikola Tesla’s most notable work and ideas primarily in the field of wireless transmission of electrical energy. The company has just officially launched with the Advanced Crystal Radio Initiative Calculator, lots of incredible info will be coming soon so stay tuned!

FYI – Simon Davies goes by dR-Green in Energetic Forum and is one of the most avid builders and replictors of Eric Dollard’s work – you can find a lot of his posts here:

For the Free Crystal Radio Initiative Calculator, visit Simon’s website here and be sure to spread the word to help support his efforts – he has openly shared a massive amount of his work and more people need to pay attention to what he has shared –

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Lone Pine Writings by Eric Dollard Available in Paperback

A Common Language for Electrical Engineering
A Common Language for Electrical Engineering

The Lone Pine Writings – A Common Language for Electrical Engineering by Eric Dollard is now available in paperback.

The E-book version is still available and the price has been reduced from $27 down to only $12. The E-book is updated with all the edits that were done to the paperback.  It is available here:

A Common Language for Electrical Engineering - Lone Pine Writings by Eric Dollard
A Common Language for Electrical Engineering – Lone Pine Writings by Eric Dollard

The paperback’s title has been changed to A Common Language for Electrical Engineering – Lone Pine Writings. The same name just switched around so that the main title says what the book is for those who aren’t familiar with Eric’s work. The paperback is a 6×9 book available here:

Here is a $3 discount code for the paperback that you can use at the link directly above: NPHWHGKH (This code will expire this weekend) – this book would make an excellent Christmas present so order multiple copies so you can have them in time.

If you have read the E-book already and would like to post a review on Amazon, please post it here:

With the discount at the Create Space page, it is less expensive than purchasing it directly from Amazon at this time.

Very soon, we’ll post an interview with Eric where we will review some of the concepts and principles in the book and why it is important – necessary actually – for having a strong foundation for Electrical Engineering.

More to come…

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The Power of the Aether as Related to Music and Electricity by Eric Dollard

The Power of the Aether as Related to Music and Electricity by Eric Dollard
The Power of the Aether as Related to Music and Electricity by Eric Dollard

The Power of the Aether as Related to Music and Electricity is the most recent presentation by Eric Dollard, which was given at the 2015 Energy Science & Technology Conference.

This is yet another groundbreaking presentation by Eric Dollard, which happens to include one of the most important explanations of J.J. Thomson’s work in regards to real aether physics.

It opens the doors to being able to directly engineer the aether but has evaded everyone since Thomson’s work was fairly convoluted and there was no continuity to his math. Eric straightened that out as much as possible and gave much needed clarity to the subject.

Here is a recent live interview with some callers who were either at the conference or purchased a copy of the presentation.

Get your copy at