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Successful Telluric Earth Transmission Test at EPD Laboratories, Inc. Jan 9, 2022

Eric Dollard & Griffin Brock - Telluric transmission test

Here’s the video of the initial Telluric Earth Transmission test we performed on Jan 9, 2022. The frequency is around 1.8xx mc and was transmitted with the coils built by Griffin Brock. It was sent into the old gas lighting distribution pipes of the town and Steve Young was able to pick it up about 2 miles in either direction.

Your donations make these projects possible. Please consider donating to EPD Laboratories, Inc. a 501(c)3 non-profit organization – all donations are tax deductible. Donation info is in the right column at

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EPD Laboratories, Team Project Jan 6-10, 2022

EPD Laboratories, Inc. 501(c)3 - Eric Dollard

Early last month, 4 of us from Spokane and several other team players from California converged at EPD Laboratories, Inc. to get some projects completed. We succeeded and it couldn’t have happened without your donations!

Here is a slideshow that will explain quite a bit and in the next newsletter(s), we’ll show you the videos of the telluric test and the rotary electrostatic capacitor test that proves that John G. Trump was telling the truth about his masterpiece.

Please donate to EPD Laboratories, Inc., 501(c)3 – all donations are tax deductible and they get put to good use! Donation instructions are in the right column of – just scroll down for info on donations by mail or PayPal – thank you!