Last year’s flame speaker was 100 watts, this year, it will be around 2000 watts. The audio modulator bay is 100% complete and the RF bay is well on its way. We have some makeshift modifications that we had time to complete for the conference. We’ll continue to completion after the conference. There will be multiple demonstrations with this universal, high frequency and high voltage test equipment. Watch the preview video below for a sample of what is demonstrated.
Ultra Low Frequency Amplifier-Modulator
Last year’s flame speaker was 100 watts, this year, it will be around 2000 watts. The audio modulator bay is 100% complete and the RF bay is well on its way. We have some makeshift modifications that we had time to complete for the conference. We’ll continue to completion after the conference. There will be multiple demonstrations with this universal, high frequency and high voltage test equipm…
Here’s another update on the Cosmic Induction Generator with a few misc. items including a voice promotion on the monopolar flame speaker. It’s so wild that it even has Eric Dollard cracking up!
It’s true, for the REAL Tesla Coil, the way Tesla taught but nobody listened, is that it requires no primary or secondary. In order to achieve the highest levels of magification, this is the way.
Get your ticket to the 10th Annual Energy Science & Technology Conference where this will be demonstrated:
Donate to EPD Laboratories, Inc. 501(c)3 non profit to support the work of Eric Dollard
This is a project that I (Aaron Murakami) have been working on for a while. It is engineered by Eric Dollard and built by myself mostly from scratch. Jeff Moe helped with machining some of the parts but most is hand fabricated with hand tools on my work bench.
There are multiple applications for the system when completed or in other words a lot of different experiments that can be performed because it is being designed to be universal.
We have a bit more to do for the audio rack and still have to do the entire RF rack – next year’s conference will have some of the most incredible Tesla experiments most people have ever seen or heard of.
This presentation covers the difference between Tesla’s balanced method and Lakhovsky’s unbalanced method. Other aspects of the MWO pulse modulator are also presented that are normally considered proprietary information.
Theory, Calculation & Operation of the Colorado Springs Tesla Transformer by Eric Dollard
We’re very excited and honored to be a part of history where Eric Dollard shows a working 20:1 scale model replica of Nikola Tesla’s Colorado Springs Magnifying Transformer!
If you ever wanted to know the truth down to the finest detail on what Tesla actually did, here is your opportunity. Not only will you learn the operating theory and more data than you will ever want to know, you’ll get all details on how to replicate a 20:1 scale model along with an actual demonstration by Eric Dollard and Bruce Gavin. So, it’s not just talk, you see the demonstration that blew everyone away!
Attendees from 9 countries and from 48 out of 50 states helped make this year’s 8th Annual Energy Science & Technology Conference another magical experience. There were about 20 presentations from an amazing group of speakers including Dr. James DeMeo, Prof. Robert Haralick, Dr. Jack Hanlon, Eric Dollard and many others.
The presentations will be produced in digital downloads available through Clickbank like usual and this begins next week with the editing. We may start releasing them by the end of next week. The goal is to make 2-3 available per week until they’re all available.
Here are just a few pictures to give you a glimpse of what happened this weekend. There are a lot more to come including some slideshows.
Eric Dollard
Tesla Colorado Springs
Here are a few comments from some of the attendees:
“For all of what you have done. It was our first time and we will walk away with networking opportunities and a large amount of knowledge. Thanks to you and the great presenters.” – Terry & Jake
“I just wanted say how much I enjoyed this years conference. Thank you to you and all your team for all your efforts in putting it on and making it possible. Your work and events like the ESTC are part of what it’s going take to bring about the changes the world so badly needs. So keep up the good work. I learned a lot and enjoyed meeting like minded people from all over North America and different parts of the world. I found the staff at the Eagles very accommodating and friendly. You have a perfect venue…… Also thanks to you, Paul, Jeff and Peter I have information on how to get my MWO working properly and have already started making changes.” – Jim C.
“Just want to mention that my first experience at the 2019 ESTC was very positive. Thanks to you and the hardworking team behind the scenes, I can say that the 2019 ESTC was a success. The presentations were insightful and the networking opportunities made it worthwhile. I believe it was time well spent. Looking forward to the 2020 ESTC.” – Roul M.
“That was my second year at ESTC and it was #AWESOME. Thanks so much for all the hard work from your and the community. I appreciate it. I mentioned to you that I’m looking forward to having the opportunity to purchase that Kit that you and Adam are putting together. Consider me committed and on a list, if there is one. I’ll just follow the instructions once I see them. Thanks again. I’m looking forward to next year.” – Michael E.
“The conference exceeded all expectations!” – Adam B.
There are a lot more updates to come as time permits.
Pre-Register for 2020, there are some big things planned for next year. If you registered for 2019, you do not have to register again.
In this call, Ernst’s shares about the relevance of Stan Meyer’s waveform in generating more current, how his experiment indicates receiving a signal from the inner Earth, a “flywheel” type effect where the power of the Tesla Transmitter gets stronger over time and it takes a while for it to die down, some of Tesla’s quotes, and distinctions between the aether and a gaseous medium.
Eric Dollard also called in to share his feedback on Ernst’s experiments. Both agree that Tesla definitely changed his tune after Colorado Springs.
There is a LOT of information inside this video – Ernst helped to edit it by adding a lot of info relevant to the call, which relates directly to Tesla and his own work.
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EDIT: This was originally announced as the Cosmic Induction Generator project, but it is for the Crystal Radio Initiative.
A follower of Eric Dollard’s work has been kind enough to offer up his Crystal Radio Initiative plans through GitHub. It is a work in progress, but if anyone wants a head start on this project, which is one of Eric Dollard’s more interesting inventions, go here:
Listen to this interview to learn more about the CRI from Eric Dollard: