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Hacking the Aether by Aaron Murakami

Aaron Murakami - Hacking the Aether
Aaron Murakami – Hacking the Aether

This presentation, Hacking the Aether is something that I have been wanted to share for many years. It’s roots are in my popular book The Quantum Key but I go much deeper into many of the concepts and tie it all together in a way that has never been accomplished.

At the 2017 Energy Science & Technology Conference, many people commented over the weekend that Hacking the Aether should be the presentation that starts the conference every year because it sets such a foundation and in fact should be the presentation that everyone watches if they’re interested in Free Energy or related technologies.

This is basically Energy Physics 101 and amazingly, there were many attendees including some academics that shared their enthusiasm about the presentation and agreed with ideas that were shared! Times are changing and that kind of agreement tells me that we’re definitely on the right track and that the Time is at hand to start taking these ideas to the mainstream!!

Essentially, this is a simple Unified Field Model that ties together the Aether, Gravity, Inertia, Time, Electricity, Open Systems, and many other natural concepts in a way that they all fit together like a seamless picture. And, this is all done with very simple analogies, common sense and elementary school math with junior high school equations. Just about anyone can understand and appreciate what is being shared in Hacking the Aether even if they do not have technical background.

Hacking the Aether by Aaron Murakami
Hacking the Aether by Aaron Murakami

Learn more about Hacking the Aether by Aaron Murakami here:

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Dollard & Lindemann on Public Access TV

Some segments of our conference presentations have made it to Seattle’s Community Access Television!

If you haven’t seen these presentations, you can check out these excerpts…

Here is a segment on one of Eric Dollard’s presentations on Extraluminal Transmission –

Here is a segment on the 3 Battery SG motor/generator that Peter Lindemann demonstrated at last year’s conference, which kept itself charged up:

There may be more of these coming! Seattle has a huge population so many people will have an opportunity to learn more about what our community has been up to. If you know anyone in the Seattle area, send them these links. Of course, you can watch these online from anywhere.